David Lammy (19)

This man is a complete fucking plank and a complete fucking bell end.

If he’s not making a fool of himself with his Grenfell lies or his appearance on Mastermind, he’s making a fool of himself and a mockery of our once great country on the world stage at the UN.

Elevating dim wits to positions of power simply because of their skin colour is insanity.

What is it with the Labour Party and their penchant for racist low IQ blacks?

Corbyn was quite happy to have Dianne Abbott as Home Secretary had he been elected and now, thanks to Dame Kweer Charmer, we have this fucking imbecile Lammy as foreign secretary.

Anyway, off our Dave trots to the UN in his Air Max trainers and Matalan suit to wave his race card around.

Sky news

As always with cunts like Lammy, his historical knowledge is both severely limited (like his brain capacity) and is also incredibly selective.

What else would you expect though when you possess the intelligence of a Daddy Longlegs?

David Lammy – you are a cunt and a national embarrassment and so is your political party.

Nominated by Herman Jelmet.

63 thoughts on “David Lammy (19)

  1. He really is fully integrated in Team Twat, but I suspect the next one to lose her head (as opposed to giving head like dirty Ange) will be the gormless looking trollop Louise Haigh, the Transport Secretary who has offended P & O who were about to announce a £1 billion investment in the UK.

    Haigh used to be one of Saddick’s useful idiots – and with the big hooter and red hair she looks one of the bigger idiots:


    As for Lammy, he should wear white lipstick and keep practising the banjo.

    • Flamingo-haired (and brained) Haigh and Mucky Ange between them have cost the UK £1billion worth if inward investment.

      Why haven’t they been sacked?

    • Agreed. I saw a picture of the gormless looking cunt this morning and thought what the fuck’s that exhibitionist heap of shit doing in a ministerial post? And the hair on the stupid bitch. It looks as she’s used a large jar of salmon spread to shampoo in a centrifuge. Government minister? I wouldn’t trust her to make a good job of measuring me feet for a new pair of shoes.

    • Comment on Lammy is superfluous really. From his picture you know that he has natural ability as a tyre swing tester and employing him in any more demanding job must be tokenism. When it comes to the women Keir has installed on the front bench though I’m baffled. The two you mention WC boast of their ignorance and their reputations for being gobby. Add to that tattoos, piercings, the dress sense of a fruit fly, vermilion hair(!) and walking, talking and acting like chavs and I can only wonder about the thousands who voted for them. It’s quite depressing.

  2. Peeling fruit with your feet isn’t exactly a top priority of a foreign secretary.

    Diplomatic skills
    Negotiate with difficult often hostile foreign powers
    And the savvy to cut a deal would be more appealing.

  3. Being thick is bad enough, but when you add the fact he’s a racist, you’ve got one hell of a retarded loose cannon on your hands.
    Even with an army of advisers telling him what to say and think, he’s still dangerous.
    Like a slightly more senile Biden with a hatred for white people and equal distaste for the country that promoted him beyond his extremely limited abilities.
    A cunt indeed.

  4. He can always fall back as a person of colour on TV adverts these days….plenty of work involving little 🧠 input which would suit our Dave no end… still let him embarrass us on the 🌎 stage first, I’ve gone past caring to what happens to this once pleasant land now I just sit back and remember better times 💭…let the 🍌s fuck up what’s left 🖕

  5. I don’t know if any of you realise but this isn’t Mr Lammys first bite of the fame cherry .

    He was the companion of a rich and controversial celebrity in the US,

    I’m astounded the British media didn’t pick up on it!

    But it’s time to come clean.

    His name on his birth certificate is… Bubbles.

  6. No david, it’s pavement apes like you and your ancestors that have been doing the taking..

    If you were still in Africa, you would be dead by now. And your achievements would be a worn hole in the ground were you sat your lazy arse every day..

    Now go and have another packet of jaffa cakes on the taxpayers..

  7. The cunt really did stand there as a black man.
    It’s the only reason he was made the Foreign Secretary.
    Diversity and inclusion and all that bollocks.
    I’ve never laughed so much at at a stupid black cunt since that other comedian, Idi Amin.

    • My ex Mrs had the same qualifications. The LLB is so easy that a chimp could get it. I used to dictate her assignments to her while watching telly and I’m not connected with the legal profession at all. She got a first. The masters is a turn up, stump up and you pass job.

  8. ‘Speaking as a black man/woman…’
    *Clicks off switch*

    ‘Speaking as a gay man…’

    ‘Speaking as a committed Marxist…’

    Bore off Whambama.

  9. My mother voted for, and is a great cheerleader of, these cunts, cunts who are about to implement all sorts of ludicrous employment law changes which empower dirtbags to act like complete arseholes on the job, go on the never ending sick, and be virtually unsackable. These pieces of shit are also popularising the myth that all employers are evil exploiters and all employees are victims.

    So I have a mother who is enthusiastically applauding a government that is making her own son and daughter in law physically unwell with the stress of what they’re imposing on small business; and, like all lefties, she’s doing so because she’s never done a stroke of work in her life (fully pensioned up teacher) and who is threatened by, and jealous of, those of us who get off our arses and do something useful for a living and contribute to the wealth and wellbeing of our society.

    She is on holiday in Malta right now. I hope Malta gets hit by a fucking meteorite.

    Sorry, a bit of a tangential grumble, I just can’t begin to describe how much I hate these cunts and the ignorant resentful spiteful losers who support them.

    • Kweer betrays his ignorance all the time. He expects everybody to get every benefit from day one, you can’t sack anyone from day one, Mad Ed is going to expand the outgoings of companies (especially SMEs) with excessive energy costs and the great stupid cunt is going to try to encourage companies to invest in this country on Monday. Would you?. I wouldn’t.

      I don’t think Starmer could run a bath, let alone a country.

      • I don’t presume to tell a sailor how to suck cock, so what makes a bunch of worthless civil servants with no experience of the real world think they know anything about running businesses and employing people and that they can dictate how we should be doing it?

        The only thing this lot are any use for is as a repellent against alien invasion, and that’s what they should limit themselves to.

  10. Lammy is the least of our worries, the worst he can do is get londonstan nuked..
    So no great loss..

    It’s that punched Toby jug ed millipede we have to worry about, he will have us sitting in the dark freezing to death.

    Or have us trying to capture carbon with a butterfly net.

  11. It would be funny having this turd as foreign secretary if it weren’t so depressing. Imaging him eating with foreign dignitaries whilst not being able to use cutlery is laughable and jorrible. He has room temperature IQ.

  12. That Davey Millipede,
    Looks like a poster boy for SCOPE rather than a man with a important job.

    He’s a crank.

    They all are.

    All sat in the dark, mould up the walls, a butt plug up the Ricky in solidarity with the alphabet people.

    They’ll all act shocked when voted out.

    “But….but….we gave you poverty to save the planet”

    • There is a glimmer of some light at the end of the tunnel. Client of mine who works in the corridors of power pointed out that byelections are turning out against these wankers already – pointed to Worthing which never ever voted Tory. Just voted in the Tories.

      Can’t say I’m a great fan of the modern Tories, treacherous bastards that they are, but reluctantly have to feel some relief that people are already realising we need to limit the current lot to one term and one term only.

  13. Wish this thick black cunt and the other in Nr. 10 were treated like martyrs and then we’d have none of this prolonged shite.

  14. Meanwhile over in the US…

    Donald has said that if elected then any asylum seekers who kill a US citizen will face the death penalty.

    Now on that alone he’d get my vote.

    Barry Obama has admonished black blokes who aren’t willing to vote for drunken Kamala Harris.

    Like they’d listen to him!!
    I’m blacker than him.

    He’s the same colour as Lisa Simpson

  15. I consider myself a proper Brit and am therefore going to point and laugh at the incompetent fuckers in charge of the formerly Great Britain, while everything turns to ratshit.

    Lammy is obviously a complete clown, and thus fits in well with the shitty government we’re currently infected with.

  16. Corrupt AND inept.

    That Louise Haigh transport minister, described P&O ferries as ‘cowboys’ and a “rogue corporation ”!
    And called for it to be boycotted.

    she’s right, P&O treat it’s staff like shite,
    But to say this before a impending £1 billion deal is just stupid.

    She’s the fuckin transport minister!!
    So she must of known about the deal?
    And if she didn’t?
    Well she should of.

    I was that mouth breather kier Starmer I’d order her to recant it and apologise
    And if she refused-sack her.

    • This is what you get when you stuff your cabinet full of overgrown sixth formers and their student politics. Sheffield’s answer to Dirty Ange.

    • ‘After graduating, Haigh worked for the local council youth service from 2006 to 2008. She then began working in Parliament, where she was the co-ordinator of the all party parliamentary group on international corporate responsibility.’ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louise_Haigh

      So knows fuck all about transport, or business. Dad was a Trade Union official.

  17. Foreign Secretary, fuck off. Who could have foreseen, all those years ago, that the TV train journeying cunt, Portobello , would one day be replaced in office by a lump of coal?

    Good afternoon, everyone.

  18. Big thick cunt….

    No one would tolerate this dumb porch monkey if he wasn’t black

    Who succeeded Henry VIII, try to avoid the impossible answer…. Oooops!

  19. Ange also attacked the p&O deal calling them exploitative 🙄

    To further add to it the government also had to refer itself to the Data Protection department after accidentally publishing the email addresses of those due to attend,
    Including one of the worlds richest men Bernard Arnault.

    Fuck me.
    Clear your desk and hand in your pass.

  20. What worries me is that Gibraltar and the Falklands will be given away for the bribe o a bunch of Ffyfes and a brand new Pirelli P6000 if Diego Garcia is anything to go by.

    The useless thick cunt.

  21. Any employer who sets somebody on not on their ability to do the job but on the colour of their skin is indeed a full weight twat. I had it today at work, we need to set on more ethnic minorities. No, you set people on, on their ability to do the job competently. The new Workers Rights will decimate small to medium businesses. As regards to Lammy, he can’t even find a decent pair of shoes never mind negotiating and discussing complex geopolitics.

  22. My understanding is that Lammy’s past work experienve as a mud flap is why Two-Tier made him Foreign Secretary. He’s black, flexible & prepared to travel…

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