His Vacuous Majesty KING CHARLES III

You are a cunt, Sire.

Errollyn Wallen made Master* of the King’s Music

Why? — Because she is black, innit.

I quote 2 paragraphs from the linked piece which I`m sure you cunters will be frothing at the bit to festoon whimsical comments upon …

In July, she told BBC Radio 4’s Desert Island Discs she had received hundreds of “very abusive” messages after creating a new version of Jerusalem, a hymn played every year at the Proms.

“The work is dedicated to the Windrush generation and also the fact that it’s little understood that in the colonies, de facto, we live with the music of England,” she said at the time.

Need I say more?

* Interestingly they didn`t change this.


Nominated by Sam Beau.

63 thoughts on “His Vacuous Majesty KING CHARLES III

  1. “The work is dedicated to the Windrush generation”

    Is the piece of music 5 minutes of silence, punctuated with some teeth sucking and moaning about racism..

    The sooner chuck carks it,the better.
    President Blair with worn carpet head doreen as his first lady.

    • She would stand as much chance as Cherie of getting a fuck out of him. I assume he would have “Petie” Mandelson as his choirmaster the duckie of the Queens Music.

      A far cry from Sir Arnold Bax and Sir Arthur Bliss, two real composers who were MKM and MQM

  2. His gracious majesty Charles III does what he is told by civil servants. If he does not do what he is told, they will have him injected with the death plasma, and he will suffer a massive seizure. Then he would be replaced by William V, who will do what he is told by the civil servants. It is how the monarchy works.”

    “As explained to me by the late Norman St John Stevas (Lord of Fawsley)

    Good morning, everyone.

    • Now the late Norman St John Stevas (Lord of Fawsley) really was a cunt and too gay to function…allegedly.

  3. I note sausage fingers did his own little visit to Southport after Stasimer, the lying, parasitical cunt.
    Just get rid of Jerusalem forever and replace it with “Oh dem golden slippers” or “The Banana boat song” and be done with it. Last night of the Um Bongos, blood, we built the world, innit.

  4. He’s not the king of me
    The Hanoverian beatnik cunt.

    My King is the rightful monarch Brian Blessed.

    • As the good Lord said: “Love thy neighbour as thyself, unless he’s Turkish, in which case, kill the bastard!”

    • I wonder if he’s done one of those Who do you think you are programmes and found out he’s the rightful heir to King Richard IV, cruelly airbrushed from the historical record by Tudor propogandists.

      He was Saxon’s warm up man at Bloodstock a couple of years ago. Introduced them with a full on cod Shakespearian monologue. Bloody great he was. Gets my vote for king if we were allowed to vote for such things. .

  5. Another divershitty appointment. How tiresome.

    Looks like she should be in the same enclosure as Lammy the gorilla.

  6. In the header pic, is the back of the Queen’s shadow intentionally shaped like a gorilla’s head ?


    In a rain sodden field

    Somewhere in Somerset.

    Eating Kit Kats.

    Good morning. ?

    • That’s her souvenir from the Royal ‘hand-waving-from-a-throne-carried-by-hottentots’ tour of The Island of Dr Moreau.

    • Hiya Jack?

      Me and the dog in kettlesHulme above Lymm park.
      Sun’s out, buzzards calling , even deer in the field opposite.

      What a life eh?

      • A grand life !

        Saw a couple of Buzzards this morning, and a fox, mooching about.

        It’s pissing it down again, just had me dinner, hound’s asleep, Ethel’s cross stitching, think I’ll have a nap ?

      • Sun shining down here too. Red Kite rather than buzzards and the deer round here are muntjac, regularly to be found squashed in the road.

    • FIVE red kites yesterday, all at once, in the same bit of sky. Think they were on a family outing.

  7. Fuck me it has a home in Orkney.

    I did not know the tiresome cunts had got that far north.

    Hopefully a climate change gale brought about by a far right conspiracy will blow it off a cliff.

    Silence is golden you demented biťch.

    Good morning.

    • Haven’t you watched the enchanting BBC detective drama Shetland it’s full of black cunts and gimmegrents all being hard done to by far right white jock island cunts.

  8. I wonder if this appointment is actually in Charlie’s gift, or if it’s a case of him just endorsing the choice of some committee or other?

    Either way, I can see him being happy with it; it’s in his ‘progressive’ mindset.

    Princess Anne would have made a much better monarch; less of a ninny and bigger balls.

    Morning all.

      • Depends on your point of view I guess Guzzi. A man who had worked in the royal household described Phil as “a charmless oaf” and said that Anne was the one of his children who was most like him. She certainly knows her own mind and doesn’t stint herself on the stuff she likes. She’s had more pricks than a second hand dartboard.

    • Given that the entire royal household is carefully selected from humourless homosexual Guardian readers, one describing Phil as a “charmless oaf” is a recommendation in its own right. Anne is a hard grafter, and pleasantly acerbic. Fair play, she’s saner than Chuck.

  9. However you slice it
    The Last Night at the Proms is shite.
    Always was.
    Hooray Henry Central.
    Fuck them.

    • Can`t agree, Mr Bottler.
      That Promular last night allows what`s left of us genuine patriots to proclaim to all the filthy heathen cunts in the world to fuck right off, and no mistake. It`s all we have left. Britannia ruled the waves.
      Remember when the old world maps were nearly all pink?
      ? ? ?
      By jingo.

      • No, it makes us look ridiculous.
        Out of touch with reality.
        The rest of the world sees us as a laughing stock.

      • The closing of UKIP’s “Far Right” Annual Conference used to be much better, with King Nigel leading the singing of sea shanties and old music hall numbers.

      • We certainly weren’t a laughing stock when Victoria would threaten to send the British Army or the Royal Navy and the ethnics would shake in their flip-flops.

  10. Well the windrush generations offspring have made a wonderful contribution to BRITISH society.
    If you want.

    At least their grandparents drove a bus or did some menial labouring job..


  11. Charlie loves to shovel shit down the throats of his subjects.

    Good appointment, fits in with his drive to increase the diversify of the royal skivvies, maybe he will appoint some Abdul jihadist with the inevitable outcome

  12. Have mercy, Sam. This is Ruritania, nor are we out of it. Chuck his the musical ability of a raven with laryngitis, as we can see by his appointment in May of Julian Lloyd-Webber to the Order of the Bath. More for the nauseation of republicans here –


    I also enjoyed the By Appointment list, including:

    Ainsworths Homoeopathic Pharmacy, London (Chemist)
    Allen & Page Ltd, Norfolk (Producer & Supplier of Organic and Non-GM
    Animal Feed)
    Audi UK (A Division of Volkswagen Group UK Ltd.) (flying the flag, eh?)
    Bedmax Limited, Northumberland (Manufacturer of Horse Bedding – CEO is one Dick Fiddler, I’d guess)
    Caws Cenarth Cheese Ltd, Dyfed (Organic Cheesemakers)
    Champagne Laurent-Perrier, France (Purveyors of Champagne)
    …etc, including both Holland and Holland, and Purdey’s (guns), but not Lidl, surprisingly….

  13. He’s trying to please everyone and failing. The wokerati, SJW’s, race baiters, eco loons, alphabets, socialist Stasi etc despise him and the institution (Stasimer is implementing the final stage of B’liar’s plan and kicking my Chief out of the HoL). I feel sorry for him. His grandad owned this planet, a humble man that went through the same shite as his people (other than an unlimited tobacco ration, but he needed it). I wish he was no nonsense hard arse like his great grandad.
    Yet he is still my King and I would go to the gates of Hell and kick the Devil in the bollocks in his name.

    God save the King.
    Presem Yasur.

  14. You can’t force them to integrate so you remodel our society and culture to integrate with them.

  15. I went to the Caribbean islands many years ago.
    One evening whilst stopped at the traffic lights a rather charming character shouted over ( open top minimoke) ,hey white boy, what the fuck you doin in my country…

    My retort was along the lines of, hey blackie, if we hadn’t brought you lot over here to pick fucking cotton you’d still be eating monkeys in the jungle..

    Ungrateful cunts….

  16. This narky Sam Bow announced in a previous interview that ‘traditions should change’.

    Just to satisfy you and your Simian friends? Just fuck off. If you don’t like our traditions then piss off and make your own ‘traditions’ in the Carribean.

    Um bongo.

    • “Traditions should change” eh?

      If they changed, they wouldn’t be traditions, would they?

      0/10 for rational thinking.

  17. Ive never been to the Carribbean as I’m not a pirate, hate hot fly infested shitholes,
    Don’t like steel drums or ethnics with plaited hair.

    I imagine it pongs a bit?

    And before anyone accuses me of not respecting other cultures,
    Every year I commemorate the death of Bob Marley with a can of Lilt and a bounty bar.

    Don’t play his music like.
    Hate that shite.

    • Mrs Brain went to the Caribbean back in the sixties Mis. In those days it was mostly safe and peaceful. She did say how strange it felt to be on a busy shopping street as the only white face in a sea of blacks. Must have been like being in Brixton.

  18. Never heard of her. Think she might have jumped the queue. I can think of James McMillan, Cecilia McDowell and Sally Beamish who should be in the frame.
    Maybe they all turned it down.

  19. I listened to it on Youtube and although she admittedly has a very good singing voice, the backing music is such an insult to strangled cats, the cats would finish themselves off by throwing themselves in the river using their own bags. Note the words “It’s the most beautiful ugly sound in the world”.


    and how it’s actually meant to be played


    If there ever were to be an English national anthem, Jerusalem would be it. I know it was originally a poem by Williams Blake and not a song with music, but the music written by C. Hubert H. Parry is what made it beautiful.

  20. Some rioter has just been given nine years bird, nine bloody years !!!

    Mind you, he is white.

    The jails get fuller and fuller.

    The pressure builds…….

    • Draconian prison sentences. One of the clearest indicators of a regime sliding into despotism.

      Is it still raining there Jack?

  21. Could be worse. The homeopathic halfwit could have appointed the multi talented Stormzy.

    Chiggun. Innit.

    • Includes these added appropriate verses:

      I was walking down the street
      When I tripped up on a discarded banana skin
      And on my way down, I caught the side of my head
      On a protruding brick chip
      It was the government’s fault
      It was the fault of the government
      It was the fault of the government

      I was very let down by the budget
      I was expecting a one million quid handout
      I was very disappointed
      It was the government’s fault
      It was the fault of the government
      I think I’ll emigrate to Sweden or Poland
      And get looked after properly by a government
      Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem….

      Sight more relevant than whatever bastardisation this Errollyn Wallen fuck wrote.

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