Keir Starmer MP (25)

Better get used to it fellow cunters. You’re going to hear a lot about The Beloved Leader on here in the coming weeks and months, and I doubt that any of it will paint him in a good light.

You’ll already be familiar with him in his incarnations as Keir ‘Granny Harmer’ Starmer and ‘Two Keir’ Keir. Well he’s now got another soubriquet; ‘Free Gear’ Keir.

Yes it turns out that during his time as Liebour leader, this champers socialist has accepted a cool hundred grand’s worth of freebies. This includes free tickets and hospitality at football, Nearly £5k’s worth of tickets for Taylor Swift and Coldplay gigs, free clothes for himself and his missus, and free glasses.

The latest revelation is that he accepted £20k from a Liebour donor so that his son could be installed at an unknown location to enable him to study for his GCSE exams in peace. How thoughtful of him as a father.

Naturally this begs the question as to why a multi-millionaire would feel the need to accept any of these freebies in the first place. The only answer that I can come up with is that as well as being a liar and a hypocrite, Sir Keir is also a freeloader.

It’s not a pleasant picture, is it? A Prime Minister with his snout sunk deep into the trough. What’s even worse are his attempts to justify his actions; he doesn’t seem to comprehend the sleazy impression of himself that he’s created. Or maybe he’s so arrogant and complacent that he just doesn’t care.

This bloke is a wrong ‘un. You can take that to the bank.


Nominated by Ron Knee.

92 thoughts on “Keir Starmer MP (25)

      • Hugger mugger with a bugger (Alli his sugar daddy) not to mention spiritual replenishment from Chris Bryant, his protege Streeting, his daddy Mandy, a bit of rough trade from Steve Reed and Peter Kyle, thinks wimminz having dicks is normal. He should be on Strictly Come Mincing

      • Where Kweer is concerned I think the most appropriate Kenneth Williams Carry On figure would be the inept secret agent in Carry On Spying (“I should give it as minute” he advises as he comes out of a lavatory). Where lavatories are concerned I bet it gets very whiffy for poor Lady Starmer with him spending an hour farting. He looks and sounds as if he suffers from really terrible constipation. Poor Vicky will go in the bathroom one morning and find old Kweer keeled over on the crapper, dead from straining at stool. It is apparently a very common way to go, pardon the pun.

  1. Even after he and Reeves have carried out their winter hypothermia plan to bump off as many English pensioners as possible to steal their houses out from under the noses of their families to house the hordes of illegal filth washing daily upon our shores, even then people will not be able to rise up against this usurped tyranny for fear of being jailed after a 2-day show trial.
    Starmer is one evil, robotic sack of shit.
    I wish he was aboard the Titan submersible when it imploded, along with the entire upper and lower houses.

  2. Does the thick bugger not have any advisor bright enough to tell him that accepting freebies is simply not on for a man in his position?
    It is fucking scary to realise that Starmer has been entrusted to make big decisions on behalf of the UK.

    • I think that the whole lot of them hold us, the indigenous population of this country, in such contempt that they just don’t give a shit.

      • The disdain they hold for us is as nothing compared to the visceral hatred most of us have for them.

        If they carry on in the same vein I can see serious civil unrest breaking out long before their 5 years is up. My guess is it’ll be screwing us over to pay for Psycho Ed’s nut zero bollocks which will light the blue touchpaper.

    • What is worse, Guzziguy, is the impression it gives that a former Director of Public Prosecutions is so easily bought off. He always claimed “not to have seen” the files on Jimmy Savile or Mohammed Al_Fayed who was reported to the police in 2009 originally. It seems impossible that two very big names would not have crossed his desk, and you have to wonder if a lot of Harrods suits and tickets to pop concerts did not get sent to Mr S for turning a blind eye?. I would put nothing past this bent schmuck.

  3. Every time we get a new Prime Minister they turn out to be worse than their predecessor. It is an immutable law of democracy. The Tories’ answer to the cretinous Two-Tier will be Robert Jenrick ffs. You know him, he is the Oxbridge bloke who made such a success of the immigration and housing portfolios! Fuck off, already.

    Good morning, everyone.

  4. What is it with these nasal voiced, limp wristed, wet lettuce, misfit cunts in politics?

    Starmer and Millipede being two prime examples.

    The same kind of cunt who would be last pick for any type of sports at school.

    Fast forward a few decades and here they are lording it over the rest of the population like the snivelling little gimps that they are/always were.

    • Until you’ve seen Lord Charlie Faulkener’s son, Hamish – you ain’t seen nothing yet. Elected July 2024 already a junior home office minster. I daresay that was one of the pieces of advice Anthony gave him when they were having mutual masturbation, or making up a threesome with Mandy.

      A supercilious up his own arse little twat. I bet his head went down the school lavatory more often than Sam Grainger’s

    • We have a windfarm just up the road, with the turbines clearly visible from the house and garden. It has knocked about 15% of the value of my house. With Milliband is in charge of energy it is time to buy candles and prepare for blackouts, he couldn’t run a piss-up in a brewery.

    • that is exactly the reason they weasel themselves into positions of power. They were the cunts at school and are now getting revenge. It’s a classic. Wish they had held Millibrain’s head down the bog a bit longer and he may have drowned. I remember all the wankers at university who were in NUS positions – probably running the country now (into the ground).

      • Wes Streeting was President of the National Union of Students. He probably thinks he still is.

  5. I can still remember school kids being just as stupid as this cunt, 65 years ago and thinking, he won’t amount to anything in the future.

  6. His commitment to the Falklands is personal because his uncle’s ship was torpedoed.

    The only ship to be torpedoed in the Falklands War was the General Belgrano, which means Uncle Sponger was fighting on the side of the Argies.

    You’d think a senior lawyer would be able to tell lies that could fool at least some people.

    • I’m assuming his uncle worked in the navy machine shop as a toolmaker, the family tradition. Or like Hewitt Jr in Afghanistan going “Brrrmmm brmmmm” in his stationary Apache helicopter on the tarmac, was he even there at all? A politician embellishing his family history, the very thought of it!

  7. What can I say about this bent motherfucker that has not been said already of the Jay Cartwright of politics. I can’t so I leave it to Alan Simpson, Ray Galton and Harold Steptoe to say it for me:

    “You are morally, spiritually and physically a festering fly-blown heap of accumulated filth.”

    • Mrs. Wanksock brought in the post while I was reading this thread, the only letter was from 2TK saying he was withdrawing my winter fuel allowance. I am using it to light the fire. The last letters (3 in all) I had from 2TK were during the election campaign saying that, if elected, he would not be doing anything to pension benefits.
      You cannot expect politicians to get things right all the time, they are human after all, but you have a right to expect them to be honest, Starmer is definitely not and hides behind lawyer’s weasel words.

  8. He’s making enemies quicker than he can pocket free tickets.

    The unions aren’t keen on killing pensioners.
    Bad for business.

    When your own side is starting to turn against you,
    Thats trouble.

    Honest faced down syndrome Lisa Nandy got torn to shreds off Martin Lewis in a TV interview trying to defend the winter fuel cuts.

    He proper saw his arse with her,
    Losing it and swearing at her.
    She looked like she was going to cry.

    You can’t defend the indefensible.

  9. “All aboard the Gravy Train!

    Next stop the bar..don’t worry! its subsidised!”

    Vermin that will sink to any level,grovel and kiss raghead arse at every opportunity.


  10. Top A grade cnut. Hypocrite. WEF puppet. Granny killer. All been said before, and still we do nothing but have a quiet moan down the few remaining pubs. I’m as guilty as the next man, and probably won’t bother going down to London on 26th October to protest. It won’t get covered on msm unless the plod provoke a confrontation and then the bought judiciary will stick the protesters inside.
    Oven. Full heat.

  11. It seems to me that the results are in and the IsaC Faithful has voted Herr Starmer a cunt by a landslide margin.

    There is a clear mandate for him to go to Unkle Terry’s oven.

    Of course it could just be that many of you are Starmophobic.

    Nah. He’s a cunt.


      • Hey Ron,

        Good early morning from the States.

        It’s bad. Real bad. Florida got hit twice!

        But it’s not just Florida.

        Georgia, North and South Carolina along with parts of Northern Alabama are still without power and trying to clean up.

        I spoke to someone yesterday whose family has been without power for 3 weeks because of the storms.

        People are still missing and they’re still finding dead bodies.

        And the Demonrats are playing politics with the disaster. Whole areas have been devastated and with the election looming states are passing measures to ensure that voters can get to the polls and cast their ballots.

        These devastated areas are largely rural and support Trump. The Demonrats don’t want these people to vote. Two judges…both appointed by Demonrat Presidents…overturned these measures.

        By the way…some of the groups cited as supporting these measures are not exactly liberal. The NAACP…League of Women Voters etc.

        It’s a fucking mess.

        I wonder if perhaps Kweir would consider donating some clothing to the victims of this disaster?

      • It sounds really bad General.

        I was in Galveston in Dec 2008, after Hurricane Ike had done its worst. What a god awful mess that was. It gave me an inkling of what destructive power hurricanes truly possess.

        The power of people to live with this and deal with it amazes me.

  12. The left are outraged by the freebies smears. Their argument is that the Tories are corrupt.

    Professional cunt,James O’Cunt, said Labour haven’t broken any laws.

    Come down here pal and look up at both parties, then you might understand why we, non-Islington, non-Chiswick types are apalled.

    • O’Cunt is nothing more than a mouthpiece and an apologist for the left. And a weaseling little miserablist Remoaner to boot.

      A cunt of planet sized proportions, with one of the most punchable faces in Britain.

      • I’m surprised O’Brien hasn’t been nominated more on here.

        A disingenuous, smug, repugnant, unpleasant sneering cunt who seems to spend his days moaning about Brexit and bullying the carefully vetted callers who try to argue a point.

        His face genuinely belongs on the Wall of Cunts alongside the Lineker’s and Khan’s od this country.

        James O’Brien truly is a cunt.

      • I only know him by reputation but I really don’t understand how he’s not been kicked to death yet.

    • Watch out Norman.

      The Starm Troopers are watching for dangerous, negative remarks online from far right people like you.

  13. Another inept cunt at the helm in England.
    Lee Carsley. The FA show their lack of ambition and tightarsed attitude once again.

    I wonder, will the Englnd team come out to Yakety Sax or The Laughing Policeman?

      • The same Tottenham that thrashed Manchester United at Old Trafford recently.

        And if Spurs can do that, what does that say about United, Herman?

        Ten Hag Out!
        Rashford Out!
        Fernandes Out!
        Glazers Out!

      • United made Spurs look like Real Madrid in that game Norman.

        That takes some doing.

        As for Ten Hag – I’m sure the cunt will trip up and somehow land on another trophy after another underwhelming season.

  14. Accepting that £100,000 worth of freebies is the best thing Starmer’s ever done.

    Wiped out whatever residual respect the voting public might have had for him at a stroke!

    He then proceeded to underscore what a shameless freeloader he is by returning a mere £6000, thereby doubling down on the insult to his voter demographic’s meagre intelligence.

    No doubt the gormless looking turd blamed his subsequent -36% approval rating on Sue Gray. Hence her sacking.

    Deluded twat.

  15. That’s why the political class hate somebody like Donald Trump invading their fiefdoms. Says it like it is, is a nationalist and is not afraid to drain the swamp, Cue mass hysteria from the woke media. Donald is not perfect by any means but he tried firm negotiation before sending any troops anywhere on the globe. Whereas Starmer wanted to send cruise missiles into deep Russia the other week. Starmer and Harris will be highly dangerous to world security if she gets in next month.

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