The Lie That The Young Will Never Get On The Housing Ladder

I am nominating the lie that today’s young people will never get on the housing ladder.

Now before I go further, let’s just establish that buying a house these days is a lot more challenging than in the past. It is true to say that inflation adjusted prices are much higher than historical prices, saving for a deposit is made harder by rocketing rental prices, mortgage lending rules are much stricter, and energy and living costs all put a dent in the wallet (this list will no doubt be extended by cunters; immos absorbing housing stock and a thieving Commie government taxing the arse off all and sundry to pay for a fifth column of alien invaders are all valid additional points). So I think most of us would agree that it is harder these days for a young person to buy their first house…but NOT de facto impossible.

We have a number of young, unskilled, uneducated people working for us, who nonetheless earn a good living, taking home £2k+ a month. Some of these are in stable relationships with partners earning similar amounts. Some are living at home with parents. Some are in very cheap rental accommodation (yes some does still exist). We also have recently had a temporary staff member who is Masters educated, about to embark on his PhD at Kings College London; a future candidate leader in society.

What has been conspicuous in my conversations with all of these young people, aged 20 to 25 are three things:
1. They love spending their money on travelling and having a good time. I have one girl who works for us who on a whim will do things like fuck off a grand on a weekend jaunt in a European capital with her boyfriend. Fair enough, I did the same at their age, but then I was also earning a fair whack and comfortably covering my excesses, never having run a credit card debt in my life.
2. They all live paycheck to paycheck, when the end of the month approaches they’re always asking when pay day is (as if it’s magically going to be brought forward this month to answer their prayers), and complaining about living on their uppers, no money to put petrol in the car or do the food shop.
3. They are all very quick, when the subject arises, to complain about how they’ll never get on the housing ladder, they’ve resigned themselves to this fact.

Now with all of them I have run a few basic figures to try to pin down their situation more clearly. I’ve talked over their actual fixed costs – rental, bills, etc. For those living with a partner, I have generally found that outgoings amount to less than half their net household income; those living with parents having near nothing making a dent in their disposable income. I’ve also talked to the PhD student and reminded them that they can comfortably expect to be earning six figures within ten years.

I have pointed out to them that at 22 or 23 years old they could easily be putting aside say £500 a month. In eight or nine years they’ll have a deposit of £50k+. Disregarding the uncertainty over stamp duty relief and first time buyers schemes that may or may not continue to offer a leg up, it is clearly the case, at least with the people I’m employing, that some patience and delayed gratification permits the prospect of owning a house and securing their future independence.

The universal response?

“Oh you’ve got to live though haven’t you.”

You can see the confusion and panic in their eyes at the suggestion that the bogeyman of never owning their own house has been exposed as a fraud, and that what they really need to do is to stop pissing all their money up the wall and get on with some good old fashioned saving.

To counter the above bloc of shirkers, we have a young woman who’s worked for us for 6 years, again no academic or vocational qualifications, from a penniless family background, but has put her head down and worked hard, got herself promoted, been careful and at 33 has just bought herself a nice little £300k new build, her pride and joy. It’s taken commitment and self-sacrifice but she’s managed it, and boy is she transformed for it – happy and secure and freed from the life of dependency on others that preceded it.

Governments and MSM peddle this pernicious lie to enslave armies of hopeless young people, and the young people themselves willingly submit to the lie to excuse taking responsibility for themselves. Not in all cases, I’ll admit, but a lot more than the blanket propaganda will have us believe.

It’s time the alternative headline is broadcast – yes you can own your own house, you just need to sort your shit out and get on with it.

The link sort of makes the point, I think the discussion could be had on its own merits, but we need a link so here it is

This Money.

Nominated by : Balsamic Dave

71 thoughts on “The Lie That The Young Will Never Get On The Housing Ladder

  1. I genuinely feel sorry for the little bastards today. Stay on at school till 18 and be mollycoddled even after 16. Go to university to earn a degree that will be out of date by the time you get it. Get a job at KFC and save to but some little box twenty stories up, with passageways stinking of curry.

    I left school at 15 and by the time I was 18 I had done a lot more and seen a lot of bloody more places than 18 year olds do today. No debts.

    Some of the homes now being built (especially the “affordable” ones) will be condemned slums in thirty years time. Good morning.

  2. That is a nom and a half, I agree there does seem to be a mindset in younger people that they can just spend and then complain they can’t get on the housing ladder.
    The problem is that everything is available these days, jetting off for the weekend was unheard of in my day unless you were loaded. Cunts like to travel so they can get likes of Tik and Inst when they post a photo on the boulevard St-Germain

    House prices are rising, it’s a long time since the market was a ‘buyers market’ but I have seen vendors lowering asking prices in my area over the last year.

    Social housing is a joke, it’s either antisocial housing of a free ride for immigrants.

  3. I genuinely don’t feel sorry for young people.

    Fuck em.

    The moaning little bastards.

    I don’t want them moving next door to me!
    Trampoline in the garden,
    Astro turf instead of a lawn
    BBQs with shitty music blaring
    The fat kids dropping litter that blows in my beautifully tasteful garden.

    Try the Bibby Stockholm

    • It must play havoc with the country cream gates MNC, but I genuinely do feel sorry for them. They have been taught by their parents to show off, splashing money they can’t afford on luxuries they can’t afford, and to take selfies, but this ridiculous nonsense of keeping them at school till they are men – or women – or don’t knows, does them no favours. It would be far better that they fucked off from school at 16, learned a trade or at least got a job with the responsibilities that should bring, self reliance, punctuality etc. They are virtually children at 17 now, it is unbelivable and does them no good. What is worse is that they are encouraged to be by parents and the education authorities and the government.

      • That’s because you’re a nice bloke WC.

        But I wouldn’t waste time on them.cant get a house?

        They can get a reasonably priced tent at Decathlon .
        Some have 3 rooms.

        I hate that AstroTurf shite.
        They seem to love it?
        It says to me

        ‘ I’m a lazy bastard who doesn’t own a lawnmower ‘.

        It’s okay in a greengrocers window but as a lawn?!!!

        I wouldn’t be seen dead letting my dog shit on it.

      • Unfortunately Suella Braverman made it illegal for homeless cunts to own tents.
        And to stink.

    • Is it wrong that I feel like drop kicking the scum kids, and parents who litter on my road? we live near a primary school, every day we get the cunts parking all over. Then blows the litter from putrid little shits. I call out the parents because they let them do it. Being shit cunt scum, they don’t care. We don’t live on a bad road, it’s mostly bungalows and very quiet. Just two hours a day, makes me near homicidal! Probably needs cuntting to be fair.

  4. Dave,
    You have put lots of flesh on the bones of what I have been preaching for years.
    A lot does depend on having that monthly disposable income of ~£500. But hey, if you ain’t got that kind of income, then forego your fucking £50 pm phone contract, your £15pm Sky Sport channels, your Saturday nights pissing £100 up the wall (make do with £25) and your tattoo additions.
    Finally, if you can’t quite make that eight year deposit, then maybe your target needs to be ten years. But it ain’t impossible.

    • In 10 years’s time £50k will just about pay for the electricity needed to top up the car you’re only allowed to buy if you’re a party member. That’s if they’re still even legal then. And since there’ll be a mosque on every corner, people won’t need cars.

  5. Good nom.

    I am not sure why they would want to own their own homes. Property is theft and all that marxist shit. By the time they are spewed out by the state educashun system they are all good little Tory/Trump hating proles with mental health issues that will assure them bennies for as long as they live. Practically illiterate, bone idle skiivers hard-wired to their mobile phones and tranny chums, Bless.

  6. Here’s an inspirational story which shows what can be achieved if you put your mind to it.

    Consider the case of the son of a lowly tool maker who found himself a sugar daddy keen to lavish him with tailored suits and designer specs. No need to worry about getting on the housing ladder too when you get the use of an £18million Covent Garden penthouse, ideal for revising for GCSEs.

    And of course the rich sugar daddy’s motives are purely altruistic. What would he possibly be expecting in return?

    So there you are kids, meet the right billionaire and don’t be too fussy about keeping your ring intact (allegedly).

  7. My elder kid, now in the last year of a biochemical engineering degree (blatany proud dad boast there) likes to take the piss by saying that, by the time he’s 25, he’ll earn more money than his mother and I combined and will be able to afford a decent house and he’ll do it too.
    He won’t be so smug when, in 30 years’ time (if I’m somehow still alive), I’ll come visiting him at Christmas and refuse to leave and, despite being fully continent, I’ll shit myself out of spite so his missus can clean it up.

    • With a bit of luck Thomas he will stumble across a groundbreaking invention like Flubber or find the genome sequence to bring back a T.rex!

      Something like that , that benefits everyone!

      • He has stated that he intends to discover the cure for many debilitating illnesses.
        Not for the benefit of mankind, of course.
        To become super-rich and be drowning in pussy.

      • Saving mankind is no reason to do anything except, perhaps, nuking most of Africa and the middle east. And possibly china.

    • Big fan of this post, Thomas! My mum and dad are fucking loaded. I’ve seen penny one and fucking good on ’em!

      When I graduated and thought I was the dog’s bollocks, they made me go on the dole. That lit a firecracker up my arsehole and then some!

      • Cruel to be kind, eh?

        My elder lost her job, because she was being a lazy-arsed twat and hooking off sick.

        She got unemployment benefit (as it was then) and I made her hand it all over for her keep.

        I gave her bus fare to apply for jobs.

        Fucking amazing how fast she found work.

        Same with Younger, who is/was a fine musician. Sat on the fence too long, so I pushed her off.

  8. I spent some time lecturing motor vehicle in FE (PGCE, QTLS) and spent the last part of it as a pastoral care tutor. The expectation from management was to ‘embed’ the climate change emergency, British values, diversity, inclusion and the rest of the politicised nonsense in the tutorials (the main reason I left and took HGV).
    Instead though I’d get the ‘students’ to look up current vacancies for the trade they were training for and find the salary. Then, do a vertical shop at Tesco, look up the cost of renting a flat, band A council tax, loan for a car, average monthly energy costs, etc. Add together to find the total and then compare with the monthly salary.
    Oh dear, the outgoings are greater than the income.
    Welcome to the world of adults!

  9. It’s a dangerous,almost reckless affair for the prospective home owner in this Marxist paradise..

    You save up,manage to buy a house only to find its been literally flung up by weed addicted subcontractors,some cunt from the govt makes you have a heat pump that bankrupts you then Rachel Thieves arranges for council tax bands to be “updated” so it’s as much as your mortgage..

    then the wind doesn’t blow,the lights go out and David Lammy evicts you by force and puts some smelly foreign tripe in your house.

    it’s a minefield.


  10. It’s expectation versus reality.

    Many of us bought our own place in our twenties. It wasn’t easy. Scrimping and saving for the deposit for the worst house on the nicest street. Or just a house in a reasonable area that required about five years of working on evenings and weekends to bring it up to a decent standard. With lots of tears along the way.

    Now people in their twenties are up to their eyeballs in debt because they have to have instant gratification in the form of holidays, cars, nights out and the latest iPhone.

    The concept of living on one wage, while saving the other. Driving an old banger. Taking in homemade coffee and sandwiches for lunch and forgetting the idea of a foreign holiday for the foreseeable future are things that these whiney cunts need to get used to if they want to own their own place.

    All of that requires sacrifice, determination and patience.

    Something the youngsters these days have no understanding of.

    • I’m far more concerned that the Labour cunts will punish people like us who have decent houses with spare bedrooms now the kids are gone.
      Imagine a law forcing us to take asylum scum into our spare bedrooms?
      I can see it happening.
      And the pigs would enforce it with big smiles on their traitorous faces.

      • Afternoon Thomas.

        Concerning indeed, considering all of ours have now flown the nest.

        Still, it is unlikely any illegals would want to live with us, our large guarding breed dog and my extensive collection of German second world war political memorabilia that I like to leave scattered around the house.

      • Luckily my door and window frames are made of bacon with a crossed sausage crucifix adorning the front door.

      • Jeepers!!

        The daughter is finally moving out and moving to Warrington to live with her boyfriend.
        Just be my luck that?

        Kier tries to force some smelly immo on us!

        They’d soon have a accident.

        Probably wouldn’t get the suitcase unpacked before they fell down the stairs breaking their neck.

        Same with the next one that’d turn up.

      • Well, the wife and I are going to have a marital breakdown and sleep in two separate rooms. So fuck off M’tebe or Abdul no room at this fucking inn.

      • Isn’t Surkeer demanding the return of all the sausages? Your front door will have to make do with sticks of C4.

    • Your post at 11:45 Odin really strikes a chord with me. I could have made an identical list with reference to me and the wife. I would like to add one thing though. Many point out that the youngsters today seem unable or unwilling to do repairs and/or maintenance on their own property. Apart from the fact they are inculcated with this mindset from every source around them it’s now the case that a great deal of the work we carried out in those days we are forbidden by law to do now. Obvious examples are the regulations now on domestic electrics and windows. Breed ever more dependency into the plebians I think is the plan, makes them easier to control.

      • In the old days, we learned how to do things by watching our parents.

        My Dad put two extensions on our house and did the vast majority of the work himself.
        I watched him and mucked in by mixing cement, running roof tiles up to him, grouting tiles in the bathroom, decorating the finished article and generally helping out…age 10.

        Teens and twenty something’s would never dream of getting their hands dirty like that now. They think it’s beneath them and would rather pay through the nose to have some dooshka who was a farm labourer in Romania two weeks ago come and do it for them.

        Another reason why this country is fucked.

  11. As with most things, the young are brain-washed form an early age about not owning a house, having a car will destroy the planer, the climate change myth and immigration is good. A corner-stone of fucking the socialists good and proper, was for people to won their own homes – Thatcher realised this and made it possible for a great many people, me included I guess. As you say, when I bought my first house it was fucking desperate, we thought we had a good deal at about 9% mortgage rate. Our furniture was all second hand, we took lunch to work and didn’t go out for a good few years and our holidays were in Wales.

    • and I still can’t spell after all these years:
      form = from
      planer = planet
      won = own

      Come on admin, give us an edit feature

      • It’s not a lack of ability to spell, mi’Lord.

        It’s autocorrect, and also that you’re often replying to something that enrages you.

        Typos are acceptable, if we’re unsure what you actually mean, we’ll ask.

        Carry on, good chap.

  12. Back in the last century, if your mate got a mortgage you never saw them out. Then you only bought what you could afford, now want want fucking want.
    Now the obese tattooed fucking slobs cannot give their brats a breakfast.
    Fuck em, fuck em all.

    • But they do have the latest Range Rover sport (hers) and a BMW M3 (his) on the driveway. On tick and never serviced.

      Priorities Harry, Priorities

  13. All the young do today is walk round with humpbacks and overdeveloped large thumbs, fucking about on their iPhones. Some fortunately get run over and killed.

  14. Can’t afford it tough ?….instead of spunking £100 on a fucking t-shirt with a small designer motif on or the latest sweat shop made iPhone try and save, if we couldn’t afford it back in the day well the simple fact was we didn’t bleeding have it unless….yep we saved up till we could, not to my mind that hard to grasp ?

  15. One of the whinging little fuckers that motivated me to put this nomination up is currently on holiday for two and half weeks in Tenerife. This one is living in emergency housing with her boyfriend – no cost of accommodation, both of them netting c.£4k a month. And yet apparently she’ll never be able to save any money on this meagre surplus of disposable income.

    And so she loves to bang the drum, “I’ve just had to accept I’ll never own my own house.”

    Presumably she’s had to accept this because she’s accepted she’s a stupid reckless little cunt.

    I have another young staff member who failed to turn up to work yesterday thanks to boozing it up Thursday night – then as she sobered up Friday afternoon she confided to one of her colleagues that she really needs this job and was now extremely worried (as she should be) about getting sacked. So I told her last night I want to have a brief five minute conversation this morning, in which I intended to explain she had one more chance and I needed some commitment from her to turning up and doing the job she’s scheduled to do. She agreed to the conversation last night. Phone switched off today.

    So, in short, and to echo MNC’s sentiment above – young people; fuck em, no fucking sympathy for being at the mercy of non-home ownership and all the problems that visits on them.

    • I suppose I am lucky I have a son, and he wanted to work when he was 15 – he got a Saturday job at Sainsburys, and liked it so much he worked on Sundays there, too. This was the days before self serving tills. He has never been out of work, and is hard working and reliable. He left school the month he was 16. He told me not long ago that if he had been made to go to school till he was 18 he would have played truant every day. That’s my boy!

      • I know WC, and I’m not genuinely saying all young people are like this, I’m just in a bad mood because my point has been proven yet again this last 24hrs.

        Sounds like you’ve got a good lad to me, congrats; my daughter also understands there’s to be no fucking around in life and you only get what you work for. Matter of upbringing at the end of the day, isn’t it.

      • Bought him up right, didn’t you?

        Well done, to both of you.

        I love hearing a success tale.

        Both mine do well, too. I’m proud of both, and the Lass. By God, she’s shaping up!

      • You’re a diamond JP, I’d expect nothing else than your offspring to be chips off the old gemstone!

  16. People that know how to handle money are few and far between.

    The elderly Welsh couple that owned a house close to mine are a good example of financial cretins.

    In their 80’s they decided to sell their front line Mediterranean house.
    They used all of the money that they got to buy a penthouse in the city.

    What’s the fucking point?

    Put the money in a bank and then get busy spending it.
    They could spend 3 months in any country on earth before moving on for a few months somewhere else.

    Rent an apartment or stay in hotels.
    Don’t buy a fucking car.
    They are not going to live forever and there is no way that they can spend all of their money before they die.

    If it were me, I will certainly try to get rid of a lump of cash like that.
    Owning and being stuck in an apartment is plain fucking stupid at that age.

    Youngsters don’t know how to save.
    Besides owning their own homes in several year’s time there is little incentive.

    Are there any special savings schemes offered by banks for kids wanting to eventually buy their own homes?

    The last that I heard of my useless, disrespectful cunt of a son was that he was living in one room in someone else’s house.

    He had a very nice new car and would jet off on distant holidays whenever he could.

    He obviously thinks that he will one day inherit money and property from me and Mrs Cunter.

    Unlucky, you cunt.
    We have made sure that you will get fuck all.

    • It’s sad to hear of the deterioration of relationship between your son and yourself, TAC.
      Would there be any chance of reparing your bond if he were to get his head on straight?

      • Good afternoon Thomas.

        You can only be taken for a cunt so many times by someone, even if that someone is close family.

        I will never see or speak to him ever again.
        He could end up begging on the streets or dead.
        I couldn’t care less.

      • I know a similar story, Artful.

        A mate of mine has a 29 year old son. His mother is as soft as shit with him, But he really is a useless lazy bloodsucking cunt.. Doesn’t work (refuses to or gets quickly sacked. Is basically unemployable), gets up every day at about 4 or 5pm, plays Xbox games all night. Eats takeaway shit. Washes very rarely. Every day for years, the same routine.

        He knows his mum will let him live rent free and will always clean up his mess, pay his debts and make excuses for him.

        This led to his dad giving his old lady an ultimatum. Either he goes, or he goes. After much ‘But… But he’s our son’shit from his Mrs, my mate really did walk out. Said it was the best thing he ever did. He is now happily remarried, no kids, and a younger, kinder – and more attracrive – wife He’s like a new man who has a big fuck off ball and chain taken off him.

      • Hi Norman.

        From the age of around 14 the cunt, for some unknown reason refused to talk to me.
        When he left school he would stay in bed all day and only get up at night after I had gone to bed.

        This went on for years.

        I would never give my wife an ultimatum but by the time he was 18 I was 2 weeks away from walking out on her.

        He got a job in the UK just in time.

        I am an old fashioned type of guy and when he was training for his job I would send him hand written letters a few times a week.
        I think that emails and texts are impersonal.

        He never replied.
        On his next visit to us he stole my money and once again refused to talk to me when I confronted him.

        I still tried to get a relationship back.

        On his last visit, year’s ago, I took him on a tour of a few of our beautiful cities.
        Staying in hotels and eating in the best restaurants.

        I thought that he had finally grown up.
        He should have done as he was then 30 year’s old.
        I took him to a bar and told him how hurtful he had been in the past.
        I told him that I was happy that he had matured.

        I gave him the deposit for his first house in England.
        I transferred a large amount of money to his account in the UK while he was sat in front of me.

        He showed his gratitude by stopping talking to me for the entire drive home and the rest of his holiday in my home.


      • That’s a very sad story Artie.
        And nothing hurts as much as family betrayal.

        Hard decision but a understandable one.

      • I never actually had kids.

        My horrible cunt of a first wife wouldn’t have them.
        And my wonderful second wife can’t have them.

        But, I’m not bothered. In a way, I think I’ve dodged a bullet.

      • I’m with you in that boat Norman. There was a time it saddened me a lot, but as my friends have confided over the years, they love their kids but have regrets and wouldn’t have them if they could live their life over. I also feel like I dodged the proverbial bullet. The world seems to be fucked on a downward trajectory, mine and the wife’s hard earned is our own, onwards and forwards.

    • Regarding your elderly former neighbours, I’d end my days on cruise ships, never mind buying another property for someone else to sell.

      • Exactly JP.

        A cruise ship around the world for six months.
        Then another one for a few months around the nicer places that you have discovered.

        Or a first class round the world open airline ticket.
        You can stop off anywhere on route and spend as long as you want there before getting back on a plane to continue your journey.

        But being in a high rise in a city is not sensible when you don’t have much time to live.
        Buying new furniture and the constant renovations and maintenance, for what?

        Travel, live, rent, get some other cunt to do your laundry and cooking.
        You don’t need much luggage.
        Buy stuff that you can wear a few times and then chuck away.

        Life is short and the longer you live it the shorter it gets.

  17. Less people would mean more affordable housing. Old cunts especially are blocking the housing market. They don’t even bother to heat them properly during winter. Here at the Labour Party we are very concerned about this problem and will kill as many off as possible during the winter.

    Alternatively have the elderly and infirm considered relocating to a Sarco pod, very cosy.

    Ideally we would like to take all housing into public ownership, social housing is the future.

    Our aim is to create a classless society where everyone (apart from the ruling elite) live in identical housing units suitable for your needs at the time.

    Young and single? No problem, you can live in one of our state provided micro homes, these are easily recognisable and not to be confused with wheelie bins.

    For traditional families the lovely Angela has personal designed the spacious skip house. Though of course these will only be available for traditional families consisting of a woman with children of many hues fathered by men who don’t live with her.

    For our refugee friends each town will be required to build a 3000 bed 4 star hotel. This will accommodate new citizens comfortably and provide work for those currently receiving benefits.

    Couples who insist on remaining in heterosexual relationships will be sterilised and placed in one of our new super prisons where they will work for the state.

    Remember you are now living in a 15 minute city, we just haven’t built it yet.

    The elderly will all be temporarily housed in one of our bliss pods before being distributed to farmers.

    Private house ownership is at the root of inequality and is a barrier to equity. It must be eliminated.

    • Excellent stuff, SV.
      One would expect to see an article just like that (but serious) adorning the pages of The Guardian or The Morning Star!

  18. OT. Hezbollah confirms death of leader Hassan Nasrallah after Israeli strikes on Beirut.

    Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.

  19. First house we bought, you had to earn a week what the mortgage cost a month or the bank wouldn’t let you have it. Now you can get a mortgage you can’t afford on a house 30-50% more expensive than it’s true value.

  20. “Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”

    Fuck them brats, Gen Z and the even more odious Millennials deserve to be rolled in shit and forced to eat each other.
    I would pay to see that as long as they ( the survivors) didn’t get any royalties.

  21. I bought my house at the age of 38 but my Mother and my Grandmother had to die within 10 days of each other for this to even be possible.

    It’s shit.

    • That certainly is.

      I paid off my mortgage, car loan, credit card debt, everything, but only because my Dad died and I inherited.

      I’d rather have my Dad.

  22. The trouble is that younger people have been led to believe that they can have jam today and tomorrow.

    I’m 70, and my two girls have their own homes, and are both within five years of being mortgage free, as am I.

    I could pay off both their remaining mortgages, but I believe that you don’t value that which you haven’t achieved yourself.

    At one time, I’d have been happy for one of the girls to move into mine, once I’m dead, but now I think they should sell and split the proceeds. The estate is deteriorating, and I’d move if I could.

    The paucity of affordable and manageable housing for older people is a fucking disgrace. If you want older people to move out of three bedroom houses, build more one bedroomed bungalows. After all, we’re not going to live in them long enough for the cracks to appear, and they might very well mysteriously burn to the ground once we’re gone, but no loss as the insurance will take care of that.

  23. Excellent cunting. Couldn’t agree more.

    Some years back I remember having a discussion with a friends 20 something son who was complaining he couldn’t afford a house in the same street as his parents and how impossible it was to get on the housing ladder but it was alright for us as we were the lucky generation. I put him straight :

    1. None of us could afford a house in the same street as our parents. That’s why my wife was living in Streatham and when she married bought a flat in Reading.

    2. We bought as a couple. We went without things and saved for a deposit. Nobody n our generation could afford to buy on a single income

    3. I asked him his salary. Then I said double that to allow for a partner. Take the cost of a one bed flat in a cheaper area. Work out the multiplier. Oh look, same as in our day!

    4. I asked him how often he went down the pub, took a foreign holiday, went out for a meal. You can’t spend it twice, so how much do you put away each month? Oh, nothing – so how will you save up a deposit then?

    He seemed to think you should be able to get a 100% mortgage and stick the expenses on his credit card.

    Not a fucking clue – but at the end he had to admit he saw my point

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