The ‘pro-Southport’ rioters are cunts


of the highest order.

I don’t care if you’ve ‘had enough’, there is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for smashing shit up or attacking the emergency services. Three is no excuse for using a horrific crime as justification for lawless, mindless violence and thuggery. If you engage in this sort of behaviour, you are not a persecuted victim.

You are not a martyr for ‘the cause.’ You are not a hero valiantly defending your country. You are a fucking cunt, and that’s all there is to it.


Nominated by OpinionatedCunt.

132 thoughts on “The ‘pro-Southport’ rioters are cunts

  1. Thought so, therefore……

    Please see the previous 146 posts on this subject.

    That saves having to copy and paste anything.

  2. Pretty much.

    Some got a bit emotional.

    Storm in a teacup.


  3. Southport was simply a trigger point. I actually agree with the nom in General, and I ahor the violence. However. The underlying problem has been going on for decades with all party’s failing to listen and to act. Sadly, it has escalated to this. If a Government wanted this to stop, they could simply comply with the concerns of tens of millions. They don’t, and they won’t. They have an agenda, and they will continue.

  4. Right smashing up shops being beat up by robo cop makes you a Cunt.
    Protesting against stabbing foreign cunts that need dealing with properly and being outraged by the massive invasion of peaceful cunts is necessary because our own government do fucking nothing. And plod. Cunts.
    Plod to MDL. Please leave your weapons in the mosque 🕌 ffs.

  5. If the protests against immigration and imported violence were peaceful you’d still get violence from Antifa and bet your bottom dollar anyone in attendance would be put on a register as “far right” but Antifa would be let off. Whole thing stinks.

  6. I want to see the police have the shit kicked out of them, because that’s what they deserve, run away in Leeds, then beat the shit out of anyone with an england flag ,,CUNTS

  7. The Police got their ass handed to them by the Romanians in Leeds, they set fire to bins and had a B B Q in the road while the old bill painted rainbows on riot vans.

    Now the retailers who had their bins burned have got to pay LCC £200 for new ones.

  8. That thick ignorant arrogant commie cunt as been PM for a month.
    Only 9 million voted for him, yet he as pissed of most of the cuntry.
    I hope it gets worse.
    Have the 2 peacefuls been imprisoned for assaulting the filth yet?
    How is the army officer doing?
    Arrested the cunts in Leeds yet?
    Burn baby burn.

  9. OK….. Here’s my take on things.

    There are protesters.
    These people want to be heard and they want to bring about change.

    There are rioters.
    These will start off as protesters and then become antagonised and violent.

    I don’t think that people actually set out to be rioters rather than protesters.
    It was reported that bricks, bottlers and chairs were thrown at the police.
    People would not have left home armed with a few dozen bricks and a chair for good measure.
    It’s mob mentality.

    Then there are looters.
    These are just opportunistic thieves who will take advantage of the police being distracted.

    I am sure that there were people from all three of these categories on the streets of Stockport and elsewhere.

    The press, the police and the government are trying to con the general public into thinking that every individual present fell into all three categories.

    They want you to think that if you protest then you are by definition a rioters and a looter.

    No you fucking are not!

  10. The writer of this nom really ought to grow a pair.
    He’d be the sort to counterprotest holding a “refugees welcome” sign.
    Choose your side, boy.

  11. You’ve missed the point, OC. The country is facing an epidemic of knife crime, almost all of it perpetrated by Third World immigrants or their offspring living in our post-industrial slum towns. For decades concerns expressed by the indigenous working class about the importation of alien cultures and the apparent preferential treatment given to them have been met with contempt by the authorities (remember Gordon Brown’s disdain for Gillian Duffy?).

    The growing sense of anger and frustration is palpable to all but the dickheads in charge. All it needed was a spark to set off an explosion, and the slaughter of young girls in Southport has provided that spark. Sadly rioting is the only way for those suffering the consequences of mass immigration to articulate their anger and fear. Sing Kumbaya at a candle-lit vigil and the Establishment will continue to ride roughshod over what the people want.

    Sorry OC but only violence gets you noticed – blame the cunts in charge for that, not the rioters.

    • Northern Ireland only got change due to sustained violence of many years – that’s what happens when people feel that they aren’t being listened to – this is only a view, not condoning violence in any way.

  12. The slaughter of three children did not cause these protests as an isolated incident OP. It’s disingenuous to suggest they did.

    You and the government ignore the decades of the establishment wilfully ignoring people’s legitimate concerns about mass uncontrolled immigration.

    Even expressing any concern got you labelled as a racist at the minimum. Any questioning of immigration got you labelled as far right.

    Excluded from having a debate or even a voice then the establishment and people like you act all shocked and horrified when a spark sets the tinder that’s been allowed to build up aflame.

    Sorry buddy but you’re part of the problem here.

  13. It seems to me to be the perfect illustration of the complete failure of our “democracy”.

    The population has been deeply concerned by mass immigration for decades.

    Politicians promised solutions but lied.

    The cultural,societal impact of millions of foreigners is plain to see,just walk round any town or city infested by them,it’s not Britain any more,they have become carbon copies of third world shitholes.

    The majority of the population see this and are afraid.

    They see a police “service” that doesn’t stop Islamic mob rule,violent anti semitic protests and the desecration of our war memorials.

    Compound that with the savagery of Islamic terrorism,”don’t look back in anger” and “lessons will be learned” and you have created a powder keg..

    I’m just surprised it’s taken this long to go up.

    The very people meant to keep women and children safe have failed,they are cowards and traitors,they have undermined our national security irrevocably.


    The Far Right?

    The full force of the law?

    Fuck off they’ve seen nothing yet the pathetic craven cunts.

    Good morning.

  14. Whilst I don’t agree with destroying businesses and livelihoods. This is the product of decades of stagnation, being told to put up and shut up, two tier policing, mass migration, being called racist for being proud of your country and general ignorance from the establishment. People have a breaking point, all it takes is pressure and time! These imported problems are the main issue. Example being; white man commits a crime Goal, dark key commits a crime mental elf. As soon as the media and stasi, sorry police. Withheld the identity of the attacker, that was a huge red flag. We have all learnt this only means one thing, dark or rab. It’s the complete contempt that galls me. By lying to people all it dose is breed speculation, it then it only takes a spark. The emotive language used by the media, and kweers lot. That’s like putting petrol on a fire. Everyone who is against rampant immigration, is automatically a far right racist ect. The coverage only shows the white people reacting, nothing of the filth who antagonise them. Antifa and hordes of mooslims. I don’t doubt for one minute, some are thugs ect. They are only the product of decades of being told that’s all they are, self fulfilling prophecy. Where was the condemnation when children where groomed? All the stabbings, attacks on innocent citizens? don’t look back in anger, hug a hijab, turn the other cheek, mental elf ect. Nope just crickets! That’s why people are fucking angry. We where never asked!

  15. I wonder how many hotel operators will be informing the government that they no longer wish to accommodate illegal immigrants and where those people will be relocated to ?

    • Morning Jack,

      I very much doubt any hotel owner will be turning away illegals as they are a guaranteed payout and provide full occupancy.

      They may want to look at upping their insurance cover though.

      • They’ll just pass on the premium hike to the fucking cunt government, .. who will in turn pass it on to Johnny PAYE/50-types-of-tax-payer.

        (That’ll teach him to answer back hwah hwah! 😡).

        You DO know, folks, .. as part of these contracts to house these thankless worthless pricks, .. that there is a clause in there that any and all damages done by the cunts is repaired on your tab as well?

        And a final clean-up/restoration for the entire place if/when the cunts are ever turfed out and the hotels want to go back to taking money from the people they shit all over (wholesale cancelling bookings snd weddings and similar)in the race to ‘give comfort to ‘…. and, of course, line their fucking pockets.

        And by all accounts the places are fuckin’ shitholes in no time. Elevators as toilets? Graffiti? .. Corridors full of discarded half-eaten takeaways, (ordered to excess) and dirty laundry? …

      • … the few Youtubers who managed to get a bit of footage (out of the hundreds of attempted filming that get surrounded by ‘security’ in no time, and shepherd back out the gate. “You’re trespassing on private property” is usually repeated over and over, by teams of indigenous ‘minders’ wearing high-viz and laminates

    • Could be wrong but I think the two budget hotels where I live were taken over by the government and the hotel staff laid off. Probably had no say in it. Driving past you see the car park entrances blocked off, meant to be a short term solution.. bs.

  16. I believe it was Lenin who said; You can’t make an omelette without cracking a few eggs.

    The question now is what side of the buffet is the Chef on?


  17. Goof nom. If, as a concerned citizen you want to get things done, eg stop mass immigration, you should do so through the ballot box and by writing to your constituency MP. Alternatively you could sign up to an online petition. There, that’s put everyone right. I just wonder why people haven’t done this before. Good luck.

    Good morning, everyone.

    • Of course, same as you call the police when you get burgled, they turn up immediately and catch the thief. And, obviously, they don’t run away when 20 peacefuls attack them for being in ‘their’ country.

    • Poll after poll show that something like 80% of the population wasn’t something done about both legal and illegal cunts

      • Ah, the old 80/20 rule…. 20% of cunts do 80% of the taking, while the other 80% (who only use 20% between them) do the majority of work/funding. often imagine the NHS falls in to this category. Perhaps 90/10 will be the evolution of things.

        It gives the impression the freeloaders use 4 times the resources, but mathematically it actually works out at 16x on a case to case basis. …

  18. I have zero sympathy or tolerance for any of the Police forces after their pathetic behaviour over the last four and a half years.Likewise most of the politicians from all colours,most of the general public too.
    Venting genuine frustrations I can understand,peaceful protest leads nowhere but rioting and damaging peoples businesses,WHILE holding a can of beer in your hand ?,real patriots !.real cunts more like.

  19. Isn’t it strange how that horrific attack in Southport, happened straight after that massive patriot rally in London on the 27th, hmmm could he have been radicalized ?? No of course not he’s a welshman !

  20. It was only a matter of time before this happened.

    The indeginous people of this country have been exploited and ignored for the last 60 years.

    When you feel like a foreigner in your own country it’s time to take it back…..🔥

    • I agree completely Arch. People can be pushed only so far.

      For years now you’ve watched the Tory Government do the bidding of the Establishment.

      You’ve been fed the diversity is our strength dogma and that all these peace loving, potential brain surgeons are a welcome addition to the nation.

      And now that this lop sided election produced the illusion of a mandate, the Labour Government is doubling down on the gaslighting that has been going on for years.

      It has been said that violence is a physical force where there is no moral force. Therefore, when the government is not moral, there is violence.

      The rioters are not to be blamed.

      The blame lies with the immoral government.


  21. I’ve always thought that anyone holding the view that refugees are welcome should be made by law to provide for them for as long as they reside in the country… simple 👍.. and that is for everything housing,food, clothes let’s see how many would stick by their convictions then🧐….oh and another fatality in stabistan, bus driver killed on way home from work, but hey that’s livin’ in the city according to the main bus drivers son 😩

    • I agree.

      They should be made to sponsor their illegal pets and when those pets inevitably break the law, the sponsor should be on the hook for all legal costs and any compensation.

  22. Fuck them.
    And the 14 years or Tory broken promises and misrule that facilitated and led to this appalling state of affairs.
    Cunts one and all.
    Good morning.

  23. The man in charge is not up to the job.

    As was demonstrated everytime a audience laughed at his my dad’s a toolmaker line..

    His brittle personality appeared.. a weak shallow man..

  24. Two new things.

    The Kweer says anyone who attacks people because of the colour of their skin or religion is far right…. Yes so the peacefuls and their poodles attacking Jews are far right

    One the radio the other morning (R2) instead of Tommy R, real name SYL it was SYL who uses the alias Tommy R, good to see the BBC getting a grip.

  25. All that said Opinionated cunt, thank you for having the balls to swim against the stream. I don’t agree with your analysis but I fully support your right to give it.

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