Julian Dunkerton [2]

Julian Dunkerton (it reeks of Islington, doesn’t it? – (you can imagine mummy in the local BUPA delivery room saying to her husband “you have such a fucking daft surname, lets give him a poofy first name to go with it” – the boss and founder of Superdry, which sells ripped jeans and what looks like the scrapings from a jumble sale at highly inflated prices, is asking the government to investigate one of their rivals because they have an “unfair advantage” – that is they sell their clothes cheaper than his old rags.

Of course, businessmen can now see that they have the Prime Minister in their pockets. At a price. Perhaps he is hoping Kweer’s son fancies some of his old tat, free – he is 16, just the age range Superdry appeals to. £75 for a tatty tee shirt? – an absolute snip.

Dunkterton is the EU loving arselicker, who, while his business was in freefall found time to appear on the Wireless 4 wokefest Any Questions to decry Brexit, “trannyphobia” and the Conservative party., and to lap up the cheap rounds of applause they give to wankers like him.

A true socialist hypocrite, our Julian. Selling ripped jeans at £99 a throw is the mark of a true caring man of the people. Even Albert Steptoe wouldn’t lower himself by wearing Jules old schmatter:

BBC News.

Nominated by : W. C. Boggs

84 thoughts on “Julian Dunkerton [2]

  1. Superdry? I’ve known a few people who wore superdry jackets and they are certainly not super dry in even a light shower.
    Best sticking with a Dutch army goretex parka for a fifth of the price.

    As for Mr. Dunkerton, fair play to him, making money from idiots seems fine to me.

    Not sure what qualifies him to be on radio 4, but then, BBC…

    • Superdry is overrated and overpriced shite.

      But, most britscum oafs are like lemmings.
      One lemming has a Superdry jacket, and then loads of lemmings will be junping off the cliff wearing Superdry jackets.

    • Anyone who pays really siilly amounts of money for clothes with rips or holes in them is a cunt of the highest order. Never underestimate the stupidity of people.

      Actually paying for jeans that are cut to pieces?

      If some cunt touched my Lee Coopers or Wranglers, I would murder them.

      • Footballers, meedja ‘stars’ and influencers, my ex, for a start.
        Bros started it over here in the late 1980’s.
        Pay more, get less, capital idea.

    • I thought it as the sausage-jockey jester from Rentaghost.

      🎶 “If you fancy shitty ripped-up tat, calll Superdry…”

  2. Poor little Julian Spunkerton, crying to HMRC that a yellow belly competitor of his has an unfair advantage. Unfortunately, all the large chinky companies have the upper hand becuase they are state sponsored and allowed to get away with what the fuck they want.

    These dirty, No. 5, special flied rice COVID causing cunts should be held to account.

    Companies in the west play with a reasonably straight bat but these yellow cunts do not.

  3. I saw a nice piece a few years back and she was wearing a superdry hoodie, i told her ky jelly would help. Eeeeh if looks could kill.

  4. I don’t know anything about this prick but I do know a smug, self-satisfied face that deserves a good punching when I see one.

  5. Years ago I used to wear ‘label’ clothing , not anymore.

    I was with the missus in Manchester and had bought her a dress on king street.

    She was so happy with it she decided I should treat myself too.
    We stood outside Superdty in the Arndale centre.

    There was a leather jacket in the display I quite liked.

    ” You should get it ! It’d suit you!”
    She magnanimously said.

    We went in and a fit young saleswoman came over.
    She agreed the jacket would suit me surprisingly.
    And told me to try it on in the changing rooms.

    I put my arm in the jacket and as I put my arm in the other straightened my shoulders and ripped the fuckin thing right down the back


    My missus made a 0 with her mouth 😦
    And I put it back on the hanger and got the fuck out of there.

    This proves two things
    1) Superdty clothes aren’t robust
    2) women are very happy to help you spend your money.

      • how many polar bears,and Eskimos probably ,died to make that fur coat?

        we have a right to know!

    • It was currency in the 80s, Miserable.

      Before Amazon, eBay and the like, lads would go on European away trips for Man United and Liverpool. And they would scalp the stuff like Sergio Tacchini, Fila, Lacoste. And lads over here paid top dollar for that stuff. A lot of cash was made that way in the Tharcher era.

      I was always an AdIdas man myself (No lowercase. I won’t have Germans fucking about with the english language). Especially the trainers, which I am still a fool for. Just got these beauties last week.


  6. I don’t like Julians.

    We had a Julian in my class at school – the class bully and, I strongly suspect, a closet pooftah.

    Never liked Julians ever since. Cunts one and all.

    So on that basis Julian Dunkerton is a cunt.


    • One really good mate called Julian. A great lad.

      But I do agree, Geordie.
      Most of them are cunts.

      Lennon, Clary, Assange, Holland, Dicks.
      All cunts.

      • And expect Julian Lennon to do his ‘I was never close to my dad’ and ‘I want closure’ routine again any time soon.

        Funny, hiw this ‘closure’ makes him a lot of publicity and money.

      • I don’t think I’ve ever met a Nathan.

        Do they actually exist?

        Maybe just in Scunthorpe.

  7. Ps

    Julie Spunkertron or whatever he’s called looks like Martin Scorsese.

    You fuckin rat
    You Cocksucker

  8. Medusa lookalike and token black Kemi Badenough is in the lead.

    Fix! Fix!

    Ever get the feeling your being cheated?

  9. Its surprising he made a quid at all considering how much he seems to hate the country.

    Votes Labour, votes Limp Dumb, a million pounds to the People’s Vote, crying about Brexit years after the fucking referendum. Oh and his business wouldn’t have been a success if the UK had been outside of the EU at the time just like those peasants Musk and Bezos then with their tinpot companies.

  10. I used to do work for a high end men’s shop.

    One day I was down there talking to the owner and I noticed worn out (I think the preferred term is ‘distressed’) jeans in the window.

    I said ‘you must have some lazy customers, the buggers won’t even wear out their own pants!

    • All my clothes look distressed.
      Some look positively alarmed.

      I hate anything dead new looking.

      Is Florida destroyed yet?

      Come on Milton!!👏👏👍

      • I get calls from charitable organizations asking me to donate old clothes,
        I inform them that when I’m done with ‘em, no sane person would want them.
        I use dead teeshirts as cleaning cloths before I dispose of them.

  11. I did wonder if Lord Alli bought Kweer anything from Superdry?. Just as long as he allowed Gaylord to take the inside leg measurements, of course…..

  12. I have had jeans that I’ve ripped to fuck, wore out the knees (and the crotch) but didn’t pay £100 to look like a Bangladeshi ragpicker, just hundreds of hours of hard graft.

    • Happens naturally if you work outdoors eh LL?

      Those who want to stay super dry?

      Get a military waterproof poncho.

      I’ve one in the van behind the drivers seat and one in the house.

      I live in the North West.
      It’s always raining!!

      Admittedly I look a rum cunt ,
      But I couldn’t give a fuck.
      I’m dry walking the dog.

      • Yeah Mis, nothing worse than working and being cold and wet.

        Love me fur trapper hat too!

  13. Back in the 80’s in a moment of madness I brought a Pancaldi leather flying jacket.

    I am ashamed to say that it cost as much as a good second hand car.

    I still have it.
    It’s warm and stylish (well I think so).
    Others seem to think so too as I could sell it second hand for a lot of money.

    Probably as much as as a good second hand car.

    There was a time when there was a market for second hand faded jeans.
    Nobody would buy them if they were ripped.

    • I have an Irvin sheepskin flying jacket.

      Only problem is, it has to be about -5 outside before I can wear it and it weighs a ton.

  14. I always thought superdry was for middle age blokes trying to look 10 years younger.
    A bit sad really. Like they couldn’t afford Hugo Boss, which is good quality and ageless.

    Ted Baker always looked like designer farm wear to me, for ten times the price.

    Armani. Chavs and Joe Dakis only need apply.

    Versace. Haven’t really got money, but like people to think you do. A bit like driving a rented convertible Lamborghini.

    Just cheap and tacky.

    • Carharrt is yank work wear.
      Cheap as fuck in the US.
      Farmworkers wear it.

      In the UK it’s expensive.
      But it’s well made ,
      Jeans that are riveted and treble stitched on seams.

      It’s good stuff

  15. Good to see that two faced nonentity sub-primate piece of shit James Cleverly knocked out of the Tory party leadership race
    He can now spend more time date-raping his wife. 👍

    • I’d have Boris back in a flash. All that Partygate shit would have been long forgotten if they had held their nerve, and if the Labour scum had mentioned it, just remind them about Curry and Beer Kweer. These days everyone knows what a sanctimonious miotherfucker Starmer is, His dad was a toolmaker, you know….

  16. ‘Superdry’
    Shite name for a shop.
    Reggie Perrin had the right idea, calling his shop ‘Grot’.
    And Harry Enfield with his ‘I Saw You Coming’ establishment.
    At least they were honest.

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