
jesus h christ

They’ve dreamt up another one ..

Just now, a new word appeared to me on Google’s ‘trending headlines’.

(You know that ‘feature’ y’switch off to keep the cretin-level headlines hidden, but it auto-switches back to ‘on’ after a month of being off, the arrogant bastards?)

Anyhoo. ‘What’s this bullshit, now ??’ led to a gander.

‘Gaining traction globally’ declares the first headline.

‘New identity everyones talking about’ sez the next …

‘What you need to know’ is the following one’s angle.

Offerings 4,5,6,7 all use the phrase ‘new phenomenon’

And the 8th , whilst still using ‘new phenomenon’ goes on to say ‘forcing experts to reassess the nature of human attraction”

Number 9 plain straight out asked “Are YOU symbiosexual?”

10th? : ‘Emerging sexual identity taking the internet by storm’ & ‘Redefining human relationships’

I’m not even going to approach the pathetic nature of the fucking thing, – nor the folk that perpetuate this needy shit endlessly – IN the nom(plenty of space to do that when it comes around) .. but ye might as well get the gist of it now, cunters, .. it looks like we’re going to have to put up with it for the foreseeable… Google (somewhat forcibly)says so!

Economic Times.

Picked one at random (what’s it got to do with an Economics led site, anyways?) They’re all much of a muchness, I’m sure. A whole lot of copy & paste most likely.

Nominated by : CuntemAll

80 thoughts on “Symbiosexuality

  1. Seems like just another sneaky euphemism for “I’m gonna shag my friend’s missus, because hey, since he gets the whole rest of her, why wouldn’t he be glad to let me”. Academicunts…

  2. It challenges traditional blah blah blah… in other words some people fancy a threesome and someone fancies a research grant to study them.

  3. I’m male,the wife’s female…all the rest is unadulterated #!@#? Guff and it’s no wonder the mental elf of the ?weasels who believe this and the pronoun brigade has gone south ⬇️

  4. Fuck these cunts, too much time on their hands. If you’re so preoccupied with deciding which sexuality or gender you are today you need to go fight wars or something equally mind focusing.

    In Afghanistan when a soldier was vaporised by a large IED they used the term plum must I’m informed. We have too many plums not being misted in civvy street.

  5. Now this ground breaking research has been conducted how long before some pop tart or Hollywood D-lister ‘discovers’ they are symbiosexual after living in denial for years?

  6. The eggheads have come up with a cunt word to describe, “Getting on with one another”.

  7. Something to do with being attracted to power in relationships rather than people themselves apparently. So, pretty much what trophy wives have been doing for centuries.

  8. Back in maaaaah day, before all this fancy dan psychobabble terminology, it were known as being up for a threesome.

    The university researchers who’ve come up with this bollocks have got too much time and grant money on their hands.

    Afternoon all.

  9. That depraved dissgusting cunt, Russel .T. Deviant, and that filthy fuck, John Barrowman.

    Putting into a family TV series that Captain Jack Harkness is ‘Omnisexual’.
    Which basically means that the dirty cunt will fuck anything or anybody.
    And, of course, he comes on to everything. From space bugs to the Doctor him/her/it self.

    Feel sorry for any decent normal parents (and there aren’t many left). Having to explain to their kids what ‘Omnisexual’ is. Davies, Barrowman and the BBC should be shot for putting that into little kids heads.

  10. Graham Linehan should be knighted.

    Calling that insufferable luvvie LGBTQ licking cunt, David Tennant a ‘weirdo groomer’.

    As we know, Tennant openly and publicly encourages his son to be ‘non binary’ and ‘identify’ as ‘trans’. The cunt openly and smugly boasts about it, His son (or whatever they call him) will probably end up in a loony bin or in prison later in life. That sort of shit will scramble any kids brain.

    Linehan has called out the cunt for what he is.
    And Tennant is a shoe-in for celebrity cunt of thr year.

  11. If they can fool a sizeable chunk of the population into believing that men can be women,
    Then this new trend should be a doddle!
    What was the last one?
    Pansexuality, I think.
    Popular with Liberal Democrats.
    Four-eyed twerp Layla Moron is one, I seem to recall.
    Fuck them.

    • I really don’t think they have fooled a sizeable chunk of the population about the gender bollox probably the only they have failed on.

  12. Multidimensional?

    Like Buck Rogers or Planet of the Apes or the fucking Klingons ?

    Well I’m having Princess Leia in that leather bikini and these mad professors can fuck right off.


  13. I do love the way JK Rowling winds up the LGBTQ freaks and their virtue siganling acolytes..

    Those backstabbing can’t act ‘mummy’s an agent’ nepotwats, Daniel Ratscock and Emma ‘Titless’ Twatson. Spaz about and defend the trans mutants every time JK tells it like it is. She says it, they throw a fit. Made to order and predicatble as fuck, Still funny though.

    And I bet Daniel Ratscock is still resentful that he was never in the glow of JK’s monumental whammers.

  14. This seems like a good thing if it’s used to take advantage of idiot wimminz.
    “Darling, I feel a connection to
    the love that exists between the two of and want us to immerse ourselves in that relational energy. Which I believe is best expressed by me fucking you up the arse then jizzing in your hair.”

  15. A highly topical nom. It is the burning issue of the day, But don’t worry, Sir Kweer is fully on top of it.

    A lot of famous celebrities are/were secret symbiosexualists. Most famous of all was Matthew Perry. Oh, wait…no, he was a celebrity pisshead. Still, I am sure there are more who will come out of the bubbly, sexy soup mess, now it is normal. Perhaps The Singing Nun, or Plastic Bertrand. Belgians are highly susceptible, obviously.

    • The OTT gushing over Matthew Perry croaking was ludicrous.
      Front page news for a twat from a US sitcom from over twenty years ago. And it was only ever watched for the three ladies who were in it anyway.

      Making out it was a ‘huge loss’, a ‘genuis’ (you fucking what?) and that he was a ‘friend’ (pass the sick bucket).

      The cunt OD’d on giraffe tranquiliser, or something just as daft and typically in keeping with celebirty excess. He was a cunt.

      • If I was Matthew Perry during the filming years of ‘Friends’, I daresay Jennifer Aniston would constantly wonder why her used knickers kept disappearing from her changing room.

      • If you were Matthew Perry from ‘Friends’, Jennifer Aniston would be pepper spraying you twice a day, Cunt Engine.

      • Oh, the little cunt was well after the lovely Jennifer, Thomas.

        Needless to say, she didn’t like the tranqued up tosser.

        And I was him during Friends, I’d have attempted to bag all three of the leading ladies Individually or together. I’m not fussy.

      • And if I was him during Friends, I’d have attempted to bag all three of the leading ladies Individually or together. I’m not fussy.

  16. There is a good living to be made spouting bollocks about sexuality and gender.. and enough empty headed twats to buy into it.

    Two genders, so only three sexual preferences.

  17. These symbio people,
    We don’t allow them around here.

    Swanning about in their rubber undercrackers and pierced nipples.

    They should all fuck off to Brighton.

    They must have big beds?

      • Exactly that Thomas.

        Mayal was the figurehead for the symbio Movement.

        They gather annually on the anniversary of his death,
        Snogging each other and reciting lines from the Young Ones and Bottom .

        There’s only one way to deal with those Sick puppies Thomas

        Trial by Quad bike!!

  18. What’s the betting that Sam Smith gets in on the act? I don’t think there has been a sexual preference or an invented weirdo degeneracy that the little fat mincer hasn’t tried to claim ownership of.

  19. Wanting a fuck session with 2 hot chicks simultaneously? Of course!….

    “Being attracted to the energy, multidimensionality and power shared between people in a relationship”? .. Fuck off!

    There’s a whole lot of bent agenda in the shite spouted in the article. A red-blooded hetero man has to find a lesbian couple (to be symbio for) for that. Bit of a brick wall in that logic, right there. Good-looking lesbians are, as we all know, the good type of this gay business, but while an individual case might be found that wants to rub rashers with missus, what would THAT blow-in 3rd party want with me?

    And before anyone chimes in with bi-sexuals
    .. bi-sexuals are just AIDS conduits from bent to straight, the selfish cunts. Yuk.

    The report in the link sez it’s 90% blokes who like their toast done on all three sides that are identifying as this codswallop and seeking double dicking anyways.

    Aaah, give me back the days we could mock this type of shit out of the limelight.

    2 of my favourites were (1) Frank Skinner doing ‘Bullys Prize Board’ a la Tony Green but with inappropriate prizes .. e.g.

    “Innnnn one : ‘You’ll drown in a flood of shit, spunk and blood … it’s a guide to gay porn on the internet”.

    Or (2) the opening-crawl text to Family Guy’s Empire Strikes Back parody …

    ‘A long time ago, when the gays weren’t all in your face about it”……

    • … “Innnnn two : if you get it tight you’ll be up all night ; with this leather cock-ring”

      He used to punctuate his ’95 stand-up routine with them…. just randomly throwing them out …taking the piss out of the genuine Bullseye Prize-board rhymes/shit prizes … such as(real example) “If you like a tune you’ll be over the moon … with this portable cassette player”) …

      “Innnnn three : When she’s under your spell she’ll do housework as well : it’s a Fillipino child bride”…

      …and so forth …

  20. Sounds like waking up at night and there is some twat at the end of the bed beating his meat cos he’s been watching you doing the missis. What ever next?

  21. Today’s youngsters have no idea how to form relationships.

    They don’t know how to talk to each other.
    They rely on instant messages.
    Ask a young guy how to chat up a girl and he wouldn’t have a clue.

    They think that you can meet a life partner by swiping right rather than left on a dating app.

    Men think that to attract a girl they have to act like a girl. You have to empathise with girls.
    That’s why there are so many effeminate men around.

    It’s easier to be gay, so there are lots of them.

    With billions of people on social media they have to be able to stand out from the crowd, so they jump onto any gender craze that is around.
    They need to be different so they invent their own mental illnesses and want to be called by stupid, inappropriate pronouns.

    Of course there will be plenty of people identifying as symbiosexual.
    It’s new and different.

    It gives them a chance to get a slice of a relationship that they are incapable of forming for themselves.

    Please just stay either gay or trans.
    Don’t breed.

  22. “The study reveals that those who identify as symbiosexual are drawn to the synergy and dynamic of a partnership. They feel a connection to the love that exists between two people and want to immerse themselves in that relational energy. Symbiosexual attraction is seen as a genuine desire focused on the “whole” relationship, described as “greater than the sum of its parts.””

    Wasn’t that once called swinging? Or was it – depending on the extent of involvement – dogging?

    But WHY???
    Answer: Any old tosh will get you a research grant these days. Follow the money.

  23. What a lot of stuff and nonsense.

    This sex thingy is quite simple.

    Bulk intake of draught bitter ☑️ ..check.

    Steak and kidney pudding, chips, peas and gravy ☑️..check

    A boisterous shag ☑️..check.

    It’s that simple. ?

    Trust me.

    I’m sexy.

    Good evening.

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