Keir Starmer (26) and David Lammy (20)

Cunters for your bile and vilification I give you the fucking Laurel and Hardy of British politics.
The P.M. (In name only) Has given away the to the Chagos islands an American /U.S base in the Indian Ocean. Also negotiating a 99 year lease on the island where we have our airbase. So how fucking much is that going to cost annually you pair of freeloading cunts?
As he is mates with one of these cunts, why were the island just rolled over to them?

Also there is a fund being set up to allow former Chago island residents to visit/return to said islands, who live in the UK apparently.
No doubt the Mauritius government will allow the Chinese a foothold on some island or other.

Lammy the foreign secretary no doubt followed orders re the return of this island.

This will no doubt encourage the Spaniards and the Argentinians to make demands for the return of the Falkland islands and Gibraltar.

Jesus on a fucking Harley, How fucking thick are you Kier you cunt.
YOU are supposed to represent OUR fucking interests you CUNT.

The island he is giving back is approximately !000 miles from Mauritius. Why give it away?

Daily Fail

Nominated by CuntyMort.

83 thoughts on “Keir Starmer (26) and David Lammy (20)

  1. I can’t see the problem with handing the Chagos Islands over to Mauritius when we’ve already given Bradford to Pakistan.

  2. How the fuck can anyone, even someone as thick as Rodney make Lammy foreign secretary or any other position above toilet attendant

    • Lammy is without doubt a mentally retarded diversity appointment, but I still think it’s Mad Ed’s Plan for National Economic Suicide which will bring Rodney down.

      I give it two years before Rodders resigns to quell the mass civil unrest which will have broken out. Then he’ll be free to spend more time with his families.

      • Interesting you say that your Dukeness.

        This is the only feasible way of getting rid of this shower of cunts.

        Getting each and every labour shitbag, sorry ‘MP’ recalled would be nigh on impossible in the alloted time frame. Therefore a vote of no confidence is the way forward.

        In order to make this happen, every constituent who isn’t an illegal immigrant, a freeloading chav, a right-on lefty fucktard, a student or union member would need to petition their MP.

        At this point, you realise that sane people with a grasp on reality really are a minority in the country.

        Depressing, isn’t it.

    • Even if they gave the lavatory attendants job to Lammy he would probably say “what’do’I’has to do with de shit man?”

  3. Stupid it may be, but I believe the previous shite Tory government got the wheels on this one moving. And the wheels go very slowly.

  4. Personally I couldn’t give a fuck.

    Our Armed Forces are in a mess,weak and underfunded.

    What are we doing with a jungle island with an airbase? We barely have enough interceptor aircraft to keep British airspace secure.

    All this jingoistic bollocks died when Singapore fell to the fucking Japs..impregnable,the Jewel of the East,a fortress..cost a fortune and taken with ease,tens of thousands of British soldiers consigned to the abject misery of being captives of the Japs,the evil cunts.

    Let the fucking monkeys have their island.

    Foreign places? Worth nowt,we cannot defend any of them if we tried.

    Fuck Stormer,Fuck Lammy and fuck mithering over expensive foreign shite.

    We can’t even defend our national borders and territorial integrity,swamped with looters and terrorist filth.

    O v e n.

    • I wonder how much money we’ve slung at Chagos last year?

      I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it was in excess of £1.5b.

  5. Two people who are an embarrassment to the UK worldwide.
    I hope the rest of the globe doesn’t think we all voted for them.

  6. These cunts are dangerous conniving globalist shrills. Currently Labour our so called government have sent 100 party activists to the US to help the democrats with the election.

    Election interference, there’s no other name for it. I really want Trump to win more than never and spend the next 4 years humiliating Labour at every opportunity.

    • Hey 6dV,

      I haven’t seen that in a hard news report but the rumors about Labour activists in the US are circulating.

      They want Old Flatback to win in a landslide so she too can have a mandate.


      • Thanks for that.

        I usually read Polibico because they’re such a liberal rag that it gives me good insight into what the enemy is thinking. But I missed that report.

        There is a lot of talk in MAGA circles that Kweir is terrified of another Trump Presidency because their policies are polar opposites so I’m really not surprised he would send the vanguard of his Starm Troopers to agitate.

        A couple of weeks ago Big Sammy Lammy was in Washington meeting with Lame Peking Duck, Ji Jing Joe. Who knows what those 2 mental midgets were discussing but anyone listening to that conversation would certainly be dumber for having heard it.

        Turnabout is fair play. After Trump wins we should send MAGA operatives to campaign against the Herr Starmer and his Leibor Regime.


  7. Fuck the chagos ?️ I care not one jot, we’re well and truly on the way to giving up these ?️ which should be of more concern to the population at large, but seemingly only a small percentage are aware of the forthcoming ?show….ruled by ? and ? dead cunts who want to destroy the gaff… I’ve a feeling the poll tax riots of yesteryear maybe on the horizon… get your?at the ready and tune in ?

  8. When mind reading becomes a crime, this pair of racist cunts won’t be able to deny it.

    • It already is, just today a bloke (white, christian, straight, ex army) got a fine in court for silent prayer outside a baby hoovering clinic.

      The last case I seen for the same thing was a woman who was arrested and I can’t remember how the rest went but she recently got £13k compensation.

  9. It has been proven ( scientifically ) that a Chimpanzee, and Baboon have developed such ability and skills that they too could qualify for the post of Secretary of State.

  10. Next move on our path to self destruction, let Ukraine use long range weapons on Russia. I thought no one would be that stupid, untill this shower of shit came along.

      • Yo MNC ?
        Been somewhat snowed under with work.
        That and planning major house refurbishments for the Spring.
        New bathroom, kitchen, replacement windows, etc.
        Stuff Mrs Bottler has been bugging me to do for 20 years.
        Hope to post more come November.
        If I can be arsed.
        Got a bit bored with it recently, tbh.
        Too much like Groundhog day…..
        You well?

      • You must be minted!!!

        Your obviously planning on staying with Mrs Bottler to dig that deep in the wallet!

        Yeah , sometimes on here it’s best to take a break.

        Jeremy Corbyn nommed about 50 times…gets a bit stale. Zzzzzz..

        Am I ok?
        I’m working like a P.O.W pal.
        Absolutely shagged .
        But grabbing the work whilst it’s there.?

      • Wouldn’t say I’m minted exactly.
        But have done very nicely in recent years.
        Had to turn quite a lot of work away.
        Also got a couple of private pensions ready to pay out.
        Plus state pension due in February…
        Come to think of it, maybe I am minted? ?
        Not ready to retire just yet though.
        Sick of the sight of Starmer and Lammy, btw. ?
        Fuck them.

      • Good lad!

        I like it when people do well and I know where I can go for a sub if the arse wears out of my undercrackers.

        Keep on keeping on…?

  11. I know the talent pool in politics is shallower than a British reservoir in summer time.

    As the recent loser leader contest for the conservatives, but that labour front bench is something else.
    It’s like there’s a job share on the party braincell..

    • ‘Never trust a man with a head the shape of a piece of Lego. And that goes double for a cunt whose neck is wider than his head’

      ‘The Prince’

  12. Look after OUR interests, Cuntymort?

    Oh dear me, no. Look after their interests, you mean. TTK’s pockets must extend to the hem of his trousers. I bet they’re so stuffed with “gifts” that he has difficulty walking.

    He always has a slightly startled look about him, like he’s thinking

    ” I don’t know how I got here, but might as well grab it while I can. I probably don’t even have long enough to change the flock wallpaper! ”

    As for Lammy, someone buy him some new batteries, so he can carry on listening on his iPad the book
    ” How not to appear like a complete idiot ” he was listening to before he got made Foreign Secretary.

  13. After the surrender of the Chagos Islands, there were many seeking reassurance over the Falklands and Gibraltar.
    Rodney and his semi house trained chimp took five days to issue a response.
    Five fucking days!
    Which can only mean that Rodders had to take advice on the matter, or have his mind changed, before issuing a statement.
    I still wouldn’t put it past the commie cunt to hand both to the Argies and Dago’s respectively.
    The stupid prick honestly believes that his majority, obtained by default, is a passport to do whatever he likes.
    I honestly can’t see him doing a full term unless he learns otherwise.

      • Evening JP.

        Round your neck of the woods yesterday.
        Nether Edge?

        Delivering gym equipment.

        No fucker told me snake pass was shut ?

        Had to go through Glossop to chapel then across to froggatt and then Sheff.

        Nice drive though ?

      • I avoid the Snake Pass whenever possible. It’s lethal, with idiots driving performance cars like they are invincible.

        The other route may be longer, but less likely to find you down a 30 foot gully.

      • No.
        Nobody offered me anything.

        Typical Yorkshire.
        Tight as fuck.

        Luckily I had some ham butties in my work bag and a flask of Bovril.

      • Actually, we may pinch a penny, but we’re well up for stretching a pound.

        You’d have been welcome at mine for a fry-up.

        Bacon, baked beans, tattie scone and eggs anyway.

        ( what’s eggs anyway, however you want them, scramble, omlete, poached, fried, baked or boiled.
        Even raw, if that’s your thing.)

      • I might even stretch to a sausage or two, possibly toast, but I draw the line at black pudding.

      • Appreciated JP?

        Get my eggs from a bloke on the allotments keeps hens.

        I do like a Chucky egg.

        You seeing your girls this weekend JP?
        I’m out with family on Sunday,
        Pub lunch, hill walk with the dog..

        Simple pleasures ?

      • Shopping with Younger tomorrow.
        Sunday roast with Elder.

        The Lass, birthday today!
        She’s 15.
        Where the hell as that little bundle gone?

      • Good stuff!

        I was very close to my grandparents.

        And would jump at any opportunity to stay at theirs.

        My grandad used to have me picking watercress in streams when about 7yr?
        And war stories that if true would of gotten him the victoria cross,
        Hehehe ?
        Loved to listen to them though.

        He’d eat sheep’s brains.
        Which even now makes me swoon like a Victorian fairy.

      • Grandparents are the proper job, if the age ratio is preserved.

        I’m 70
        She’s 15
        Her mum’s in the middle-ish,

        But we’re the perfect balance.

        These families who have people who are grandparents when they aren’t yet 40?

        Get a fucking grip!

  14. Blame former Labour ((surprise!) leader Harold Wilson for this Chagos-islands fiasco.
    It was his brown-nosing to the Yanks 60 years ago – when he gave the island(s) away and deported all the inhabitants – that has caused all this long-term grief.

  15. If Starmer does give away the Falkland Islands he will also be handing Argentina the reward of the discovery of a new oil field holding up to 800m barrels of oil, the jobs that come with it and exploration rights. A total cunt. It will make Gordon Brown selling off our gold reserves at a 20 year low look like a financial fucking genius.

    • @LL…?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️?️…no use to a thick as ?? bunch who are determined to make us the champions of insanity with ed morons nut zero stand …may as well let maradonas mob bring home the ??

  16. They give away a piece of Britain every day by waving the dinghys through.
    If you added the brains of both these cunts together you still wouldn’t make one half wit.

  17. This country has lost its backbone.
    And it’s bollocks.

    In days gone we wouldn’t of dreamed of handing our territories to anyone.

    These chagos islanders (chiggers?)
    Wed of shot the mouthy ones and put the others to work.

    It’d be ours.
    The slants wouldn’t dare fuck with it.
    Same with Gibraltar.
    Some lisping dagos want it?

    Take the Spanish government for a scuba diving trip.
    Show them the remains of the armada last time they felt they’re balls had dropped.

    Cheeky cunts everywhere
    Trying it on.
    And Tarzan Starmer and cheeta are just handing it em.

    • The islands were a bonus from the French for Napoleon being a bit of megalomaniac cunt and his defeat in Europe. Sharpe and his wingman Patrick would be turning in their graves.

  18. OT.

    Simon Cowell ‘feels empty’ after Liam Payne’s death.

    There’s something really tasteless and unsavoury I could say about that…

      • I am fucking devastated. An autotuned lip sync dancer off the fucking X factor fell off a balcony. Pissed.
        Never mind Bower, Lennon, Hendrix et al. This is a great loss to something.

      • Cowell now feels empty…

        As opposed to him being full when his 1D ‘boys’ were around….

        Any pop nobody croaks it now, and the media act like it’s Presley, Hendrix or Bowie dying again.

  19. How does Simon Cowell get his barber to make his head look so Square?

    Must be the only hairdresser who carries a spirit level

  20. What’s more depressing? Giving away islands whose inhabitants want to stay British or a Foreign Secretary so unsophisticated, so thick, so unevolved, he can’t use cutlery properly.

  21. And yet, Captain, I’m sure we’ll welcome them here, as if they’d want to come to this festering monkey zoo.

  22. My son in law, the Berserker, is currently signed off work having had a bit of a nasty looking lump removed surgically from just below the top of his spine.

    He waited months and months for even a referral under the NHS, until the Elder got him sorted through BUBA.

    Turns out, it’s a glioblastoma, already spreading it’s tentacles out, into other nice, nutritious parts of his body.

    Now successfully removed, probably by the same surgeon who would have done it several years down the line, on the NHS.
    So, than rather than worry about giving away chunks of rock we didn’t even know about, and that we’re probably pumping millions into every year, why don’t we just sack the NHS, and make BUBA, or, similar a perk for employees.

    People who don’t work. Don’t they call it Medicaid in the USA, you can wait, got nowt else to do.

  23. The Chuckle Brothers.Fire these 2 cretins out of a cannon headfirst into a brick wall ?

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