Paul McCartney [12]

Paul McCartney is still a cunt.

In 1988, former Apple Records press officer, Derek Taylor said the following…

‘George (Harrison) is the only one you can now get authentic horse’s mouth Beatles history from. John is, of course, no longer with us. And Ringo can hardly remember last week, never mind twenty years ago.’

Taylor was then asked about McCartney. Derek replied…

‘Paul’s word can’t be trusted on that score. Everyone knows Paul re-writes history all the time.’

And so it goes on.

Macca has now very recently blabbed about how he ‘turned down’ and ‘vetoed’ a full Beatles reunion.

McCartney suddenly and conveniently claims that John Lennon wanted a proper official Beatles reunion at some time before his murder. Now, there is no record of Lennon ever saying this. And certainly no quotes about it from Harrison or Starr. John said it could be ‘possible’ to his journalist friend, Elliott Mintz in 1974. But he got back into Yoko Fucking Ono’s grasping claw-like clutches and it was never mentioned again.

But, now Macca is trumpeting that a full blown balls out Fabs reunion was on the table, and that he and he alone scuppered it.

Funny, how he has never mentioned it before. It wasn’t mentioned in their Anthology series or book. Nor was it ever mentioned when they actully did return with that 1995 ‘Free As A Bird’ cash-in.

And it was never heard of during last year’s ‘Now And Then’ blitzkrieg.

So, this story has come from nowhere. Fab Macca Wacky Thumbs Aloft PR Opportunist re-writing history again? Just like he did with the ‘Blackbird’ song and other Beatles stuff?

Very likely,


Nominated by : Norman

46 thoughts on “Paul McCartney [12]

  1. For his ex-wife’s birthday party (you know, the one who couldn’t stand on her own two feet) the tight-arsed billionaire cunt famously made the guests pay for their drinks.

    Sir Paul McCuntry, aka Ebenezer Scrooge.

    • I once read something about a journalist who’d been granted an interview at Macca’s London office.
      Macca offered the journo a cup of tea and a cheese sandwich, but he turned it down as he was afraid his boss would receive an invoice for it.
      He’s definitely got a reputation for being a tight fucker.

  2. Yet another old has-been who looks like a latter day Boris Karloff monster. It’s only his truss and braces that keeps him upright. Why don’t the silly old cunts like him and Jagger just fuck off into a wealthy retirement. They are an embarrassment not just to us but to themselves as well.

    • Yep.

      Crock n’ roll at its worst. Stewart and what’s left of The Who should turn it in as well.

      As for Keif, he’s looked like an exile from ‘LOTR’ for donkey’s now.

  3. Of course, Macca is well known for turning down a money making opportunity isn’t he?
    Maybe he knew in advance that he would soon reach the pinnacle of his solo career with Ebony and Ivory and We All Stand Together.
    Whatever the truth was, you won’t hear it from Macca.

  4. OK macca we get it.. you wrote every beatles hit, played all the instruments and negotiated every contract.. you were the best there ever was..

    Fuck off you greedy, grasping vegetarian cunt.

    • Agrees, Baz.

      Macca makes a huge point about him being the ‘first’ and most avant garde Beatle. His 1997 autobiography was full of guff about him being the ‘first to do this, or the ‘first’ Beatle to do that, and he’s carped on ever since. He craves to be seen as the ‘coolest’ Beatle, even now. Seriously, who gives a fuck?

      Another cuntish Macca trait is how he does the petty percentages thing with the Lennon-McCartney songs. ‘Oh ‘In My Life’ was 40% Lennon, 60% Me.’ Seriously, he always does it. Unheard of with the Stones and other bands.

      What a complete cunt.

    • I haven’t got much by way of locks currently, Thomas, but what I do have are grey, but strangely enough darker on top than the sides.

      Sort of a reverse badger!

      • A reverse badger sounds like the sort of disgraceful shenanigans that Schofield gets up to with his barely legal male companion (probably encourages him to wear his not-long decomissioned school uniform).

      • Some cracking songs.. brown sugar, Wild Horses,Sympathy For the Devil,19th Nervous Breakdown.

        The front man is weird looking fellow though.

      • What my dear old nana said about Jagger.

        He looks like a negative of a sam bow.’

        That period, from ‘The Last Time’ to ‘Jumpin Jack Flash’,
        they were untouchable, I admit.

  5. He mentioned it again in 1975 in an interview with Bob Harris.

    Two massive egos and two weapons grade cunts.

    My son can’t understand why I don’t rate the Beatles, he’s bought into the legend but personally I think they were mediocre. Take that with guitars to begin with and druggie smelly cunts by the end.

    Only Lennon and McCartney in the history of Rock music used their fame and fortune to find and marry the most plain women they could find.

    Paul McCartney is so used to the media blowing smoke up his arse he could tell them what he had for breakfast and fawning journalists would write it up like some legendary art work.

  6. It’s going to be a sad day when the cunt finally dies.

    There will be at least 3 days of playing nothing but his songs on every radio station.

    At least a fortnight of biographies on the television and top depress you even more they will probably show the childish, shit Beatles films too.

    There will be interviews with other long forgotten celebrities who will say what a great guy he was.
    Old people in Liverpool who met him once 60 year’s ago will say what a decent, down to earth person he was.

    Liverpool will be in mourning for a few decades.

    A few statues.

    Personally I would put up with all that shit, content in the knowledge that he is dead.

    Talentless, overrated wanker who just happened to be around at the right time.

  7. I’ll admit to being a fan of the Beatles’ music.

    Now, two are dead, one is deranged and I no longer care about what this dumb cunt says, thinks, writes, plays or sings.

    You had your day Paul. Live off your royalties, shut up and just Let it Be.

    • If you ever walk about Liverpool city centre there’s loads of places say that the Beatles played there.

      Everyone you meet went to school with them.

      It’s a wonder they ever left!
      Very popular lads.

      I went the cavern club once.
      My mate was playing there in a battle of the bands competition.

      “This isn’t the original cavern
      That was over the road”

      Got told that a few hundred times.

      I couldn’t of given a fuck.

  8. Any cunt that fucks a monopod has got to be a a bit suspect maybe his into dwarfs sand retards as well perverted cunt if you ask me

  9. Macca is an even bigger cunt than people realise.

    On n 8 September 1969, while Ringo Starr was in hospital, Lennon, McCartney and Harrison met to discuss recording a follow-up to Abbey Road. In the meeting Lennon and Harrison expressed frustration with having to compete with McCartney to get their songs recorded.

    Lennon proposed a different approach to songwriting by ending the Lennon–McCartney pretence and having four compositions apiece from Lennon, McCartney and Harrison, with two from Starr and a lead single around Christmas.

    Harrison referred to the possibility of a new Beatles album in an interview he gave in November, and he called this songwriting arrangement “an equal rights thing”. McCartney totally dismissed the new division of songwriting, saying it “wasn’t the right balance” and was “too democratic for its own good”.

    Speaking to Melody Maker in September, Lennon said: “The trouble is we’ve got too much material. Now that George is writing a lot, we could put out a double album every month …” During the 8th September meeting, McCartney expressed that, before Abbey Road, he “thought that George’s songs weren’t that good”, to which Lennon reacted by saying none of the other Beatles liked McCartney’s “Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da” and “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer” and that those types of songs should be given to other artists to record.
    John Lennon then announced that he was leaving the Beatles for good 12 days later on September 20th.

    All the above is still on audio tape. Recorded by Lennon’s PA, Anthony Fawcett.

    Now, McCuntney will tell Howard Stern and anyone else that Lennon broke up the Beatles. But Lennon came up with a plan to keep the band alive. It was McCuntney who vetoed it and refused to cooperate. ‘Too democratic for its own good’? What the fuck? What he meant was he wanted the Beatles to be ran his way and no other way. I also think Macca had a beef with was George being possibly elevated to an equal status to him and Lennon. And as for saying to Harrison’s face that his songs weren’t that good? I’m surprised George didn’t smash his face in. The arrogance of the fruity voiced thumbs aloft cunt.

    Lennon – with his ‘love’ of Allen Klein and Yoko Fucking Cunting Bastard Ono – didn’t help. But McCuntney’s bossy attitude, his treating Harrison like an inferior and wanting his own way all the time certainly did as mucg to destroy the group.

  10. Listen to ‘Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band (reprise)’ backwards, and they are singing ‘It was a fake moustache’.

    Straight up.

    Reckon he really might be dead

  11. He is responsible for musical horrors, such as

    Mull of Cuntyre
    Frog wank
    Fucking Wings
    Liive or Eat Pie

    And Yellow Submarine can do one.

  12. Can’t say I liked The Beatles, but Wings was OK. Haven’t really got an opinion on this guy, but if you all tell me a he’s a cunt, then that’s good enough for me! Too democratic for my own good, obviously. Anyone have Kris Kristiffersson in Dead Pool?

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