He’s the Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina, he claims to be an Evangelical Christian and he’s the Republican nominee for the post of Governor in the 2024 election. Eager to identify himself as a candidate firmly affiliated to the right, he denies climate change, he opposes the legalization of marijuana and he’s spoken out in favour of gun rights. Controversially he has also made antisemitic remarks and has denied the holocaust. He has been praised by Donald Trump as “an unbelievable Lieutenant Governor”, “a very good man”, “a great one”, “a Martin Luther King times two” and “a Martin Luther King on steroids”. Yet Robinson himself described King as “worse than a maggot” and said that the civil rights movement was a communist plot to subvert capitalism and free choice.
Robinson has declared that he wants abortion to be outlawed completely, though he paid for his girlfriend, now his wife, to have her pregnancy terminated. In 2022 he criticized the availability of birth control pills and condoms, advocating that contraception should be banned. He described transgenderism as “filth”, but it’s now been revealed he was responsible for remarks put on the message board of the online forum Nude Africa, including that he enjoyed watching transgender pornography. “That’s fucking hot” he wrote, “Yeah I’m a perv too”.
On the same forum he wrote that he was a black Nazi who preferred Adolf Hitler to Barack Obama and supported the reinstatement of slavery.
Nothing like a bit of scandal and hypocrisy to instil confidence in the voters.
Nominated by : Allan
I hope they don’t allow him anywhere near scissors.
Shoot the black cunt a thousand times to make sure its dead.
Does he shower with his teeny daughter?
He’s right about MLK, he was lower than a maggot.
And I prefer Adolf Hitler to Barak Obama.
This blokes a yank politician.
And a sooty one at that.
Bound to be a headtheball.
He doesn’t like tranny types unless it’s porn……
Mr Cunt Engine may wish to comment ?
Absolute filth ?
I remember him when he was the dad in Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
I thought he was a cunt then
And I think he’s a cunt now.
No wonder Will grew up to let his bald missus shag other men
Embarrassing footage of Uncle Phil taking real bite out of crime!
Perhaps some rascally nephew could make a similar video of this cunt having a pop at trannies, interspersed with footage of him whacking off to their porn.
Well, he wasn’t wrong about this,
“In 2021, Robinson refused to apologise after he was criticised for saying that children in schools should not be learning about “transgenderism, homosexuality, any of that filth”.
However much of a hypocrite he may be in other things.
Does he know that he’s black?
Oh Tommy, Tommy, tom…oh err saw Robinson and then realised that was to much of a tan to be Mr yaxley ?……mind you he’s right about the climate scam ?.. that millipede is acting like Adolf over ?️??️
Clearly he`s not genuinely black, unlike me.
…..or Gary Linekunt.
Seems like an all round good chap. ?
I’d ram stammer up its arse and send them into space.
Sounds fine to me, what’s the problem ?
is it Michelle “8 inches” Obama?
I think she looks good for, you know, 60.
Mark sounds a bit confused.
He is like Owen Jones trapped in the body of 300lb black man.
Owen would love to be inside a 300lb black man.
Other way round.
Definitely a cunt but not one who actually matters.
Anyone would think Allan has some sort of axe to grind!
I too am a climate change denier insofar as I think the actions of man have made no significant difference. I also oppose the legalisation of dangerous drugs, and think that people should perhaps be able to own guns in order to protect themselves and their families from gun carrying criminals. Furthermore, I would close our borders if it means little girls are not murdered at fancy dress parties. All of this makes me a dangerous member of the ‘far right’, obvs – just like the 74.25 million American lunatics who voted for The Donald in 2020.
Allan doesn’t have an axe, he has an obscure Lieutenant Governor who seems to be some sort of cunt.
Allan needs to take some tips from our resident investigative journo the esteemed Ron Knee.
My problem with Allan is he’s just looking for dirt to throw at the right when he’s trying to defend the steaming pile of un democratic shite that is the modern left.
Try giving Jimmy Dore a listen Allan, he’s actually a socialist.
I agree but would give all the smack heads free super duper strength shit.
For the Lieutenant governor of Carolina to refuse to fly to Washington is in my book a utter disgrace.
“I ain’t gettin on no plane sucker!”
And his doubling down on the incident
“Pity the fool who tries to make me!”
Are not suitable for his position or office.
And his disrespectful talk to Joe Biden
“I want Biden! I want Biden! You hear that, Old Man? You tell Biden to come here! Nobody can beat me!”:
He’s frankly a idiot.
I’m heading for my underground bunker, for the rest of the day.
I’m worried about the potential fallout.
Mark Robinson also denies the existence of woodlice.
“They tell me there’s these little tiny creatures that hide away an cain’t be seen.
They wear armour like knights and eat wood.
And roll into balls.
Well,…I ain’t seen em!
These fairies, these pixies of the wood!
Yet I’m meant to accept it?
It’s a communist plot.
Probably by that crackerjack Joe Biden?
Don’t blow smoke up my arse you gaddamn commie , fairytale mudder fucker.”
Is it a Barry White tribute act?
Lately nominations here at IsaC have been pretty Anglocentric. Consequently, when I check on I usually read them and the comments but don’t comment because I have nothing to offer.
So then I saw this one and and read it and thought…since most of you foreigners don’t follow American politics the way I do…and since most of you believe what Auntie Beeb tells you perhaps I should comment just to clear the air.
In short this may surprise most of you but I actually agree that Mr. Robinson is a cunt. Not because of the allegations. They’re typical to the right of Karl Marx allegations calculated to smear a black MAGA Republican. They may or may not be true.
But Robinson has handled this so poorly that he damaged his own campaign beyond hope and has actually jeopardized Trump’s chances of winning the state of North Carolina.
In addition, the fucking Republican Party has made the situation worse by fleeing from Robinson like he’s trying to hijack their SUV.
Robinson may or may not be the second coming of Idi Amin. But he is a cunt for totally mishandling the situation.
Let me assure, no true ISAC’er believes a word pumped out by the BBC
Hey Termujin,
May I remind you that the link supporting this nom is to the BBC.
They’re the main news organisation here GC. Rightly or wrongly that means a lot of links will come from them. It’s just how it is.
Do you have woodlice in the US, Herr General? Or mobile phones?
We do indeed have woodice in the US. They were introduced from Europe.
Another reason we need to elect Trump and secure our borders. We don’t need any more Goddamned illegal aliens.
As for mobile phones…
Do you have nits?
An can you get egg n chips?
I’ve run out of Fentimans, there’s none in the bunker fridge, but I’d like to call out General Cunter, who has had no problem calling out British politics/politicians previously.
The first and only person to use MEGA, along with MAGA on this site.
So to say he has refrained from commenting besause our topics of debate ( including woodlice) are too Anglo centric for him/her/they to comment is somewhat disengenious.
Right, back to the bunker, Six pack of Fentimans, the Sipsmith is calling.
Fentimans Dandelion and Burdock ?
Fentimans is the pinnacle of soft drinks.
The shakespeare of pop.
The Winston Churchill of mineral.
And it’s British ??
He’s not fit to polish Idi Amins medals.
Of which he had many.
Idi was more than a dictator he was about to challenge the fast food giants with his Ugandan Fried Monkey Brains, that’s why the slur campaign was launched against him……..FACTS!!!
I mainly know him through his accordian playing.
Idi Amin also banned the wearing of flip-flops in Uganda.
On pain of death!
He’ll be recognised as a true genius in future history books.
Severe flipflops punishment, trial by crocodile, and cheating at sports are just some of the strings to his bow.
I am sure Kweer would do the same things and then claim that he hadn’t but if he had, it was only for the public good – for the many not the few : I used to be the DPP and my dad was a toolmaker.
At least he has got family money from Robinsons squash to fall back on if the political career doesn’t work out.
Indeed LL, along with the family’s brewery in Stockport. I believe the Robinsons are on very good terms with the Northern Cunts.
We both have rhythm, like fried chicken, comfy shoes, and a warm place to shit.
Ain’t no shame in dat!!!!
Supports “the reinstatement of slavery” does he?
Good to know there’s still at least one coloured who knows his place!
There was a time when we could have had him shot.
Sounds like a good bloke to me and if Alan doesn’t like him I support him 100%.
Who Allen ? Or the puddled sooty?
Not Alan.
Oh, the big fat sooty bloke!
Yeah he’s a bit of a card.
I’ll make two predictions concerning this fella:
1. He won’t become Governor of North Carolina. I think that’s a pretty safe bet.
2. He’s threatened to sue CNN, but he won’t. They’ll have researched their story thoroughly before going public, and he knows if he loses in court, he’ll have to pay their legal fees as well as his own.
He’s lost a bit of weight since his punk heyday
You’ve gone all hieroglyphic !!
They are stealing my culture Jack!
Tell them to stop it.
(Actually I quite enjoyed it.
Punk rock is much better for them than that hip-hop shite)
Oh, give over.
Emojies don’t suit you, unless they are wellies, ferrets, pies and pints.
How dare you!!
Emojis do suit me.
I hope those spiders gangbang you tonight ?️?️
There must be a beard one too JP.
There is, LL.
Back shortly, BTW I eat spiders for breakfast!
That’s why Dexter kills them, but doesn’t eat them.
Or a COTY one but he never mentions it.
Reassuring to realise that other people are as screwed up as I am. Makes one feel better in oneself. Fucking madman