Antonia Harrison

If you can imagine the magnitude of the thick-as-pig shit stupidity of David Lammy, Dawn Butler, Diane Abbott , Joey Essex and Ant & Dec mixed together, it doesn’t begin to compare to the stupidity of this fucking daft twat, who is a Lib-Dem councillor, who claims to have been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, because of Brexit.

She has frequently lost her voice (probably a blessing in disguise considering she talks shit), been really ill, poor cow because she “regards herself as European before being British” and they have ripped away her “identity”.

However at the end of her fucking daft speech the real reason for her sadness comes through – she has a daughter who would like to work in Europe and she herself planned on retiring to Spain.

Oh dear, how sad, never mind. These remarks were made at the South Coast Autumn Pantomime – The Liberal Democrat Party Conference.

I think the silly fucker IS ill – she is fucking insane:

Daily Express.

Nominated by : W. C. Boggs

60 thoughts on “Antonia Harrison

    • Layla Moran is the only lib-dem who gets a free pass from me. If she ever needs a place to sit then my face is always available.

    • Quite right Eddie. There is absolutely nothing to stop her daughter working in Brussels or her retiring to Spain. Millions of Britons live, work and retire to the EU.

      That’s the trouble with terminal Brexit Derangement Syndrome, it renders the brain inoperative.

      • The problem is that if the dozy old trollop fucks off to Spain, she will be plain Mrs or probably Ms, she will no longer be “important” and get to call herself Councillor or claim all those lovely expenses. She will face life as the nobody she is.

  1. The Liberal Democrats are the perfect example of how and why this country got itself into into its present state.

    Wet as an otters pocket,usually vegan and could easily merge with the Green Party to form the ultimate “I’ve shit the bed” political force for every wanker in the land..

    Splendidly illustrated by this mad bitćh.

    British Oven.

    Good morning and no foreign types please.

  2. Let her self-Brexit to Spain and take the other 2 Liberal Democrats left in Britain with her.

    Who knows? Maybe you’ll get lucky and she’ll start a trend.

  3. The horror, the horror poor antony never got over that fateful day on June 23rd.

    Scarred for life by those backward little englanders, Tony’s life is ruined.
    No retirement in marbella for the poor cow..
    I can see how that triggered PTSD.

    I’m sending a paella to you right now tony, to help you through your living nightmare.

  4. She can retire to Spain on a visa.

    There is nothing stopping her.
    I think that we have a reciprocal health care agreement with the UK for pensioners.

    It’s harder but by no means impossible for younger people to come here to work.

    You will soon need a visa to come on holiday here.
    I believe that it will cost you £7 and is valid for 5 years.

  5. Does this mean she will decline her UK state pension, not use the NHS services, etc?

    After all, she’s traumatised enough as it is.

    No doubt she’s already eliminated any ‘produced in the UK’ food stuff from her weekly shop.

  6. The fact that they have over 70 MPs goes a long way to explaining why this country is in the shitter. They proudly represent the wankers, twats and congenitally useless. The total Lib Dem voter contribution to UK GDP is around minus £180 billion. If every Lib Dem fucked off to the EU it would pay for the NHS. Alternatively the money would almost be enough to pay the train divers.

    Good morning, everyone.

  7. Is that Antonia’s walking frame in the photo?

    “Eeh, I’m a Martyr I am. Brexit reduced me to this. Under the EU, I used to run marathons. Now look at me!”

    Silly cow.

    • We could make a deal with the Remoaner: We’ll buy you a one-way ticket to Spain to live. as long as you can survive a bullfight. Rile up the bull with steroids and watch this EU luvvie pushing her Zimmer around the bullring then being gored.

      Viva la eu, bitch.

      • I would just park the dozy cunt in the middle of the Calais jungle….and leave her there.

  8. On the subject of pointless, expensive, bloated bureaucracies, did everyone notice that the Israelis have declared the secretary general of the UN, Tony Gutters, persona non grata? Superb! HaHaHa!

  9. Perhaps she and her offspring want to leave the GB because all the third world filth over there want to come here..

    Sorry, “are” coming here….💩

  10. Imbecile of humongous proportions how she has the gall to say she has PTSD over a referendum that boo hoo didn’t go the way she wanted is crass, when people who have REAL PTSD are suffering due to real situations i.e. WAR you dozy piece of 💩….I’ll pay for you and your sprogs ✈️ fare to Espana…one way of course 🖕

  11. Reading between the lines, she can only possibly be upset because she planned on retiring early to Spain.

    If she is not a pensioner then to live here full time she would need what is called a Golden Visa.

    She would need to buy property worth at least half a million euros and pay for private health care a year up front.
    She would need to keep around 40.000 euros (I believe) in her bank account to renew her visa over the first few years.

    Other than that she would only be allowed in the country for 90 days in any 180 day period.

    Her daughter could easily work anywhere in Europe, but I suspect that she doesn’t have any skills.
    She can’t go to another country and bum around, half heartedly looking for a dead end job.

    To claim that she is suffering PTSD is an insult to the members of the armed forces who actually do have the condition.

    • As a councillor she could probably steal £1m in a few days. I also want to meet the cunt who diagnosed her. I reckon it wasn’t a doctor, probably a vet.

  12. “I’m European before I’m British “ she croaked, as her PTSD induced muteness began to ease off.
    Yet she, and the brain dead who vote for her, believe she’s fit to represent a British constituency.
    If you include others who believe being British is, at best, a secondary consideration, you can see why our society is going down the gurgler.
    And whoever the doctor is who came up with the diagnosis should be struck off.

  13. It’s difficult to decide who I loathe more: Remoaners or Liberal Democunts. It’s the party for the depraved, the sanctimonious, and the aloof. Remoaners are fanatics, constantly seething and gnashing. This gnarly fuckwit would be less worried about her PTSD after I’d kicked her in the cunt several times.

  14. I’m sure Spain would be grateful for some mard as fuck, sanctimonious cripple arriving and planning to stay there.

    She just assumes people will welcome her with open arms.

    Your a burden here
    You’ll be a burden there luv.

    Nobody wants you.

  15. I blame the Tories.
    If they hadn’t abolished our freedom of movement, this waste of space sow could have been out of our hair and long gone by now.
    Gang raped and left for dead by a bunch if greasy spics, lol.

  16. When the redoubtable Mr Boggs posted this nomination l looked up Havant Borough Council and found out that the locals are not happy with them at all, reviews (plenty of them) are scathing.

  17. On the cinema front, Bunuel would’ve had two actresses playing all her faults, whereas Almodovar would have her being fucked by a bull.

  18. Looks like her sunglasses are ready for Spain.
    Prefer a 2kg lump hammer on the bridge of it’s nose.
    Sorry this abortion of a cunt makes me psychotic .
    Good morning.

  19. Antonia says she speaks eight languages.

    Good, you will have no problem understanding “fuck off you deluded cunt” then.

  20. Sir David Jason – A well deserved honour and thank you for the entertainment you brought to us.

    Sir Ed Davey- Fuck off you insufferable cunt.

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