Corruption in the UK

is a cunt.

The UK has fallen to its lowest ever score in Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). = 71

Politicians, Civil Servants (who really govern the United Kuntdom) big business, bankers etc are responsible for turning this once decent Country into a cesspit of corruption and, embezzlement, which surprises nobody. However when we are ranked amongst another 179, including the biggest shitholes on the planet, we continue to plummet down the scale of honesty. How dare any CUNT in politics or the “Establishment” ever talk about integrity or honesty again until a vast improvement is made?

Nominated by Sir Cuntalot.

58 thoughts on “Corruption in the UK

  1. We can do better than that..with the amount of inbreds and pavement apes in local and national government I’m sure we can break into the top ten by 2025.

  2. The dishonesty in politics has now become the norm. Gone are the days when someone like John Profumo, having been found to have lied to Parliament, would spend the rest of his days doing charitable work. It begun with Blair and Campbell but has continued, the latest example being the Labour Party manifesto . The deterrent to publishing a complete tissue of lies should be a rerunning of the General Election.

  3. When you hear ‘The BBC is the most trusted international broadcaster in the world’ you know we are in trouble ….. how many complaints have they had over the bias coverage of the shithole that is Gaza…. 8000!

    The Civil service is fully politicised, all politicians are lying cunts and London is an international money washing machine.

    Smash the gangs, maybe start within rather than without

    • ‘The BBC is the most trusted international broadcaster in the world’ ….
      Yes, a bit like; “The Democratic/People’s Republic of…”
      You just know it’s lying shite.
      Evening SOI, evening all.

  4. The integrity of our institutions should never be questioned.

    My bank account details for my offshore account are nobody’s business but mine..

    and Lord Ali.

    PS: I could do with a new suit and the Mrs keeps going on about a Christmas (I mean winter celebration) frock…totally impartial and no strings attached of course.

    Oven of Cunts.

  5. Many countries see corruption in politics as acceptable to a degree, Italy and France chief among the Europeans.
    Oddly enough, if you’ve reached a level of power, they often view a bit of pocket lining skullduggery or extramarital shenanigans as a right of passage.
    But we Brits were always made of infinitely stronger moral fibre.
    That was until the last couple of decades.
    We’ve now got filth from the sub continent and the grubbier reaches of Africa who’ve wormed their way into positions of power and they really do know how to conduct a good scam.
    And what if they get caught?
    Blame it on white man. Blame it on institutional racism. Blame it on a misunderstanding of our culture.
    Blame it on the fucking boogie if you like, cos they’ll wriggle out of it somehow.

    • Your first sentence strikes a chord FMC. In 2019 I worked with an Italian guy who had been here for a few years who said the most striking difference between the governance of Italy and the UK was the lack of corruption here compared to Italy. (As an aside he had served in the Italian army as a sniper and had spent some time with UN peace keepers in the Middle East putting rounds through heads adorned with black turbans. Some folks have all the fun.) I had a conversation with a lorry driver who had driven 40-tonners across western europe for decades and he spoke of the differences dealing with traffic police in different countries. He told of how in Germany if they pulled you over you were bang to rights and that was it, no lies or exaggeration and you just paid up. In France however you were pulled up for the most minor infringement and the the cops would come out with something outrageous just short of causing death by dangerous driving. It was understood that you then bargained with them to arrive at a charge which was profitable to them without too much hassle.

  6. They’re all fuckin pirates.

    They’ll do anything for a pound note these cunts in Westminster.
    And it trickles down like phlegm down a shit house wall.
    Mayors on the rob,
    Council cunts on the rob.
    Planning departments on the rob.

    Yet if some impoverished removal man went out at 2am and filled his van with Victorian cobble sets that looked like they were free to a good home,
    He’s labelled a thief in the local paper!!

    Cheeky cunts.

      • The term ‘stole’ is in my opinion vulgar,
        And open to interpretation.

        I prefer the term ” repurposed”.


      • In London Mis they have a problem with yellow “London Stock” Bricks being stolen and sold on to wealthy folks extending their houses. People get up in the morning and find that the garden wall has disappeared during the night. Mind you, some of the low life in London would steal the fillings out of your teeth and weigh them in.

      • Didn’t know that Arfur.

        I know that York stone flags bring good money.

        I’d never dream of ripping up some Islington wanker called Barnabys courtyard and selling it on to another floppy fringed Rupert in Knightsbridge.

        It’d cost to much in diesel there and back.

    • I read that Rachel Reeves had a government credit card and spent over £4000 in unauthorised transactions.

      This then is a person deemed fit to be Chancellor and for deciding how massive amounts of public money is spent.

      By contrast, I had a text from Natwest yesterday saying I was about to go overdrawn and to put some money in quick or they would charge the arse off me ( or words to that effect), I would have been about £4 overdrawn. See, they can pay attention when they want to. One would almost think I was a lesser form of life than her…

  7. The foul stench of the swamp is present in every UK profession and institution. Truly sickening.

  8. When you consider we have the likes of Gaylord Alli, pulling the strings and as good as offering bribes, and a government more than willing to take them, it is no wonder this country is in the state it is in.

  9. These cunts are more prevalent these days, due to everyone knowing the ins and outs of a cats arse, with the internet and the likes. The government obviously to blame for allowing foreign riff-raff onto our small island. Meaning nothing we don’t already known. Its about how well we cope with it. Glad I’m tucked away in some tiny area that’s untouched for the time being.

  10. A prime example is Dale Vince’s relationship with Government.

    Ecotricity, the company of which he is sole shareholder, has received £100+ million in subsidies, and Vince himself has a personal fortune estimated at £100+ million. Can anyone spot a certain alignment between the two figures?

    Vince has donated millions to Labour, so no doubt even more of our money will be heading his way under Psycho Ed. Far be it for me to make accusations of corruption, but frankly the stench is overwhelming.

    • Dale Vince is worthy of a nom himself Geordie.

      He was one of the New Age travellers of the late 80/early 90s.
      Dreadlocks, anarchist politics, drugs and squatting land.
      He’s opposed to capitalism while being really good at it.

    • The stench would be something to think on should the cunt be found in a hedgerow 3 month after disappearing on his way to open a new windmill farm.of lies.

  11. 500 years ago, it would have been a completely different story, as Henry V111 would have sorted it all out for sure. His ‘head office’ would have been very busy.

    • I’d give anything to see Blair, Mandy, Campbell, Kweer and Rachel from Accounts heads laying on the bloody chopping blocks

      • So would I, for sure Mr. Boggs
        I don’t personally believe in reincarnation myself, but if I did, then I would state that some of the cunts we have today, may have ‘got the axe,’ in a previous life. They may not have deserved it then, but they certainly deserve it now.

  12. To be expected in a country where Rachel from Accounts claimed to have been an International chess Champion (she came 17th in the Dorking All Girls Dyslexic Chess League), claimed to have been an economist for a major high street bank (she was intern coffee girl on school work placement) and claimed to be a senior economist in the Bank of England (she was Char Lady, second class). Keir Starmer also claimed to be a serious politician when in fact he is a breeze block minus the charm.

    Both entered politics only to get free Taylor swift tickets and handouts from a dodgy Mudslime Lord.

    Corrupt frauds, the lot of them.

    • The people of this country who are upset with the budget, and high taxation should fight the government in a way they’d understand.

      .. General Strike.

      That would really upset them?

      A strike by workers ,
      Tractors blocking the roads of the capital.
      Maybe a bit of retro poll tax rioting action?

      They’d be so embarrassed.
      To be THE SUBJECT of a national strike.

      The unions wouldn’t know what to do?

      Turn them against each other.
      Divide and conquer.

      Did Julie Caesar teach us nothing?


      • Blocking the roads with tractors? If you doing it French style Mis might as well go the whole hog. Bring in lorries loaded with live lambs and set fire to it, tear up the paving stones and throw them at plod.

    • Judging by what Sponger was saying before the Budget, the most amazing thing about it was that it was delivered by someone with a pair of tits and a fanny.
      Even if she is just an over-promoted filing clerk with an inflated sense of her own ability and achievements.

    • I think Rachel’s problem is that it is a long time since she has had a dick in her. Perhaps she should be more friendly with dirty Ange, and then she might offer her some of her sloppy seconds, Night starvation has unhinged her.

      As for Kweer and Alli, I wonder how many times Rodders had to go on all fours, and how many blowjobs he had to give to pay for all the schmutter?

  13. We are no different to the so called ?hole countries of the planet …the days of British justice/values/manners etc are things of the past and the ?s that are in politics/judiciary/police/ are certainly leveling up this kingdom ?…unfortunately it’s levelling up to the standards of the 3rd world…. Pssst wanna buy some carbon credits ?

    • We must be the only country in the World that aspires to join the Third World. Millionaires, billionaires – we can’t get rid of them quickly enough. Meanwhile, we open our arms to every piece of sponging no-hope dross the Third World can turn out.

  14. I see our char lady chancellor has taken Halloween too seriously and spòoked all the financial markets..

    Not so much corrupt as fucking incompetent.

  15. The yearly junket at Davos attended by bankers, politicians, lobbyists and plutocratic lizard people is the biggest gathering of corrupt cunts on the planet. They would make Sudan and Syria look like amateurs.

      • Vlad in his fiendish land grab in Ukraine and battle against the west is working on a weapon of mass destruction.

        A 1000 megaton Ducky bomb.

        He drops it and there’s a big mushroom cloud.
        Then a eery silence.

        Broken by thousands of voices in the settling dust

        “Oooo get her!
        No need for hysterics darling”

        Those effected will start to wear gold hotpants and neck scarves,
        Like Kylie minogues music and be really close to their mother.

        Then his battle hardened troops of square headed cabbage munchers will advance unchallenged.

        The odd voice raised in defiance
        ” That uniform doesn’t suit you deary”

      • MNC – Corporal Jones wouldn’t be able to say they don’t like it up ’em, because half the cabinet most certainly do. Especially Wessy and Peter Kyle, I wonder what used to go on in that duckie office they shared in the Palace of Westminster?. I bet they are still finding half used bottles of lube to this day.

  16. Worse than a banana republic.

    Yet the cunts in positions of power lie to our faces proclaiming to be open, honest and transparent.

  17. Ooh, we see that Crayons has declared another £3.5k in clothing donated by Lord Alli. (good day to bury bad news, presumably)

    It’s getting so bad that they’re renaming the Cabinet the Wardrobe.

  18. The latest corruption news is that Rachel from Accounts has appointed a government value for money tsar. David Goldstone will be paid £250k PA for a one day week.

    He has a list of achievements to his name proving he knows how to save a bob or two for the British taxpayer. He previously oversaw delivery of the London Olympics, where costs spiralled to £9.35bn, four times the initial estimate. He then ran the London Legacy Development Corporation, where his projects reported cost overruns. He was also chief operating officer at the Ministry of Defence where the public accounts committee said that the MoD under his watch had been guilty of “repeatedly wasting taxpayers’ money”, including 4bn of waste.

    In his role as value for money tsar, Mr Goldstone will advise on “how to root out waste and inefficiency” and on “scrutinising investment proposals to ensure they offer value for money”.

    Must be a friend of Lord Ali.

    • Don’t forget he sits on the board of HS2.

      Apparently he is travelling down on it to take his new position..
      He is expected to arrive in 2045..

  19. I don’t understand why anyone would be shocked.

    I’m having kosher sausages for tea, guaranteed to be bigot free.

  20. The £billions of corrupt contracts awarded to Tory cronies during the Johnson years finally blew the doors off the quaint notion that corruption is not rife in UK governance.

  21. I’ve not had anything to do with the government for decades, due to knowing full well they would all turnout to be a bunch of shit houses.

  22. To quote Dylan Moran on one particularly corrupt politician :

    “Silvio Berlusconi : a man so crooked he has to sleep on a spiral staircase” …

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