It is a given that most politicians of all parties are thorough-going hypocrites, but I find Labour worse,because they always pretend to be so morally superior. The prize for this weeks biggest lump of shit must go though to “Lady” Chancellor Rachel Fatarse Reeves, who, while she will be denying the winter fuel allowance for a majority of pensioners (and it is already bitterly cold here in Kentish Town in quite early September), is not backward in coming forward with her own claims:

Look at the fact ugly tart. She looks like an aging street woman, looking for clients for her “French Lessons with Strict Correction” business, with her great flabby buttocks wobbling about in her trousers, like a couple of enormous suet puddings she might look quite intimidating in her leather thigh boots brandishing the whip. Of course she has the full support of the enormous bunch of compliant bum boys in the PLP – idiot little Sam Carling, 22, for example, who has never had a job in his life, and of course Wes Streeting – the toadies toady, who no doubt claims his heating allowance along with his boy friend, also an M.P. The bog standard MP “earns” (well – we give them) – £91,000 a year. Ministers, of course, get more. They live on our charity and they get given enormous expenses – as we well know – for the most trivial, paltry purposes Kit Kats, and bath plugs for example.

I just hope the Telegraph repeats it’s 2009 investigation into MPs expenses, to see what this shower of fifth rate shit are claiming for. It would be interesting to see Kweer and Angies.

Daily Fail

Nominated by W C Boggs. Link provided by Ron Knee.

123 thoughts on “RACHEL REEVES M.P. (5)

  1. There are no words that can express my extreme distain for this man-hating, nasally challenged, economically illiterate harridan.
    The word ‘Cunt’ falls well short of the mark.

  2. Can I just lighten things a bit and say that Bridgit Phillipson gives me the horn.
    And she’s a Geordie lass as well.

    I think I might be in with a chance there.

    That’s why I’m stalking her.

    • She will give you teeth brushing lessons first, Geordie, before begging you to fuck her up the shutter.

    • She looks fucking mental, Geordie.

      Makes me wonder. If you were to slip her a length would she then start stalking you?

      • Bridget Phillips on was on GB news the other day,
        Camilla Tomney show.

        Camilla ” have you accepted any clothes or gifts?”

        Bridget ‘No, all gifts are declared ”

        Camilla ” you accepted £14,000 from lord Ali’s

        Bridget ” that was for my birthday party, not my actual birthday, I didn’t even have family there”

        Camilla ” did you have cake?”

        Bridget ” no, we didn’t have cake”

        Camilla ” there’s a photo of you eating cake”

        Bridget ” that was my other birthday party”.

        Hehehe ?
        Fuck me.

      • Hello Cuntalugs ?

        Couldn’t post!
        Probably the Elites trying to silence me?

        But the truth will put!

        Like in that film, that sooty says

        “The path of”the righteous man is beset on all sides by the
        Inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men”

        Think it was Gary Wilmot?
        Dunno all look the same to me.

        Anyway pal,

        IM BACK.?


        9lives, cats eyes,?

    • Also, you could make use of her rear entrance as a bottle opener for your Broon Ales ※ Double whammy.

  3. No doubt her boss will make it illegal to investigate the financial “arrangements” of Liebor M.Ps.

    No help for pensioners,but as this stupid cunt has said,it’s right and proper that M.Ps can claim for their gas bill off the taxpayer.

    This country is fucked.

    Oven for vermin.

    • “we’ve declared all our free stuff in accordance with the rules” – Labour spin nonce….
      Then ‘the rules’ suck shit and need changing.
      No morality, no humility, no self awareness

      If the rules said you could kiddie fiddle, would you and say “we followed the rules”

      Wankers…the whole lot of them

  4. What has really pissed on my chips is all the freebies this Marxist bunch of freeloading tossers get freebies and trying to justify it. The dear leader , no knicks Angie, and this fucking harridan, old uncle Tom Cobley and all are at the fucking trough all day every day.
    How long before someone takes a pot shot at one of the cunts?

      • I hope they process Lammy and make a shrunken head of him. Imagine a keyring Lammy – what a conversation piece

  5. Only yesterday I read this Lord Alli had donated £5000 worth of left-footed shoes to Diane Abbott.

  6. She withers my spuds.
    Just awful.

    Dead eyed, robotic, monotone.

    And hair that looks like a crash helmet.

  7. This helmet headed cunt and her 22 billion she ‘found’ missing, but will not show the evidence. FFS 22 billion is less than 1% of the UK national debt and probably a rounding error on some fucking XL spreadsheet.

    Cunt in a conference of cunts.

  8. Scroll the page so you can just see her tits and not her shug face…those are some damn nice looking jugs.
    She and Starmer are the bland face of true monstrous evil, like Goebbels.
    She will enjoy thinking of pensioners freezing to death in their own homes this winter.
    Then next year, she will further enjoy people losing their single person discount on their council tax, their limited finances gone to rack and ruin.
    She and the Labour party are the enemies of England and are guilty of treason.

    • Don’t be so sexist!

      Woman aren’t just pieces of meat to be ogled Thomas.

      Ok I did look at her tits and they do look okay ,
      I’ll grant you that,
      And if I was drowning Rachel in a bucket I’d probably cop a feel.
      But that’s not out of sexism.

      You chauvinistic pig.

  9. Her eyes are small,
    Small and darting.

    That’s lack of confidence that is!

    The darting.
    Not being small .

    That’s probably something from a genetic problem.

    Family tree that doesn’t fork much

      • insha’Allah ??

        Couldn’t post for some reason Thomas.

        Thought admin had banned me.
        So didn’t bother posting.

        Just tried on Deadpool of which the vultures had taken my regular nominees…..posted!!

        Fuck knows

  10. Even worse she has a sister, the mike and bernie winters of politics..

    As stupid as they are ugly..

  11. Rachel the Thieves Reeves is a monumental whore.Snouts at the trough ???. Collective gassing for these insensitive shitehawks.Liebour are the enemies of Britain.

  12. As I said the other day. When the government declares war on the people, the people are absolved of any further obedience


  13. I’d fuck the arse of her if it wasn’t for what comes from her brain via the mouth. Maybe fuck her in the mouth, it may fuck some sense into her.

  14. It’s her voice, like Davros with auto tune.

    The attitude from Labour seem to be sleaze is justified when you’re Labour, because we’re right on and all about the people.

    Except working class white people that is.

  15. Plastic but far from fantastic.

    I watched her speech, her face doesn’t have any expression, just a gob that opens and closes…. Freak!

  16. Let’s face it, there ain’t been many chancellor’s of the exchequer that history would judge as reasonably competent, and I can’t see her being on that short list.
    And I keep hearing political commentators going in about Labours honeymoon period being a short one.
    There never was a honeymoon period because most of those who voted them in were too gutless for a radical alternative.
    Starmers thumping majority isn’t like those of the past. In pure voting terms, it means nothing.
    Public goodwill and trust just isn’t there, and with idiotic hypocrites like her, I can’t see things ending in anything approaching a good way.
    It ain’t just going to be us in for a bumpy ride.

    • Who was the last competent one? God help us I suspect it might have been that liberal non-wit Ken Clarke – for all his sins at least he left the books balanced by 1997.

      • You’re probably right.
        Howe and Lawson gave off some air of competence, maybe, but history hasn’t been over kind.
        And Brown wasn’t the prudent safe pair of hands he made out he was.

      • Problem with Howe and Lawson were a pair of Europhile wankers who pushed for the ERM and ever closer union to the Euro-twats, that tarnishes their runs as Chancellor for me.

      • Brown was one of the worst chancellors we ever had. Bastard just burnt through the money.

    • Being financially astute I reckon this prissy controlling bitćh will be looking to dramatically increase alcohol duty to “save Our NHS”..

      So I’m going to drink all the beer in my fridge this evening to inflation proof it.

      Fuck em.

  17. Looking forward to the Helloween Budget..

    Might be just the excuse to pack all work in and join the merry band of dinghy hoteliers claiming every fucking freebie going.

    Perhaps that’s what Thieves means by “promoting growth”..I fully expect that it is.

    The appalling lego haired commie grifting cunt.

  18. Off topic, momentarily, but I don’t reckon Sean Poofy Poof Daddy should buy any green bananas…he’ll be ‘Epsteined’ within a week…

  19. Never thought I’d see the day a pop star would brazenly call himself ‘puff daddy’.


    Kier Starmer

    ” My dad was a puff.”

      • Cheers LL.?

        He’d find slim pickings,
        Bunch of vultures on here picked em clean.

        I’ve taken their names.?

      • DP pics?
        Double penetration?
        I can sort JP out with plenty of those (if his heart can take it)!
        Good on the mucky old bugger.

      • I thought you were busy carving a Celtic knot to sit on your shed at the allotment myself.

      • Oi, cheeky twat!

        I have my own DP picks.
        I even changed one to Justin Welby to oblige a fellow cunter, although I think Welby is possibly immortal.

        I’ll have to put an edge on my katanga, hacking at the neck is so declasse.

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