Winter Heating Allowance Smugness

BBC News.

Now, while I’m not endorsing the
decision to cut the pensioner Winter Heating Allowance ( WHA), I’ve got to say that although it came in useful, I could probably managed without.

I don’t stint on having my heating on, and although I probably don’t eat as much meat as I used to, I manage.

However, I’m fully aware that there are pensioners who struggle, and articles like this, from this smug cunt, don’t help.

If I can figure out where he lives, I’ll go and put dog shit on his door handles.

Nominated by : Jeezum Priest

63 thoughts on “Winter Heating Allowance Smugness

  1. Ex police officer; says it all. Public Sector workers need a serious culling of benefits. All they have is a God Complex. Fuck ‘em.

  2. You should see some of the ‘have your say’ comments on this subject on the beebs esteemed website.
    Many on there really believe that most pensioners are millionaires.
    Which is probably the editorial view of the wankers at BBC News.

      • Forgive me, I thought you said there should be a ‘have your say’. I never get to the bottom of a bbc article as I vomit, so was unaware it existed. No doubt it is censored. Even the Daily Telegraph remove some and ban certain words.

    • The BBC love to be “helpful” to old Kweer and his bunch of egomaniacs, so they dredge old turds like that up, Selfish old bastards who listen to Money Box on Wireless 4 on Saturdays taking notes, and then the repeat on Sunday in case they miss anything.

      If you don’t need it – give it to charity – God knows there are enough of them that need it (I recommend the Dogs Trust and Cat Protection, but take your pick).

      Selfish old cunts like that gurning old bleeder play right into Starmers hands.

  3. Having only just started receiving my hard earned pension from the UK this year, I am horrified that they are going to take away my winter fuel allowance before I have even been paid it once.

    Don’t these cunts realise that it can get cold in Spain?

    Sometimes the temperature drops to a low of 18 degrees.
    Sitting outside of a bar or restaurant in those conditions is uncomfortable.

    I may have to buy a wooly….. Or even socks.

    Who the fuck is paying?

    • Don’t fret Art, you’ll still get your fabulous Christmas bonus of a whole £10!
      ( unchanged since 1971)

      You’ll really be able to push the boat out.

      • I fucking hope so JP.

        £10 will buy me 3 beers in the bar on our beach on Christmas morning.

        Considering that a UK bus pass is useless for me I think that it’s the least that they can do.

  4. For the holiday kitty?
    Gives it to charity?

    The cheeky old cunts

    I don’t graft my arse off to avoid taxes that pay these piss smelling, werther suckers good money to fritter on charity!!!

    Offer it to the PM.
    Hes never refused owt that grabbing fucker.

    Some old cunts need that money genuinely.
    Struggling to get by.

    It’s not so you can book 2weeks in Spain sat wearing budgie smugglers on the sand like a smug iguana.

  5. that Cunt in No.11 could have means tested it in some way to.protect those on a low income but above the Pension credit threshold..

    but knowing how utterly shite the snivel service is it would have cost more than it saved..

    Luckily for the retired the last govt ensured many hundreds of thousands of them annually are paying income tax on the state pension for the first time.

    Any “stories” published about smug cunts going on about how they don’t need the WFP is all about muddying the waters and distraction from the real issues that the old have to face,most of them dropped on them by the vermin in Londonistan.

    Winter Fuel Oven.

    Good morning.

  6. Let me know when they commence pumping the winter fuel of ice & snow into Kunt Stammer’s temporary home. I don’t want to miss it.

  7. I would advise today’s pensioners to ensure they were born before the sixth of April 1951. I was born in May 1951 and have seen two changes in pension and tax rules which disadvantaged me because I was born a few weeks after 6/4/1951.

      • No I’m not Minge, you cheeky sod. My sister is though. She’s five years younger than me and basically lost six years pension which she had been planning for and expecting for most of her life. Having lost her job at sixty when the company folded and being unable to find another job due to her age she didn’t receive a penny piece for six years.

      • Women had been on notice of the change since 1995 when the Pensions Act provided that the state pension age was to be equalised at 65, to be phased in between 2010 and 2020.
        This change was plastered all over the media in 1997.
        I well remember discussing it with my missus at the time.
        In 2011 the coalition government confirmed that the pension age (65) would be made equal for men and women as from 2018.
        It’s not as if the wimminz didn’t have plenty of notice.
        23 years was more than enough time, imo.

  8. What a surprise, a retired police officer on a guaranteed, index-linked, final salary pension doesn’t need the WFA.
    Furthermore, how surprising that the BBC article leads with his story and relegates that of the lady £2 a week over the pension credit threshold who’s going to go to bed early to avoid the cold to the very end.

    Fuck off BBC.

  9. Morning JP, morning all.
    Yes there are smug cunts who say they don’t need the WFA, (I read enough letters from them in the Telegraph), but in my opinìon, I believe the cancelling was an act of spite from Reeves, as she probably thought most pensioners vote tory.
    The saveing is miniscule compared to the monies proposed to be spunked up the wall on their loony policies; Foreign Aid, Net Zero, helping Third World shitholes to go “green” etc.
    Hopefully these grasping Commie cunts won’t be in very long.
    Oh, and I need my WFA, to pay for subscriptions to my specialist porn channels and other gentlemen’s interests. 😃

    • Stuffing it to the pensioners was a smart move by this government Cuntalugs. A large majority of the elderly vote right or centre-right so not risking many votes there. Also a good wedge of them will be dead come the next election and if this number can be increased by freezing some of them to death in the coming winters, well it’s just win,win isn’t it? Only possible flaw in this plan is that many pensioners have middle-aged children who in many cases are already helping them out financially as well as trying to pay their own bills and raise their own children and they’re likely to be well pissed off.

      • Oh yes Arfur.
        There was some Labour cunt being interview at their conference by JHB on Talk radio the other day, he reckoned that the WFA hoohaa would be forgotten in 5 years, really?.
        This shows you how arrogant and out of touch these vermin are.
        It’s their poll tax moment.

    • Poor old Reeves – she has her own problems. She is trying to learn to use that urinal in her office and she keeps missing her aim and pissing her trousers and dirting her shoes.

  10. The Establishment Cunts will penalise millions of indigenous older folks, then spunk millions every day on illegal immigrants , whose numbers grow exponentially, day by day.

    It shows where the concerns and priorities lie.

    As if we didn’t know already.

    Fuck them.

    Good morning.

  11. I’m in two minds about pensioners to be honest.

    The pensioners that endured war and rationing are a bit thin on the ground now.
    Of course I had respect for them and they deserved much better than the miserly hand outs which I believe were the lowest in Europe.

    A good proportion of pensioners nowadays will be lazy, useless bastards who have never worked a day in their lives.
    They are just changing one benefit for another and they can all freeze to death for all I care.

    For old people that have actually worked have paid for a pension…..
    That pension should reflect the amount that has been paid in.

    If they had paid the same amount into a private pension fund then they would be vastly better off.

    There is no public pension fund.
    There is no investment.
    Taxes paid in on a Friday are paid out on a Monday.
    And out of those taxes everything else has to be paid for.

    A state pension for the people that have paid in is not some sort of luxury that governments can pick and choose who and how much they want to pay.

    It’s been brought and paid for.

    • “If they had paid the same amount into a private pension fund then they would be vastly better off.”

      Not my experience Artful. I always worked in the private sector and traditionally employers had final salary pension schemes which were well worth having. It all hit the buffers during Gordon Brown’s tenure as chancellor. Some schemes went insolvent and collapsed, Equitable Life for instance and the survivors slashed the benefits which had been promised. A friend of mine who worked for another IT company received a statement of his pension fund. It showed that in six months it had grown by less than the amount he had paid in over that period. He would have been better off had he put his money under the mattress instead. Employers abandoned their schemes or offered ones which weren’t worth having. My wife has been self-employed most of her life and paid into a private pension for most of that time. She bust a gut to keep up the payments during times when we were hard up. She still works part-time but decided to start drawing this private pension because indications were that what would be paid out was steadily declining. The sum it pays is so pitiful she receives one annual payment.

  12. I dont need it either but do see benefit cunts who have hardly worked getting money hand over fist while those who worked and get just over the threshold get fuck all.

    And the public sector get massive fucking pensions for time serving.

  13. Labour want to change a policy the previous Labour government introduced. The Tories wanted to change it but Labour including Starmer said it would be cruel and unfair to do so.

    I despise these cunts.

    As for ex plod, if you didn’t need it you could have returned it but no you pocket led it. Now you’re there making it seem like pensioners are all well off. Of course you have a public pension, probably final salary so your nose is firmly in the trough you greedy old cunt.

  14. Starmer ‘hopes’ to save taxpayers £1.5bilion. Not that we’ll see it of course as it’ll go straight in the migrant black hole.
    Personally I hope Starmer disappears up his own backside, the sooner the better, as that will save taxpayer much more.

  15. Personally if it makes the caring labour party look like utter cunts, go for it Rodney and helmet head..steal the bus pass next. You are a party of envy..

    Give as much as you like to gimmegrants they will never like you..
    And when the well finally runs dry, you know they’re coming for you..

    It will be your head angie that they will be playing football with.
    Labour scum..

  16. If they say that you don’t need the winter allowance if you’ve saved up / got a few quid, then logically they can say the same about the state pension you’ve paid for all your life. Scum.

  17. This must be the most stupid policy Labour could have thought up, pissed off the Unions, the pensioners and not forgetting that pensioners have families who will also be pissed off.
    50 something of their own MPs didn’t vote for it, the labour conference voted against it, Rosie Duffield has resigned the whip with a letter to Kweer that only just falls short if actually calling him a cunt.

    Not too worry, the poor pensioners on pension credit will get it, who also get free fucking everything which probably in many cases makes them better off than those who are just outside being able to claim the fucking hand out.

    The problem with these cunts on the gravy train like Starmer and Reeves just see saving1.5 billion and see £200 as nothing because when you get a pair of Specs costing two and a half thousand quid, 200 is fuck all. In reality, for many people, £200 is still a lot of money.

    The isn’t going away because the impact assessment conducted by Labour several years ago showed the cut would result in 4000 deaths (I know it’s all smoke and mirrors).

    Labour, just admit you got it wrong and reverse the cut, actually don’t because it will guarantee you lose the next election.
    I just wish my local MP was labour then I could call him/her a cunt.

  18. It won’t be long until the actual state pension is means tested.

    If you have any income from other pensions or savings this will be used against you when you achieve NRD.

    The aim being of course is to keep the dumb fuckers who work, at work longer and older…!

    The lazy cunts and gimmegrants who won’t work will get the full state pension anyway…💩

  19. Dame Kweer doesn’t need worry about winter though.

    He’s got Lord Ali’s smoked sausage to keep him warm.

    I’ve said it before in a previous thread – how they can go after pensioners in this manner while putting 3rd world Jamal come lately’s up in hotels with spending money, defies belief.

    You can also guarantee that the pension age cunts who have never been of any use to this country or have never paid as much as a penny into the system in their entire lives, will be warm and toasty without a care in the world during the cold months.

    Fuck the decent old folk who have actually worked hard all their lives.

    Upside down world.

    Good Morning.

  20. I too JP thought the BBC was complete fucking tools for putting this up.

    “I’m so rich the £300 allowance goes into my holiday – what a cunt”.

    Forget dog shit on his door handles. What you do is put dog shit in a bag outside his house on the gound, light it and ring the doorbell and run off.

    Hide behind a bush while you watch him come outside, stamp on it and glee a the result.

    So, it we are taking away £300 winter fuel allowance as some kind of punishment, what are we doing to stem the benefits that illegals get?

    What benefits of theirs will Labour be reviewing and taking away to help the 22 billion black hole that Labour are going to rinse for the next 4 years.

    When he

  21. What a bunch of filth these total wankers are. They expect us to believe the £20billion black hole fairy tale and do things like this. Meanwhile, nothing is being done about the flotsam arriving across the channel every fucking day while they chuck £billions at a war that’s nothing to do with us. There’s your financial black hole you utter fucking Tossers.

    • Plus the £9 billion that Kweer bought off the train drivers unions and junior doctors, with (and they still want more) so he himself created some of that black hole.

  22. Why didn’t that retired pig simply not claim the allowance then and when is this cunting war going to break out, there’s a few scores to settle on random bumpkins around these parts, a reality check before it’s goodnight Vienna …..

  23. “Dig shit on his door handles”?

    He’d probably recycle it into dog shit wax candles. They’re resourceful fuckers those environ-mentalists! … didn’t you know?

  24. Up to now the winter fuel allowance has been paid out to all pensioners whether they could afford to pay their fuel bills or not. I’m not on benefits and I can afford to pay. Having said that, if they want to give me £300 I’ll take it.
    They’ve now decided to only give it to those who can’t afford their fuel bills, which makes sense. If the pensioners who aren’t going to get it are really hard up, they can apply for benefits and they’ll get the allowance.
    It’s no use saying the Labour government are a load of bastards for withholding this payout. Benefits are for people in need, not the whole population.

    • I paid over £2k in income tax last year, so I have more than contributed to the £200 fuel allowance I received.

      I don’t think pensioners should pay It, if the personal allowance was set at a reasonable level, only those on the very lowest income would need extra help. That’s the answer to where the cut off point should be.

      It’s not so much that the Government had stopped the payment to the majority of pensioners, but the fact that it has been taken away at virtually no notice, without giving people the chance to put a little extra away during the warmer months when fuel bills are traditionally lower.

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