(Channel Migrants Deaths)
Apparently, it`s all the fault of … ∰ the British. ∰
You can find a more detailed analysis on this fairy story within the link …
But allow me to highlight the more salient paragraphs …
… And the blunt conclusion … by local mayors, by pensioners, by couples out walking their dogs on beaches [in France] where they now fear they may come across bodies washed ashore – is that this is Britain’s fault.
Having watched this crisis evolve over decades, from the camps around the Channel tunnel and the ferry ports, to this more recent phenomenon of small boats, many French people deeply resent the way their own lives and communities have been transformed by a crisis they see as British-made.
… Britain’s loosely regulated job market, that acts like a magnet, drawing young Eritreans, determined Sudanese, Afghans, Syrians and Iraqis to this coastline, convinced that if they can just make it across this last, short stretch of water – or even half way across – they’ll end up in a country where they can find work, even without the right paperwork.
And finally …
The small boat crisis may be big news in the UK, but in France, … frankly tired of the situation on its northern coastline, even twelve deaths in the Channel barely make headlines.
Sorry France, please accept our apologies.
Would you like some more of our cash?
Nominated by : Sam Beau
It is entirely our fault.
I don’t even blame the Frogs.
Free money to do fuck all and pass the problem through?
Why wouldn’t they take it?
The problem is, as ever, our cunt politician and cuvil servants.
If they did what any one of us cunters would do if givrn the chance, they would, of course, deploy the Navy in the English Channel to deter sponging darkıes at gunpoint.
The crossings would stop instantly and word would reach the flyblown shitholes that the route to stolen riches was now closed and to not waste their shekels by giving them to “people” smugglers.
Our politicians should be gassed.
This is worth a read…! “Irregular” immigration,suck it up boys and get used to being fucked over…⚒️
well said Thomas. ??
Thanks, Panda Girl!
Half a billion a year to pay ‘les gros policiers en sueur’ (look it up) to sit in Bistrot Gréggs stuffing their faces with galettes.
What’s not to like (from the French perspective)?
It’s as Cunt Engine says. You can’t really blame Les Cunts; in effect paid by us for the privilege of shipping out shit they don’t want.
Not to worry though, Sir Keir Stasi’s going to sort it out (apparently).
Problem solved in a matter of days or weeks, return all the channel cunts to Calais, they would stop coming and would also stop coming to the French coast.
We already have, in law, ‘no one crossing the channel illegally will be allowed to claim asylum and will no be allowed to stay’
It requires fucking backbone.
There will be a few who say the cunts will throw themselves into the sea, well that is their choice, fleeing France is not desperate.
The French are right, it is our fault for being so weak, but all the deaths are in French water so they should be doing something about it, by accepting our returns.
Backbone is the last thing you to expect to find on Kweer Charmer or litt;le Pixieballs-Cooper.
I am inclined to agree with the French cunts.
Job market, benefits, hotels, incompetent Home Office (working fron home), water taxi.
Beats a hedge in Calais.
For once the soap dodging greasy cunts are right.
Much as I am loathe to admit it, the snail munchers are right.
Many years ago the mayor of Calais made it quite clear that if you keep giving out free shit to third world spongers, they will keep coming.
An honest and obvious observation, to which our politicians are completely deaf and blind.
We have laws in place to immediately deport anyone entering this country by illegal means (Immigration act 1971), so politicians stating they are powerless to do anything about the brown tide hitting our shores are talking utter bollocks and they know it.
It should be a simple matter of pick the cunts up on the beach, load them onto a coach and drive them to RAF Manstone, then take them back from whence they came on a fleet of Globemasters.
See, not difficult is it?
Do not pass go, do not collect free handouts and generally fuck right off because we neither want or need you here.
Vive la frogs….they may have capitulated fairly quickly to the Hun, but blow me down with a french horn of course we’re to blame …hotel,phone,bikes,free treatment,cash…when you’ve got that lure wafting in front of you for the foreseeable future rather than living in a shit hole why wouldn’t you chance your arm ….how many arrive compared to those who don’t ? if you want the goodies you’ll take the gamble ?…the frogs are just taking the piss out of our chinless politicians and I totally agree with them..sacre’ bleu ?
The only French politician I have ever had any time for was General DeGaulle, who told Ted Heath to piss off when we first tried to join the EEC back in 1963.
As noted above,our country is a soft touch for foreign trash and acts as a magnet for the dregs of the Third World.
The politicians gave the country away,or at least made large parts of our towns and cities into murderous ghettos,crushed our infrastructure and fractured a largely settled indigenous society…just because they are too weak,too cowardly to take simple direct action against unwanted “migration”.
Of course it’s worth mentioning that there are a great many “free Palestine” “refugees welcome” Liberal nimby cunts that aid and abet this disgusting pantomime.
So,no I don’t blame the French,they can’t help being cunts and have enough trouble of their own with raghead terrorism.
The whole route through Europe that these cunts use to make their way to our shores should be shutdown by military force and every foreign dossier repatriated to Libya en masse.
If the Greeks,Italians,Spanish,French etc won’t help then we should simply mustard gas the invader upon detection.
Anyone at all that aids the miserable grifting scūm if they reach our shores should be flung in the Oven.
Good morning.
Morning Terry.
By allowing them to come and invade our shores, our politicians are aiding and abetting known criminals (see Immigration act 1971) and should therefore be reported to the police en masse and detained at his majesty’s pleasure until taken out and hanged by the neck until dead.
There is also the option of making a citizen’s arrest every time one of those 650 traitors shows their face in public to the point they can’t move in normal society.
only then might they get the idea as to how utterly pissed off the indigenous population of this once green and pleasant land have become.
The great lie endlessly repeated by the Lineker Lefties – “these poor people are fleeing war-torn countries”.
Now France may be overflowing with pugilistic sheep burners, but I’d say it’s a stretch to consider it to be “war-torn”.
We’re the last of the European countries to dabble with latter day Marxist government; the Frogs, the Krauts and co have all done it and are finally realising left wing control means the immolation of your culture at the hands of alien invaders who detest their adoptive countries and wish to encompass their destruction.
Hopefully ours will be a brief foray into the catastrophic rule of Stalinist zealots; the missus told me they’re now looking at imposing national service on serial welfare scroungers. That should be enough to see their traditional fan base voting the fuckers out at the first opportunity.
Another article from The Nonce Production Facility.
The cunts are truly CUNTS using the BBC
The French shouldn’t have let the Cunts in to start.
Loathed to admit it but the bedsheet flag wavers are damn right. I note Starmer is taking lessons in deterring migrants from Italy’s Giorgia Meloni. Aren’t they the sort of right-wing popularists Starmer was warning us all about the other week?
I wonder if she showed him her swastika tattoo ?
Finding work. Good fucking luck in this country, Bwana.
Plenty of work available in this country. But you have to be under 21, have a degree, 10 years experience in whatever the job is and be prepared to work a 60 hour week on minimum wage with no overtime pay.
I’m mid-30s. I’m pretty well educated and have a decent track record in what I do.
Trying to go from self-employed back to ‘Civvy Street’ in this country is one of the hardest things I’ve ever experienced, so I’m just focusing on getting more clients on the books now.
You genuinely have to jump through fucking hoops to get anything decent now. And nosh the employer off. Probably.
One thing I do enjoy about self-employment is it being a case “are you capable?” … “Yes, so crack on then”. I know I’ve simplified that, but there’s quite a lot less arse ache involved. It’s the whoring yourself out that takes time.
I think it was fairly obvious that what was once known as the “jungle” in Calais, would basically end up in the UK
Which it has. With more to come.
The fact that we have ended up with Labour in power while this invasion is happening, only adds a further layer of despair to the whole shit show.
As has been alluded to in the above comments – the politicians of this country are a vermin which needs eradicated. Permanently.
Good morning.
Every single one of the Calais Jungle fîlth is now here, many aided by the arse bandits in Care For Calais. They will be bringing their extended family all to Treasure Island where money, luxury, and benefits are rained down upon you as if you were a deity or returning hero. These Kurds/ Iraqis, /Eritreans/ Pakîstankîs /Ethiopians /Syrians have a choice of criminal gangs to enter and work quite openly in areas of barbering, construction, ordelivering shit food before their drug-dealing/ burglaring nightjobs begin.
This is all bollocks for public consumption, it’s being done deliberately by cunts, nobody can be that fucking ignorant and stupid.
Have you seen the current cabinet?
I can’t argue with the Frenchies on this occasion.
Had our great politicians and even greater civil serpents not allowed the National Health Service to grow into the International Health Service, revoked munificent benefits and organised a fast-track system (even privatised if necessary) for the fast-track processing of refugees, we may not be in this abject fucking mess.
If I were PM, no person entering the country by dinghy would be considered as a bona-fide refugee – they would be treated as an illegal immigrant and sent back over the channel for the nice French people to process. That comes back to how the system should work – genuine refugees should take refuge in the very first safe country they enter, not cross several countries to get to where they feel the loose cultural norms and unrealistic social generosity may suit their own needs.
The UK is a fucking great magnet for the world’s dross who see a very cushy ride provided their dinghy gets them there in safety.
The French are not cunts on this occasion. They have to tolerate these soap dodging cunts infesting their beaches and coastal towns.
Of course, you`re all correct.
This nom was meant to be a touch ironic.
Here`s a question though – if all these fuckers need to do is reach the land of milk & honey, why pay thousands for a space on a rubber Lilo which will probably burst anyway? Why not just take a scheduled flight on a budget airline for a fraction of the cost – and you`ve got a luggage allowance too.
Come to think of it, most of the budget airlines are packed with low-life sub-human scum + their screaming brats anyway.
I`m surprised that Oirish Ryanair cunt hasn`t already thought about it.
And he`ll probably get a government grant to finance it.
Yeh they can’t do that unfortunately because as we know they have chucked their passports away so that we don’t know 1. Where they’ve come from (but you have to believe them , they were being persecuted , yep sure you were) and 2. How old they are , so that 30 year old men can get themselves into the local girls school
I’d love to be making this up but all the above pretty much true
Of course we know where they’ve come from. Fucking France, and that’s where we send the cunts back to. Let the French send them further back. Nothing to do with us.
The Frogs are dead right about the pull factor.
As for not stopping the boats, they’re only doing what we would do if we were them.
Besides, they’re getting handsomely rewarded. To the tune of £500,000 and counting!
Correct – my bad!
During World War 2, didn’t we plan to deter an invasion with British sea power and heavy ordnance?
I think the War Cabinet was prepared to mustard gas the Germans if the Royal Navy and RAF were unable to stop the landing craft en route to the beaches of Kent.
At least in 1940 our leaders had guts and would contemplate any action necessary to defeat the enemy.
Well Terry.
Let me give you a brief overview of operation filthy brown floater:
You know those drones the Ukuleles have been giving the Ruskies a hard time with?
Yeah. Dirt cheap those. About £500 a go.
Set up a couple of dozen batteries of those along the south coast. Wait for the dinghy pirates to cross the midway point in the channel and then it’s game on. You can guess the rest.
With a fair wind, the resultant disgusting brown pollution will be blown back towards France to wash up on their beaches for them to clean up.
You could even make a sport out of it by letting people manually control a drone right into Ahmed’s face as he is sat there midway, dreaming of all the lovely free money he’ll be getting and the underage white girls he is going to rape the second he land on English soil.
Imagine the fun! Imagine the savings to the taxpayer!
The frogs are absolutely right. We offer phones, hotels, houses, free money and schoolgirls. Of course they’re coming here.
And who can blame the frogs for taking free money from our utter cunts in government while helping the fuckers into the boats.
The cunts around here are us. We know it, they know it, everyone knows it. The best solution Starmer has is chucking people in jail for protesting about it. It won’t end well.
No, it won’t: and the sooner we all stand up and do something about it the better. A military coup, a general strike – whatever it takes to stop the boatloads of grinning cunts.
The French can’t be held to blame for this. If some bone idle but able bodied deadbeat was pretending to be an oppressed refugee and hiding in mon jardin I’d be straight out to give him a leg up over the fence into next door’s milk and honey, all expenses paid by soft cunts, rose-scented haven of hospitality.
We are a fucking laughing stock, the softest cunts on God’s earth and I’m sick and tired and also ashamed of it all. I hate the sight of the boatloads of grinning freeloading fuckers.
I agree we can’t blame the frogs, they’re cunts but we’re even bigger cunts. Why would dinghy scum from halfway round the world risk drowning to get here when they’ve escaped persecution or whatever long before they even arrived in France? They aren’t coming here to work, that’s for sure. They’re coming here because they’ve been told it’s the land of milk and honey where the streets are paved with gold and everything’s free. And if they do end up in the drink, our friendly coastguards will fish them out, wrap them in a blanket, give them a hot drink and ferry them to our shores.
They should get the same treatment from us that they get from the French and everyone else, then they’ll think twice.
There is no way that these bastards are paying thousands of pounds for the journey in a rubber dinghy.
You are being told that so that you think that they are exploited and you are wanted to feel sorry for them.
They simply don’t have thousands of pounds.
If cunt Starmer is talking to the Italian Prime Minister about refugees then the truth is that anyone landing on Italian soil is given a map of the route to France with Calais highlighted.
Absolutely every one of the cunts currently camped out around Calais and all the ones that will eventually turn up will end up in Britain.
It’s only a matter of time.
None of them will think ‘fuck this’ and try another country instead.
European countries will be giving citizenship to hundreds of thousands of the refugees that are in their countries.
These people will be arriving by plane and boat.
They will not be included in the figures that you are being fed.
British people have forgotten that there is and there has always been a legal way for people from all countries to emigrate to the UK.
This was for people with skills that were wanted.
It doesn’t seem like there is much point for these skilled people to go through that process any more.
It’s always our fault, it’s also always reported as being in the English Channel, even when the “tragedy” has happened on a French beach. Back in 2021 a dinghy sank just off the Calais mainland. 27 new entrants into the 27 Club. That gave me a chuckle.
It’s only called La Manche when it suits the French.
What should happen…….
If refugees are running away from war, which in itself is a very un-British thing to do, then they should claim asylum in the first safe country that they manage to get to.
Anyone arriving on the British shores is an illegal invader.
They have broken the law and their non-status means that they are not entitled to any legal representation whatsoever.
They should be handcuffed and led a short distance to waiting Royal Navy landing crafts and taken back to France.
If the French navy do not allow the landing crafts to enter French water then a few Royal navy destroyers should be on standby.
For the British Government to sit around saying that they can’t do anything is quite frankly ridiculous.
These illegal immigrants are destroying your nation and costing you all a fucking fortune.
I thought the RNLI was our new navy.
An article in today’s telegraph tells you all you need to know regarding the situation….Italy have a £90million agreement with Tunisia as regards to turning back the tide…ours with the frogs is £490 million and the border security? minister dame eagle ?gives a mealy mouthed reason as to why France won’t abide by the same Italy/Tunisia deal… spineless hand wringing by a typical politician ?
7.62mm Asprins all round. Solved that problem for you Kier.
“Britain’s loosely regulated job market, that acts like a magnet, drawing young Eritreans, determined Sudanese, Afghans, Syrians and Iraqis to this coastline, convinced that if they can just make it across this last, short stretch of water – or even half way across – they’ll end up in a country where they can find work, even without the right paperwork.”
And could it be that they are being actively encouraged by an outfit which depends for its existence on a continued flow? Surely not!
Cunts4Calais was recently quoted on R4 as feeling that the dear migrants are drawn those very British qualities of kindness and compassion more than anything else. Can’t find the reference, but it’s out there somewhere. Talk about boobytrapping a crucifix.
Don’t forget, Cunts4Calais was also a vehicle for Clare Moseley to nosh and sit on a never-ending selection of gimmigrant cock and balls.
Filthy old hoo-errr.
Wouldn’t a quick dose of monkey pox be a welcome present for the bitch.