Ed Miliband MP

There as so many angles to cunt this cunt, from condemning Britain to power blackouts and enormous domestic and commercial bills thanks to his fetish for “green” energy, in 3 years time, his 2015 “Edstone”, his two kitchens, inability to eat a bacon sandwich (though oi vey he shouldn’t have even gone near one already) down to that stupid adenoidal voice which sounds as if he has a Brillo pad down his boxers, but the reason for his ugly mug popping up today is his apparent willingness to wallow in the Starmer sleaze by failing to be exercised by “cash for influence” so beloved of Blair and Kweer.

It seems for a mere £30,000 you could have dinner with Jonathan Reynolds, the business secretary with the ill-nourished beard which looks as if he has hung Rachel Reeves minge round his chin – imagine seeing the soup stains dripping of that!.

When confronted with the details, far from being appalled Miliband merely said “don’t do it again”

What is that witless arsehole doing in the upper reaches of “government”. he and Lammy should be fighting for the job of House of Commons lavatory attendant.


Nominated by W C Boggs.

83 thoughts on “Ed Miliband MP

  1. ‘Adenoid Ed’ Millipede should be hammered into the ground with a baseball bat, then fitted out with a wind turbine on his head.

    Wouldn’t be so bad as a simple figure of fun, but as the leader of the country’s ‘net zero’ cult, this twat is actually dangerous.

    Truely a cunt among cunts.

    Afternoon all.

    • Bollocks make that ‘TRULY’.

      I hate it when put up mis-spell typo errors!! Makes me look thick.

      *voice off*
      ”you pedantic cunt”

      • As IsAC’s roving reporter and not working for The Guardian, we know you value standards Ron.

      • I’m the same Ron, drives me crackers when I post spelling errors. No valid excuse, my highest grade at ‘O’ level was in English Language. In the same vein I notice in that article in the Guardian that they have signed up to this fashionable movement to abolish the verb “To Give” and instead of the past tense given they say gifted. Why FFS? It’s not even lazy, it’s the same number of syllables, an extra letter and it’s fucking WRONG! We used to correct our kids for such misdemeanours when they were in primary school.

      • arfur –
        Guardian journalists use ‘gifted’ because they all left primary school functionally illiterate.

      • I write fast and sometimes when I’m in a “real world” hurry and don’t edit I make some silly mistakes. Spelling and grammar errors…missed or repeated words and so on.

        It does infuriate me. But what I hate even more is when auto correct rears it’s ugly head.

      • I am one of the worst offenders, and I won’t even use arthritis as an excuse – I am just a quick typing, don’t check enough nastard – but when I look at any one of the wankers in this governmnent they get my fingers typing quicker than ever.

        Liz Kendall another of Gordon Brown’s cast-offs got my hackles raised today – the daft looking tart wants “employment advisers” to go into mental hospitals “to try to encourage seriously ill mental patients to seek work”. If they are in the very overstretched mental health institutions it is not just because the feel depressed. The trouble with tarts like her is that they don;t realise everybody can’t get a job just by licking Kweer’s capacious arse.

  2. Mr Ed, the gift that keeps on giving..

    The man with the looks of a badly carved totem pole, or a punched Toby jug.

    He must have a huge blackmail file on everybody in the Labour Party, no other explanation..

    30 grand for a breakfast with johno, sounds tempting.
    The business secretary, whose never run a business. Imagine the tips and insights he could offer…

    Though he is desperately holding on to that hair island on top of his ill shaped noggin.. johnny boy.. your BALD..
    Shave it off.

  3. Like father, like son.
    His father was an illegal immigrant, and a fucking Marxist bastard.
    This is what happens when you don’t kick illegal immigrants out of the country, and probably explains why Labour granted asylum to 100 000 of the cunts.

    • As per my massive rant the other day. Every illegal gimmegrants allowed to stay in this country or indeed anywhere else in Europe will cost that country £1.1m throughout their lifetime.

      Therefore, those utter utter cunts in government have just commited to spend £110 billion of our hard earned on walking pieces of dog shit, who actively hate us and want us all dead.

      You couldn’t make this shit up. It’s absolute insanity.

  4. Without a doubt, the country’s most dangerous psychopath. It seems that every day this maniac trots out more and more expensive, unworkable nonsense to placate the Climate Gods.

    What will it take to stop the cunt from plunging the country into the abyss? It’s an awful thing to hope for, but maybe a severe winter, blackouts, massive fuel price hikes and thousands of deaths will force his pathetic ‘leader’ to get rid and have the cunt sectioned.

    I’m not hopeful though.

    • The ‘leader’ needs to set an example and plug his own bollocks (or whatever it is he has that supposedly passes for them) into the mains while we still have electricity.

    • “Net Zero protects bill payers from further price rises.”

      The only logical explanation for this argument Geordie, appears to be that if we triple or quadruple energy prices now a sharp rise in oil and/or gas prices at sometime in the future won’t be noticeable because you have for years been accustomed to paying through the nose. I’ve said before I hope I live to see the next proper ’63-style winter. As they say in the Black Country; “Then the band will play!”

  5. Oh we are in for some fun in the next few years…

    As much wind as you like, when it blows and it’s connected to the grid.

    What nuclear we have left is on its knees, the gas turbines are heading in the same direction and the last coal fired station closed.

    What is the answer, 22 billion investment in Carbon capture.

    Not to worry we still have the wood burner on the M62 and the begging bowl of Europe

    Miliband is the cunt who will keep us in the dark (ages).

    • Back in 1981 Sicky, I was in one of the old CEGB’s control rooms a few miles up the road from Ratcliffe. For a reason unknown to me they were anticipating a spike in demand shortly. One man said; “Better phone Ratcliffe and warn them.” I still remember the reply; “Waste of a phone call. Ratcliffe can handle anything you throw at them.” I somehow doubt you will ever hear such a statement when we are reliant on wind and/or sunshine.

      • Very true, i can see Miliband doing a fucking wind dance.

        I had a tour of Ferrybridge B in the late 80’s, a mate of mine worked there. a baby compared to the others 😂

  6. Every morning I awake hoping to hear this fucking drooling mông has been crushed under the wheels of a HGV that’s transporting windmill parts or some such shite.

    Yes I’ve been disappointed but I remain optimistic..

    As noted I’d settle for the cunt being lynched after a decent winter freezes some of the poor people the Westminster vermin despise so much.

    An African tyre burning mountain of a Cunt.

  7. This complete retard is well capable of powering the UK on his own, put him in the middle of the country on a revolving lone windmill and he’s enough wind in him to satisfy the nations needs 🌬️….how have we come to this juncture to have such monumental cretins in high places..Lammy,Rayner,streeting,reeves 😩….roll up for the next chapter of 🤡🌎

  8. Just so that everyone is aware of what a vile, corrupt piece of shit Milliband is. His brother David is on the board of a very large US firm (Kantar public) who have recently merged with a company called Trilantic Europe.

    Trilantic Europe, believe it or not specialise in energy transition.

    What a surprise! What a pair of taxpayer pocket picking cunts!

    • And they are so fucking holier-than-thou to go with it. It reminds me of the daft tart on World At One on Wireless 4 today who was speaking of “the government’s honesty”. It reminded me of that quote of Ralph Waldo Emerson “The louder he spoke of his honour, the faster we counted our spoons”

  9. Apparently, more dams are to be built to provide hydro power when the wind doesn’t blow and acre’s of land are to be used for fuck off massive battery packs to store current when it’s dark…

    Meanwhile, China and India are building coal fired power stations like there going out of fashion…

    What a load of dim twats we have running GB…!

    • Nothing wrong with hydroelectric or geothermal.

      The only problem is that Milliband wants to flood large parts of Jockland to create the reservoirs for the hydroelectric.

      The downside of this is that Milliband is a clueless cunt, so once the water has flowed from the top reservoir into the bottom reservoir, generating ‘clean’ electricity on its way through. The water in the bottom reservoir then needs pumping back into the top reservoir using ‘dirty’ electricity to repeat the cycle.

      In effect, this does fuck all apart from flood large parts of our last natural wilderness as a vanity project.

      Did I mention that Ed Milliband is a clueless cunt? Oh, I did. Good.

    • China now has over 1000 coal fired power stations operational with more under construction.

      We have just closed our last coal fired power station in order to save the planet.

      Millivolt’s psychotic episode has become permanent. He’s probably a danger to himself as well as others. He needs to be put into a straitjacket and housed in a padded cell.

  10. The Labour government is full of low IQ grifters.

    Green Ed and his zero energy.
    Wes side street and his plan to forcibly inject fat cunts.
    Angie the raving tart with no heart.
    Lammy, who’s done more to promote racism than anyone in history.
    Two tier keir the snake charmer and pensioner harmer.
    Reeves the destroyer of economics.

    Seriously who voted for these cunts thinking they’d improve anything?

    • The number who voted for them Sixdog was actually quite small. They got into power because the voting system in the UK is so anomalous. Best example is the way one party won five seats while another party received half a million fewer votes and won fourteen times as many seats.

    • Saw that Reeve’s cunt on pmq,s today. The pressure is showing, the mong has definitely aged no matter what colour she dyes here Richard III hair….🧔

      • All those years putting Domestos down the Bank of England bogs and cleaning the shit stains off the porcelain must have taken their toll on her, poor old cow! She is just grateful she doesn’t have to wear the turban and wrinkled stockings these days.

    • Somewhat ironically, it was students, who have just had their tuition fees upped to £10.5k per year and pensioners, usually located in the north of England ‘red wall’ areas, who are going to freeze to death this winter.

  11. This loony and his cretinous policies will be the ruin of us.

    Talking of toilet attendants in the House Of Commons, he does look a bit like a bog brush.

  12. Millipede is an unhinged and dangerous lunatic.

    How such a cretin could be in such a position defies belief.

    Then again David Lammy is foreign secretary.

    Thanks Labour voters.

  13. Miliband is complete mental. He needs fucking off to live a net zero lifestyle in an igloo with the fucking Eskimos.

    His brother has sticky fingers in lots of pies too, benefiting from Red Ed’s insanity. I saw David Baddiel the other day on TV and thought he looked like a rouge Miliband brother so fuck him too.

  14. This is Ed’s last chance to leave a political legacy, and you can tell by his demeanour that he’s desperate to do so.
    But worshipping at the altar of climate change has completely fucked him up, if he wasn’t off his head already.
    He could leave a positive lasting legacy by abolishing Ofgem, forcing the energy companies to charge affordable prices only and letting any chancing energy company that claims poverty go to the wall.
    Any that do go bust can then be purchased for fuck all and controlled by the government.
    Then, whenever there is the need for a price increase, the Secretary of State for energy will have to make the announcement. That alone would keep the price down.
    But Ed has decided to go in completely the opposite direction and will end up fucked, which I don’t mind, but he’ll take us with him.
    The fucking lunatic.

  15. Just heard about that suspected gas explosion in Newcastle and sadly a seven year old boy died.

    Energy secretary Miliband offered his condolences, thoughts with those affected blah blah. Haven’t the lads family and those who have lost their homes suffered enough without this rubber faced weirdo gimp getting in on the act?

  16. Eddie Millipede looks like he should wear callipers and a leather helmet for minibus journeys.

    His wet drooling mouth
    His bulging eyes
    His Betty spaghetti arms

    He makes me spew.

    He was my son I’d drown him in a bucket.

  17. China, Russia, India, Japan, USA et al are laughing all the way to the bank, belching out more and more pollution while our rich politicians beggar the UK in the name of vanity.
    Raising energy bills for the green levy…tick. Shutting down our last steelworks…ltick.
    For a country that produces less than 1pc of world emissions to bankrupt/freeze its citizens is a sick joke.

  18. Now the Rail unions are going back on strike. This time it’s the shite chute London Underground.

    Can the government stand firm after it caved into the cunts very recently?

    No fucking chance!

    Be sure Labour, the unions are coming for every penny they believe the last government owes them plus the Labour government bonus.

    Looks like the budget is just the first arse raping we are destined for because a few retards and special interest groups voted Labour.

  19. No matter what the message
    If delivered by Eddie Millipede I’d ignore it.

    He could be shouting “FIRE!! FIRE!!”
    In Grenfell towers,
    I’d go back to sleep.

    He could be shouting “SHARK!! SHARK!!” On the beach at Amityville,
    I’d tell him to mind his own fuckin business and jump in the surf.

    He’s a irrelevance
    A wet fart
    A bugeyed zealot

  20. Another Labourer whose father was a toolmaker, there seem to be so many of them. I never realised how many tools you needed to make a cabinet.

    • I’d like to make a point here. These socialist politicians like to let slip that their background is ordinary working class to impress voters from that part of the social scale. Starmer is a textbook example. To me, what they reveal is how far they have become removed from their roots. I was born and raised in the working class along with millions of others, not a few on ISAC. In my circle amongst the available employment opportunities the job of toolmaker was a very desirable aspiration. I well remember hearing adults around me making statements such as; “Oh, he’s all right, he’s a toolmaker.” It was a job in demand and by our standards very well paid.

      And Starmer’s dad owned the fucking company.

      • Very well said. I went to an ordinary elementary school in a run down area of London and I can honestly say that not one of my fellow pupils had names like Keir, Rodney,Wesley, Hilary or had a double barrel surname. We were all Daves, Bills, Johns, or Steves.

        If I were a pushy parent, who wanted their son to crawl to the top of Labourite pile of shit I would have called him Fred Starmer.

  21. The longer I have to suffer this Labour insanity, the more I think I’ll wake up one morning and it’ll be the Dawn of Man opening scene in 2001 A Space Odyssey. Boilers will be defunct, any warmth you need you make it yourself with flint and wood. Quick wash in the stream then it’s on with the loin cloth for a 4 day week in the salt mine. Then a 28 mile walk back home to the cave / mud hut past sparkling gleaming new 150 storey 7 star hotels housing the latest imported riffraff and criminals released early from the Gulags. Rinse and repeat for five years unless all of us minions have croaked or Russia has taken us over, sorry forgot, this is Russia.

  22. He’s like the baddie in a film taking revenge for being bullied years ago. Like a virginal nerd who becomes powerful. He was thoroughly rejected by Britain and is now hysterical to punish those who laughed at him. He could just play some computer games and wank his little Mr Bean, but he’s still sore with revenge.

  23. Absolute psychopath. There’s only one way to save the world and that includes extirpating maggots like him.

  24. Given the sad news that has reached us overnight of the death of a member of the beat combo One Direction, let’s spend a moment of silence for all those thirty year old teenage girls who will be weeping into a million pillows today, then play a game which I call “Political Fall” – which one government minister would you most like to give a third floor hotel room to, with a supply of drink and drugs?

    • Oh, this will be headline news on the BBC, W.C.

      A member of a manufactured auditioned production line instrument-free boyband. Yet we will get the stuff like ‘pop icon’ ;legend’ and other such well over the top bollocks. And I dare say that media shy violet, Harry Styles will milk this for all it’s worth.

      I recall when some bloke out of S Club 7 snuffed it a couple of years ago. The BBC, Sky and the like acted like Jimi Hendrix had died all over again. Absolutely absurd.

      • What a silly little twat.

        Millions in the bank, saucy looking bird, more high end booze and coke than he can handle and other tarts falling over themselves for a portion of Liam’s pork sword.

        Did he recently have any dealings with the Russian mafia?

      • Norman the BBC website has two pages of reports at the moment – it’s like election night all over again, and it led the 0530 News Briefing on Wireless 4 AND the main item on Today after the 0700 news. There will be days of this, just like when poor old John Lennon bought it in 1980

    • All this sadness why does nobody mention his achievements he achieved while living ,as well as being in one direction he’s also a Guinness book of records holder as the worlds fastest reader

      3 stories in 4 seconds

      Yes a I’m a cunt and a heartless one as well

      Also what’s 4 inches long and only goes in one direction?

      Louie Walsh’s cock

  25. Have you seen where this “amazing” 63 billion of investment is going ?
    Windmills that have a 50/50 operating efficiency.
    Date processing centres AKA surveillance state apparatus.
    Carbon capture machines (formerly dealt with by ‘trees’.
    It’s Convid all over again. Kerching.
    Expect full commie in 2 years.

  26. This country is up to its neck in debt and probably will be for the foreseeable future.

    Solution ? Give Milliband control of billions of borrowed Great British Pounds, to spunk away on trendy, right on green schemes that have more holes than a colander.. Carbon capture being the dodgiest, which is coming in at almost 22 billion.
    Which is suspiciously the same as the Chancellors Black Hole.

    When it gets a bit chilly, just throw another pensioner on the fire 🔥

    Get To Fuck.

    • According to the Wireless 4 news this morning, several (unnamed) cabinet ministers are “up in arms” at Helmet Head’s cuts, so lets hope we see some resignations (or sackings if they upset Adolf Starmer too much), of course Streeting still has his Alan Carr gurn because he is getting more. It pays to be Kweer’s bum boy. Daddy Streeting and his “boy” Wessie

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