Product Placement In Films


I love films, particularly from Hollywood’s ‘golden age’. But as the years have gone by I’ve become really pissed off with American studios in particular for the increasing use of product placement in films, a practise that has grown to be ubiquitous and incredibly brazen.

Product placement is nothing more than a marketing strategy whereby companies pay studios to position their products within films to gain exposure, thus persuading punters to identify with said products and hand over their cash to buy them.

It’s always annoying, but at least it’s tolerable when it’s fleeting, with a reference being integrated into the film’s narrative with some subtlety, thus avoiding a lot of incongruous disruption; WTF C.A.

However the problems really start when productions don’t tread lightly, and being greedy for advertiser dollars, dump placements onto the heads of the audience with a fork lift truck. No, for me what’s utterly offensive about product placement is when the studios’ disdain for audiences is such that they make no attempt at hiding it.

I could list dozens of examples, but here are three that I hate;

youtube uncharted

youtube Mac and Me

youtube Back to the future 2

Nominated by Ron Knee.

98 thoughts on “Product Placement In Films

  1. Worst one ever is Jurassic World.
    Literally dozens of ‘in-your-face’ product/brand placements.
    I’m glad I’m able to pirate everything.
    Fuck Hollywood and everyone in it, bunch of dirty pædos.

    • Too right Thomas.

      I’m simple, but not that simple I’d be encouraged to buy a watch because some Hollyweird bumboy is wearing one.

      Same with cars.
      Some ducky thespian is driving one doesn’t make me want one.
      I immediately classify it as a puffs car.

      It only works if you want to be like some Californian , airheaded, white choppers, clothes horse.

      People I like don’t do product endorsement.

      Fred Dibnahs aftershave
      Jack Hargreaves hair gel
      Alfred Wainwrights toothpaste.

  2. I make a point of not buying products a) recommended in programmes b) placed and obviously out of context in movies etc and certainly all advertised products on the moron mirror.

  3. Unfortunately a lot of the chavvy trout lipped morons are influenced by some ‘celebrity’ endorsement of eye liner or lippy and such…’have you seen so and so they use a wire brush on their face to cleanse their pores’ ‘ooooh really,must try it’ 🙄 🧠dead

  4. I find most off-putting the outsize canisters of pile ointment that liberally ‘appear’ during screenings of Alan Carr’s excuses for comedy.

  5. Slightly off topic – I see the crisp product placement uber cunt Lineker is on his way out. Dare say to be replaced by a sootay. How ironic that would be!

  6. I think whenever Kweer or Streeting appears on TV there should be in full few tubes of KY Jelly, Preparation H handy family size suppositories, Mandy Butt-Plugs and Gieves and Hawkes suits.

  7. It put me right off when I saw Charles Bronson wearing what were obviously oxfam clothes when he went undercover in Death Wish 2..

    fucking disgraceful..but I bucked up once he started killing everyone.

    Hollywood is a dung heap.

  8. OT. The Rashford saga continues then, “But….. But he’ll come good for more than one game eventually, and he’s only young.’

    Only young?! The cunt is 27 in two weeks time. Rashford is a box ticking prop and no real use whatsoever. The Grogu of Old Trafford.

  9. It seems that there are now moves afoot to place products in classic films using digital technology;,easily%20switched%20to%20different%20brands.

    Just think;

    Rhett Butler holding a Gillette razor
    Ben-Hur eating a Mars Bar
    Mary Poppins carrying a roll of Andrex
    Ellen Ripley with a Tampax sticking out of her pocket
    Hannibal Lecter picking up a bottle of Heinz ketchup
    Rocky Balboa rubbing Voltarol into his sore shoulder

    The possibilities are endless. Unfortunately.

  10. I wonder if General Cuntster has loads of Donald Trump products at home?

    Maybe MAGA pj’s or some wine glasses?

    The Donald is the king of self-promotion and must have loads of products available that you never knew how you managed without before.

  11. Never bought owt through product placement and most ad’s get my goat, especially the ones that try to convince me I can’t do without their product.
    Oh yeah? just fucking watch me then!

  12. I wonder who would be willing to advertise on ISAC?

    At least one brand of Oven Cleaner I expect and I’m sure the Guardian would hold its nose and pls e one of its begging letters on here.

  13. James Bond.

    Lots of blokes would like to be Bond.

    So , brands target it,
    Overpriced watches
    Flash cars
    Fancy suits

    I don’t like Bond particularly.

    Id possibly be swayed by Colombo stuff?

    A Peter Falk approved mackintosh
    That smells of cigars.

  14. OT. Those Osprey military aircraft keep flying over the house.

    Huge, loud fuckers. Seen about eight of them in the last two weeks.

  15. If there’s one thing that’s worse than product placement in a film, it’s product placement with a line of cliché dialogue;

    ‘I’m literally in a Papa John’s right now’.

    ‘We’re running out of time!’.

    Fuckin’ hell. Talk about insulting the intellegence of the viewer.

    • Ron@

      You ever tried that Papa Johns?

      It’s fuckin rubbish.

      Now I know people say you have to go to Italy for proper pizza,
      But the US does pizza well.

      My mate said it’s fuckin huge and cheap as fuck in the US.

      So I saw Papa John doing his own advert,
      Proper Italian American ,

      ” Pizza likea mama useta make,
      Baddabing baddabom”

      The cunts mum must of been russian because it was fuckin shite.

  16. Which company mixes the paint for Miserable’s Country Cream gates? The amount of times he has plugged them on here he should be a brand ambassador and hoovering up freebies like a Labour frontbencher.

  17. That piss poor Our Man Flint meets Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-In, rip off, Austin Powers, was the worst example of product placement I ever saw.

    Thar utter cunt Mike Myers advertising everything and anything. One puke inducing one was when Powers says ‘Hey, get your hands off my Heiny, Baby!’ And the cunt holds up a bottle of Heineken so everyone can see it.

    What a fucking twat.

    • White Collar – t.v. show – was under compliment to Ford for a few seasons. Characters actively discussing the features, *in the course of the episode*, of the various cars was a disgrace.

      But hearing the actors denigrate the practice, taking the piss in the dvd commentaries balanced it out for me.

      • Burn Notice was Hyundai, Modern Family : Toyota, come to think of it .. and I ain’t watched those two in years. Goes to show it catches attention at the same time.

        Not going to influence me one jot to *buy* a fucking car based on the likes, though, ever …

  18. John Wayne appeared as a Centurion in some film about Christ.

    Apart from one bloke wearing a watch, which I always spot, is this lovely tale.

    As Jesus takes his last breath, a beam of light illuminates the scene. JW says, absolutely wooden deadpan
    ” Truly, this man was the Son of God”

    Director shouts, fabulous John, but could you put a bit of awe in it?


    “Aw, truly this man was the Son of God”

  19. John Wayne starred with Oliver Hardy in the Fighting Kentuckian.

    He enjoyed working with Oliver that much Wayne twice asked him to be a regular in his films.
    Hardy refused.
    His first loyalty being to his partnership with fellow comedy star Stan Laurel. (Clint Eastwoods dad).

  20. On the flip side, watching a James Bond film makes me fancy owning an Aston Martin. That makes me flitter, flutter at the thought.

    And when I saw The Matrix, I wanted to learn Kung Fu. Just saying.

    • Well, Cuntologist, I wanted to be like Darth Vader. Have a big fuck off lightsabre (a red one. mind), fly a bat winged Tie Fighter, and to choke people with mind power.

    • Watching Jmaes Bond just made me want to shag Eva Green and Sophie Marceau in a rollicking threesome, not buy some overpriced tat like impressionable beta males cunts do. The lust made me forget what a pile of absolute wank most bond films really are.

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