Bolton Council

Every council in the country is facing massive financial problems. How can it be right then that Bolton Council, one of the many Labour councils in run-down areas, sees fit to piss money at the wall to mollify Commie eco-loonies for their monthly get togethers?

No doubt Kweer will approve (it is so nice that Bolton shares the concerns of the Islington wine and Lobelia-growing classes) and be straight up to Bolton, get on his knees and suck the council leaders dick:

Labour-run council funds Extinction Rebellion ‘climate cafe’

MSN Link.

Check this out – NA List of Councillors.

Nominated by : W. C. Boggs

14 thoughts on “Bolton Council

  1. Ffs, imagine the furore if a Tory or reform council subsidised a talking shop for anything considered right wing.
    They should publicise where and when these XR wankers are meeting and then someone can glue all the locks to keep them inside forever.

  2. I take it that all food and drink in the ‘Climate Cafe’ was served cold. With all the hot air swirling about it would soon warm up. Shower of useless pricks: all talk, no action. They’d shit theirselves at the prospect of manual work, and I’ve done plenty of that.

  3. Bolton Council trying to attract the XR iced soy latte and mortadella focaccia crowd? They’re probably about as welcome in Bolton as a vegan’s fart in a lift.

    Here’s a better idea. Do something useful with that whopping great Town Hall and turn it into a Wetherspoons, you wankers.

  4. Just up the road from me and believe me it ain’t pretty the market is like one straight from Karachi or Lagos 🇵🇰 / 🇳🇬…if only Fred could come back and collapse one of the long gone mill chimneys 🧱 onto both the town hall and the scam cafe … it’d be reet good 🪜…also didn’t spot any other effnik groups on the council roster, just the usual gang(sters) 💩

  5. What was it that purple haired idiot glued to a road said?

    “I’m only twenty three (sob) and I don’t have a future”.

    She got that right the thick and stupid brainwashed twat.

  6. Oh dear, the two empty-headed tartlets who threw soup over Van Gogh’s Sunflowers are going to be sent down, says the Judge.

    Note to Rupert and Arabella – pop down to Bolton’s Climate Cafe to hold a candlelit vigil for them.
    On second thoughts, don’t light any candles, what with global boiling and all that.

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