Louise Haigh

is a cunt.

(ably supported by Angela Rayner)

“Good afternoon. This is IsAC’s political correspondent Ron Knee reporting, and it’s a case of another week, another Liebour shambles.

This time step forward Transport Secretary Louise Haigh, who has branded P and O Ferries ‘a rogue operator’. P and O’s parent company DP World is reported to be less than amused at Haigh, threatening its planned billion pound investment in its London Gateway container port. To add insult to injury, Haigh has been joined by ginger gobshite Angela Rayner in her condemnation of P and O as ‘unscrupulous’ and ‘exploitative’, a view apparently held by other Labour MPs.

Unsurprisingly, this has caused huge embarrassment to PM Sir Two-tier on the eve of his investment summit, which aims to attract investment into the UK. Shuffling and squirming, Sir FreeGear was obliged to state publicly that Haigh’s condemnation of P and O and her call for a boycott of the firm was ‘not government policy’. Business Secretary Jonathan Reynolds has since been obliged to go on record to reiterate The Beloved Leader’s statement.

Er, hang on chaps. Haigh’s condemnation (and Rayner’s) was stated in an official government press release just a few days ago. Moreover the Gruesome Twosome are indeed very senior members of the government, Cabinet members no less. So surely their views must be the views of the government then, until they aren’t…

So there you have it; another fine mess they’ve gotten us into. Perhaps Haigh can possibly be excused on the grounds that she’s still trying to find her feet in the job. I suggest that she looks in her mouth next time.

This is Ron Knee, for IsAC, returning you to the studio.”


Nominated by Ron Knee.

80 thoughts on “Louise Haigh

  1. What a fuckin moron.

    Right before a £billion investment deal.

    She’s not fit for purpose.
    Transport minister?!!

    I wouldn’t employ her as a road cone.

  2. I would excuse it, with the suggestion that it was suffering from dye poisoning to the brain.
    But like most of the Labour Party front bench that’s been removed for maintenance..

    Plus anyone over the age of 18 with red or pink hair should just be ignored..

    And it seems old helmet head has been fibbing about her time in banking.
    Just can’t stop lying.


    • Can’t manage a household budget of £250,000 pa, she had her Parliamentary credit card suspended due to £4000 of unauthorised spending, and she can’t fill in a tax return.

      She can make a cracking pot of PG Tips though. Ask anyone at the Bank of England.

    • Cheers Geordie.

      Haigh wins it for me hands down.

      Posh might be a charmless turd that won’t flush but she’s not in a position to do any real harm.

      Haigh’s a member of what I fear will prove to be an extremely damaging government of left-wing shits who’ll really fuck us over, and that’s the difference for me.

      Afternoon all.

  3. Before the election I said there isn’t an issue the Tories have fucked up that Labour won’t make worse.

    But you have to give credit to Labour for their ability to create and fuck up new ones.

  4. Those cunts couldn’t stimulate growth with cattle prods up their arses.

    This mad biťch could have said we’ll put the chairman of the Arab ferries in prison and it wouldn’t matter at all..

    You can’t have economic dynamism in an economy swathed by red tape,clipboard cunts,high taxes,Ed Milibandism and two tier arse piss.

    The sole reason any company “invests” in our country now is to grab govt subsidises then fuck off out of it.

    Invest in Communist Hair Dye,you know it makes sense.

  5. Starmers barmpots.

    To a man a bunch of out of touch and out to lunch cranks.

    Jesus, the Tories were useless liberal cunts , and I thought Labour would have to try hard to be poor as those cunts.

    But hats off to them.
    They’ve hit the ground running!

    Only hundred days or so and they’ve done more harm than the Tories could in years.

    A rock and a hard place.

  6. She looks like she has a banging pair of tits, so obviously I had to go looking for more, erm… research material.

    Turns out she has the face and body of a haggard 60 year old brass. Which isn’t an issue, until you discover she is only 37.

  7. This is going to look like small beer if Trump wins and Labour have to go and try and negotiate trade deals.

    What did they tell us all? The grown ups are back in charge!

    Yeah fucking right!

    • The good thing about Trump is he’s pragmatic, if there’s a deal to be made and the US benefits he’s up for it.

      Hopefully he will repeatedly show labour up for the college level politics they are so fond of.

      • And his banjo; ‘oh dem golden slippers…’

        It’s looking to me as though Harris has got it. What an absolute cunt of a President she’ll make. Gawd ‘elp the US.

  8. I wonder if she has any comments on the appalling safety record of the mini ferries carrying international travellers from France.

    With the alleged cost of the trip being in the 1000’s of Euros you would expect a better record.

    • Something like…

      ‘These poor, desperate, exploited people need all our help.They need a safe passage to sanctuary, a legal route by which to reach our shores and claim benefits and housing, health care, phones and white women. As Transport Secretary I will do all in my power to facilitate this, no matter how much the far right might proclaim that our taxpayers are on their knees, our infrastructure buckling, and our culture under dire threat. I therefore propose to remove all security measures at the Channel Tunnel with immediate effect, and to instruct the Royal Navy to escort and assist all migrant vessels across the Channel with immediate effect…’

      • It is coming, there will be a processing centre in Calais and then a trip on a PO ferry to Dover and straight into free accommodation.
        The small boats will continue because the vast majority know the only way to ensure they will get to stay is to put feet on British soil.

        The only way it will work is if France allow all the boat cunts to be returned, which they won’t.

        I would volunteer to be on the computer assessing the migrants asylum claim, ‘computer says no, thhhhh’

      • Don’t fucking ask them. The cunts don’t ask us when they fucking land here. Hercules flying over Paris, full of illegals. Ramp down, hoof them out. Give them a chance by flying at 200 feet.

      • Dearest Moggie.

        I already came up with something similar years ago.

        The difference is, they get hoofed out over Africa and have one large cargo parachute daisy chained to the entire cargo hold full of illegals.

        Parachute goes out, parachute opens, entire cargo hold empties in about three seconds. Then it’s home in time for dinner and a few pints.

        I called it operation turd drop.

        Surprised the Tories never took me up on it.

  9. Off topic

    Those Carribbean are still mithering about reparations for slavery.

    Surprisingly Starmer hasn’t instantly agreed and paid up!!

    These flipflop wearing, steel drum banging* , lazy fuckers have always got a hand out for freebies.

    They don’t understand that the PM only accepts freebies not hand them out.

    *Where do they get steel bins from nowadays?
    Don’t they have wheelie bins?

    • Of course they are, their cricket team is shit, Usain bolts retired and bob marleys music is awful..

      Reggae Reggae sauce is all they’ve got.

      Of course the lazy cunts want free money.

    • Perhaps they could try tapping up some of the Arab states. They’re quite wealthy and slavery was one of their main revenue streams back before they struck oil. In fact I’m pretty sure they’re still at it now.

      Alternatively try some of their African breddrin who were more than happy to sell their neighbours to Abdul and/or whitey in exchange for some poor quality beads or other gewgaws churned out by the thousand in Brum.

      Wakanda Forever

      Get to Fuck

  10. If they ever bring Are You Being Served? she is a shoe-in for Mrs. Slocombe with that hair (“Mr Singh? – this is your neighbour, Mrs. Slocombe speaking. I want you to do me a favour. Go to my front door, and bend down and look through the letter box, and if you see my pussy throw a sardine at it”

    You have been watching:

    Wes Streeting as Mr. Humphries
    Angela Rayner as Miss Brahms
    Pat McFadden as Mr Grainger
    Keir Starmer as Captain Peacock
    Richard Burgon as Mr. Lucas
    and Joe Biden as Young Mr. Grace.

    You’ve all done very well!

    • Did you see streakings butt plug, sorry boyfriend has just got a plum job mr boggs.

      I bet mandy mandelson is salivating at the thought of being double teamed.

    • Well really Boggs, I’m disappointed.

      You should at least have cast Dawn Butler as the fragrant Miss Brahms and Chris Bryant as Mr Lucas.

      Diversity and inclusion dear boy, diversity and inclusion!

  11. It’s obvious to me that the ISAC brethren are being rather harsh in their judgement of the new Government, barely 100 days into office.
    I’d have thought there’d be one or two on here who’d be quite prepared to give the likes of Lammy a fair crack of the whip…

      • Probably in the US now stalking Trump until election day like in Clint Eastwoods ‘In the Line of Fire’.

      • Cuntengine often goes AWOL for short periods.
        He’s got kids, a busy job, and crime scenes to clean.

      • Yes, I was wondering the same.

        Hopefully the inhabitants of his love dungeon haven’t revolted and given him a delicious taste of his own medicine.

        It’s either that or he got the dosage wrong and is now wandering the streets, tripping off his tits.

  12. Off topic, & live news now! More Carribean Sooty Cunts, after compo for what the British did to them, some 250 years ago.

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