Rosie Duffield M.P. – Not a Cunt?

Too much negativity from me on this site, so I would like to raise my hat to one of the only Labour MPs to know what integrity is. This lovely and wonderful woman has for years had to endure the wrath of shit like Nadia Whittome, a very fifth rate BAMEr and Sir Kweer himself, because she calls men in drag out for what they are. Starmer thinks women can have a cock – perhaps the “wimminz” he knows do.

She resigned from Starmer’s farty party on Saturday and has since given an interview which, I think, confirms what many of us has long suspected with his hobnobbing with the likes of Mandy, half his cabinet and of course choosing an ex-cottager as a mentor, and a rich gay P*ki as a sugar daddy. There’s nowt so kweer as folk!:

Daily Fail.

Nominated by : W. C. Boggs

45 thoughts on “Rosie Duffield M.P. – Not a Cunt?

    • In my own defence, Harry, I did write it at the time of it happening, but I still think she is great and the rest of Kweer’s cunts are a heap of shit – perhaps even more now than I did then.

    • I thought the same. Noms could do with being released around the time the topic is fresh. Failing that, why not put the date the nom was written?

      • You could well have a point Moggie but this is a free, well run site. All credit to the people who organise it.

    • Indeed, Sammy, if he chooses Mandy’s arse rather than the ruby lips of lovely Rosie he is as bent as a nine bob note. Looks like a quare, sounds like a quare, probably is a quare. Of course, we can only speculate at what went on at those clandestine meetings with Mandy and toilet sniffer Anthony, over the Earl Gray and fairy cakes……

    • She certainly is a very attractive woman Sammy.

      My friend Maggie (a lesbian, and proud of it) has got a wide on like the Eye of Sauron for her.

  1. Self preservation cunt, While she has an almost public representing voting record she abstained from the freeze the pensioners initiative vote.

    Smart enough to see the sinking labour ship for what it is though and to come out and say things about the leadership after resigning whip, there may just be a hint of humanity in there so I reserve full cunt judgement and sit on the fence to see how she does going forward.
    For now, Decent track record with hints of cunt.

  2. Aye she’ll not go far in politics,she seems to have morals.

    My endorsement has nowt to do with wanting to give her one,probably up the bum..

    So don’t start.

    Good morning.

  3. Good nom WC 👍

    Rosie Duffeild was inundated with death threats by the trans loony brigade.
    Most of the threats were empty,
    But quite a few were meant.

    Nobody does unhinged like a tranny.

    Now Rosie was facing a very real possibility of attack or attempt on her life.

    Kier Starmer left her out to dry.
    Didn’t help her.

    Now, I don’t agree with lots of women on all sorts of things.
    But I wouldn’t let them come to harm if I could do anything to protect them.

    Kier Starmer is a piece of shite.
    Unmanly, vindictive, and all round cunt.

    I admire anyone who goes against the majority and sticks to their guns.

    Rosie has my respect in that regard.

  4. Nonetheless, she was one of those staunch EU luvvies who, back in 2017 when we were agonisingly waiting for our decision to be enacted, was frothing and bleating about “a second wefer-wendum”, just like Starmer was. Her constituency, Canterbury, like everywhere in Kent, is rammed with Dooshkas. Half the criminals of Eastern Europe are here. Bollocks to this Remoaner harpie, her leftie constituents, and her hatred of democracy. Still a cunt.

    • Fair point Maggie.

      Still, she wouldn’t toe the line with the tranny stuff, despite the whole of the labour party turning on her.

      I sort of like that she wouldn’t capitulate.

      • Yes, her views on the she-men are admirable and probably what most people think. If only she hadn’t been such a Remoaner cunt.

        Ho Hum.

      • I share Mis’s view cap’n. The case for in or out of the EU can be argued but her view on trannies is cast iron scientific fact. There is no valid discussion to be had regarding these nutters.

  5. Ps
    In the link Rosie says kier likes to be surrounded by ‘lads’?

    Probably rentboys.

    Because any lad hanging around with someone who doesn’t know what a woman is and is a fan of Taylor Swift is probably ducky.

    My father was a removal man.

    • Of course he does. Dirty Ange is one of the lads, the enforcer, Wes Streeting is purely there to shake Keir’s cock after a piss and Lammy is the entertainment.

      • I think it is a good thing not to have let Reeves remove the urinal in the Treasury, as I don’t think she will be there very long to use it. In the meantime she keeps practising, but she keeps getting her trousers wet.

    • Pity your removal man father didn’t remove the toolmaker’s son or the toolmaker, preferably to Terry’s famous oven.

  6. It is nearly five years since Nadia Whitwhatever entered Parliament. I must admit that I thought that she would have featured on IsAC much more than she has. Unable or unwilling to think for herself she dutifully follows her leader’s opinions and gives every indication that she wishes to have her snout in the trough for as long as possible.

  7. if she had any decency, she should have forced a by election instead of simply now standing as an independent.

    whether you like it or not, her constituents didnt vote for an independent, they voted for a labour mp (idiots) a by election would have allowed for a re election of a labour mp or a proper vote against

    • CC she is by no means the only one to choose to the “Independent” route – most of them do it because they have something to be ashamed of, and are just hanging on, but in Rosie’s case I am prepared to believe she just don’t want to subject her constituents to a second expensive vote within three months. If the people of Canterbury are not content they could try to instigate a recall, but so far, they don’t appear to have done so. I doubt they would want some Kim Leadbetter sort, or another Jess Phillips (employing her “husband” Mr Phillips as her “office manager”) or some recently off-the-rubber-boat nancy representing them in Parliament.

  8. Rosie knows what a woman is, will always be and that cannot be changed and it doesn’t matter how many idiots try to claim that a man can transition to woman it is wrong.
    There shouldn’t be any politics in this biology and that should be the end of the story, twats who what to dress up and pretend and take drugs to keep them happy should be free to do so as long as they know their fucking place.

    Kweer is a cunt along with the rest of the spineless cunts who refuse to kick the trans bollocks into a black hole where it belongs, after all RR has actually found one.

    • “democracy”

      She didn’t like democracy too much when she was calling for a, “seconnnd wefer-wendum” after we voted to leave with the biggest democratic victory in British history.

      Still a cunt.

    • “…Democratic Labour party”
      Pft! – “The goal of socialism is communism”
      Let us not forget that.
      Afternoon Thomas, afternoon all.

  9. I’d far rather be represented by Rosie (though for me, the natural party of government will always be the Conservatives) than the likes of Streeting, and, God forbid, Lammy, a professional n*gger-nagger, whose sole raison de’tre seems to be to make an idiot of himself on television. From University Challenge to what will be his final posthumous appearance on Blue Peter when Auntie Val and myself will be showing, as part of a special Children In Need episode, how to make a shrunken head with some sticky backed plastic, a sharp knife, some herbs and a broomstick. (Get mummy to boil up the copper as it gets very hot) It’s what he would have wanted.

      • No Uncle I have my Vodoo-it-Yourself kit. As we are coming towards Xmas, what could be nicer than making a nice decoration for the table. Put a couple of LED’s in the eye sockets and Lammy will light up your living room.

    • Lammy’s shrunken head should be displayed in the British Museum but if Guyana protests and asks for it back, they are more than welcome to have it. We could also throw the Idi Amin tribute act’s friend from Grenfell in as part of the repatriation.

  10. Politicians are all cunts just to varying degrees of cuntishness.

    To find a decent one you would have more luck picking up a turd from the clean end.

  11. Ms Duffield would have made an excellent assistant for Dr Who back in the seventies. I am sure she could have helped Jon Pertwee and Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart no end.

    Good afternoon, everyone.

  12. The standard for most parties is bend over and take it or sling your hook. Unless you happen to have enough integrity and honour to Impress your constituents.

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