Vera Liddell

A stereotypical cunting for a stereotypical crime, Ladies, Cunts and all in between, May I present to you…

Ms Vera Liddell, A stock relocation specialist over in the states
Old and perhaps wise enough to know that a sustained campaign of misappropriating 11000 cases of CHICKEN WINGS from a school was likely to end in chicken gravy tears.

Does anybody even eat chicken wings? I thought they were a waste product that pet food was made from.

Oh well Ms Vera, unlikely you’ll starve in prison going by the looks of you.

Newsweek. (Link provided by Komodo)

Nominated by : Cunt of Peeblesshire

50 thoughts on “Vera Liddell

  1. When I was a kid I used to eat chicken wing soup.
    It was OK as I remember, but we always ate what we were given anyway.

    1,5 million dollars worth makes a lot of chicken wing soup.

    Her kids must have been sick and tired of it.

    Chicken wings were never given to her students because ‘they contain bones’.

    That’s America for you.

  2. I have done work with a company who specialise in employee theft and it’s more common than you think.

    Scrotes and robbers should learn to keep the hands off others shit.

    Saying that, she must really really like chicken wings.

      • Corporate investigations were the biggest thieves of all from what I could see followed closely by “Buisness Recovery”

  3. I know we take the piss on here about certain demographics and their love of fowl, but fuck me sideways!
    It really is true!
    Gibs me muh chiggun.

    • They can’t fucking help themselves F.M.C.
      they get that wispy smell like in the cartoons which hooks them under their giant noses to be dragged along.
      It’s the same for watermelons and anything coconut based too I believe.

  4. I could of told you Vera was a thief soon as I saw her.

    And those big professor specs haven’t got lenses in.

    But chigguns chiggun, and you can’t blame her,
    Practically danced into her kitchen before she knew what had happened!

    Yes she’s a thieving cunt
    But just a liddle bit.


    • Ps

      Yes chicken wings have bones in but that’s no reason students shouldn’t have them!

      Chicken bones make excellent jewellery, and nothing says authentic like a chicken bone nose piercing.

      Or wore in the hair.

      That’s the problem nowadays no imagination.


  5. The old fashioned cooking pot for this lady and it will be winging its way to your nearest Lidl. Anyway, close enough.

  6. It was a protest to the greatest American black man. Chicken George Floyd.

    Man can’t live on banana butties alone.

    Who did the math on that article 1.5 million of chicken ordered, 3 hundred thousand dollars shortfall..
    Flabbottus has a new job?

  7. $1.5m is chicken feed (geddit?).
    I wish that was all Rachael Thieves was going to steal from us on 30th October.

  8. @COP, The wings are the tastiest part of the chicken! That’s the part of the bird I’ve NEVER shared with my pet’s.????

    • My boy Graham Washington Cuntster is quite well behaved and will watch intently and wait patiently until you share with him.

      Not so Boris Wolfgang Cuntster who will simply help himself.

      “Oh. Are we having chicken?”

  9. I bet the judge was a member of the Klew Cluck Klan.

    Anyway I hope the cunt dies in prison.

    Good morning.

  10. This story must be propaganda.

    It’s far more likely that the chicken wings disappeared because of School Boards White Supremacist policies that resulted in systemic racism within the School System, that required an equitable re-distribution or resources, based on Affirmative Action race based quotas.

    I wonder if the supply of chitlins*, watermelon and purple Kool-Aid has been accounted for?

    Chiggun? Here in the states?

    *That’s chitterlings to you foreigners

  11. Reparations in chicken form innit.

    I bet former Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot had fuck all to say.

  12. Reparations in chicken form innit.

    I bet former Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot had fuck all to say.

  13. Don’t like the wings nor the legs,not enough decent meat on ’em without having to munch through all the other crappy bits.
    I could throw them to the blicks round my way but instead I chuck them on the back roof for the tweety birds.
    Them nigs get far too much two legged white meat for my liking.

  14. As an aside…

    I grew up in Northwest Indiana which are the southeast suburbs of Chicago. The city of Harvey, Illinois is a suburb on the south side of the city.

    I had a great uncle from Harvey and while I was in college I dated a girl from Harvey. My uncle was a mix of Lowland Scots and Scotch-Irish* (Ulster Scots) heritage while the young lady was of Croatian descent.

    The complexion of the community has changed dramatically from when I was a youth.

    *The Scots side of the family were known for their “frugality.” As we say in the States; He’d pinch the shit out of the buffalo before he spent the nickel.**

    **The American 5 cent piece is known as a nickel and the Indian Head nickel had a buffalo on the reverse side.

  15. Chicken wings are near-inedible shite. All skin and bone. It’s odds-on that there’s more meat on Matt Lucas’ knob than on a pallet full of chicken wings.

  16. My mother used to terrify me as a child by putting a rhubarb leaf on a long bit of bamboo to chase me up the stairs saying it’s chickens feet.
    She was laughing all the way and I was screaming and crying it’s a fucking wonder I ain’t turned out to be a psychopath…….YET!

  17. Stock Relocation Spe ialist??
    If you hadn’t explained, I’d havve said… shoplifter.

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