A new low for humanity with this case; an evil sick cuuunt went up to a 9 month old baby in a park and drenched it with a thermos of hot coffee, causing horrific pain and burns, then ran away, leaving the mother utterly distraught.
The world seems an increasingly violent place. Stabbings, murders, stonings, beheadings, depending on where you live.
The rational part of me puts this increase down to increased population, therefore more bad apples in the gene pool. Another part wonders if Satan himself has let loose legions of demons, possessing people to commit random and deliberate heinous acts.
Soon The Daily Mail won’t have any space left for the sleb gossip column; it’ll just be stories about murders and stabbings with ads.
Nominated by Cuntologist.
Expect more of this sort of shit in the UK now that all those fine citizens have been released early by the filth in Government.
Let’s hope the newly released murderers, rapist and general nutters only target labour voters and labour MPs
The irony would be delicious.
No kids though. Kids are off limits
I’ve attended calls in Wandsworth prison. I remember being on the ground floor in the building that is the hub of this classic Victorian jail with spokes radiating from that hub. There are substantial iron bars across the ends of the spokes and some of the prisoners were hanging in these bars giving us the dead-eyed stare. I was thankful those bars were there but I was apalled to think that one day these psychopaths would be back on the streets. On the television news today we were shown some of these convicts being released early. They are being released to make room for people some of whom have been sentenced to jail for posting hurty words on the net.
Seriously, I am disturbed, not to say frightened by the direction in which this country is heading. I can only think that the politicians are terrified they may lose control and so respond in a manner seen throughout history i.e. show trials and draconian sentences.
Unless those kids happen to be worthless fucking scratters, or the offspring of n*gnogs, ??? or Red Sea pedestrians! Should be allowed to kill or seriously fuck up one per day!
How about releasing some of the rioters early? Or are these recidivists being released to make room for these so called “ far right” extemists?
Got it one MMCM.
Let’s hope that none of those released have an elderly parent or grandparent who had the winter fuel allowance pickpocketed by Labour kark it this winter.
The most violent psychos are always good to their dear old mum and will probably seek retribution on those that directly killed them.
Again. The irony would be too delicious.
Good Morning TTCUTS and everyone,
A nice picture on the front page of the Daily Telegraph this morning of one of the scumbags being let out on early release , Jason Hodgkinson 53, inside for assault. The DT just had a small headline “Cheers Keir”. Sorry I am not good at links and copying but it is worth a look.
Hopefully Aussie justice will be more appropriate than what would be metered out if this had happened in the UK …simply an evil cunt who needs to be given the same treatment before sentencing ?
Yeh – and when it’s all healed up – do it again (and again!) …
If and when they catch this Mr. Moto looking cunt they should feed him alive to the salties.
I like watching Donut Operator on You Tube. Where Cops ( justifiably of course ) obliterate and ventilate bad guys who misbehave . Puts our useless cunts to shame.
The man was described as having “tanned skin”. What, in Australia?
Apparantly the police soon knew the identity of this itinerant worker yet he still managed leave the country via an International airport using his own passport. They know which country he fled to but still won’t put out details of the wanted mans name & nationality. Can’t be upsetting Johnny Foreigner communities by stating facts can we.
Worse than our shower of shit governments and that is saying something
Is his name Mohammed, by any chance?
It will all go away eventually when folks just think “fuck the consequences, ‘ave some of that” with a blunt instrument, sharp object or a hefty kicking-in-of-the-face.
What else do you have to lose when your babies get physically assaulted ? Whose child is next ??
The cunt needs nailing to a fucking tree.
In Iran a man who chucked acid over a girl and blinded her as well as horrific scaring was sentenced by a shariah court to be blinded by acid. That’s the way to do it.
In case of the Aussie sick bastard I would recommend his tackle be liberally doused with a kettle full of water just off the boil then shot in both knees whilst epoxy resin is injected into his arsehole. Let’s see the cunt pull that stunt again
No. Methacrylate resin. Bonds better, sets quicker.
Superb, if you don’t mind me saying so. ‘A kettle full of water just off the boil then shot in both knees whilst epoxy resin is injected into his arsehole’ will stay with me for a long time.
I like to be impartial and weigh the facts before reaching a firm conclusion.
So this Tojo looking cunt should be rooted out of his hovel and kicked to death by the relatives of the innocent child.
It will be necessary to prevent lawyers and sob story apologists who might want to interfere in summary justice by shooting the cunts en masse.
Anyone found to have assisted the evil cunt to flee the country in any capacity whatsoever should hang the same day as unmasked.
Wicked business indeed.
Looks like a dog-eating, bean-sprout stinking cunt.
He should commit hari kari as he has not only committed a despicable act on a defenceless baby, but he has brought great shame on his own family.
Yet another warning, to the world at large, that pace Saddick’s “diversity is our strength” bollocks, the over-tolerant Western world is allowing into it’s countries savages who do not know how to lead normal decent lives. Any other country should look to us and Sweden, France and Germany and learn their lesson – let the shipwrecks of others be your sea-marks
Looks like Germany are closing their borders.
Something about mass uncontrolled illegal immigration and the threat of Islam.
The rest of Europe set to follow suit.
Who didn’t see that one coming?
It is a great pity that Starmer and Cooper don’t open their bloody minds and eyes and look at what goes on around them. I still think old PixieBalls is hoping for a nice big Islamic dick up her arse. She looks as if she suffers from permanent night starvation. If only old Shagger Blunkett was still in Parliament, he would sense her looking wanton – and she wouldn’t be wanton long
Pixie Balls is not fit to be Home Secretary the Cunt should be moved to Elfin Safety
Those lucky German taxpayers will be using the Rwanda accommodation, paid for by the British taxpayer, and abandoned by Sir Keir Spart.
Identity known and country, I assume the Aussie plod/gov are actively securing the cunts extradition back to Australia, if not then an assassin employed to carry out the necessary justice.
I would have thought a return to Oz is the last thing they want. Just means that all the do-gooders will get involved and reveal his ‘mental health’ issues. Let the cuunt stay where he is and hopefully suffer some really painful clandestine retribution
Once a staunch and proud member of the Ango-sphere, the Aussies seem to have gone hopelessly woke.
Unlike the Kiwis who sent horse faced cunt Jacinda Ardern packing (where I believe she still works for that despicable, lying cunt, Tony fucking Blair) the Aussies seem hopelessly infected with the woke virus,
If allowed to go on unchecked that disease of the mind will do more damage and kill more people than the fucking plague.
Afternoon GC.
Have anything nice for lunch today?
Btw, did you catch my reply to your reply to my reply re child support re Dougie Emhoff’s alleged knocking up of his nanny?
At the bottom of the JD Vance nom.
Presume you didn’t because of your usual insistence on having the last word.
Chairman Dan! What a bloody attitude he had.
Why on earth would anybody do this?
Should be force fed his own bollocks.
The world has gone mad.
Decadent and self destructive.
Lot of cruelty towards children.
And not just by ethnic cunts but by home grown cunts, western white cunts.
Like the last days of Rome.
Self indulgence, taboo breaking.
A sick fuckin world.
this evil cunt then
Is it cos i is blek?
i think the resurgence of the far right has a lot to do with it. No, seriously, I agree that increased population could be a cause. Centuries ago people lived in small communities and each person was known and had their place. There would be someone who baked the bread, someone who hunted and provided meat etc, even the village idiot was recognized and accepted. These days we live anonymously in large cities and there are those who may be surrounded by crowds yet feel alone, ignored and neglected. Eventually they snap and commit some kind of atrocity to receive attention and attain recognition.
I don’t know what the answer is, apart from starting to reduce the human population to a sustainable level.
A cull of approximately 20 million would be a reasonable start in this country.
An excellent idea! I’ve got a list I borrowed from an aged Germanic uncle a decade or so ago. Let’s start with:
The Sons of Abraham
Anyone who cannot trace their lineage back to the Battle of Hastings
Mongs, flids and spackers
Benefits scratters
Hey Allan,
As a proud member of the far right I feel compelled to object to your Neo-Marxist point of view.
However, if we must reduce the population, as you far left, Brave New One Worlders, insist might I suggest we start with the savages of Shitholia?
The far right fuck Alan you bating cunt
Hey Ron,
A whole lot of great philosophers have grappled with the nature of evil.
I don’t know if any of them have resolved it but I have come to believe that it does exist in the nature and deeds of (some of) mankind.
Speaking of evil, General, a majority of Liebore MPs have just voted for a mass cull of pensioners. That includes my MP.
I’m busy composing a lengthy email to the piece of shit to tell him what I think of him.
Geordie @
It’ll backfire massively.
His own will turn on him.
First pensioner that dies he’s getting the blame.
Even the media will turn on him
Wow man.
Hey Geordie,
The far left Brave New One World Order types always propose evil under the guise of promoting the common good.
I would advise you to choose your words carefully lest the Starm Troopers show up at your door…in the middle of the night.
Mr Twatt
I dare say afore you’ve finished typing the email to the tepid commie cunt doing such outlandish things as attempting to hold an elected official to account by writing to them will be a “hate crime”.
See you in 15 years.
The dirty bastardś.
Here’s the Hall of Shame. If your MP is here, please let the cunt know what you think of him/her:
I thought Astra Zeneca tried that kind of cull and are gonna give another virus attack to up the game
No wonder Kweer wanted so many poofters to be elected – the little pansies imagine they will never get old, prancing round their clubs and Hampstead Heath shovelling on their makeup when they get too old for the public bogs. As Streeting, Mandy and Bryant know – Nobody Loves A Fairy When He’s Forty.
Those MPs who “abstained” with the honourable exception of Rosie Duffield, who abstained and made it clear she did so out of principle, pretended they had dentists appointments and the like to avoid getting in trouble from the whips, seem even worse than those who voted for Starmer’s bill. It’s just like the early days of Blair when the gutless little cunts voted for things they didn’t believe in. Why be scared of a spineless motherfucker who swaggers round looking a complete prick like Kweer does – but is scared stiff of unions, Rayner and even a portrait of Lady Thatcher.
Don’t forget glitter bombs mr boggs..
Though I thought Rodney loved getting covered in glitter.. and jizz..
For every old person who perishes during the next Winter, Keir Stapo should get a brick through his window, with ‘Murderer’ written on it.
And you can bet your bollocks that Dirty Smelly Filthy Ange already has her Winter heating ‘allowance’ prepared. All down to ‘expenses’, of course…
You say that you think the far right is responsible for our current day woes and then list issues of modernity which seem to show not even a tangential connection to the “far right”…. whatever that means in 2024. Make it make sense. Square that circle.
Nowt wrong necessarily with being partisan or ideological.
But these people are hysterical.
Different opinions scare them shitless.
2 people gave a fuck about your comment.
Turns out the nasty cunt was a bat eater of some sorts, and has fled the country.
At least we know the Australians have a incompetent police force to match ours in blighty..
Let’s just hope the cunt chokes on a pangolin..
And good on Jon Trickett at least one good labour MP..
Let’s hope all the other cock smokers choke on a Muslim cock..
Labour Scum….
Afternoon BZ…that brave bugger’ll be replaced by a mụzfilth quicksmart.
They’ll Dr David Kelly him or Boeing whistleblower him.
Suicide by two shots to the back of the head.
Evening thomas, he will be in one of them empty cells by Friday, sharing with one of those evil tweeters.
A decent politician.
Who would have thought.
He’ll probably be out on his ear and accused of being far right before the cold weather hits.
Pity the rest of the Gov’t benches are spineless timeservers, but good man.
Even by todays standards it is a shocking crime. I have been to Brisbane and it seemed a great place to raise a family and live the Australian dream.
I don’t know about increased populations bringing more crime, places like Tokyo or Seoul have huge populations but are very safe and are in high-trust societies likewise London or New York sadly low-trust societies.
Maybe its down to demographics or the fact that there is 24h rolling news cycles, social media and everyone has a smartphone and every crime or act of anti-social behaviour has to be recorded for likes.
Interesting point you make about Tokyo and Seoul. Maybe they fair better because their societies have traditions and codes of conduct that were formed a very long time ago, that don’t seem completely forgotten or eroded for whatever reasons?
Seeing as all the Western countries are being destroyed, maybe Japan, South Korea or Singapore are escape options? Crikey, might have to actually look at those options!
What he done is, no words will describe.
It was hatred at its most extreme.
Hatred of himself and hatred for he’s own cowardice.
A defenceless infant was the only being, he could attack.
May he’s bollox, be deep fried while being suspended by block and tackle alive and then thrown on the ground to suffer and reflect for the hours or days that it takes for his demise.
Seems like the type of fella that both the Labour and Tory Parties would welcome with open arms.
Hang, draw, quarter and oven the remains of this piece of sub human filth.
There is no deterrent for this sort of sicko.
A spell in prison is not going to do it.
And the ‘mental health’ do gooderw will wipe their arses.
I say let the punishment fit the crime.
This fucker should be stripped billy bollocks and have white hot vegetable oil thrown on his face and his knackers. He’d think twice before doing it again.
If he is caught and jailed he is obviously going to have a massive target on his back because of the notoriety of the crime, along the same lines as rapists and child abusers. That said he could also serve his time in protective custody thus evading inmate justice. If he had done that in his native country then the public would have lynched him there and then in the park.
A mad dog is put down for a reason and righty so.
Same should apply with vicious unrepentant yokes that infest the safety for everyones streets, parks and strolls.
One will never rehabilitate , A mad dog.
9mm aspirin treatment
At dawn!
Agreed ?
I know sometimes we play hell over certain countries but quite honestly we could learn a thing or two about their attitude to crime and punishment. Saudi Arabia, lopping off the hands of thieves. Thailand, hanging for drug importers. I know that would never be brought in here, it’s more about a proper deterrent that I’m on about. USA, three strikes and out for example. Longer sentences for murder, rape, violence and gang membership. I’ve got a lot of time for the ex copper Peter Blecksley. He’s said numerous times of giving a burglar eight years when caught and SERVING the full eight years. This would actually bring the crime rate down and the prison population. I think a sentence like that would maybe make a tea leaf think twice? And stopping illegal immigration. I’m fed up of the constant brow beating of any legitimate concerns being racist. It’s about practicalities and who we’re letting into the country first and foremost. Not all of them but a percentage of them will be criminals or terrorists. It’s a fact born out of looking at our prison population. We are letting murderers, drug dealers and rapists into the country. I’ll say it again, not all are criminals but how do you know who’s who when the majority have no documentation? We can’t take the risk. Again, I think I’m wasting my time in writing this but if we just give successive governments a free ride without peaceful protest, a least we can hold our heads up high and say we tried to change things through peacefully and with dignity.