Manchester Council

is a cunt.
Cancelling bonfire night is a kick in the teeth to long dead but good cunt Guy Fawkes.

Manchester city council continues to cancels since pandemic long standing fireworks in favour of funding other ‘community’ events, I’m sure we can all take a guess who said community is who won’t understand the meaning of a non diwali firework on November the fifth.

Yes I’m sure there are a few on here who are anti firework for whatever reason and idiots with personal fireworks and no regard for safety or it being 3am deserve to have their fireworks inserted into every orifice they can be made to fit into before being lit but organised, safe noisy extravagance makes kids happy, does nobody any harm (you were well aware of the existence of fireworks before you got a dog) and I say to you, embrace your inner child and let fizz, whoosh and bang in celebration of Mr Fawkes and his failed plot, he was more right and more honourable than any MP has ever been.

Just another step in the loss of our own traditions I feel, and suspect they will soon be happy to fund a diwali firework spectacular.

Apologies in advance for the ad filled news link.

Manchester evening news

Nominated by Cunt of Peeblesshire.

62 thoughts on “Manchester Council

  1. I’m always suspicious of adults who like fireworks.

    There’s something wrong with them.

    A touch of Forrest Gump
    A coating of Rain man
    A veneer of Lenny from Of Mice and Men,

    Arsonists and antisocial behaviourists.

    On November 6th I enjoy a nice leisurely walk around the burns unit at Stepping Hill hospital.

    • You should have seen it when I was younger Mis, when young kids unaccompanied could be sold fireworks and bangers were louder and did more damage. The injured were queuing round the block for days outside hospitals.

    • No wonder they find fixing the councils finances difficult.
      They’re used to bartering a few goats or pre pubescent daughters, not millions of pounds of tax payers money.
      Mind you, I bet they’re clever enough to make some disappear into a Lahore bank account though.

  2. No one seems to burn Guy Fawkes in effigy any more. Why not?
    I thought it was the Peacefuls we mustn’t offend these days, not the Left Footers.

  3. I went to one on Weymouth beach when I still lived in the UK, where they had a very good display in the Bay. One yet it was absolutely magnificent as a large airbomb flew it to crowd and set a Brummie holiday maker on fire. Seriously, I laughed so hard I came so close to pissing myself. The people around me thought I was having a panic attack. Still makes me laugh when I think of the gormless twat leaping about with his pants on fire!

  4. Local Authorities act as a kind of church for cunts. Busybodies and low grade civil servant cunts congregate and combine to fuck over their own communities. Along with their offshoots, not-for profit community companies, they all kid themselves that they are doing their bit when, in fact, they are termites eating away at the fabric of society. Fuck them all, I hope they are buried alive by fall out from their meddling.

    Fire up the ovens, Unkle T.

    • Absolutely spot on Twenty. A “town council” was created in Aylesbury a few years ago out of thin air, tacked on to the rates bill for the residents. Not really got anything useful to do, send out a colour pamphlet telling people how wonderful they are periodically and also invite applications for grants for community events. In other words we know how to spend your money better than you. Effectively; if you want to do something and we approve, it will be allowed. If not, then fuck off.

  5. I think you should have to be registered to buy them.
    Show ID and sign for them .
    Also a liability document accepting full responsibility.

    Id then add those names to the sex offenders register and M15 terror list.

    • Be fair mis, MI5 have got enough on their plate monitoring all those far right tweeters..

      Does that go for children with sparklers?

      • Oh Mis, you’re turning into a right curmudgeon! Didn’t you have fun as a kid lighting penny bangers and trying to judge the timing of the warning incandescent jet they emitted before they exploded so when you threw them at another kid they didn’t have chance to get out of the way? Better still were the tupenny bangers which probably had a sufficient charge to take out an eye if you threw them accurately.

  6. Fuck the cunts, just play some videos of Israeli missiles taking out rag head cunts, that will upset the peacefuls.

    Nov 5 is the day, fireworks and bonfires on that night, not the third, fourth, sixth or seventh…. It’s a day not a fucking week.

    As for the 31st, well what a pile of fucking garbage, Tesco is full of the tat and some cunt close to me as already slapped the shit in the front of their house, chav cunts.

    • Same round here, SOI, in fact some knob has pumpkins outside their front door since the end of September.

      As for that fake cobweb stuff they like to drape all over their gardens, that should be banned. I can’t count the number of bees I’ve seen trapped in the stuff.

      • It’s that time of year, Moggie.

        The devious little bastards are trying the hitch a ride into your house, so they can have a nice warm shag.

        You ought to see the size of the one that’s made a home in my bin shed.
        Swear to dog, it’s catching mice in that web!

  7. Now we’ve got helloween instead plastered in every shop,house etc 👺👹😱 another pile of wank to replace a British tradition 🎆 … bring back the bommy in every street and raiding others for their wood 😂 and the making of the guy 🙄 some right crap efforts but it was the done thing to trail around mithering for the 🪙 especially outside the boozers hoping to get more from some tanked 🍻 up revellers 👍….use Andy Burnham as a bommy topping 🔥

    • It was a big deal when I was a kid, Gelderd.

      We went everywhere with a pram or supermarket trolley. Collecting wood, tyres, anything we could use for the bonfire. And one of us would guard our haul from other lads and their gangs. But it was only on November 5th and never before. It was for that particular night and that’s what made it magical.

      Now, loads of mongs let off fireworks from the day they go on sale. A pain in the arse now I am older and have cats.

      I personally loathe the Halloween craze. A load of commercialised and tasteless shit. Beloved by modern parent cunts (including the knobhead across the road). More lights and money spent than at Christmas. And encouraging kids to scrounge and go to strangers doors. Absolute stupidity and totally the wrong message.

      • I agree Norman.

        What kind of parent let’s children out unsupervised these days?

        Even 30 years ago, I went with mine, and only to near neighbours.

      • Don’t tend to get any trick or treaters now,
        Used to, but the kids round here have all grown up now.

        I still buy sweets and chocolate in just in case,
        I don’t begrudge little kids a few sweets,
        But tends to end up in my work bag now.

  8. While I’m not a particular fan of Guy Fawkes Night, I also do not agree with Burnham’s goons spunking taxpayers money on Ramadan, Eid, and other ‘diverse’ projects. One of those dirty bastards committed a mass murder at a pop concert in Manchester. Only three days later, I see a council made banner near Albert Square* with ‘Happy Ramadan’ in big fuck off letters. Offensive, insulting,and disrespectful to the dead. But that didn’t bother Burnham’s monkeys. Keeping in with the Pakis is more important to them.

    The bottom line is bonfire night is British, and Manchester City Council (and others like them) favour those who aren’t British.

    * The real one in Manchester City Centre. Not the fictional Walford shithole.

  9. All outside gatherings should be cavalry charged if making a noise and causing respectable removal men inconvenience.

    Like that pair of twats Oasis,
    Playing to all those mugs in Heaton Park.

    I was Andy Burnham I’d have agent orange dropped on the cunts.

    • Nearly Halloween too. About ten years ago the village decided to do a Harry Potter theme and had all these mannequins outside peoples houses dressed as wizards and elves or whatever and by morning someone had cut all their heads off.

      • Now, that’s what I call a protest about local authorities spunking money away on unnecessary tat!

      • Harry Potter. Total shit. So, this little shit with John Lennon specs trains to be a ‘Wizard’. Then at the end he goes back to normal life as an adult. So, what’s the point of the cunt going to Wizard school? Complete bollocks.

        And the fans are complets twats. Grown adults in Hogwarts T-Shirts and saying those stupid made up latin magic words. Fucking cunts of the highest order.

        And don’t get me started on Harry Potter himself. Daniel Ratscock is one the most talentless handed it on a plate mummy’s a showbiz agent simpering trannie sucking liberal leftie virtue signaling little fuckers known to man.

        And Emma ‘No Tits’ Twatson is no better. Neither of the cunts can act. Never could and never will.

  10. I suspect that Bonfire Night isn’t ‘progressive’ enough for the Council. They’ll be looking for ‘community events’ that promote diversity, net zero, recycling, and effnicks, stuff like that.

    Bonfire Night’s a bit too ‘British’.

    Afternoon all.

  11. Local councils are a breeding ground for leftist and faith based radicals. Local politics has always attracted weapons grade cunts who believe they know best but now local government is targeted as the place for radical politics to leverage it’s poison on every poor cunt living in a council ls are of control.

    Your council tax goes on topping up final salary pension funds, social care, immos, gay pride parades and black lesbian outreach centres.

    If you’re lucky there’s some left for fixing a pothole and the now biannual refuse collection.

    That and renaming streets such as the Elton John Ring Road or 72 Virgins Avenue.

  12. An effigy of Dirty Ange on November 5th would be just the ticket.

    Don’t make it too life-like though.
    The niff from the burning knickers might be too noxious.

  13. Id prefer a wickerman to Guy Fawkes.

    Filled full of criminals.

    The kids would enjoy that.

    We could stick some politicians in there too.

    • Brilliant!

      I love it. Plenty of unregarded places on the Moors, we could deffo get away with immolating some useless wastes of a human skin.

  14. insidious anti British raghead loving inept shithouse cunts.

    there is no ethnic barrel these cunts won’t scrape.

    houses for Africans?

    no help for pensioners.

    Full Oven.

  15. Always hated the word ‘fireworks’ myself, it didn’t sound right. I preferred to call them ‘pyrotechnics,’ far more refined. It certainly went with all the best ones that have long been banned. Jumping Jacks, Air Bombs, Aeroplanes, Ten Shilling Bangers & I think even some versions of the Catherine Wheel. We had some fun back then & we could buy them aged 11.

  16. Why the fuck would I want to go out in the cold and stand near other cunts to watch a civic fire? What a waste of time and money, for all concerned. To be quite honest, I think councils up and down the country can bin this one.

  17. When growing up in Bradford Manchester it was roughly the time of year we went out logging for anything that would burn. We’d pile up wood on waste ground in between a square block of houses, where the last of the air raid shelters once stood and were being filled in or demolished. We piled high the wood and made a little shelter from the rain for ourselves to tell stories. It was where some of us learned to smoke and talk about when they first started wanking. Not worried about the wood collapsing on top of us whilst telling these seventy odd year old stories.

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