Deveca Rose

Mother of two sets of twin boys.
Three year old Leyton and Logan Hoath.
Four year old Kyson and Bryson Hoath.

Popped to the shop, leaving her four sons in a house littered with 15 inches of rubbish and shit (human) , possibly locked the door.
A fire broke out, possibly caused by an overturned tealight or discarded cig.
The boys were found upstairs, under a bed, dead of course.

Deveca is on trial at the Old Bailey, charged with manslaughter, and of course our old friend Mental Elf has already reared it sneering, ugly face.

Three and four years old, living in a house over a foot deep in crap, bath and toilet unusable, and no cunt noticed?

RIP, babies.

Sky news

Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

53 thoughts on “Deveca Rose

  1. Suffering from mental health ‘issues’ to such an extent that she was barely able to invent an imaginary friend and cock and bull story on the spot. A long spell in prison is a panacea for all such ‘issues’, real or otherwise.

  2. Shades of that bitch who left a toddler unattended to go partying for several days; the child died.
    FFS , what is wrong with these people?

  3. Tremendous saving on The Welfare Benefits.

    Likely also a huge saving on the life of crime the offspring would’ve inevitably embarked upon.

    In any event another Sambõ enrichment for our once great country,enriching our knackered prison service…for a minimum term I suspect.

    Goblin Khan will pardon the wicked filthy cunt any road.

    Full Grenfell Oven.

    • You do have to wonder if the impact of allowing such creatures into the U.K. is ever discussed at the highest levels.
      Silly me, I forgot that David Lammy sits at that table.

  4. Never mental enough not to fuck though are they. Fucking horrible excuse for a human. I would pull the lever or trigger. A bit like third world countries, no food, water, or anything but can still fuck all day. Cunts all of them.

  5. Vermin….won’t give a fig about the sentence, just like she didn’t give a fig for her kids, bleeding heart liberals will point to varying degrees of mental elf’, lack of opportunities,missed chances etc blah blah etc..instead of calling her out for what she is a piece of evil 💩 who obviously didn’t give a 💩

  6. Its men who put women in this predicament and even though over a period of time, decided to make an unpredicted change in their lives and want to get away without any preconceived ideas whatsoever.

    • Dalton Hoath is the old man. Supprisingly though they were all his kids, that makes a change! He ought to have been a bit more pro active, & ordered a skip for all that rubbish.

  7. There was a case decades ago of a similar course of action by a woman, left very young kids alone and buggered off somewhere. The fire was spotted and the kids were rescued. She was prosecuted and when she was interviewed on the telly later she was really indignant. She stated that she had only been caught doing the same thing everyone does. Our kids were young then and if she had been standing in front of me when she made that claim I would have slapped her.

  8. Social services knew things were bad, so they closed the case. The absolute ineptitude of this country, it’s workers and the public.
    Armageddon can’t come quickly enough

    • I’m going to be unpopular here and say that social services are a finite resource.

      They visited this horrible cunt (or tried) on numerous occasions and were refused entry.

      Clearly, the utter shitbag of a mother was more interested in getting high than looking after her kids.

      Some people shouldn’t be allowed to breed as they are just not capable parents.

      Four little kids died because of pure selfishness from a chav piece of shit.

      Over and out.

      • fair enough Odin but box ticking clipboard cunts are by design totally divorced from reality..

        they “signpost” people to “resources”..

        that either don’t exist or are swamped by central government dumping foreign feral cunts into random communities …

        social services are simply a passport to welfare dependence.

      • Re: the right to breed.

        They should be forced to wear a sign ‘Do not fuck’ I am thick and skint.
        The gene pool is being turned into a cess pool.

    • Trouble is, millennials are now 24 and are in management now.

      Any coincidence now that nothing fucking works in this country…it’s these cunts running everything now.

    • There are young women who should involuntarily have their tubes tied before they get the chance to inflict themselves on any unfortunate offspring. Most don’t become murderers but they are inevitably a drain on taxpayers’ money. I’ve said it before, you should be required to undergo a psychological examination and obtain a licence to start a family.

  9. Not to worry, my friends.
    I’m happy to make an announcement:
    Sasha ‘pudding brain’ Johnson is pregnant with twins, so there’ll be two caramel-coloured cunts to replace the four lost ones.
    It’s not my fault though.
    I thought my dick was in Sasha’s bum.

    • Seriously Thomas?

      How on earth could you mistake Sasha’s cavernous growler for her bum hole?

      I understand that it was dat raysis BNP (who haven’t existed for a decade) wot capped her ass ‘n sheeit, but thinking you may have contributed to whatever Sasha has produced in faeces recently really is far fetched.

  10. If only she’d claimed she just popped to the local tapas bar, like Kate and Jerry, she wouldn’t have the inconvenience of prosecution and having to play the mental elf card.
    Which again makes me ponder the issue of mental elf and criminality.
    Peter Sutcliffe was deemed worthy of life in Broadmoor, as well as plenty of others.
    I know this is a somewhat different case, but if someone plays the mental elf card, why should that stop them being incarcerated?
    A spell inside an institution with assorted murderers and criminal lunatics is the least this bitch deserves.
    And anyone else who plays the same trick.
    Fuck em!

  11. “Rose was found not guilty of a single count of child cruelty.”

    oh aye,how’s that then?

    Burnt or suffocated to death by way of being a total witless feral dark key?

    Not guilty says the ruinously expensive court.

    Shut the fucking court and get trial by Terry.

    Country aright afore Christmas.

    Fuck Off.

  12. Looks like she has been found guilty this afternoon, of four counts of manslaughter. The charges of child cruelty were dropped, so we will await the sentance. It looks like it’s her birthday today (30) & with the mental elf issues, I guess the court will be lenient.

  13. That’s one for pavement ape history month..add that to all their other accomplishments..

    Which I’m trying hard to list…

    O/T did Rodney think the Chagos islands were a gift for gaylord alli?
    That’s why he gave them away.

  14. “west Indian mums will go to the wall for their children”

    Also burn them to death in their own shite.

    • ‘West Indian mums will get Wall’s for their kids’ – wobbling to the freezer for some Wall’s Soft Scoop Vanilla ice cream.

    • You need to be on the other side of the wall where flabbottus boy is concerned..

      I heard he is a bit bitey..
      Probably needed to be sharing a dinner table with flabbottus.

  15. I think this story highlights the difference between the races.

    Kevin mccalister was left home alone by his parents and had a wonderful time!!

    Even caused the arrest of two burglars.

    Then , Kevin’s parents accidentally took a flight leaving Kev this time stranded in New York!!!

    He again had a brilliant time.
    Even met Donald Trump.

    And against all the odds caused the arrest of the same two burglars.

    That’s what happens when it’s a white kid.

    keV didn’t end up burnt to a crisp and stinking of shit.

  16. I hate to think it, never mind say it out loud, but it did occur to me that the fire was deliberately set.

    It wouldn’t be the first time someone “disposed” of children that they considered an impediment to a better life.

    It’s all so very sad.

  17. Gorgeously Darwinian.
    It takes spawned DNA out of the “human” genome all by itself.
    Sleep well, cunters.

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