Freddie Flintoff and Ramadanadingdong

A piss be upon him cunting for ex-England cricketer Andrew ‘Freddie’ Flintoff. During filming in India for his BBC documentary series about cricket helping disadvantaged yoof, Field of Dreams on Tour, Flintoff decided to fast for a day for Ramadan in a heart warming gesture of solidarity with said disadvantaged yoof Adnan, an Afghan refugee.

Poor Adnan opened up about about how hard it was seeing his friends eat while he was unable to. He was also the only Muslim on the team, adding to his trauma. Flintoff then asked the rest of the team to join him and all agreed. I bet they fucking well did. I would also wager that sausage and bacon were also off the breakfast menu and a relaxing beer in the evening too.

Is it any wonder that these bastards can’t/wont integrate into western culture and respect their hosts way of life whist bellends like Flintoff pander and indulge their stone age regressive mindset? You might argue its only one day of fasting to cheer up a lonely lad but its not OUR culture. You give in to these cunts on the small things and they always want more.

Remember, just a generation or so ago Islamic extremism, grooming gangs, de facto sharia law, Muslim no-go areas, sham marriages, honour killings and backdoor blasphemy laws were virtually unheard of.

Maybe Flintoff’s near-fatal car crash mongnified his booze-addled brain more than previously thought?

Nauseating Mirror link if you can stomach it.


Nominated by Liberal Liquidator.

78 thoughts on “Freddie Flintoff and Ramadanadingdong

  1. Was the stupid Wokie fasting while competing?

    Abu al-Quasim J Muhammad Himself! Western civilization is doomed!

  2. One of the most disgusting stories I`ve ever had the misfortune to read.
    I almost choked on my cricket luncheon interval cucumber sandwiches, but I sustained myself with lashings of strong hot tea.

    • Allah Almighty what a traumatic experience you had!

      I hope you recovered sufficiently to enjoy your buttered scones.

      • I love you, general.
        But Americans should not interfere with ?.
        Only Englishmen And God play cricket.

      • We’ve talked about this before Sam.

        I love you too but please…a little discretion…what if your husband finds out?

  3. Couldn’t eat during ramadamadingdong? Let’s put this in plain language; he chose not to eat. Same applies to all religious observance and the people who voluntarily subject themselves to such edicts should be treated as the fools that they are.

  4. Kissing raghead arse is now a national pastime for media types and politicians.

    Freddie seemed normal once but now he’s just another coward.

    Fuck him and fuck appeasing the Camel Cunts.

  5. I liked Freddie Flintstone.
    Great cricketer,
    Liked a laugh and a prank,
    Trained as a boxer
    Had a mobile chippy

    I approved of him.

    Next thing he’s crying on telly saying he’s got a eating disorder!!

    I blushed in embarrassment for him.
    What the fuck?

    Then hes crying after crashing a car and looks like Frankensteins monster.

    I wish him well he’s obviously a bit emotional,
    But pandering to Ramjams isn’t the best route to recovery.

    Get the chip pan on lad!

  6. Thought if you have peacefuls in the high northern latitudes how does ramadam work when you have a non setting sun. So as fasting begins at sun up and ends at sundown must be right cuntish for them. But no a mosque in Finland got the rules changed? (Thought all their bollocks was the divine truth and unchanging). Amazing what can happen if=peacefuls might starve to death. Flitoff got £9 million supposedly for his accident think they were conned he ain’t even iin a wheelchair for fucks sake shit for £9 million I’d expect him to have feeding instructions tattooed on his bloody forehead and a life support system the size of a shipping container.

    • I’m delighted you pointed out the hypocrisy regarding the Islamic fairy tale.
      The brothers Grimm, and Hans christian Anderson are a much better read, and make a lot more sense.

    • Hey BB,

      We should be more respectful of their traditions.

      As you noted they fast from sunup to sundown so I propose mandating daylight savings time during Ramadan so they have more time to reflect on how hungry they are.

  7. No meat on Fridays and having to give up Chocolate for lent when I was a kid. Where’s my documentary?! Bleugh …

    • Same here. When I was a kid, we could only eat fish on Fridays. I was educated by lunatic nuns from the age of 4 to 11.

    • Or Boycott for that matter.
      ‘Fooking Ramandamadingdong?
      What’s up with yer you fooking pansy? Get some lard down yer’

  8. If old Finty didn’t skittle the ossies, you wouldn’t have heard his annoying broad Lancashire accent for toffee. I’m a Mancunian, but don’t talk like this twat.

      • Hi Norman, I only get the gist of the cuntings on here because I’m not willing to apply to the the biscuits bastard yanks.

  9. Flintoff always was a cunt. A piss poor Ian Botham.

    And an eating disorder? He’s gone all Fat Reg.

    If he loves those unwashed savages so much, he should piss off to Iran or some othet barbaric flyblown shithole.

  10. I’ve always thought he was a bit of a cunt, I know he lost his face in a car accident but he’s always played the part of being a geezers, geezer. One of the lads, or in the case of the BBC another overpaid cunt.

    I’m just waiting for Lineker to do a piece on immigration and the dinghy boys, he seems to like these cunts – didn’t he offer his house to one once?

  11. The cunt should have died in that accident, filming for Top Gear in December 2022. At least some good came out of it, the programme was suspended shortly afterwards.

    • I fucking hated Top Cunt, never knew what the fuss was all about.

      So many people I know, on a shite Monday morning in the office used to be “did you see top gear last night when James May stuck a dildo in Jeremy’s ass while Richard Hammond noshed him off and all while they were driving a tank over the Himalayas”.

      What a load of wank and a pointless spunking of licence payers money.

      That said the show has been syndicated and rinsed for a lot of money but I fucking hate all the presenters. They all think they’re a bit special.

      • Why wasn’t Boggs Pornographic Films (Taiwan) Ltd not notified of that at the time, or given the tapes? BPFP are thinking of going into the gay market, and I know there would be several members of the government that would be up for material like that?. Expensive, but there are always “expenses”

        As it is, at a board meeting we have to decide if little Wes looks old enough to play a “doctor” so he can be rogered by a gang of chavs. The Chris Bryant “Vicar at the Gay Sauna” one didn’t sell too well.

  12. I observe ramadamadingdong by limiting my bacon butties to 2 and my pale ale to 4 pints. During daylight.

  13. Mrs Bastard used to work with a muzzo orthopaedic surgeon.
    She said he was a right cunt during Ramadangadingdong.
    Never had reports from the patients/cripples…

  14. Idiots, fuck Ramalamadingdong, get stuck into a bacon butty

    If a rag head or Stanley doesn’t want to eat during the daytime for a whole month then so what, why should anyone give a fuck.

    Flintstone is a cunt for giving a fuck.

    • Yes, the poor, underprivileged lad!

      There he was, plucked from his desperately underprivileged existence, to feature on this TV programme, when he crashed his Audi A3, killing his 16 year old back seat passenger outright, seriously injuring the front seat passenger and himself, succumbing to his injuries two days later.

      My heart bleeds, for his passengers.

  15. I wonder is Flintoff mates with that slippery shit stirring squealing lying little pig paki grass, Asim Rafiq?

  16. Fasting is the will of Allah, they do it to honour god. The local Imam would have put Freddie right.

    The boy would have been scolded and Freddie would still have been regarded as a dirty infidel, the silly soft dogooding cunt.

  17. I celebrate Ramadan.

    Every day I have bacon for breakfast, ham sandwiches for lunch and pork chops for dinner.

    I binge watch “King Richard and the Crusaders” while snacking on fried pork chicharrones.

    I also sleep with my ass pointed towards Mecca.

    • Love it CM!

      Full American here so make mine a deep fried pork chop…on a stick…wrapped in bacon.

  18. Once had a pizza at work during Ramadan. Cue woke cunt “How dare you have a pizza, those two lads are on Ramadan and are light headed” my reply “Well let them be light headed outside. It’s their choice and their religion, not mine”. What are we supposed to do then, not eat because they don’t eat? And they wonder why community relations are ‘strained’ to say the least?

    • Fuckin Paggi bastards.
      And the woke fucker.

      I’d have battered them all, Bob.
      Fuck the muslams and Ramadan up my arse.

    • They got the arse at our works because it had been decided to have the Christmas do in a pub. One of the woke twats changed it to a pizza place. Fuck that. Like you can’t have a non-alcoholic drink in a pub. Cnuts Of The highest order.

  19. Let’s hope he doesn’t take on other park key practices, like fucking his cousins or underage girls.
    Having said that, if he did the BBC would probably give him a pay rise.

  20. It’s strange that nobody feels obliged to follow the Hindu ritual of puja, perhaps Flintoff should have considered it whilst in India.
    It is their major religion.

    No Jews in his little group?
    I suppose not or he might be obliged to follow Shabbat.

    Nope….. Just bend over for the peacefuls.

    He is not alone in his cuntishness.
    You see westerners in Buddhist countries bowing and lighting incense sticks as offerings when they visit temples.

    They have no idea about the rituals.
    It’s not their religion and they are making cunts of themselves.

  21. India has never been the same since they got rid of the vultures in Bombay. Apart from keeping the place tidy they were part of an important religious ceremony for the Parsees – the Sky Burial. They pulled apart and gobbled up the putrefying corpses set out for them by devout Parsees on top of tall buildings called Towers of Silence built in strategic parts of the city. Was a common site to see the birdies wheeling about the towers with putrid viscera hanging from their beaks. Had to be careful not to get an eyeful when looking up. Was having a delightful waterside meal with the memsahib when splat, our table was covered with putid guts and what looked suspiciously like some Indian cunt’s eye. Respect local customs all very well, applaud local colour fair enough but the stench in my Vindaloo was grievous.
    Gone now alas. Nearest thing to it is McDonalds.

    • What a wonderful reminiscence, Sir Limply.

      Please excuse me, dear sir, whilst I go and regurtitate my evening meal, down that splendid invention of Thomas Crapper, and not on someone’s dining table.

    • Shaw, Geddis and Morley ripped the shit out of County on a cold Tuesday Evening at Meadow Lane think it was something like 0-6.RIP Gary

      • Saw that Villa side a good few times, at Old Trafford and Villa Park,

        Cowans, Mortimer, Morley, Shaw, Withe,Geddis and our old goalie, Jimmy Rimmer.

        A pleasure to watch and some great encounters.

  22. Being in India and not eating for a day is probably a very good idea.

    Not eating for your entire time there would be better.

    Or perhaps just don’t go to the unhygienic shit hole in the first place.

    I defy any westerner to go there without coming down with a severe case of bubble poo.

    I have been told that you can smell the shit in your plane when flying at 30.000 feet over Prayagraj during their enormous Maha Kumbh festival.

    • I have it on good authority ( Elder), that travel to sketchy countries like Thailand, Goa and similar, not only result in Delhi Belly, but also an attack of the bloodsuckers, leaving English folk with horrendous suppurating insect bites that leave very ugly scars.

      Don’t Goa!

      • Mrs Cunter is in her families home country in the Caribbean at the moment JP.

        She attracts mosquitos and knowing that took every precaution possible.

        She is covered in horrible, huge bites.
        She has sent me the photos.

        Not nice.

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