Main Stream Media (10)

Let’s have a Joseph Goebbels Cunting for the Main Stream Media.

Recently I criticized the BBC. (There’s a surprise!) The once venerable British Media giant now known derisively as Auntie Beeb is nothing more than a propaganda outlet for the Wokies of the Far Left.

This is not unique to the Beeb. But one Cunter took exception to what I said and defended them by saying, “They’re the main news organization here…”

With all due respect this is the 21st Century and in an internet connected world, you have choices.

First to the main point. The MSM is corrupt. You cannot believe what they tell you. While this is only one example, take a look at this Megyn Kelly clip where she shows an undercover journalist exposing an MSNBC producer and the propaganda they spew:


To the second point there are now multiple alternative media sources and nobody is forced to listen, read, watch let alone believe anything the Beeb says.

For example…since the 2020 election, Newsmax has been the fastest growing cable news network in the States. While they probably aren’t available in the UK, they have recently signed an agreement with You Tube and will soon (probably) be available to you British Cunters.

The Washington Examiner and the Washington Free Beacon have been available for a while and are recognized as credible sources of print media.

Megyn Kelly and Tucker Carlson have excellent podcasts. Even Joe Rogan and Lex Fridman provide some credible alternative views.

In your own country GB News provides an antidote to the poisonous Beeb. And the Daily Mail has done some excellent reporting on how Ole’ Flatback slept her way into politics and how her husband Dirty Dougie Emhoff knocked up his nanny and (according to him) caused her miscarriage.

Bet you don’t get that from the Beeb.

By the way? How many of you foreign Cunters know that the Fail (as you call it) has reported on credible allegations that Dirty Dougie also slapped his girlfriend around in public?

None of you?

But you all know about QAnon and Jewish Space Lasers and far right MAGA extremists.

I’ve posted 5 different specific examples of voter fraud in the US but do you ever see that in the MSM? It’s all about election deniers.

By the way, how many of you know CBS recently edited a Harris interview to make her look good?

Ignore the Beeb. Ignore the Grauniad or the Gonadian or La Guardia or whatever you want to call it and start searching out other sources of information.

The survival of Western Civilization depends on it.


Nominated by General Cuntster. Who will in future proof read his Noms to save me some fucking time C.A.

98 thoughts on “Main Stream Media (10)

  1. X, formerly Twitter, for all its faults usually has up to date information from a variety of sources. Msm can only be relied on to lie on behalf of their masters.

  2. I’m struggling to follow this nom.
    Not being intentionally awkward,
    (Although that’s in my remit)

    But I don’t know who any of these people are or what’s alleged?

    Vote rigging or something?

  3. This nom is not the slightest bit patronising, lol.
    IsAC was cunting the BBC/MSM when the OP was still in nappies.
    Maybe still is?
    TENA Mens?
    The BBC has been cunted 133 times (at last count).
    Talk about preaching the converted!
    Seems us Englishmen are unable to think for ourselves.
    To paraphrase Eric Endicott, we Brits need tending.
    Told what to think.
    Told what not to watch.
    What not to read.
    As if we haven’t got enough foreigners doing that already!
    But apparently we have choices.
    Who’d have thunk it?
    The MSM in the form of the Daily Mail receives a free pass though.
    Reporting how
    “Ole’ Flatback’s husband Dirty Dougie Emhoff knocked up his nanny and (according to him) caused her miscarriage.”
    Only last month the OP professed to have no idea what happened with said nanny’s pregnancy.
    Well now, thanks to the MSM, all is revealed.
    Fuck them.

    • My case in point…

      The MSM has completely ignored the Doug Emhoff story.

      Newsmax, Megyn Kelly, and the Daily Mail (US) are the only ones to cover the story. Not to mention his alleged slapping of a former girlfriend in public.

      By my count Doug Emhoff has done 5 different media interviews with various MSM or liberal media outlets since those stories have broken and he hasn’t been asked a single question about either.

      NBC…ABC…CBS…CNN…The New York Times…The Washington Post…The BBC…The Guardian and a whole host of other MSM outlets have not reported either the pregnancy or the slapping.

      Contrary to your assertion, thanks to the corrupt MSM the public knows nothing about these incidents…or as some remarks reflect…even who Doug Emhoff is.

      • Yet you cite the MSM (in the form of the Daily Mail) as reporting your Dirty Dougie revelations!
        Btw, in case you’re not aware, The Daily Mail (along with the Sun) is Britain’s most popular and widely read supposed ‘newspaper’.

      • I did cite the The Daily Mail.

        First…as our illustrious one eyed, Father Sky God (Odin) pointed out in another thread…there is a difference in The Mail in Britain and The Mail in the US.

        Second…if you consider The Mail MSM they seem to be the only Main Stream outlet (along with Newsmax) to have covered the story. I detailed some of the others who at the time this nom was written has not covered it.

        Given that, I suggest the US Mail is the proverbial exception that proves the rule.

        Perhaps you could cite the Beeb, the Goniad, the Moon or any British outlet that has covered the story.

  4. GB news and Talk tv and that is all for me.
    BBC, Sky, ITV, Channel 4 are all unwatchable.
    I think they fondly believe we don’t notice their far left bias.
    And Kay Burley, Susanna Reid and Naga Fuckin’ Munchetty should all go back to Eastwick where they belong.

    • Kay Burley and Naga Munki-Machete are intolerable.

      I would with Susanna Reid though. If she kept her mouth shut.

      Angela Rippon is now 80. But she still shows them how it’s done and how to present a news programme properly. Give ’em Hell, Angie.

      • Always fancied shagging Anna Ford when I was a young laddie.

        And Peter Woods was great. A spectacular pisspot, but a superb newsreader.

        They don’t have news presenters like they used to.

      • Peter was supposdely a bit of a ladies man, Chris. And he left a few illegitmate sprogs along the way. Apparently, BBC bloke Justin Webb is Woods’ son.

        Frank Bough. Now there was a rum cunt.
        What he got up to….

      • Evening Norman. Evening all.

        I believe Frank Bought went a bit quiet after the whiplash den and cocaine affair.

        Didn’t stop the tabloids from hounding him though. Paparazzi cunts looking for an exclusive following him to. whiplash den, where he proudly produced a pretty much see through carrier bag full of whips and bondage apparatus.

        ‘Alright boys! I’m just going in for a bit of this!”. As he laughingly pointed at the bag of depravity.

        They left him well alone after that.

  5. ‘There have been over 42000 casualties in Gaza since Oct 7 2023’ (x number of kids, where x can be any fucking made up number)

    (According to the Hamas controlled Health agency)

    Where is the accuracy in that, how many were Hamas terrorists/fighters, if you are lucky you may get small print (according to the IDF over half are Hamas cunts), but not form the BBC.

    Where is the fucking outrage that 2 P’s who attacked coppers in Manchester Airport haven’t been up before the judge and sent down for 5 years, but some woman who tweeted some hurty words that no one would have ever taken seriously and probably has a very small following gets 2.5 years
    Nick Lowles of Hope not Hate puts up a false tweet which could have encouraged violence hasn’t been charged (as far as I know)

  6. Hehe, I had forgotten all about the Jewish space lasers. Aren’t they controlled from Epstein Island by Lord Lucan and Jimmy Hoffa?

  7. And yet only the other day I passed two women in the street and one remarked to the other…’ ‘it was on the 10 o clock BBC news,so I suppose it’s correct’ ….I was a fraction away from barrelling the pair into the path of a bus 😩…MSM watched by multiple stupendous morons 🔨

  8. The coverage of the passing of that Liam Payne by the MSM has been ridiculous. They are acting like he was JFK, his brother Bobby, Elvis and Lennon rolled into one. Naturally, the BBC are at the front. Calling Payne a ‘pop sensation’ and a ‘pop legend’. The lad was in a manufactured boy band, and good luck to him. But he was not a major talent, and he did not change popular music in any way. It’s been just a week, yet the smell of the mawkish and over the top ‘grief’ and unjustified acclaim is already unbearable.

    Still, it could ahve been worse. One can only imagine the media mushroom cloud and the griefacking tornado if that Harry Styles had snuffed it instead.

    Payne wasn’t even the main one. He was the Mickey Finn of One Direction. Like Craig Logan in Bros. The one out of the Osmonds that nobody knows. As Den Dennis says in ‘More Bad News’, ‘I’ll be the one who stands there, and nobody knows who he is’. Not being funny, but that’s what he was. So, why are these pricks in the MSM elevating him to Jimi Hendrix or Ian Curtis type levels?

    If a rank and file boyband member gets this sort of coverage. God help us when Mick Jagger, Rod Stewart, Fat Reg or Paul McCartney finally shuffle off.

      • My sister loved Donny, Jill. So I know him.

        I also know of Jay, Jimmy and err that’s it.

        I know all the Bay City Rollers though. My cousin was a fanatic in the mid 70s.

    • What I also hate is how every cunt is ‘heartbroken’ ‘in devastating pain’ ’empty’ and all the other teeth gnashing cliches that go hand in hand with modern media griefjacking. And, of course, the MSM lap up this shit and openly encourage it.

      Can’t they just say he was a nice lad and that they are sorry he’s gone? Nah, almost everyone has to grandstand and make it more about them than the dead lad himself. It’s like a who can be the most grief stricken and openly devastated competition. Some D-List celebrity cunt giving their ‘heartfelt positive vibes’ to the late lad’s family, his window cleaner, his dog. It’s like a variation of that old showtune from Annie, Get Your Gun, ‘Any Way You Can Grieve, I Can Grieve Better’. And this form of warped one upmanship is seen as real news and a suitable way to pay respects to the dead. It’s terrible really.

    • And heaven help us if Taylor Swift ever carks it.

      The media onslaught and griefjacking supernova would be the worst we’ve seen since Diana copped it in 97. Swift would probably get more coverage – and more ‘mourning’ – than even Queen Elizabeth got. That is how ludicrous and over the top things are these days.

    • Being of advanced years, I’d never heard of him, and got a bit sick and tired of the constant rehash of that particular story.

  9. Another thing that fucks me off is those Beeb bellends have Gaza has theiir headline news story every single day.

    A typical one would be ‘Lovely Palestinian people bombed by nasty evil Israel’ in big fuck off letters with a massive picture.

    Then, at the side of it in little letters and a small pic it would say ‘Scores of old people die, due to Keir Stapo’s heating cuts.’

    Truth is, Gaza and what Israel does or doesn’t do is nothing to do with us. It’s getting more coverage than Iraq or Afghanistan did. Even when our boys were over there doing the fighting. The ‘impartial’ BBC is a pro Palestinian and pro Hamas propaganda vehicle. And news about actual British life, events and people means nothing to them.

  10. Today the BBC announced the death of ‘Rioter, Peter Lynch 61 who was convicted of violent disorder and sentenced to 2 years and 8 months in prison.

    The summary of his crimes.

    He shouted “racist and provocative remarks” towards officers and called the asylum seekers inside a hotel ‘child killers’.

    If he’d been ethnic the BBC would be questioning the severity of his sentence and more riots would ensue.

    Fuck the media.

    Too busy crowning Kamala just now I guess.

    • Too right, Sixdog.

      And yet, some violent Dickie Daki acts up at an airport, gets a justified hiding from the plod for attacking a cozzer. And the BBC not only canonise the cunt, they encourage and attempt to justify the hordes of Paggi vermin swarming Rochdale’s cop shop. So the difference between the ‘nasty’ white rioters and the ‘brave’ Paggi rioters is what exactly?

    • His family need to sue not only the prison service for their lack of duty of care, but also the police, the CPS, the judge and Two Tier Kunt directly for making him a political prisoner.

      Amnesty international should be getting involved at this point.

      This could well be the blue touch paper that kicks it all off.

  11. Best thing in regards to Media is to make your own mind up about a story.

    Read between the lines.

    If you listened to the MSM you’d think Australia was in the majority anti monarchy.

    It’s not.

    If you listened to the MSM you’d think the new Labour government had a 23 billion financial black hole, thats just miraculously expanded to 40 billion.

    Now, I’m bad at maths.
    But there’s a huge fuckin difference between 23/40 billion!
    Even if you are adding it up on your fingers.

    It’s bollocks.
    No black hole.

    Of course they lie to us.
    I was about 10 when I sussed that out🙄

  12. Trust not the msm for they speak bollocks much of the time anyway. The state in print or pictures. Apply critical thinking and your outlook will be much more balanced. But all you cunters know that anyway. The woke can be beaten ( with a fucking great big stick or arrows, swords, rifles etc )

  13. Believing the MSM is no different to believing voting will change the status quo, at present I’ll add. A fop for simpletons and assorted mouth breathers who blithely mumble about stiff upper lip, nice cup of tea ad nauseum.
    Internet, mainly X and Gab are the way ahead. Sure, there’s some vitriol and hurty words but it’s easy to both mute and block posters you dislike.
    When words get criminalised what next ?

      • Indeed!

        When they chip us they will be able to know our thoughts and track our location.

        It is a Brave New world we face.

      • They can already track our movements via our mobile phones.


        Don’t see how they’d know our thoughts though?

        They’d have nightmares if they saw Cuntengines.

  14. Perhaps not my most eloquent nomination.

    First, to CA…Sorry if I made you do some extra work. It was not my intention. I was in a bit of a hurry and didn’t do it justice.

    Perhaps my haste in preparing this nom and my subsequent lack of clarity explains why the second link was omitted.

    Next the assault on factual information and the propaganda war war waged by the MSM is like the story of the frog in boiling water.

    If you throw a frog into a pot of boiling water he will jump out. But if you put a frog in a pan and heat the water slowly he will stay in until he succumbs to the heat.

    The MSM has slowly been heating the pot of information for years. If it continues it’s only a matter of time before we succumb.

      • That fucking horrendous record they made with Paul McCuntney. That load of orchestral belching known as the Frog Chorus.

      • Bet he ate a few while Linda’s back was turned?

        Nice bit of frenchmans chicken while Linda cooked her veggie burgers in the kitchen

      • Macca did an inteview a while ago, and he was asked about the Frog Chorus.

        McCartney admitted that when he was a kid, he blew frogs up by putting a straw up their arses. Of course, he said this after Linda had passed away. Doesn’t quite fit in with his kind to animals image, does it?

    • “it’s only a matter of time before we succumb.”

      Before you succumb, maybe. Not me mate.

      I have a highly developed crap-detector. And am old enough to know when I’m being played. As I suspect most people posting on this site do.

      Also, not only by the MSM and the Left.

      • S-cB,

        To be sure both sides (assuming a binary left-right distinction) are playing us.

        I use “we”in a metaphorical not a literal sense and refer to our society as a whole.

        A quote attributed to Ronald Reagan says; Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.

        In an era where Joe Biden was elected President…and Kamala Harris has a shot at becoming President…and Keir’s Labour Party is in power in your own country…all with the help of a compliant MSM…I submit our freedom is perilously close to extinction.

    • We will now hear that this Kaba was a model citizen and didn’t know the car had been used in a shooting, decided not to stop because he didn’t trust the police…. Well that will be the BBC story 😂

      • I suppose this office will be riding a desk for the rest of his career. I wonder if they will play Shoot to Thrill when he comes strolling back in? Not invited to the Notting Hill Carnival though. Gutted!

    • Do you think he’ll get ,or even want his firearms ticket back ? If I heard it right, a lot of his mates handed their tickets in.

    • the fucking cunts in the media always show that blek criminal cunt smiling like butter wouldn’t melt…he was a fucking nuisance and career criminal.

      The bloke that shot him should get a medal and double pension.

      • Indeed Unkle although by the sounds of it the IOPC are still trying to fuck him over.

    • Wait for it…

      Riots in the offing. Demonstrators smashing up the local communidee and then complaining that all the leisure centres and small local shops they just ransacked and torched aren’t open.

      Only freshly stolen Nike air clown shoes and big screen TVs will quell the anger.

      Innit blud.

      • Chris Cabas family said they are devastated at this miscarriage of justice.

        I bet.
        Looking at a few quid there wasn’t you?

        I drive , never in a car used in a armed robbery though.

        And if I thought I was being followed by a car full of armed police would I

        A) pull over switch the engine off and hold up my hands to show I’m unarmed?
        B) drive like a cunt at high speed ramming other vehicles,
        Refuse to stop and reverse into a police car?

        It’s a hard call.

        Chris was either a fuckin moron
        Or a criminal or both.

        Fuck him.

      • if the bastard had been white it would have got a thirty second mention on the local news then the whole story would sink without trace.

        two tier kweer?

        two tier shithouse media.

      • But there will still be lots of fathers day cards and work boots left on the shelves after the looting

  15. I can quite well do without the fucking lot of em.

    The Progressive woke shite that it is.

    Today’s headline:

    Oven the fucking lot every last one of the raghead loving vermin.

  16. Speaking of the media, over in the U.S many of the major networks are pissing their pants over Trump ‘working’ at a McDonalds.

    “What’s the point of this”

    “It was all staged!”.

    Well, yeah butternut, of course it was.

    Two weeks before an election, meeting the general public and interacting with working people and potential voters? What was he thinking?

  17. Apparently Ukraine is closing in on victory any day now, according to the MSM. I don’t particularly care about the ‘war’ as it’s not on my backyard, but it can’t be as dangerous as our betters say if pubs and clubs across the country are packed from arsehole to beak. If KYIIIIIV is about to take a final, glorious victory against Ivan, they’re taking their sweet time about it.

    COVID was the tipping point for me with the MSM. The nightly scarefests, graphs, and browbeating the general public was little short of criminal. I found myself exhibiting some extremely strange behaviour during that time. Alongside the binge eating and a then-unhealthy relationship with gin, I would obsess over the number of COVID cases each day, and seeing how “the curve” was flattened. I had to have a word with myself to stop.

    Since I cut the nonsense that is the MSM out, my life has been far less stressful. I don’t even consume stuff like GB News, RT, etc. That’s also poison from the other side of the political spectrum. Ignorance IS bliss in this case.

  18. MSM is working for a tired old system believing that it is still relevant.
    They don’t get at it anymore, just a script of incompetent soundbites about fk all.

    BRICS will have its birth of signatures, this will be finalised over the next coming days and not a mention from western MNS.

    Ignoring a problem doesn’t make it go away but what do you expect from people feeding from the trough these many recent years

  19. In the incredible Hulk poor Bill Bixby was forever being tailed by reporter Magee.

    He just wouldn’t leave him in peace.
    Writing stuff about him that made him out a monster.

    Poor David Banner was homeless at the time
    Suffering from split personality disorder and a skin condition.

    It didn’t matter to Magee.
    He just wanted a headline.

    Poor David overcome with rage would rip his clothes and turn into a bright green deaf and dumb bodybuilder with a monobrow.

    That’s no way to treat the homeless.

    And this was before the days of the Big Issue.

    I never forgave Magee for that.
    The media are scum.

    It’s the reason I always give tramps 10p for a cup of Meths.
    In case they Hulk out on me.

    Whatever you do
    Don’t make them angry.

  20. Off Topic, but incredibly sad news. Paul Di’anno has thrown a 7.

    I wonder if this will get as much media coverage as that one direction twat.

  21. @General Cunster

    To be fair though General, if the MSM are so biased, then why have they been talking non-stop about the assassination attempt on Trump since… oh wait… never mind.

    The MSM talked endlessly about accusations levelled against him and things about him which are demonstrably false, but they forgot about his fucked-up cauliflower ear within a week. No bias to be seen here – TM CNN (sponsored by Pfizer)

      • I need to contribute to ISAC more often than I do (ideally when sober) because from what I can tell, I think you get piled on a tad unfairly. Especially considering that you’re quite often right.

      • @Mickey Blue Eyes

        You might be right, but whenever I to check out ISAC and probe the nominations, The General does seem to get piled on. Maybe it’s justified but it just seems a little unfair.

  22. I don’t think a lot of children took the Hulk seriously enough Mecuntry,
    But I was deadly serious about it.

    In the US lots of murders are attributed to homeless drifters.

    Like David Banner.

    But you notice in the crime reports they leave out all mention of a 7ft muscle-bound green man in ripped clothes?

    Cover up.

    • Government Elliott agents Mis, a bit like Epstein Diddy needing an extra dose of Andrews liver salts to clear the shit from the passage.
      Clean as a whistle the lot of em and no shit to be traced.

  23. I see the firearms officer who shot dead the “aspirating architect” as been found not guilty. The fucking cunt Khan is not happy.

  24. Jokes old and new for your entertainment:

    Poor Laim Payne, all those years in the music industry and his greatest hit was on the concrete.

    What do you call a dog with wings?
    Linda McCartney.

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