Lindsay MacCallum.



There’s very little that surprises me, in terms of criminal activity, and naturally I condemn those who are violent.

One thing, however, I find so abhorrent, that I really cannot forgive, are those who use positions of trust to steal funds from charities, especially small ones.

Ms. MacCallum stole almost £86k from a cancer charity set up by her best friend in memory of her daughter who died from leukemia. MacCallum also stole nearly £10k from the Anthony Nolan Trust.

Her excuse for the thefts, carried out between 2011 and 2021 was that her daughter was in “terrible trouble” and needed access to money. Ten years? That’s a long time to be in “terrible trouble” Lindsay!

She was sentenced to three years, which seems to be on the lenient side to me.


Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

32 thoughts on “Lindsay MacCallum.

  1. Was the thieving bitćh liable go pay all the court costs of this case?

    If not why not?

    Sell all her assets to recover every penny spent on the prosecution.

    No doubt on release she’ll never work again,untrustworthy cunt that she is,so will become benefit dependent.

    Beggar’s Oven.

  2. It’s beyond criminal. Betrayal of her friends daughter’s memory, betrayal of her friend.

    Hope she spends the next 3 years licking some fat black lezzers unwashed arsehole.

  3. This sort of crime disgusts me as much as animal cruelty, and my remedy would be the same – six strokes of the birch, carried out in public. It would interfere not a whit with a custodial sentence, and any “remedial” work that might be done while the prisoner was undergoing penal servitude. A direct public humiliation would hurt more than the time spent behind bars. It would be an ideal punishment, too, for expenses fiddling MPs. We need much tougher penalties.

    As it is with our shit government letting prisoners out early, PixieBalls would probably turn a blind eye.

    • Good Morning WC

      With the shortage of prison spaces I really think the return of corporal punishment is the answer. Cheap and effective.

      The priority for the charity must be, as Uncle Terry said, to try and have the stolen funds returned. That should be achievable by putting a charge on her house so that she can’t sell it without refunding the money. It might take a bit of time but could produce a nice windfall for the charity in a few years time. More important than vengeance I think.

      • I honestly think that if the birch or the whip was available a lot of low level crime, certainly, would disappear overnight. When the Isle of Man employed the birch, levels of re-offending were neglgable.

  4. What a bitch.

    The kind of cunt who nicks the poppy appeal tin off the bar when no one is looking.

    Lower than whale shit at the bottom of the ocean.

  5. I won’t embarrass my fellow cunters by saying what large percentage of my income I selflessly donate to charities.

    Let’s just say it runs into hundreds of pence.

    So this outrageous behaviour appalls me

    She should be made to work in a cancer ward and wear a sign saying THIEF.
    And pay back every penny.
    Including the 2p I donated.

  6. Captain Sir Tom Moore’s charity, & the “goings on,” in that one is no different. Where there is money, there will always be muck.

  7. This example of humanity….. mmmmm, That’s why no charity gets my money.

    They are either scams or those associated with them are trousering the cash. See Captain Toms daughter….

    And then there’s the recompense for the ‘employees’ I knew the regional director of a well known mental health charity back in the early 90s…. Just under a 70k a year, even back then, also a car, fuel, expenses….. just fucking criminal.

    • Charity, Inc.

      As many cunts, if not more, .. in the charity way for their own benefit I’d wager, from low level light-fingered cunts in charity shops all the way up to heads of (fundraising) setups. Circumstances have seen me in the kitchens of two medium-sized (animal)charity heads and in both cases I’ve seen unecessary opulence.. large houses, marble floors, oak kitchen units, .. while volunteers are outside doing all the work.

      Something stunk to me, about the whole collection/distribution levels in both cases. As in : where’s the line between looking after the critters, and self-indulgence with non-accountable collected monies?

      It’s not ‘charitiy’ (as entities themselves)that are criminal, it’s fucking cunt people as always. And with fucking cunt people, nothing is sacred…

    • Kids Company.
      The obscene amounts of money that was funnelled through that and was frittered away probably could have run the economy of a small country.

      Nobody ever held to account.
      Charity disbanded virtually over night. All the children and young people it was supposed to help left in limbo.
      Rather than leading them towards self independence (imagine that in 2024 people wanting to be independent and self-reliant. I better wash out my filthy marf) they became solely dependent on hand outs.

      Anyone with a convincing enough sob story was on the gravy train. No questions asked.

      The head of the charity should at least have been found guilty of cultural appropriation.

  8. The other charity isn’t named so I can’t check that one but doubtless a bunch of leeches are dipping into that for their own benefit.
    World peace= No military Industrial Complex.
    Global health = No pharmaceutical industry.
    Cunts, and the gullible cunts who swallow the satanic jizz.

  9. This horrid woman will be let out shortly to make way for more of Starmers political prisoners. She should be tied down naked in the Sahara Desert for a few days. Oven, literally.

  10. Total cunt. As I tell me kids. Before you get anywhere else in life. You have to get your relationship with money right. And not nicking your pals money is right up \there.

  11. If she set up the cancer charity couldn’t she have just paid herself a fat wedge like the other charities do for their CEOs? Must be retarded as well as a cunt.

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