The government and the injustice system

Here we have the insanity of the new government laid bare.


The cunt being released supplied a weapon used in the manslaughter of a 14 year old, he was convicted of manslaughter but was sentenced to 2 years and 8 months? Big deterrent that to begin with.

But the cunt is being released early due to the government needing space in prison to lock up people who protest immigration or write bad things in social media.

It will be interesting to see when his mate who was swinging the machete around gets out, won’t be long I wager.

Nominated by Sixdog Vomit.

59 thoughts on “The government and the injustice system

  1. The story tells you everything you need to know…. pavements doing the deed and whitey on the receiving end, reverse the story and they’d not be coming out so fast … simples ?

  2. They need to free up spaces for dangerous criminals, do they?

    What the fuck is this specimen then?

  3. There wouldn’t be any need to release the murdering bastard if he was put in a proper cell without the internet, tv, radio, shithouse and any other newfangled items evil people are allowed, these days.

  4. IF the pair of cunts had received proper sentencing in the first place they would not be stealing oxygen, their release date would not be an issue. But it’s dindo nuffings Cunts

  5. Carlos and Lawson,soon to be roaming the streets where your children and grandchildren will be going about their business.

  6. I’d murder the cunt if I was the mother. She’d be allowed out on compassionate grounds within a week or two, for helping to get rid of evil.

  7. Get used to under two-tiered Rodney, 40% served instead of 50% which in itself is a fucking joke.

    Running out of prison space? The obvious choice is not build more prisons, just let the criminals out..

    10,000 foreign criminals in our system so maybe deport them?

    But we know Rodney is a foreign cock slurper, so that’s a no go..

    So I’m looking forward to getting knifed under labour.

    • Don’t say anything ‘Islamaphobic’ or miss-gender your Doctor or Nurse, otherwise you won’t get that slash sown up…
      ….who am I kidding ? You’re chances of getting seen in todays NHS are f*cking tiny anyway.

      Grin and tell them you’re pro-Palestine.
      Apparently that does the trick ………

  8. These early released murderers should be given jobs on our shores, welcoming in undesirable aliens who might be attempting to steal their jobs.

    • Murderers should be given jobs testing for A/C current by licking bare HV cables….. but I digress

  9. Two years eight months ? And a dead body.

    A few days ago, some rioter got nine years ! Nine bloody years. And nobody died !!!

    The difference ?

    First case, black cunts.

    Second case, white cunt.

    This country is going to go up like a petrol soaked bommy on November 5th ???

    Good morning ?

    • It’s a fucking disgrace Jack. Leaving aside colour etc, what the actual fuck is going on inside these judges heads!?
      I wonder how some of these so called ‘M’Lud’s are able to think back about what they’ve handed down & be able to sleep peacefully.

      Fucking travesty of justice & Stasi is the Great Enabler. Total Cunt!

    • It’s utterly bizarre to say the least.

      Some ‘justice’ system we have in this country.

      Loads of ‘enrichment’ though.

      Morning all.

      • No justice in U.K. for years just a legal system. I would think that the word jurisprudence will soon be omitted from the Oxford dictionary

    • Careful what you write Jack.
      Don’t want to see you getting a life sentence for writing hurty words.

      I hear ther’s still equality and freedom of speech on the Moon.

  10. It is very telling how Kweer and Pixie Balls seem to cast a blind eye over Muslims, in particular, who write and speak inflammatory words about the indiginous population, hold rallies and meetings in public places using inflammatory language. Two tier Keir lives up to his name. It is to the shame of the police service that they condone and implement this flagrant abuse of power.

  11. we are fucked on the level of an atomic bomb going off in your pocket, and all delivered to us by the people who are supposed to have the best interests of the people and country as their first priority, the Government, what a fucking joke.

    • “If we are fortunate enough to win on Thursday….dad was a toolmaker, mum was a nurse, I used to be the Director of Public Prosecutions. I am working class….It’s all the fault of the Conservative government”

      Those words will be engraved on Kweer’s tombstone. We will all be able to see them when we go to piss on it.

  12. Another two candidates for immediate early release Oven.

    and the fucking bent cunt who handed down that “sentence”.

    Starmer is also a ethnic arse kissing Quisling.

    Good morning.

  13. I will end up in prison before the next election.
    I thought Bliar was an evil slimey snake, but compared to these anti English cunts he is a saint.
    They are now looking for the patriot who leaked the film of the park keys violently attacking the filth.

    • And the C*nts who violently attacked the coppers, still not charged and walking free.

      If the police grew a backbone, they would go on strike till this anti-British policing is abandoned.

      Let’s be honest, it won’t affect ‘actual’ crime levels which are off the charts

  14. I ignore the news to stay sane and only remark to what’s said on here to get things off my chest.

    • Long may in continue…. though I fear Starmers Stasi are coming for us.
      Just say ‘Free Palestine’ and ‘F*ck the J*ws’ …. no controversy there apparently…

  15. Im a keen advocate for capital punishment.
    But I’m wavering.

    Under kier Stormfuhrer you’d end up stood on the scaffold for a nasty tweet.

    One thing the yanks do better than us.
    Can still get a death sentence in 27 states.
    That along with Chaingangs (still used in 6 prisons)
    In my opinion they have a better approach to punishment of criminal types.

    The fat cunts

  16. Two apes, return to the Congo

    Still can’t understand why the two P’s haven’t been banged up over the Manchester Airport ‘riot’

    • To busy trying to find who leaked the other footage to the Manchester news.

      The slippery cunts didn’t want the public to see what the Pàkis did before the stamp..

      • Last I heard was that a ‘file’ had been handed to the CPS, probably put in a cabinet labelled Gather Dust

  17. There’s a case currently ongoing where a woman is accused of supplying weapons that were used in a violent act.
    The weapons in question are eggs. Apparently, she bought them with the unlawful intent to supply them to rioters to throw at old bill.
    Much the same kind of offence that this piece of shit was found guilty of, but with vastly different outcomes.
    She’s pleaded not guilty, but you and I know that the ‘full force of the law’ will ensure she gets done.
    I mention this here because I’m pretty certain her sentence will be somewhere near what this little cunt got, or worse.
    If only she wasn’t white. She’d never have been charged.

  18. Maybe Sir Two-Tier could do a deal with Wayne Couzens. Let him out early and make him Met Commissioner at the same time. He has lots of experience. While the Kweer is at it, he could make Rose West his Deputy PM. She might be an improvement. Ian Brady could be given Education in the same reshuffle.

    Good morning, everyone.

  19. Seems the government is keen to lock up a lot more of us. Posting on this site will probably become a criminal offence on the near future.

    ‘ The total UK prison population is projected to rise from approximately 89,000 to between 93,100 and 106,300 by March 2027.’

    Hence the possibility of doing your time in Estonia.

    This morning Sir Kier made it clear he doesn’t expect the government to be popular. Clearly he sees the role of government is to rule and he’s prepared to ruthlessly crush any dissent.

    Keir was too left wing for the Labour lawyers association when he first qualified.

    Long story short in the Soviet Union the prison places were reserved for dissidents so the low level criminals were left on the streets.

  20. A just world would place the judge, the police officers involved, the PM at the time, the home office head boy and all else involved in this fuckery, before an audience, a bit like Question Time without the woke communism and let the public grill these fuckers and ultimately, pass sentencing,
    Question : What could they possibly say to the deceased’s family to justify their actions ?
    Answer : Gibbet, followed by piano wire and lamp post.
    Then some oven.

  21. This is a righteous nomination with some righteous comments.

    But some of you English Cunters still don’t get it.

    The Labour Landslide means you have to make room in English prisons so Kweer can carry out his mandate and lock up those hateful Far Right bigots who say naughty things on line.


    At any rate who cares about a dead white kid? The important thing is that the potential Engineer and future Cabinet Minister is released and able to achieve his dream of seeing the Caliphate come to Britain.

    I know Carlos Neto is not an African let alone Islamic name. But dey all be God’s Chillen’…innit

  22. Government is monumentally incompetent, inefficient and corrupt.

    Run by idiots, for mainly idiots.

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