Sue Gray (3)

Today’s questions, lads is – what has Gray got on old Kweer?

It turns out that this ugly old hag earns more than he does. Could it be blackmail money?. Perhaps he is a bit too pally with old Lord Alli.

Perhaps she caught him with Wes in the stationery cupboard.

Or – as she looks like a raddled old “Miss Whiplash” – could it be that he used to be one of her clients?. Naughty boys get bottom marks:


Nominated by W C Boggs.

40 thoughts on “Sue Gray (3)

  1. Remember Sue is older and won’t last long, where stammer, who deserves fuck all is unfortunately younger, but is on the way out soon. Swings and roundabouts.

  2. She is 67, and Kweer is 62, but he seems a very old 62 – you can picture him first thing in the morning before he puts his teeth in, and struggles into his truss and long johns – first there is the torture of the lavatory where he fights a losing battle over the piles and the constipation – the noises off must be as horrific as his groans. Then meals on wheels comes round to give him his breakfast, and puts the Dettol round the rooms to try to disguise the smell of stale piss and farts, and pops a suppository into the raddled old anus. Sue is probably the meals on wheels lady, now I come to think of it. She comes in every Monday to give him an all-over wash.

  3. How this harridan has prospered in life is beyond me. Super intelligent ? Nah! Sexy and up for it ? Nah ! A good for the country appointment ? Nah ! She certainly must have something over good old Kweer. Did he once sniff her piss flaps? ….I wonder.

    • She got rid of Boris for him, he is obligated. Not that he is a man who would, necessarily, honour his obligations but I guess she is threatening to tell her story to the press.

      Good Morning

      • Boris, the pro-eu pretend Brexiteer who deliberately buggered up Brexit and made sure the UK remained firmly under the eu boot.
        It wasn’t so much Boris they were getting rid of, it was more to do with spitting in the face of Brecht voters who have the stories an eighty seat majority to ‘get Brexit done’. In other words, the choice was vote for the false Brexiteer and get the eu Bruno deal is r no Brexit at all.

      • Fucking auto correct cunt: ‘Brecht’ – Brexit.
        ‘stories’ – Tories
        ‘Bruno’ – Brino.
        ‘is r’ – or.

      • Worth going to the trouble of finding out how to switch off auto correct and predictive text on your device Major. It used to drive me crackers when my devices “corrected” my spelling to the American version.

  4. The face of a ten brewed teabag.

    Maybe gaylord alli can spring for some botox. Though I doubt she sucks cock better than Rodney does..

    • Well, he has had years of practice with Mandy and Charles Linton, who have been right behind him all the way. His probably so adept he goes at it now like a dog eating hot chips.

  5. I saw some quote saying that this ubercunt’s salary was no one else’s business! Fucking unbelievable. The money she was paid last year could keep 30,000 immies in luxury hotels and machetes for a month. Surely this would be a better use of public funds?

    Goof morning everyone.

    • Morning Twenty, morning all.
      Her pay certainly is our business, we pay it.
      The fucking arrogance of these cunts is unbelievable!

      • Morning, Cuntalugs, quite right. Her pay packet makes big bad Dom’s look like loose change! It’s lolly by the lorry load for this champion of the working class.

    • Ian Hislop has been shot at whist in a taxi near the “Private Eye” office. Could it be that he was about to expose some Cunt in high office?

  6. Party Chairman Starmzy couldn’t give a fuck if this old battleaxe cunt is on a million a year..

    If he gets short of brass his “friend” will sort it,no questions asked.

    None of this Gravy Train panto can come as a surprise surely?

    But it certainly will be fun when a French or German newspaper decides to fuck the Party Leaders super injunction in big style.

    Fireworks afore Bonfire Night? yes before it’s banned completely for ruining the Climate in Taipei or some shithole like that.

    Good morning and fuck the lot of them.

  7. If nothing else, we can at least console ourselves with the fact that she is making an utter pig’s ear of whatever she’s supposed to be doing for Sir Kweer and his hopeless regime.

  8. Sue Grey was a senior snivelling serpert, and as such, is retired on a pension you and I can only dream off.

    She has no actual function, as far as I can see, in this current Government.
    I suspect that her current position is simply a means of keeping her trap shut, until the Sausage King figures out a way of having her blown up, preferably by a miss directed Iranian missile.

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