are a cunt.
(The latest government who are very, very keen to rush as many things through without even the token vote due to parliament being closed)
Not content with the indoor smoking ban (my personal belief is that it is mostly a good thing in most places but pubs should be given the option to declare themselves a smokers pub) they now want to rush through a smoking ban covering beer gardens in pubs too.
Pubs are the cornerstone of British culture, a place for villagers and workers to meet and chat over a few pints of ale, or lager for those who have no taste, or Guinness for those who buy into that nonsense.
The pub, the last bastion of free speech where unlikely stories of a bloke down the pub said such and such.
The smoking ban killed off many, very nearly killed off many more, Pushed up prices to make up for lack of footfall.
So now they want to ban smoking outside. Smoking areas, beer gardens, OUTSIDE, in the fresh air where taxpaying adults choose to stand/sit to smoke their tax paid smokes.
Nah, this is clearly a targeted attack on drinkers which is haram.
Nominated by Cunt of Peeblesshire.
Kweer is the Nanny statee personified. I dont smoke but have no problem with people having a fag outside.
A pity he doesnt have a go at the tidal wave of junk food that chavs consume to burden the NHS. Or online gambling of every hue that impoverishes 1000s.
Of course, smoking outside pubs while having a drink is something that won’t affect or upset Kweer’s Muslims, and it gives the Dear Leader another chance to flex his mini muscles (you do know he was Mr Pumiverse 2015?). No doubt aided and abetted by Student Nurse Nancy Streeting. If Rodders is so worried about long term health conditions, why not ban homosexual buggery?. That can lead to AIDS or at the very least never ending supplies of pile ointment which costs the NHS dear.
He really should ban Pàkis and their inbreeding..
Fucking hairy mutants bleeding the health system dry..
Pubs should smell of spilt bitter, cigarette smoke and Sunday dinners.
I’m a ex smoker.
Don’t begrudge anyone else smoking.
Fuck me they used to let the condemned have a last smoke before the firing squad filled him full of bullets,
He’d have to have a stick of nicorette gum nowadays.
Just let people decide for themselves!
If some raspy voiced, yellow fingered cunt wants a fag with his pint ,
Let him.
he’s a miserable bastard isn’t he? Starmer.
I have no problem with anyone nipping outside to have a fag. To be offended by this, you’d have to stick your face within an inch of the lit cigarette and suck like mad.
Another kick in the teeth for one of the best British institutions.
I am going to be controversial. We have lived in our house for 30 years. We have two neighbouring houses which changed hands last year both were taken over by smokers and we now have 2nd hand fag smoke drifting over the wall at most times of the day as neither household will smoke indoors. I am a big non-smoker and can smell fag smoke a mile off. It is made a large part of our garden unusable as I just find it bloody unpleasant. Mrs W. tends to go mad at me when I walk into the house saying shut the windows and doors those cunts are fucking smoking again loud enough for them to hear. I am well up for a row about it. We had drug dealers renting the property previously, nice and discreet and not looking to attract attention, and they were great neighbours compared to the present occupants.
Be glad you don’t live near me. When home I believe all food should be cooked outside on charcoal in all weathers.
But to moan about neighbours smoking in their own home/garden seems a bit provocative?
Right there with you, Wanksock.
I’m the type where people doing this would drive me freaking insane.
Years ago I rented a house and next door were absolute cunts. Two completely ineffective and in denial parents of 3 teenage/early 20s sons. Whenever the parents were out, they’d have their scum mates round who’d toss their beer cans and still alight fag ends at my back door. Telling them to knock it off only made them do it more. You know the mentality.
By way of further example, when one of the feral offspring mowed their lawn, they’d open the door and windows at the back of the house and crank up the stereo so the cunt could listen to music while it mowed. Petrol mower of course. They were the bastard family from hell.
Never been a smoker, but don’t have a problem with others doing it, especially outside..
So all the Bullshit about protecting the envy of the world NHS doesn’t wash.
Again it’s a another intrusion into people’s lives, by a bunch of greasy communists.
So fuck off Rodney you friendless pansy .
Spot on, Barry.
It’s about control and the errosion of civil rights and liberty.
Just ask yourself this question. If every smoker in the UK stopped tomorrow, how would the loss of revenue from tax on tobacco be made up?
By savings on NHS funding, because they aren’t spending money on treating people with smoking related illness? Really? There’s hardly any funding for it already, but apparently plenty to pay for Diversity and Inclusion Executives.
Need a new knee? Good luck with that, pal. I can think of numerous other instances, but to say that this latest idea is to do with helping the NHS is a nonsense and a convenient construct design to appeal to the hard of thinking.
If everyone stoped smoking, how would we make up the revenue? I know how, stop burdening the NHS with the diseases they inflicted on them selves. such a a stupid argument. why should others be forced. to breathe that shit? There is no good argument for that. same goes for vapes, that’s a cunting that needs to be done. They are so safe apparently. Dose anyone question how the rinky dinks own most of the brands? They said tobacco was safe for generations. it’s not, and your and ignorant cunt If you think others should put up with your rabbit
Adolf Hitler hated smoking too.
Seems to be a socialist thing.
Complete control over the individual.
“Lager for people have no taste”… I’m assuming you haven’t drank any of Bavaria’s fine, fine, refreshing lager beers, then.
I fucking hate drink snobs.
Lager hurts my tummy.
It’s gassy as fuck.
And it’s a girls drink.?
OOOOHHHHHH hark at her, pardon me for breathing ducky. Only 8% for this puppy. Belgiums only the finest finest ale at cunty towers.
Mind you we did try a 10% ale one lunchtime. Two bottles of that and crashed out for two hours.
8% Cunty?
I piss that strength in the morning, you wuss.
Kronenbourg used to be my everyday beverage of choice. But the Frog manufacturers recently changed the recipe and cut the alcohol content by 0.4%.
Now it’s mostly gas and tastes almost as bad as fucking Budweiser.
Cunts. ?
Gassy beer reminds me of a poem that Alan Bennett wrote, apong the style of John Betjman:
“Lady typist – office party,
Golly – all that gassy beer,
Hurrying home through Camden Passage
To her improved Windemere*……
(* a brand of lavatory bowl)
It goes on like that and ends:
“Here I sit – alone and sixty,
Bald, and fat, and full of sin,
Cold the seat and loud the cistern,
As I sit and read the Harpic tin”
Could have been written for Kweer Rodney!
PS: I stopped smoking over 40 years ago. Nearly everyone in my family and friends smoked back then, so it wasn’t easy.
But in retrospect, probably the most important decision I ever made.
Don’t begrudge anyone else smoking though, if that’s what floats your boat.
Not that I know anyone who smokes now anyway.
Shit-cake: Are you referring to Kronenbourg 1664?
If so, this is bad news. That’s my go-to lager.
Although I have recently discovered a new one called Kona Big Wave. Very tasty and refreshing.
I miss proper beer though. I don’t have any plans to visit the UK at the moment, but I shudder to think what a pint will cost the next time I’m getting one in. The last time I bought a couple of pints, I don’t think a £10 note covered it. FFS! I can still remember when a pint was £1.
@ Imitation Yank
I am indeed referring to Kronenbourg 1664. Really disappointing.
Thanks for the heads-up re Kona Big Wave – will check it out – assuming it’s sold in one of the supermarkets near us.
None of that foreign gassy muck for me thanks. Not a drink snob, just a keen drinker of cask ale and keeping tradition alive, someone has to.
Quite right Pebbles!
Draught bitter or mild for me.
Lager is a birds drink
As cider is a tramps drink.
Ale to be drank while eating meat.
Lager to be drank while eating sauerkraut
Cider drank while eating from dustbins.
Lager for people with no taste, how dare you. St austell breweries korev lager, lovely stuff, ice cold from the fridge in a bottle with my best girl by my side as i sing……
Fucking amateurs the bastard lot of you !
I smoke 500 fags a day and drink absinthe by the pint.
And it`s never done me any harm.
?? ?????
And with the price of ciggies now I`ve a good mind to charge all secondary smokers for the privilege of inhaling my fucking smoke.
Cunts !
Quite right!
By the looks of your picture, Sam – I’d say it’s taken a toll on your complexion. Just sayin’. 😉
LOL. Guilty as charged.
Luxury. I smoke bird shit and bark and drink 100% proof Irish poteen.
For breakfast.
Let’s say I wouldn’t want smoking in my presence, which is ignorance. In a way, passive smoking wasn’t like it used to be with none tipped cigarettes. I’m half glad what’s happening for the sake of children being present with ignorant smoking parents. Remember going into pubs not long after the ban and they stank even worse with stale smoke. I’ll leave it with the present, after giving up smoking not long after the tipped came out and spoiled it for the Capstan Full Strength smokers like myself.
Besides smoking and drinking not being strong enough, I gave them up on health grounds in the end. I didn’t have to need to be persuaded by gadgetry, I found it easier with willpower.
I gave up once. lasted a day before someone shoved a lit Marlboro red in my mouth and told me to calm the fuck down.
Apparently my murderous tendencies shine through if I’m deprived of nicotine for any length of time.
“Smoking is easy to give up, I’ve done it hundreds of times”.
(Oscar Wilde).
Now kids in pubs,…I’m all for banning them little cunts.
And vegans.
Ban them too.
But not smokers.
Pubs should be a escape from the world
Fuckin kids an hippy cunts getting underfoot.
I started smoking because it was glamourous,
I felt like David Niven.
But along with a predilection for sweeties it fucked my teeth up.
Didn’t feel like David Niven when having a root canal.
I fully endorse banning kids from pubs.
Yep, me too!
When mine were littlest, there used to be a families only section away from the bar and the adults eating.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t allowed to leave them there unsupervised. Frankly, my two should have had food tossed through the bars of their cage. They’re much better behaved now, though.
your right, I genuinely dislike kids more than ciggies. people choose to have kids, most should never bother to be honest. That being said, I prefer to not be breathing smoke.
I would also like to add one about people of a certain age not legally being able to buy ciggaretts any more. What will that stop? So a 21 year old asks me to buy him a packet of 20. Will I get done for intent to supply? Of course we all know who the biggest fag of all here is, someone who has probably never smoked in his life. He needs to be put out in a swimming pool. Where is Michael Barrymore when we so desperately need him?
I bet there has never been a fag in Kweer’s mouth – except perhaps Mandy’s (and Tony)
Stasi Starmer’s couldn’t give a flying fuck about smokers health or the cost to the NHS. Why doesn’t he start of the tens of millions that are spunked away on interpreters for freeloading third world parasites and literature that has to be translated into two dozen different fucking languages, and that’s just a start.
Having a fag down the street from the pub instead of the beer garden is going to save lives, Rodney says.
Not a smoker myself and never have been.
I have always objected to being forced to endure stinging eyes, potential lung cancer and the stench of cigarette smoke on my clothes and in my hair simply because some inconsiderate bastard decided to smoke in the same room as me. In the interests of fairness, if I have to endure the by-product of someone’s smoking habit, they should have to endure the by-product of my habit. I like drinking beer which produces urine. So I should be able to piss on the smokers. That’s only fair.
BUT (no pun intended)…..
If the smokers are forced to get their nicotine fix in an open space (e.g. outside) where they’re a lot less likely to affect other (non-smoker) people, I think that’s fair. To have that option made illegal is absurd in my view. Suppose someone walks past a pub (not a pub patron) and is smoking. Would they be breaking the law too? Utter nonsense.
When it comes to smoking, I think there are other more sensible measures that could be introduced. Let’s face it, smokers are inconsiderate litter louts. They open a new packet of fags. Where does the cellophane wrapper go? Yep, on the ground. Little bit of foil inside, where’s that go? Yep, on the ground. They light up their cancer stick with a match. Where’s that going next? Yep, you guessed it. And once they’ve finished their fag, where does the fag end end up? No prizes here either.
To combat this loutish behaviour, Keir Stasi should introduce the death penalty. Maybe public stonings if there were mitigating circumstances.
And of course, IY, in our crime free country, the police have nothing else to do, other than issuing fines for smoking near a pub, and doing 34mph in a 30mph zone!
(tip, plead NG, and ask when their device was last calibrated)
34 in a 30 zone, JP? The outrage!!! I’m literally shaking.
Death would be too good for perps responsible for such a heinous act.
Of course, no need to plead NG if you’re a poor, destitute would-be architect or scientist asylum seeker. The rozzers would probably give you a high speed escort anywhere you wanted to go at any time, plus a free pass using your free mobile ‘phone at the wheel, free food of your choice, free booze, free white school girls, free money, free… get the point.
Jeezum, its 10% plus 2 to win the Stasi speeding ticket. On another note 8% and I’m a wuss? My seconds will be calling on you in the near future. Are you agreed that MNC is the referee? To ensure that no shenanigans take place and decorum is maintained.
Last time I was done for speeding Cunty it was for 79 in a 70. 70+10%+2=79. When I went on the “speed awareness course” to avoid getting points the retired plod told us that they would now do people for 71 in a 70. Take note.
Cunty, bring it on But I was only implying my am piss was over 8% proof, not that by drinking farty 8% proof beer you were in any way a wuzz.
MNC will be pleased to oversee, I’m sure.
Pistols or rapier at dawn?
Handbags at dawn.
The pub is a British cultural institution and Starmer hates Britain.
I think its more sinister than government overreach and the nanny state.
I do too, LL. I think this stinks of attempting to curtail dissent. I’m sure the idea for many a protest march or campaign started down the pub.
Hope you’re well this fine day.
Can’t complain IY, ticking over mate…you well?
Its all about personal freedoms isn’t it and what they will come after next. I can see why Americans are passionate about their gun rights.
I’m doing OK, thanks LL.
I was never that interested in guns before I moved here. For the longest time I honestly believed that as a non-US citizen I wasn’t legally allowed to own one. Turns out I was wrong about that. So now I do. It’s quite a fun hobby as it goes with the extra benefit of being able to defend my life and that of Mrs. Yank should someone break into our house armed with evil intent.
Pro-gun folks are very passionate about their rights. The anti-gun rights brigade are just as passionate about taking those rights away. Presumably when some armed manic breaks into their homes with the intent to rape and murder, they’re OK defending themselves with bad language while they wait for the cops to show up 20 minutes after they’ve already been shot dead. Which leads to the question, why can the cops have guns, but civilians can’t? Well, they’d say, the cops need to defend themselves against violent criminals who might have acquired a firearm with which to commit crimes. Erm….that’s the same reason why civilians need to be armed! Duh!!!! 🙂
I have used firearms all my life. I honestly agree with you Iy. untill renctly I have been denied the right to fire a hand gun/ pistol. Firing a 9mm and 45 glok in Canada ( legally); I can say, If I could own either-or I would. not for fun or for sport, but to protect me and my wife from criminal scum. a glok Is man’s finest machined pistol in my opinion, smooth, accurate and hits like a fist.
Cigs are as addictive as heroin. It will take more than unenforceable laws on where you can smoke to affect the problem one iota. It is a long term problem. Ban fags, and…welcome nicotine county lines. While sanctions on smoking may help the NHS in the distant future, there are FAR more urgent matters on the government’s agenda – or damn well ought to be.
Two-tier Starmer is simply gathering the low-hanging legislative and fiscal fruit in the interests of being seen to do something – anything to get a headline. Actually, he needs to restructure the economy completely, acknowledge that a nation needs borders and massively increase the armed forces. He needs to kill the management culture permeating society and strangling it. He needs…etc, etc. But he’s a nice little bourgeois timeserver, and none of that’s going to happen. Tighten your belts, peasants.
All great points, Komodo.
I see the political landscape in the UK from afar, but my take is this. Two-Tier was in opposition for so long that he simply got used to it. It’s easy to throw slings and arrows at the person in charge (Sunak) when you yourself have no responsibility or accountability. Two-Tier didn’t win the election because he and his party set forth a much better set of policies that would achieve great things for the country more effectively than the Tories. Labour won because enough people had simply had it with the Tories and there was no meaningful alternative. Hardly a resounding endorsement which the voting numbers clearly show.
Now he has the ‘keys to the kingdom’ I don’t think he quite knows what to do. His lack of leadership and appalling communication skills have been woefully exposed very early on. His decision making is also clearly suspect as demonstrated by his appointment of Lammy as Foreign Secretary. On these three counts alone, he is unfit to hold the position he does. I think he’s defaulted to type and is repeating the age old Labour mantra – schmooze the public sector and tax everyone else to death to help pay for it. I think he thinks he’ll get away with it and get a second term because the Tories won’t be able to get their act together quick enough to take power away from him. He’s also gambling on Reform not gaining enough traction to make enough of a difference. One thing we know about politicians is, once they get power they like to keep hold of it.
It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out. If things keep going as they are, a Labour back bench revolt is on the cards, followed by a vote of no confidence and a new leader contest.
I fear for the future of the UK. But hey, I got enough problems of my own over here in Yankland. FFS!!! Cheers – IY.
Auite agree IY. Once jittery new Labour MPs see the dislike for their beloved leader – in their postbahs and then at the voting booths, Keir Rodney’s support will evaporate just like Boris’ did (and really much of what happened to Boris wss sheer bad luck).
I reckon he will be out by New year.The knives are out ???
“much of what happened to Boris was sheer bad luck”
Nearly split my sides! ?
PS: That fucking video by Kate Middleton they keep showing on the news channels is seriously getting on my tits.
Could I just remind SHB that Boris was elected in December 2019 and Cobid started it’s vile course in late Jan/Feb 2020. Had that not happened we would have had a very different government, and – I’m sorry, but if Starmer had been in power then (when he was not “isolating” because the silly bugger kept picking it up) he would have made exactly the same mistakes Boris made. Anybody would – it was an unprecedented situation. Of course, Starmer, flabby faced coward he is, would never admit that he was not omnicient. Dictators never would.
As for the bit of cake and glass of bubbly, I’d like to remind you that Kweer enjoyed curry and beer in a much smaller room, but the BBC, Guardain and Daily Mirror chose to ignore that.
“Cigs are as addictive as heroin.”
Very true. And nothing like as enjoyable.
As usual, the Labour government is proving itself to be as economically illiterate as its predecessors. If they want to achieve economic growth and get the tax dollars rolling in, they need to encourage more people to smoke, not less, especially the young – by the time they catch cancer, say 40 or 50 years down the line, they’ll have paid the exchequer hundreds of times over the odds for the relatively short spell in hospital they’ll enjoy before they cark horribly.
Thing is, cunts who don’t smoke tend to live well into their 80s and 90s and are therefore a massive drain on government funds with their triple-locked state pensions, winter fuel allowances, free prescriptions and chronic illnesses – the bane of our modern day NHS.
Is it any wonder the Tories tried to wipe out these economically inactive geriatrics with Covid, contaminated blood products and the like? Turned out the incompetent cunts couldn’t even get that right… same rules apply to their multiple pledges to reduce net immigration to the tens of thousands – ended up increasing it over 700 thousand!
Not sure I go along with the addictive argument per se.
I think it has more to do with a person’s personality and whether or not they are susceptible to temptation and dependency.
For example, a post-op medication a few years ago included pain relief which was opioid based. Can be addictive apparently. I gradually lowered the dose as directed and couldn’t wait to get off the damn things. Didn’t occur to me to keep shovelling pain pills down my neck for a laugh.
I drink coffee every day, but I’m not addicted to it. I can switch back and forth between caff and de-caff no problem. I like a drink or several, but can sometimes go months without having any alcohol. I don’t smoke. Never done drugs.
Not saying I’m perfect and virtuous at all. Just normal like most folk I reckon. I believe you become addicted to something because you want to. Needing to comes later, but it starts with a want.
I could be wrong of course. Just my $0.02 worth.
I agree IY. It seems to me that addiction is an excuse peddled for thieving because the thief has been caught bang to rights and has no other defence. Same as whenever ethnics are picked up for anything their immediate response is to pull the race card. “So I was doing 100 in a 30 zone. You only stopped me because I’m black innit?”
Many years ago a study found that a high proportion of the American soldiers serving in Vietnam were on large amounts of heroin. Not surprising really but the interesting point was that within weeks of their return to the States they had all given up heroin for good.
IY, I think you would agree with me about nicotine if you had ever smoked. I should have said it’s MORE addictive than heroin, except that I’ve never done heroin – I rely for that on a mate who had – and was still hooked on nicotine. It’s an insidious cunt, and after ten years off the cigs, it took just one to go right back on during a period of stress…for ten years thereafter, too. I’m clear now (RTC please copy), but every so often I get a little reminder that it never goes completely.
Komodo – Just one, my friend? Wow. I am genuinely taken aback by that. I’ve never smoked as you say so cannot speak to what the pleasurable effects are of ye olde tobacco or how it grabs ahold of you. Yikes!
It is odd though. I loathe the smell of cigarettes, but quite like the smell of cigars. No idea why. Must be weird.
IN order to have just one cigarette (for old times’ sake, seeing as you’re off them now, lol), you usually have to buy several. And you don’t want to waste them, do you? By that time the bloodstream is saturated with the filth, and your brain has gone back into “can’t do endorphins without just one more” mode.
One of the incentives people use to stay off the cigs, for the 3-6 months it takes to disconnect, is to notice, as their sense of smell returns (destroyed by smoking) how fucking foul smokers smell. You don’t realise it while you’re smoking. I agree, cigar smoke smells better, but the guy with the cigar doesn’t.
Like Turkish barbers, nail bars and Eurotrash minimarts, vape shops will continue to thrive.
Sadly true yes.Stuff the British retail shops.
Pubs have to be hounded out of existence as they are places where malcontents lurk.Plotters and schemers are seeking to undermine the Utopian Caliphate of Ayatollah Two-Tears, by voting Reform and listening to the old music. The fiends have even been known to use hurty words while they smoke their “fags” and sup their “real ale”. It all has to stop.
‘Are you having a fag’ could be construed a lot different today ?….ooooooh ducky
Satan Blair and his New Labour cunts all but ruined the pub trade in this country.
And now Keir Stasi will kill it stone dead.
The Clown Cunt helped clear the ground a bit too with the covids lockdown wank.
It’s another attack on pubs, as the nom creator mentions, a bastion of free speech that self polices, the Stasi State cannot tolerate that, what next, monitored eavesdropping in case the plebs start grumbling ? You could always ban tobacco products but where will you make up the tax shortfall ?
This cunt will eventually kill himself off, I wonder where he’ll go, Blackrock ? WEF ? WHO ?
The piano wired lamp post would be my preferred choice.
PS: For I Yank, I agree wholeheartedly regarding litter but a filter less roll up is nothing more than leaves, you don’t despise trees as well do you? 😉
My point indeed was its just another step to eradicating pubs and alcohol which have no place in islamic countries.
Hi Pooter –
Nope, I’m a friend of the trees. I’m guessing roll up tobacco still has a cellophane wrapper though. So……
I had another thought (that’s two this week already!). When was the last time anyone saw a cigarette lighter and ashtray in a car? They’ve gone the way of the dodo. I’m guessing that’s because most people don’t smoke, so the car manufacturers have stopped including those things to save costs.
If people smoke in their cars – which they do – we all know what happens to the fag end at the conclusion of their smoke. So instead of banning smoking in pub beer gardens, how about banning smoking in cars? I think a ban would be too lenient. How about crushing the car with the smoker inside? That’ll stop the smoker and reduce air pollution with fewer cars on the road. It’s a win-win.
On a more serious note…was driving back home from a trip to Milwaukee a couple of weeks ago. In the middle of nowhere I saw a small wild fire in the central reservation of the highway. Lots of tall brown grass being excellent tinder for a stray still lit fag end. Totally irresponsible.
Smoking in cars is the height of stupidity.
I have it from an authority that smoking in cars reduces the resell value by up to 30%.
So, not that anyone wants to buy your two year old Skoda, smoking in it makes it worth about a tenner.
JP – I didn’t think of the resale aspect, but that’s a great point.
Many years ago, I bonked a girl who smoked. Kissing her was like licking a used ashtray. It was not pleasant. But I soldiered on and ‘sealed the deal’ if you know what I mean. Because that’s what the great ones do.
You would think labour would be more tolerant to smokers. Seeing as most of their MP’S love to smoke a cock..
Especially a smelly little peaceful cock.
I think you shouldn’t be allowed into a pub unless you can pass a stringent test.
1).smoke a cigarette
2) tell a racist joke
3). Eat a pork pie
That’d keep cunts out.
4) down a pint of bitter in one.
Now we’re talking, CC!
Pickled eggs on the bar, too. Gorgeous.
Don’t forget the crips too. Thats if the cunts in the house don’t ban them too.
Crips. Is that a gang thing? LOL.
If I have a customer in the van and they’re a smoker I tell them they can smoke in my van.
I put my window down but I find I get nostalgic for the smell.
They always seem a bit surprised?
Somebody not treating them like a leper,
But I remember what it’s like to be gasping for a smoke
And the relief of drawing the first toke into your lungs.
Stress instantly evaporated.
Anyone got a spare fag?
Funny that Mis, I don’t smoke, but sometimes passing a pub garden and get a whiff of beer and ciggies, it gets a bit nostalgic as I think of rammed smokey pubs and the fight to get to the bar, during the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. All changed now. ☹️
The pub or tavern is among the cornerstone’s of ethnic European culture.
Dame Kweer and Labour’s Commie/Islamic dystopia will not allow such traditions to prevail.
Plus Kweer has probably never got over his last visit to the pub and wants to wreak his revenge in a spineless petty way that only a limp waisted, soft cocked cunt like him, would know how.
Of course, lest we forget the cuntox supreme being barred entrance to the boozer, a golden moment and one he’ll writhe over for years to come, knowing that any further attempt to go into a pub may result in a copycat action, thus bruising his pampered, softy Walter ego immeasurably.
He really is a spineless cocksucker.
PS: has anybody got James O Fuckknuckle or Jeremy Vile in the Dead Pool ? Pity, still, that leaves something to look forward to.
Oh yeah I’d forgotten that.
Banned from a few pubs now isn’t he?
God id be mortified.
If the landlord of the pub told me I was barred?
Id quite possibly have a fit of the vapours and crumple to the floor like a wounded butterfly ?
The sign of a knave and a vagabond being refused service at a inn or hostelry.
Your money’s no good
Your character stained
I’m not a smoker, never have been, never will be, but the ‘banning it for the NHS’ think is disingenuous crap by our friend TwoTier.
A quick interweb search tells me that smoking costs the NHS £2.5Bn, but taxes on cigarettes etc. raise £8.8Bn.
There’s another black hole for the Granny Freezer to cack on about.
Those are very interesting numbers. On a pure cost basis, it would seem it’s more cost effective to keep the tax revenue and spend only 25% of it on the consequences.
But that’s not the whole story though. The dirty little secret the cunts over here don’t want to talk about when it comes to “socialised health care” (e.g. an NHS) is demand and supply. Meaning, demand for healthcare will always outpace the supply of it. Since that is just a universal truth, in practice it means choices have to be made with regards to what and who gets treated.
If you’ve lived a healthy life, looked after yourself, eaten right, exercised, etc. you’d be a bit pissed off in you’re struck down by some awful ailment, but can’t get to see a doctor or get a hospital bed because the resources are being used up by smokers. Who, by definition, have knowingly indulged in a habit they knew would likely adversely impact their health.
If you keep crashing your car because you’re a bad driver/moron, your insurance premiums go up. Eventually no insurance company will insure you because you’re too much of a liability/risk. And yet, people will smoke/drink/eat/drug themselves into ill health still expect the NHS to just be there to pick up the pieces when it’s convenient. The term ‘nanny state’ is banded around and that is yet another example of it.
The healthcare system over here in Yankland is bonkers. But if you have insurance and/or money, you can get the treatment you need when you need it. You can’t say the same for the NHS. At least not all the time.
Two Tier Comedy Dame strikes again ?. Gormless unflushable ???. Push him in front of a steamroller.
Wouldn’t work unfortunately Edward.
Being a Gastropod and bereft of a vertebrae,, it’s highly likely a Steamroller would have little or no effect on Dame Kweer
Worth several attempts though
Kill it with fire. It’s the only way to make sure.
Would a train work?
Van Helsing the bastard. Stake him in his coffin.
I despise the spineless weasel
Haven’t we seen this before? Schools, universities and councils going vegetarian or vegan, banning meat altogether in the name of climate change and public health. It should be resisted at all costs because it will never stop at just cigarettes. Just repeating ‘saving the NHS’ might work for the twats at the BBC or the Guardian but has there been a time in the last forty years when it hasn’t been on life support?
I used to smoke lambert and butler in the silver pack, then graduated onto mayfair blue pack and then onto hamlet miniatures for the ultimate hit. A simple pleasure a smoke, a pint and a good dose of talking bollocks. I gave up about 6 years ago, just stopped no vapes or patches or crap just will power. But i do like the smell of a ciggie still, never tempted to start again. Dame kweer starmer can cunt right off.
The tobacco industry used to have some serious pull.
Sponsorship of racing events,
The Marlboro man
Smoking was respectable.
Pipe smokers being at the top of the tree.
You smoked as pipe you were classy!
Jack Hargreaves, Sherlock Holmes, Popeye etc
Then cigar smokers,
Wannabe social climbers like Arfur Daly, Castro, Boycie.
Then your cigarette smoker,
Ordinary working folk
Sturdy, trustworthy.
Then your rolling tobacco types,
From strangeways to wormwood scrubs, the odd student poseur.
All disappearing.
Watching old films and seeing the doctor smoking in his office always makes me smile a bit. Gen Z knobs wouldn’t believe it. I don’t watch much TV so don’t know if people even vape much on screen.
Can I just put in a word for the late (and wonderful) Jack Hargreaves?
His long running programme Out Of Town is being repeated on Talking Pictures (Channel 72 Freeview) on Sundays at 1630 repeated Mondays 1830. The later (1980/81) episodes but a time when TV wasn’t full of Bradley Walsh, Ant & Dev and that mincing poof Alan Carr
Perhaps the hopelessly ridiculous Cunt wants the pubs to go bankrupt so he can turn them into houses for Afghans?
Shithouse faģgoť.
Possibly, probably.
Exactly Unkle