James Corden (14)

At one time I happily thought we’d seen the last of this charmless fat cunt on this side of the pond after he fucked off Stateside.

Sadly it was not to be. After polluting the airwaves over there for a number of years (inc. that infamous, cringeworthy episode of royal backside sniffing with Has been), the unfunny, obnoxious twat is now back in the UK, where he’s currently filming ‘Gavin and Stacey’ again.

The good news is that it’s apparently going to be the last episode ever. The bad news is that it’s going to be a ‘Christmas special’.

I can barely control my apathy, and won’t be cancelling all other engagements in a fever of anticipation.


Nominated by Ron Knee seconded by Termujin.

I was really hoping when the fat, gay twat did a parachute jump with Tom Cruise that either the plane would crash or the fat spaz would just crater into the ground at terminal velocity.

Hoy fucking gay is he? Does his diet just consist of soya and estrogen?

Fucking embarrassment.


194 thoughts on “James Corden (14)

  1. He’s a fat arrogant tub of shite.

    Treats waitresses badly.
    And those he sees as menial.
    Beneath him.

    Spoke like that to me I’d drag the fat ball of shite out of his chair and pop his nose for him.

    The utter twat.

    He’s got some reunion thing on with that fat Welsh cunt ,
    So fuckin what?


  2. Breaking news: cunters rejoice as villainous, wrongthinking Opey finally expelled from is a cunt.

      • Can I just say I never complained, and I don’t even know what the comment was. If you can dish it out (and I do) then you have to take it – and I do. So I am sorry if somebody got banned because of me.

    • Tbh though being banned doesn’t really bother me, so much as the double standards do. Cuntster ALWAYS makes things personal on noms about US politics and yet he’s allowed to stay. What gives?

      • Basically I made an ill judged comment towards Boggs and it seems that was the final straw for admin. Again, I don’t mind but it would be nice if other cunters received the same treatment. I get the impression that he’s allowed to stay because he thinks the ‘approved’ way for this site, whilst I don’t anymore.

      • @ CG
        If you’re OP then you’re obviously not banned, no?
        Btw, you need to repost your Trump nom. ?

      • MJB@

        It’s disappeared
        As as all posts by Opey over the last few days.


        Think it is genuinely Opey.

      • Yeah!

        Despite the fact Fiddler and Krav regularly talked on here.

        Some shite detectives on here!

      • @ MNC
        I know it’s disappeared, that’s why I suggested he resubmit it.
        If he’s able to carry on under guise of Chicken George then what’s he got to lose?
        The mind boggles as to what he said to Mr Boggs.

      • Might I suggest you use the ubiquitous #, General, as in #JP, then I know the comment is for me, regardless of where it appears.

        And yes, a quick review to check spelling, syntax and punctuation is always sensible, unless your in a fury, for some reason.

      • They probably will MNC but I just wanted to make my point. I deserve to be banned and some time away from the site will probably do me good, but I’m not gonna stand for hypocrisy. Cuntster plays the mental health card and gets to stay, but I have problems of my own influencing my behaviour on here which I don’t bring up or try to use as an excuse.

      • Well I don’t want you to be banned Opey.

        Maybe take a break?

        And I’m not a fan of the General,
        but in fairness I’ve never heard him use his mental health as a excuse for anything.

        Obviously he’s clearly a mental
        But he’s not used it as a excuse for his appalling behaviour and bullying me.

        As you were.

      • Plays the mental health card?

        That’s hilarious coming from someone with a severe case of CDS.

        Next time they ban you OC/CG you should use the (aforementioned) Aaron Rupar as a handle.

      • You’re claiming I bullied you?

        …says Miserable Northern Markle commiserating with Opinrah Cuntfrey.

        Jesus H. Christ Himself in a Montecito Mansion. This shit never stops.

      • Calm down General ,
        Take one of your dried frog pills.

        You’ll have one of your ‘ funny turns ‘ otherwise.

        I accept your apology.

        You didn’t realise you were bullying me.

      • Btw Cuntster that’s not an attack on you. I actually think you’re OK. But we both have a tendency to get worked up over politics and it’s treated very differently when I do.

    • No rejoicing here.

      An opposing view always makes for good debate and a bit of good humoured ribbing.

      Cunting off other cunters breaks the rules though.

      • I’m with you Allfather.

        When it’s just 5 blokes saying

        “Kier Starmer s a cunt isn’t he?”

        4× “yeah”

        What’s the fuckin point of that?!

        Besides, I like a good argument ?
        You may of noticed?

      • Are we doing this all night?

        I’m going to get very bored, and I was going to post about my hair disaster.

      • OC gets banned for his remarks with another Cunter.

        He reemerges as CG.

        Blames me and references my mental health.

        MNM echoes the mental health cry and claims he’s the victim.

        Well boys and girls it’s been a slice. But I have real world matters to deal with so I’m just going to leave it all where it is.

        Before I take my leave, allow me to paraphrase a remark attributed to Richard Nixon:

        Just because you’re paranoid…doesn’t mean your haters don’t have CDS.

        Trump / Vance
        Living Rent Free

    • I wondered where CG gets his dialogue from, but this is the giveaway:

      “Well boys and girls it’s been a slice. But I have real world matters to deal with so I’m just going to leave it all where it is.”

      (c) Terry Pratchett: “Sourcery”; The Genie of the Lamp

      • I know who Terry Pratchett is but I’ve never read “Sourcery.”

        If that is a verbatim quote from the book, I’m more than a little surprised.

        If you are making it up again I’m more than a little disappointed.

      • The genie is a fairly typical NY minor executive ca 1988, transplanted to the centre of a magical world war, and is simultaneously having a conversation with an imaginary client on his cellphone and finding objections to transporting Nijel and Conina (Cohen The Barbarian’s daughter) out of immediate danger in his magic lamp. Pressed for a response, addressing the phone –

        “Fine,” he said, “Great. It’s a slice, believe me. Have your people call my people. Stay beyond, ok? Bye.”

        Ibid, Corgi, p261

        You have to admit it resonates.

      • To me it’s a stretch. Slice is really the only commonality. And I used it because it’s pretty archaic.

        But to those of you with CDS…the truth doesn’t matter Making up fake quotes…using fake allegations…claiming fake apologies…anything to discredit the General.

        It’s all fair game.

        The truth does not matter to those with CDS.

    • I’m genuinely hurt (lol) by GC’s allegations of what? Inaccuracy? Those, coming from a crazed supporter of the Fat Orange Fraudster, are pretty damn good. Kindly note that I supplied evidence for my assertion, something Cuntster has never done, despite repeated requests to do so from a (regrettably) forrmer cunter.

      Your reference – CD – Cuntster, appears to be to Conduct Disorder.
      Check Wikipedia and the mirror the next time you use that one, eh?

      • @ Komodo
        There is only one person posting here who is afflicted with Cuntster Derangement Syndrome (CDS) and that person is General Cuntster, after whom the syndrome was named.

  3. I was a bit late to the party on this one.

    Several years ago I bought The Wrong Mans series on DVD. I thought (and still do) it was really good. Fatty Cordon is in that. Prior to that I’d never heard of time.

    I subsequently found out he had a chat show on Yank telly (never seen it) and then he started to pop up in anything and everything. It’s only when you’ve encountered this bore fest of lard that you realise he’s the same in everything he does. He has this consistent air or smugness, arrogance and affected larger (literally) than life persona. The way he ‘jokes’ around betrays his misguided belief he’s really funny when in fact the opposite is true.

    A text book example of someone little talent being given all the breaks going thus turning them into a massive (literally) cunt. Kindly fall down a well – if you can find one wide enough.

    • I didn’t have my glasses on and thought you wrote lager rather than larger, either way he’s a massive unfunny cunt and I’m glad his show has been cancelled. May one suggest dear good cunter IY, rather than putrefieying a poor village’s water supply may he instead end up as Prince George’s crocodile’s (also called George) shit. ?????

  4. Professional fat cunt. I think he probably saw Oliver Hardy, John Candy as a kid and thought fat cunts are funny, pass the pizza.

  5. I’ve got to be fair – I have seen FAR worse than Mr Corden (think of arseholes like Nish Kumar, Ant & Dec, “political” comics, Carol (have I got an equity release scheme for you!) Vorderman. JC seems quite anodyne. He is arrogant, perhaps, but he doesn’t try to hide it, like so many stars do.

    As for being homosexual – is he?. He doesn’t come over that way to me. He is nowhere as bad as mincing little pansies who sit in Parliament , and doesn’t do nearly so much damage as those self-important poofters.

  6. He’s a male version of Dawn French, with the same limited ‘talent’, fat and mouthy.
    As with French, we’re told this is hilarious.
    It isn’t. It’s a fucking irritating one trick pony affair.
    Add to that the fact that this odious cunt is a proven arrogant prick, and you’ve got one humdinger of a fat talentless minger.

    • He’s the epitome of the cunt who manages to turn a staggeringly small amount of talent into a hugely successful career, by a means that seems little short of magical. An enormously irritating cunt.

      See also;
      Katie Price, Ant and Dec, Amanda Holden, Kim Kardashian, Dylan Mulvaney et al.

      Afternoon all.

      • Maybe he sold his soul to the devil. Let us hope there’s only a few years left on the contract

  7. He got very upset by a comment by Lily Allen.

    She said he was a ‘beg friend’
    A term I’d never heard before.
    But means he was like a hanger on, a sycophant.

    He got dead upset.?

    Not very nice of Lily,
    But seeing as it’s James,
    Fuck it.

    • I think you can see that if you’ve ever seen any of his Stateside interview shows. He’s a bit of a sycophant alright, wanting to be seen as part of the A list in crowd I suspect.

      Worst case of his brown nosing was the aforementioned cringe interview with Hazza the Hasbeen.

  8. James cordial, unless it’s to staff at restaurants, then he is just another rude entitled wanker..

    Throwing a paddy over a bit of egg white in a omelette, it’s fucking eggs you drip..

    I did see him once walking through Chinatown and was gonna shout some abuse at him, but he had kids with him so decided not to..
    On reflection they probably weren’t his as he used to work for the BBC.

    • For some reason that infuriated me Baz.

      Id love to of been there.

      Id of buried my fork so far into his skull only king Arthur could of pulled it out.

      The awful cunt

      • What is it with twats and eggs.

        Egg white omelettes, egg yolk omelettes?
        Both parts are delicious just have a omelette..

        The first person who asked for one of those should of been brained with a cast iron griddle pan.

      • Like he gives a fuck really anyway!!

        Long as it’s in a nosebag the fat fuck would eat it.

  9. Serious question.
    I gather the Essex/Welsh tripe he writes with Blodwyn Pig is supposed to be a comedy. I’ve watched a few episodes and it has never induced so much as a faint smile on my visage. So what on earth is funny about it?

    I don’t get the joke.

      • Only Kim Jong Un, Mis.
        I’m looking forward to the day one of his missile launchers misfires and renders him into minced pork fat.

      • I think he has one genuine missile launcher that are on these military parades and test fired for the cameras and the rest are papier mache or fiberglass.

    • I think it’s what they use to call on the BBC “gentle comedy” – like a lot of Carla Lane’s stuff. They had a studio audience there but they didn’t laugh very much.

  10. Gavin and Stacy was one of those so-called ‘iconic’ shows that passed me by. Like Broadchurch or Fleabag, never seen them.

    • Fleabag.. I watched two episodes, utter crap.. same as that killing eve.. total dross.
      Typical BBC crap..
      And the pedo cunts wonder why people are cancelling in their droves.
      Afternoon LL..

      • Phoebe Waller-Bridge is a pain, but she doesn’t half give me the horn for some reason.

        Mercifully I can say that the same doesn’t go for Corden.

      • Phoebe W-B certainly has something about her LL. She’s not what you’d call conventionally beautiful, but there’s something dazzlingly attractive about her. She’s got a sort of 1930s chic about her as well.

        She most certainly is in my bank (mind you, these days it would be easier and quicker to list who ISN’T).

  11. I don’t think he is gay though.

    Irritating as fuck. yes! Gay? No.

    Has a wife and three kids.

    Wouldn’t mind a go on the wife.

    He can keep the kids.

  12. Last ever episode. Yeah right.

    This vast repulsive human slug will revisit and milk that Gavin and Stacey, just like Coogan does with Alan Partridge.

    In case you haven’t noticed, I passionately despise this fake heap of sweating rippling lard

    I’m surprised the fat ugly fuck has got any tongue left. The amount of celebrity arseholes he has licked during that Car Pool Karaoke shit (whic he nicked off somebody else).

    And, of course, Corden is totally obnoxious and Billy Big Bollocks with ‘nobodies’ and ‘ordinary people’. He’s like that other cunt Cilla Black. Only fatter and with a knob.

    • Cilla ‘The Song Killer’ Black, another individual with absolutely no talent who managed to make it by hanging onto the coat tails of The Beatles.

      • I saw her at the Palladium in 1964 when she closed the first half of the Frankie Vaughan Show – that was before she became the friendly scouser of ITV. To be fair she wasn’t bad then – quite good looking, belted out the up-tempos and got all sultry on the ballads. I think it was just after she had the hit with Youv’e Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’ or Anyone Who Had a Heart – but she really did sing it wasn’t miming. Most of the audienvce though were old biddies waiting to see Frankie “Give Me The Moonlight”. 80 year olds swooning on a summer evening wasn’t a nice sight and the smell of violet perfume, Germaloids and hot rubber from their corsets was repulsive. Cilla did quite a good turn – it was a few years later she went off.

    • The amount of cabin crew who said she was a total cunt was massive along with her bum chums O’Grady and Winton.One particular crew member bent as a 9 bob note hated them with a passion Silly white would never speak to them her pa or husband had to give her response.

  13. It’s like a man version of vannesa felts fat ugly and fucking obnoxious how the fuck ether of these talentless grotesque cunts get on tv is beyond me

  14. Fuck me as if a cracked rib ain’t bad enough (fell over one of the dogs) I read that this terminal turd has resurfaced in the U.K. Hells fucking bells gavin and Stacy what crock that was and the tossers are doing a remake. Will this torment ever end? Can’t do fuck all cos it hurts, fantastic weather can’t ride any of my bikes, then to cap it all Corden makes an appearance. Get pissed or shoot myself that’s about it. I must have been a right bastard in a previous life

    • A bloke I know (he does the odd job on the roof and brickwork for us) told me one time that he fell of a ladder and cracked a couple of ribs. Said it was bloody agony every time he took a breath. Hope things aren’t that bad with you.

      Take it easy BB and get well asap.

  15. I’m surprised no one has mentioned this fat cunt was a friend of Prince Hazza, the Wonder Chimp.

    He deserves Cunting for that alone.

    • We have a programme over here called DNA Journey. Corden could hold Hewitt Jr hand as he consoles him over the ugly truth.

    • Apologies to the illustrious Mr. Knee who used the term Prince Hazza earlier in this nomination. I didn’t see it.

      Cunt minds think alike.

  16. I’ve skipped everything about this cunt because duty called on more important things. For the life of me I’m puzzled by the interest this fat cunt brings to the table. If we ignore the twat he will disappear and hopefully shoot himself. The only time he should be here again is if he’s been found dead.

  17. Be a fuckin odd shaped coffin Sammy.

    Broader than long.

    And they better get a few extra pallbearers!

    Or a stacker truck….

  18. Thank you, cunters all. Your unanimity on this cunting means that I don’t even have to look the cunt up and watch it performing, before registering my complete agreement. Should I have heard of it? Well, I have now.

  19. Anyway, on the subject of Corden he’s a fat talentless oaf. I have no idea how he got so popular.

    • One of life’s mysteries. Why do people pay so much money to go to Glastonbury? And once they get there, why do they not want anyone else in? Why do people pay to see Michael Macintyre (or indeed any other modern “comedian”), why is Starmer still alive? etc.

      • I saw Frankie before his masters cut his tongue off nearest thing to Bill Hicks. Would have loved to have seen George Carlin live it’s a big club and you aren’t in it.

  20. What I can’t understand is how he got big in the US?!

    He was getting top dollar,
    Not just in some shite sitcom but a talkshow with millions of viewers!

    What did the yanks see in him?

    They like a lot of British stuff
    Monty python
    Lots of our music

    But James Corden?

    Don’t get it.

      • Ah yes, Piers Moron. The man who hacked Millie Dowler’s phone and lied about our troops committing war crimes. Scarcely has there been a candidate more deserving of the oven.

    • It’s one of life’s great mysteries Mis, along with who killed JFK, where all the aliens are, and why any cunt anywhere thought that ‘Friends’ was funny.

  21. Gavin and Stacey – the fat cocksucker only based it in Essex as it is ok to slag off and make fun of the white working class (typical BBC). Why not do a p@ki version, where they all go grooming in Rochdale, or a schwartzer one where they’re running a county lines between Tottenham and Birmingham?

    • As a Harlow boy, born and bred, I agree. Sad that it’s such a shit hole now. glad I’m in Spain

  22. You have to admit, the variety he brings to each role he takes just couldn’t be achieved by lesser talents.
    Let’s look at the evidence of his greatness.
    Gavin and Stacey. Cordon portrays Smithy, a fat gobby cunt from Essex.

    The Wrong Mans. Cordon portrays a fat gobby cunt from Bracknell.

    Comic/Sport Relief/Children in Greed. Corden takes on the role of Smithy again, yet as England football manager. Fat, Gobby and licking David Beckham’s arse.

    Guaranteed, hilarity will ensue as you marvel at his multiple talents.
    Chief amongst which is being an irredeemable cunt!

    • I forgot his carpool karaoke.
      Marvel as he crawls up McCuntney’s arse and manages the feat of being fat, gobby and unbearably sycophantic all at the same time.

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