Rude celebrities

I’ve just been reading encounters with horrible celebs on another site.
Any fellow cunters met a rude celebrity?

I’ve met a few celebs, and most have been surprisingly ok.

Andy cole was full of himself and a insufferably cunt.

Cilla Black Is famous for being a obnoxious cunt especially to flight attendants.

The best encounter was some guy bumped into Janet krankie in a pet shop in Wolverhampton and she said

” Shift you fuckin prick”.😆

Upto now I’m holding my own having called yank survivalist Cody Lundin and goalkeeper Peter shmiechel a cunt.

Maybe a fellow ISAC has abused Wendy Craig or stuck 2 fingers up at Amos Breiley?

Do share!


What were you doing when you “came” across such filth Mis, C.A.

Nominated by Miserable northern cunt.

105 thoughts on “Rude celebrities

  1. My life’s been filled with encounters with celebrities.

    I once served the actor who played Carlos Raphael in ‘Crossroads’ to some bacon when I was working in a store in Moseley Village during the school hols. Then there was the time I stood next to Ken ‘Rebus’ Stott in the bog in the caff in James Thin’s Bookshop in Edinburgh. Best of all was the time that the Villa team bus slowly passed me and my mate Bill when we were making our way to Easter Rd for the European tie against Hibs last year.

    Oh, and I think I once bumped into Judith Chalmers, except that I’m not sure that it actually was her…

    Afternoon all.

  2. I had my picture taken with Tony Lambrianou and a quick word with him. Very nice gentleman. Being from Sheffield, met Sean Bean a few times. Nice bloke but I’ve always felt he’s a quiet bloke and quite shy in a way. Had a chat with one of my heroes Clinton Woods in the bookies. Very nice bloke, talked to him about boxing career. Also met Michael Biehn, talked about my favourite film and his Tombstone, how they all got pissed every night after filming. Paul McGann, what a nice bloke he is. Talking to him about Withnail and I. David Prowse, another nice bloke,

    • You’re not wrong about Sean Bean, top fellow.

      Joe Cocker, like sitting next to the Duracell bunny. How he ever managed to raise a pint to his mouth, I’ll never know.

  3. I called Peter Shilton an old tart at the baseball ground and he turned around and laughed. Top bloke.
    And on a more tenuous note. I was mates with Mike Linelll . The base guitarist from 60’s band “the mighty avengers” he was in our bowls team.
    He was an epic piss head that could drink a crate of holsten pils per hour.
    Best part was , he was good mates with Mick Jagger, Keith Richard’s and believe it or not had a regular acquaintance with Mohammed Ali and his wife. Showed me the pics to prove it to.
    Mick and Keith helped to write their hit “so much in love”

  4. Dead right.

    ‘Call me Andrew’ Cole is a miserable chippy surly cunt.

    Peter Schmichel is also a monumental bellend. Arrogance personified.

    Mick Hucknall and Steve Coogan are the other two biggest celebrity cunts I have come across. Hucknall did his ‘velvet rope’ routine in a Manchester club. Having paying customers and regulars thrown out so he could have the place to himself and his arselickers. A complete twat.

    I saw a fan politely asking Coogan for an autograph at the airport. Coogan knew full well she was there, but he deliberatley ignored her and walked on, totally blanking her like she didn’t exist. He wouldn’t even look at her. I’d say it was a moment worthy of Partridge. But the real version is even worse.

    Met Simon Le Bon, Nick Rhodes and Roger Taylor of Duran Duran in 2004. Sound lads and not at all flash or up themselves. David Beckham was also a nice lad when I met him. His wife, on the other hand, is horrendous.

    Reni and Mani of The Stone Roses are also great blokes. Ian Brown can either be OK, or he can be a cunt.

    • Bryan Robson is sound as a pound.
      Met him shopping in M&S iwith his Mrs.
      Captain Marvel was bored to death. But he was still polite and great with any fans who approached him.

      • I was once in ‘Bella Roma’ In Edinburgh when Joe Jordan was in there.
        He was trying to eat his meal but was persistently interrupted by kids looking for his autograph or to get a picture. He responded to all with great kindness and patience.

        Seemed like a top bloke.

        Coogan, I’m well prepared to believe, is a complete shit.

    • I have heard from others that Coogan expects attractive ladies to be all over him and bowled over when they meet him.

      He hates it – really hates it – when they aren’t.

  5. Mate of mine is a stonemason and builder.

    He was given a job in Prestbury. But he was told ‘not to speak to the client’.

    Turned out he was building a wall for Wayne Rooney. He told me Wayne was a total knob, who wouldn’t even speak to the workers. Never mind look at them.

    His wife Coleen was very nice though. She even brought the workmen a cup of tea and some biscuits.

    • Who wants to speak to that Scouse fat bastard anyway? Always remember on TV a young lad about 5 years old walked up to Rooney asking for his autograph, he just totally ignored the young lad and got into his flash car, What a twat he is, I can’t abide the Brillo pad headed fat cunt.

      • David Beckham – by contrast – was always good with kids and never turned down an autograph request, He used to shop at Tesco in Prestwich. And he always stopped for young fans. This was before he married that woman, of course.

  6. Another friend of mine lived next door to Roger Moore when he was a kid.
    Roger was doing something for Granada TV, and he lived in Ringley Road (a very posh part of Whitefield, Manchester). He says he remembers Roger as a very nice bloke and he was always nice to his mum. My mate also says Moore would put on the Bond persona to put a smile on kids faces. So kids like my friend John and others coukd say they met James Bond.

    Can anyone imagne someome like Cruise, Affleck or Daniel fucking Craig doing that? No, me neither.

    • George Michael used to give to charity and good causes on the Q.T and a lot of it was only made public after his death. Not like most of them who publicise stuff or are ‘accidently’ photographed visiting some sick kid or the like.

      • My cousin Tracy met George. She was a huge fan, and she still has the photo she had done with him at Heathrow Airport in 1988. Only too happy to meet fans and have time for them.

        Unlike that cunt Steve Coogan.

      • I used to work in the office that looked over George Michael’s recording studio in Highgate. Used to bump into him all the time. Very quiet and unassuming, always a smile and a hello, like any other person you walk past in the street. Absolutely no sense of I’m the big man, lovely guy.

    • Like Ian Brown.

      He can come across as a touchy cunt. But when he got his Stone Roses advance from Geffen Records, he went around Manchester with a bin bag of 20 pound notes. All the homeless people he came across were given the money. He never shouted about it and it only came to light long after the band had finished. Straight up.

      Brown has also done soup kitchen duty, where he met George Michael. George (at his last Manchester gig) covers Brown’s ‘F.E.A.R’ as a nod to the Roses frontan.

      • George (at his last Manchester gig) covered Brown’s ‘F.E.A.R’ as a nod to the Roses frontman.

    • Hello Norman
      My father was in films and he met Roger Moore when he was a young actor starting out (Roger that is).
      He always said what a very nice chap he was ans always had time for the crew and stand-ins.

  7. I remember being on the Stretford End in 1980.
    Pissing down against Everton.

    The crowd – out of nowhere – started singing ‘Gary, Gary. Give us a song’,

    Young United goalkeeper Gary Bailey turned round, dropped to one knee, and belted out Al Jolson’s ‘Mammy’ to the fans behind his goal.

    Top lad, Gaz.

  8. Another good one is this.

    Superman star Christopher Reeve (RIP) was in a London restaurant.
    A gang was doing roadworks across the road.

    The workmen picked up one of their mates and they took him past the restaurant windown in a horizontal flying Superman pose, singing the famous theme tune.

    Reeve laughed and took it with great humour.

      • It was like some sort of really sick joke, Bob.
        That it happened to Superman of all people, and he was such a great bloke by all accounts too.

        Those Richard Donner Superman films have not been surpassed. Gene Hackman and Terence Stamp were superb as the villains, and Reeve was perfect as the man of steel. Ned Beatty was also great as the hilarious Otis. All the CGI, blue screen and AI can’t make a great film. And a great director – like Donner – or a star – like Reeve – is worth all that technology put together.

        RIP Chris and Superman (all the other ones don’t count).

  9. My mum worked at the Manchester branch of the Daily Mirror and she knew several old Coronation Street stars. Diana Davies (Norma Ford), Kathy Jones (Tricia Hopkins), Irene Sutcliffe (Maggie Clegg), Jennifer Moss (Lucille Hewiit) and the great Patricia Phoenix (Elsie Tanner). I once saw Pat when I was an eight year old boy. She was sat there smoking in our living room. She just smiled and said ‘Hello lad’. She really was a magnetic and beautiful woman.

  10. Ricky Tomlinson was dead nice to my mum.
    Friendly and joking.

    Wire in the blood author Val mcDermid is the most down to earth celeb I’ve met and gave my dad signed copies of her books.

    Footballer Phil Bardsley was a sound bloke and his wife Tanya (Cheshire housewives) was nice too.

    And Craig Cash is ok too.

  11. Wife’s work meant I used to be dragged to regular sleb events so met quite a cross-section, and generallly the pleasant outweighed the wankers.

    Good eggs —- Kylie, Luca Vialli, John Major, Ossis Ardiles, Kevin Rowland, Maria Sharapova, Damon Hill, Mark Webber, Mick Jones, Robert Smith.

    Wankers —. Jeffrey Archer, James Corden, Adam Woodyatt, Rusty Egan, Boy George, David Soul, Lily Allen, Frank Lampard.

    Touchy/grumpy —- Boris Becker, Andy Cole, Diana Rigg, Judy Murray.

  12. Pal of mine did an electrician job for Julie ‘Bet Lynch’ Goodyear in Heywood.
    He said she was great. Very friendly and he got a cup of tea.

    He also said the ex-Liverpool player Jason McAteer was a good lad to work for.

    But his favourite was Thin Lizzy legend Phil Lynott. He did work on Phil’s house, and he remembers Lynott as a total gent.

  13. Used to go out with a girl who worked in the USA quite a bit. She was in the hotel businesss. She once met Bette Davis, and she told me she was the biggest most foul up herself and thoroughly obnoxious cunt she ever had the misfortune to meet.

    She also said that Denzel Washington was nice to black staff, but horrible to white staff. Racist, much?

  14. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why you would be rude to the trade who’s fixing/replacing the dead unit, etc.

    Why not just stab a carving fork through your foot, if you want to suffer?

    I’m always polite to the workers. I have a downstairs toilet, easy to access from the back garden. I encourage them to use it, and also to come into the kitchen to make a brew/have a warm/cool off, depending on the weather.

    Never had a bad job yet.

      • Too right JP.

        I’m never rude to tradesmen and especially to waiters/waitresses.

        Only a fool upsets someone with the opportunity to sabotage your food & drink.

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