Rude celebrities

I’ve just been reading encounters with horrible celebs on another site.
Any fellow cunters met a rude celebrity?

I’ve met a few celebs, and most have been surprisingly ok.

Andy cole was full of himself and a insufferably cunt.

Cilla Black Is famous for being a obnoxious cunt especially to flight attendants.

The best encounter was some guy bumped into Janet krankie in a pet shop in Wolverhampton and she said

” Shift you fuckin prick”.😆

Upto now I’m holding my own having called yank survivalist Cody Lundin and goalkeeper Peter shmiechel a cunt.

Maybe a fellow ISAC has abused Wendy Craig or stuck 2 fingers up at Amos Breiley?

Do share!


What were you doing when you “came” across such filth Mis, C.A.

Nominated by Miserable northern cunt.

105 thoughts on “Rude celebrities

  1. I saw a Chuckle Brother at a car park in Scarborough once, I cant remember which one but I yelled “to me” and he ignored it.

  2. I met the inebriated duo Ron Wood and Jimmy White whilst managing some highway reconstruction works in N London.

    It was about 30 years ago. Both were very charming, but I remember Ron seemed to be about 4 ft tall with a head the size of an apple.

  3. I remember meeting Billie Whitelaw in Hampstead not long before she died. After praising her up to the hilt, she blew a kiss on our departure.

  4. You probably won’t know him but Manolo el del bombo (Manolo The Big Drum Player) is the official mascot for the Spanish National football team.

    He is famous in Spain and is at every national game both here and abroad.

    He goes onto the pitch before the games and gets the fans going by organising Mexican waves and such.

    During the games he turns up in various parts of the stadium and bangs his fucking big drum to get the singing started.

    He wears an oversized beret.

    I met him once in a bar outside a stadium and just before a football game.

    Nice guy.
    Completely mad but he posed for some photos for Mrs Cunter.

  5. Wendy Craig was actually lovely. I used to drink in her local in Marylebone.

    Piers Morgan always says good morning when I see him and seems pretty normal.

    Jimmy Page also very pleasant to say hello to.

    Stormzy. Absolute wanker who isn’t worth anything like he thinks he is.

    Lenny Henry. Rude, arrogant arsehole and observer of irregular bath times.

    That Niall out of One direction is a nice lad and very polite. Made us a cup of tea.

    Gary Barlow and his missus are nice people. Even though our dogs hated each other.

    Clarkson is a bit aloof, but Lisa is genuinely lovely.

    Bob Geldof stinks like a tramp who has slept in his own piss and is an arrogant bell end.

    Jools Holland would stop and chat to our trades about his cars. Really nice bloke and very down to earth.

    Rita Ora. Phwoar; Yes please. woof woof.

    • Admit it Odin, you’ll miss London.

      Your post makes a point which became glaringly obvious to me in 1999; at the age of forty-eight I moved to London commuter belt from Birmingham, the second city after all, hardly a rural village. It all happens in London, nothing of significance is located in the provinces. London came to be centre of the universe when the Romans relocated from Colchester and over the years this centralisation on London has grown. During the first world war a propaganda film was made which implausibly suggested that the Germans might dig a tunnel which came up in Birmingham and on taking Brum Britain would be defeated. Those were the days when three quarters of Britain’s manufactures were from the West Midlands. Those proportions are probably still the same but the difference now is that the UK manufactures fuck all.

      • Afternoon Arfur. Afternoon all.

        I really will not miss London.
        Never liked the place and never will.

  6. Met Roy Keane in Disney world coming out of the toilets(think he was by himself in there)😁… anyway I said ‘you play for the wrong utd roy’ ….I was wearing a Leeds t-shirt🤪 …he just grinned and posed for a picture with Mrs gelderd…

  7. Met Ian Wright many years ago collecting a charity signed football from Palace, also spoke to Stefan Dennis (Paul Robinson from Neighbours) at Heathrow Airport (he was very polite). My son also played football in the same team as one of Ant Middleton’s, he was laughing and showing me jokes on his phone.

    The other one around my area who I thankfully haven’t bumped into yet is Gemma Collins, who supposedly uses the local M&S food hall and insists no one else is in the same isle as her. Not sure if it’s true, but she would certainly get a mouthful of abuse if that s the case. The GC, must stand for Gigantic Cunt.

  8. I can’t believe Miserable visits others sites.

    I feel a bit violated, and not in a good way.

    Is our wit and repulsive bile not good enough?

  9. Michael Parkinson lived not far from me, and occasionally staged charity cricket matches featuring celebs and ex pros.
    I remember the likes of Kenny Lynch, Mike Gatting, Frank Bough, Ernie Wise, and quite a few others being pleasant and approachable.
    Dare I say it, the nicest were Rolf Harris and his wife, who mingled with the riff raff with absolutely no airs and graces.
    Then one year, Chris Tarrant made an appearance.
    What an arrogant fucker he was.
    Blanked people completely and refused autographs, even requests from kids.
    Miserable bastard.

  10. Best one I have heard is-
    Bowie dressed as a clown on the beach filming Ashes to ashes.
    Old boy and dog walked into the filming area, Bowie said ” don’t you know who I am!”,
    Old boy replied “some cunt dressed as a clown” .
    True story from the producer, still makes me laugh.
    Good morning.

  11. My son met Gareth Bale, when he played for the spuds, in the local high street. Lovely guy.

    Second hand admittedly, I know a cabby – Judy Dench stepped out in front of him and he had to brake hard. He shouted at her “You stupid old cunt”. She stood there and said “Dame cunt, if you please”, then flounced off.

    • Reminds me of one I heard Lord C, again hearsay; a land whale stepped out in front of a cabbie in the city causing him to dab the brakes. He opened the window to remonstrate;

      “Couldn’t you have driven round me?”

      “No, I ain’t got enough diesel.”

  12. I asked Roger Moore and Michael Caine for their autograph when they were filming at my college in the 90’s. Michael Caine was a bit of an arrogant impatient twat, but Roger Moore did his eyebrow-raise thing and murmured “Iiiiiiit would be my pleasure” it made my day as I fancied him as James Bond when I was a little girl

    • I’d want your autograph if I was ever to bump into you Sam. However I’d probably be so starstruck that I’d be too shy to ask.

      Such is my life of introversion.

  13. I once told Michael Shenker to Fuck Off in a hotel lobby.

    The ignorant cunt.

    In contrast, Lee Brilleaux was a splendid fellow. 👍

    Other than that, my life has been one of frenetic blandness 😃

    Good morning 👍

  14. Dennis Waterman – a legend, absolute diamond of a man,

    He was playing in a society day at my local course about twenty years ago, was due to tee off at about midday. But he liked to ensure he was properly warmed up, got to the course for 9am, headed straight for the bar. Spent three hours in there pissing it up, buying rounds and bacon rolls for everyone, talked to anyone, genuinely loved being around people and having a good time with them, talking about the good old days on Minder, The Sweeney when asked, but otherwise showing a genuine interest in everyone else and their stories.

    When it finally came to him heading out to the first tee he had put away so much that if you stood downwind of him you were instantly pissed (as, to be fair, were most of the rest of us).

    His playing partner took to the first tee – some businessman, I can’t remember his name but they were evidently good mates. Dennis lit up a ciggy while he waited for his partner to tee-off; the guy was sweating and shaking like a leaf, surrounded by an audience of about fifty people. He carved his tee-shot nearly 90 degrees to the right onto the 9th green fifteen yards away. Everyone collapsed in laughter, most of all Dennis himself who was crying with mirth. As his red faced playing partner shuffled off the tee box, Dennis casually took out his driver, teed it up, flung his fag on the grass, belted it down the middle, before picking his fag back up and shouting at his mate, “that’s how you do it, now stop being a cunt!”

    It was all taken in the best of humour, him and his mate laughing away as they headed down the fairway, the rest of us followed them around and he laughed and joshed the whole round, back to the bar four hours later.

    I was so saddened when he died, a real gentleman and just a good hearted old school fun guy from bygone days, the likes of which we’ll never see again.

  15. Best cunt I can remember was Ronnie (The Poison Dwarf) Corbett, on the ferry to France, trying to throw his weight around, probably pissed. Another time there was Dawn French, & the Spade, having a row, that was rather amusing. Nicest celeb was June Whitfield, what a lady she was, off screen, as well as on.

  16. I don’t like speaking ill of the dead, but the only one I ever had dealings with was Brian Rix, the famous farceur. He came to a company I worked for back in 1990 to confer the Queens Award To Industry on us,and was accompanied by his lovely wife, Elspeth Grey, who was charming. As we were supposed to make small talk, I told him how much I used to enjoy the Whitehall farces on TV some years earlier. He was quite sniffy about it, them and me. By that time he was “Sir” Brian and was the High Commissioner of London, or some such high-falutin’ title, and he made it clear it was in that position he was in some run-down London factory, even though the skinflint owners had whitewashed the bog out specially and put a bit of carpet down for him. I can never see his films now without thinking of that unpleasant encounter.

  17. Albert Quixall was the only United player in history who wouldn’t give his autograph. Arrogant cunt. He’s now the fourth letter of his last name. Good.

      • I just hope Anthony Blair doesn’t kick the bucket – just imagine Dame Kweer in his black veil with a hankie in one hand, and a red rose in the other. He would probably insist on having him stretched out on a dias like the Pope in Parliament. Pity Blair chose Catholicism instead of that Indian religion where the wife leaps on the funeral pyre with the beloved – that would get rid of Mandy, Kweer and Cherie in one go.

  18. Well I’m not one to miss out on this Festival of Name Dropping, so here’s my claim to fame.

    Aeons ago I started my career at a manufacturing company in Sunderland. One day I was given the job of showing the cast of the pantomime on at the time at the Empire Theatre around the plant. The stars were the guitarist Bert Weedon and a hero of my youth, none other than Basil Brush.

    Basil’s puppeteer, a bloke called Ivan Owen, was delightful, chatty and totally down to earth, as was Bert Weedon.

    So beat this, I’ve met Basil Brush.

  19. Philip Martin Brown was my mates lodger in the late 90’s for a few months after he split with his wife, nice bloke but not what you would describe as a celebrity.

  20. Fuck me where to start (misses was a publicist so we used to get invited to meet these cunts all the time so get ready for a massive name drop lol), I’ve had the unfortunate luck to meet a few complete cunts over the years. Barbara Windsor, Frank Bruno, David Tennant, James Corden, Bruce Willis, Tom Cruse, Chris Martin, Bono, Seth Rogan, Elton John. I could continue but the list goes on and on so I will balance it out with some absolutely brilliant people too.

    Brad Pitt, Wendy Richards, Corey Taylor (absolute gent, one of the nicest “celebraties/stars” I have ever met) Tom Hardy, Patrick Stewart, Ruth Madoc, Su Pollard, Ruth Jones, Jennifer Aniston, Tom Jones, and the nicest guy in Hollywood Keanu Reaves (he really is a very nice, down to earth guy).

  21. Know someone who met the now deceased Roy Walker and on another occasion Tony Robinson
    Both jumped up miserable cunts apparently.

  22. I’ve heard that about Keanu Reeves.
    Meant to be a lovely bloke.

    Oh just remembered,
    Didn’t meet him but had a massive stand off with Tom Cruises security in a quarry In the Peak District.

    The tried to throw off a public footpath!!
    They ended up walking the dog with me.😆

      • that’s the one Rik.

        it’s a public bridleway that leads to it,
        the cheeky cunts .

        Acting all Hollywood and secretive.
        why would I take the dog if I was paparazzi?

      • Good for you Mis! Fucking jumped up little mitmot. At 5’5½” 10½ stones and without a dog they would have just shoved me out of the way.

      • I was fuming Arfur.

        If I saw they were filming I would of stayed well away.
        Not interested.

        But it was how they thought they could push me about.

        “It’s private property”

        No it isn’t. Public bridleway.

        ” It’s private property you have to leave”

        Like fuck. It’s public access and I’m going wherever I want.
        Fuck off.

        Radioed for back up!

        ” We’ll get the police”

        Get your dad for all I care. Phone the police, I’m not arsed.
        I’m walking my dog.

        ” We can remove you by force ”

        I dare you, I fucking dare you.
        Try it. See what happens.

        In the end we all walked the dog together 😆

        My missus was mortified

  23. The only celebrity I have met was David Jason done up as Del boy. Watches up his arm, kissed the Mrs, said she was beautiful and I was a lucky man. Me? I was so stage struck I couldn’t say a word.

  24. I pinched a fag off Jeremy Clarkson when I was pissed outside a restaurant in London about 15 years ago. I thought he was gonna tell me to get fucked. He was solid, laughed at my state, and gave me a lighter.

    In my line of work, I’ve met plenty of race drivers. Most of them are lovely. Marcel Fässler, Marcus Grönholm and Sebastian Vettel are genuinely nice people. Louise Hamilton minces around with an entourage and doesn’t let us plebs mingle with him. Ott Tänak’s a rude prick. So is Ralf Schumacher.

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