The Metropolitan Police [7]

The link for this nom is actually on the Met Police site.

Met Police.

Because there isn’t enough crime to fight in London, the brave boys in blue are pulling out all the stops to find the person responsible for spray painting out three gay/alphabet pride flags painted on the pavement.

Did the Keystone Cops do anything to find the people responsible for vandalising the pavement in the first place?
Why should everyone else have to walk across reminders that people are sodomising each other, and grooming school children by saying, “It’s perfectly normal to think like that, we take pride in it”.

I’m old enough to remember when homosexual behaviour was unlawful.
The Met woke idiots would have heart attack if they had to deal with it.

Bring back the Sweeney.

Nominated by : Duke of Cuntshire

80 thoughts on “The Metropolitan Police [7]

    • Kweer & Co. are spouting off about coming down hard on the current unrest yet they fail to see that the actions and lack of action (Rochdale etc) of those in authority are the root cause of it.
      You reap what you sow.

    • Those aren’t, ‘normal lads’, they’re thugs. You don’t have to be left wing to disagree with such behaviour.

      • Indeed OC, this is what has been happening for years.
        The people with genuine concerns are drowned out by the thugs who come to stir shit up. Then concerned citizens are tarred with the same brush and look as bad as the rent-a-yob EDL fucknuts.

        What happened to CP? Is he in ISAC borstal or something?

      • Exactly Harold. Reasonable, sane people like us who are worried about the nation’s ability to cope with mass immigration get ignored or lambasted because of fuckwits like this. I don’t think a lot of cunters realise just how harmful this sort of behaviour is to improving the situation.

  1. I’d love to be a fly on the wall in pig stations when riots kick off.
    We, of course, understand the sickening two-tier policing, as evidenced from the last couple of days in Southport (large pig precense) and a fortnight ago in Leeds (Roma filth rioting, pigs nowhere to be seen), but what goes on briefing rooms?
    Are all the pigs cowards who go blindly along with whatever politically correct nonsense their university educated commander (who has never made a real arrest) is spouting?
    Or do some of them raise a storm, objecting to this very obvious cowardice and corruption?
    Good morning to one and all.

    • Morning Tommy,

      I thought those 2 at the airport put up a good show against a load of sooties, and a cheeky kick in the mush when he’s down.

      Reminded me of….me.

  2. Come on now, they has to be seen doing some sort of police work..

    It can’t be all dancing with benders and extinction rebellion. Bending a knee for pavement apes then running away when they get a bit chippy.

    Protected JSO from irate motorists.
    And pretty much letting Pàkis do what they want..

    Stopping dangerous criminals painting over signs should be top priority..

    • Ps spare a thought for those homeless police in Sunderland without a station after the far right burnt it down.

      Now where are they gonna sit on their fat arses stuffing down hob nobs.

      • Police Stations these days are more like a visit to a Tourist Information or Citizens advice Centre.

      • interesting how anyone who has an opposing view is now labelled by the msm as far right, rather than just ‘right’

        far right used to be nick griffin and the NF then the EDF etc. they were extreme in their views. i am fucked off with what is happening to my country, particularly immigration and the prioritisation of others over our own…..I dont consider myself far right. the msm would

      • CC,

        I wouldn’t even say Griffin was far right, just, as you say, right, as in correct.

        The endless attacks on him, his policies and his party were obscene in their bias.

        He wasn’t even advocating forced repatriation, he was gonna pay them to fuck off.

        MSM are trying the same shit with Farage, but the tide is turning. People have had enough, and if you want to call me a nazi then Sieg Heil.

    • Speaking of which that wanted poster it looks to me like the perpetrator is an Asian, and given East London probably a mudslime. The skinny physique, the cowardly mask to avoid detection. I worked in Forest Gate 30 +years ago and it stunk of diversity even then – dirty socks and curry, and gobbing in the streets.

      Playing Devils Advocate should we allow some fucking immigrant dictate what others do, even if that includes buggery?. Would you rather live next door to a garlic stinking muzzie or a fresh smelling qu eer ..

      Not much of a choice I agree.

      • I’d live next door to anyone who has respect for others and is willing to leave people alone to live their lives as they choose (without harming anyone, obviously). Clearly that doesn’t seem to include you.

      • Seconded.
        We have a gay couple living next door.
        And a family of Indian descent a few doors down.
        Couldn’t wish for better neighbours.

      • Yup MJB, I work with, among others, 3 Indians, a Latvian and two Romanians. Plus a British bloke of Kenyan heritage who’s due to become a dad. They’re all friendly, hardworking lads and lasses who have embraced our way of life.

      • Oh, and one more thing WXC – if you’re THAT bothered by who someone fucks (absent children of course) then you must lead a very angry, miserable and sheltered life. You seem like you’d be the classic neighbour from hell wailing at every single little thing that next door does.

  3. The pigs should be commending this guy for being socially responsible in helping to stop the spread of the virus,by wearing a surgical mask.

  4. The residents of Forest Gate should have gone out, without their masks, just with a few buckets of soap and water along with some brooms and scrubbed out the fucking flags the moment that they were first painted.

    I bet that nobody would have allowed the English flag to be painted on the road.

    Too racist.
    In Forest Gate.
    London E7.

  5. The Metrolopitan Police Farce indeed…
    A Detective investigating this? Really?
    And perhaps a Defective Inspector at that!
    No doubt supervised by a Chief Superinspector, duckie.

    • And perhaps, DI James Rush, you could also provide a (long) list of the disgusting, inexcusable crimes which you do tolerate?

  6. I wonder how many police officers are homosexualists?. We all know the disastrous head of the Met for some years was a raddled old lesbian (the current one looks like an elderly pansy hairdresser), but that they were/are the names at the top.

    Years ago when you left the army, RAF or even the RN you were encouraged to join the police force (though why old sea dogs would want to trawl through the filth of the landllocked streets is beyond me), but they were Bills, Daves, Mikes, Steves, who knew how to wear a uniform and not disgrace it. What about all the little Tarquins, Nathans, Sheridans who join up now, straight out of university who filled their heads with tranny left wing nonsense. An organisation is only as good as the people who man it, and when you see some of the selfie taking, make up wearing little poofters, prancing round the streets now, you have to wonder about what they get up to, and the uneasy thought they would prefer the shocking pink line to the thin blue line.

    • I was just about to comment that the police forces in general should give priority to ex-service personnel, when recruiting.

      Perhaps then, we would see fewer of them sleeping rough.

      I understand that not all would be suitable candidates, but they would still be preferable to the power-mad twonks, like “lesbian Nanan” cop, they seem to be employing these days.

      • I saw some footage yesterday of the trouble in London in which a group of coppers in riot gear were forming a line. One of them, presumably female, was so short Warwick Davis would have towered over her.

        The Met’s recruitment policies are a farce.

      • They did in my day JP – my problem was that having seen some beautiful parts of the world, and the tang of the sea air, did I want to walk around East Acton all day?. On or two of my mates gave it a go, but they didn’t stay long.

      • I remember the requirement to be 6 feet tall. We have a literal paki dwarf where I live, obviously a diversity hire. he’s about 4′ 10″.

  7. I wonder what the hard working and brave fatties are going to do when they find out that the person that caused this terrible offence is a Pákí.

    Forest Gate was full of them even when I was there.
    It will be even worse now.

    Pákís are not known for their tolerance towards bum bandits.

  8. Forest Gate is chock full of peacefuls and we all know how much they love the rainbow gang.

    So after months of painstaking investigation the culprit will be a Stanley.
    Then the wet police will have to decide who they love the most..

    Case dismissed on orders of Rodney starmer

  9. It is small wonder the Fatsos are confused. Any concerned citizen is now a member of the ‘Far Right’. All this rioting means they do not have time to paint their nails. Just wait until their bacon sarnies are banned and they have to live on a diet of kibbeh and roasted camel! Fuck off.

    Good morning, everyone.

    • Hopefully Anjem Choudary will be fed a pork-based diet for the next few years of his prison sentence.
      What happens if a mụzfilth eats a sausage?
      Does he explode like Mr. Creosote?

      • My understanding Thomas is that somewhere in the Koran it says that Allah turned all the Jews into pigs.

        They don’t eat pigs because to do so they would be eating a Jew.

        So if they ate a sausage they would become a bit yiddy.

        This is the religion that we are told that we must respect.

      • Well that post went into moderation so I will try with an accent over the i in the offending word……….

        My understanding Thomas is that somewhere in the Koran it says that Allah turned all the Jews into pigs.

        They don’t eat pigs because to do so they would be eating a Jew.

        So if they ate a sausage they would become a bit yíddy.

        This is the religion that we are told that we must respect.

      • The amount of jizz, piss and snot that cunt will be eating over the next couple of decades will make a bacon sandwich feel clean by comparison.

      • Im always in moderation too?

        Yep, but I’ve let you out of mod jail. Your crime was posting superfluous comments on the Nominations page. We’re sure you’ve now read the rules and won’t do it again. Plus you took your lumps, didn’t slag off the admins or the site, so you’ve served your time. Well done and carry on – NA.

  10. Our local Police Station seems to be McDonalds judging by the number of Police Cars Parked there most days. Perhaps Sunderland may consider these as suitable premises from which to operate

  11. It will perhaps dawn on our police “service” that certain situations cannot be resolved by asking the criminal if they would like a cup of tea.

    In large part,setting aside for a moment the overt political subversion,all this mess stems from an over reliance on female officers,which as seen at Manchester Airport and other disturbances requiring physical strength and aggression,they simply do not possess.

    Plus of course most of the real problems of violent criminality stem from pakiś bleks and roma types,all of whom are given better treatment than the Far Right,excuse me everyone else that is.

    Fucking hopeless.

    Good morning.

  12. The Met? Khan’s fucking militia. At the Downing Street incident,, a stasi thug in a white helmet (officer) was screaming into the face of a far right patriot “YOUR PAYING MY WAGES” obviously trying to wind him up.
    So instead they cuffed and arrested an elderly man and lady who were bystanders. Cunts everyone of them.
    Their day will come.

  13. I don’t know why the police keep getting praised for simply doing their fucking job.

    Fuck knows how many of them turned up at the dance place in Southport, but it wouldn’t have been just a handful.

    On entering the building they came across 11 little girls who were critically injured, some dead.

    There were also 2 adults seriously injured.

    They then ‘bravely’ confronted a boy (the police and the press are keen to emphasise that he was a boy) and arrested him.

    That’s their fucking job.

    I suppose that they are lorded as being brave because they didn’t do their usual thing and run away.

    • Thinking about it, I wonder how dangerous it was to arrest the ‘boy’.

      He turned up in a taxi and refused to pay the fare.

      He wasn’t the slightest bit concerned about being arrested for theft as he was going to murder as many little girls as possible anyway.

      He probably just gave himself up at the scene.
      Like he planned all along.

  14. Have you seen what passes as a copper these days five foot tall cunts with a bit of bum fluff on their top lip and four foot six girls it’s a fucking joke what gets in. They couldn’t controlled a kindergarten let alone. A fucking riot

  15. We’re all far right now, under Two Tier Keir and Granny Freezer Reeves.

    The only entertaining bit is watching lefties tie themselves up in knots trying to justify the dreadful behaviour of their chosen ones.

  16. One can’t fault someone if they haven’t done me any personal harm, but only help. I’ve racked my brain on this and the only times I remember having any dealings with the police were because on a couple of occasions they helped me out. The first was a 70s night out on the piss in my younger days and a police car pulled up and asked where I was going. Told him I’d missed the last bus after celebrating with friends. He told me to jump in the car and he would give me a lift, but will have to to keep my head down when passing other police vehicles.

    A little earlier in the 60s after a football match, a Bobby asked me nonchalantly if I was in pain due to him standing on my long hair, I simply replied no. May I ask you a question, does your head reach the top of the inside of your helmet. The reply was move along laddie.

    The second incident was fairly recent with youngsters knocking on doors and running off. Some of my neighbour’s had their doors bashed in, where I was fortunate, but the police still came round regularly to see if I was alright.

    Did you all have a nice doze.

  17. Look at the state of the little fat one in the nom pic, she’d be the first one with a broken nose/ crying and not a clue what to do next….!

    I’d be fucked if I had that one out on the beat with me…🐷

  18. I wonder what would be said if the fucking tranny flag had been painted over with a Union Jack – now that would be a step too far 😂😂😂

    • If somebody painted a union flag on a pavement the fizz would be hunting them for committing a hate crime.

      Fuck ’em.

      Morning all.

      • Morning Ron, just had another peek at Ola Jordan’s arse too cheer me up 💪

        Here I am in far right mode 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧

  19. I see Farage got a load of leftist bile thrown at him this week for suggesting old bill were being economical with the truth.
    Jo Cox’s husband said he was nothing more than Tommy Robinson (real name Stephen Yaxley Lennon) in a suit, the cheeky cunt.
    But Farage is right, and if the left won’t see it, the riots will never go away.
    Letting ethnics run riot but coming down on the indigenous population like a ton of bricks.
    Hiding the identity of ethnic suspects even if they are still at large and a potential danger to the public.
    Asking news organisations not to reveal details of ethnic (or famous) suspects.
    And that’s just a small selection of gripes that the public, not just Nasty Nige, have with old bill at present.
    So, Brendan Cox, before you start mouthing off, remember this.
    If your wife had been killed by a demented rag head, the story would have been distorted, swept under the carpet, she’d not have gained her martyr status and the BBC wouldn’t give a shit about anything you had to say about Nigel Farage.
    Shut the fuck up!

      • And there’s another example Ron.
        We don’t know because they don’t want us to know.

      • The police will investigate for months, until it’s all forgotten but the copper who soiled his boot on the P*ki cunts face will get the sack

        Lessons to be learned,
        1 don’t try to arrest P*kis
        2 only kick white people

    • That prick is a sex pest, just like the peacefuls his wife liked to grovel to..

      And I’m sick of seeing pictures of that malteaser headed savage as a 11 year old.
      Media cunts..

  20. Have we not got any old bill lurking on here? Perhaps they can tell us exactly what orders they get given r.e. Beating up mainly white protestors.

  21. “We are watching you” says home office minister Lord Hanson, words that wouldn’t be out of place in the mouth of Erich Mielke, head of the East German Stasi. Worth a cunting on his own, just for that.

  22. The policemen would be the only ones paroling the streets in my day, with the policewomen making tea, or consoling females who have been attacked and searching beneath their clothing. Neither sex would be fat and looking in good shape like the male in the picture.

  23. Just got the popcorn in – absolute scenes expected as lovely peaceful pro-terrywrist protests bump into “far rightist Nazi Scum” in Manchester and Londinistan. The Met and Greater Manc Police are sure to cover themselves in glory keeping everyone safe. Government advice is to take a Covids test if you plan going out.

  24. Cannot see what all the fuss is about The reason white protesters get the full on riot squad, charging horses etc is because they are white and entitled to the full on policing as they are most likely to be working and paying taxes. This is the reason the police ran away when the Romanian pikeys kicked off. They’re all on benefits or illegal so no chance of recouping the police costs. Simple what.

    • That sounds just moronic enough to be true. Also, no point arresting some cunt who can’t be deported or jailed and couldn’t, or wouldn’t, pay a fine.

  25. Starting to get tetchy in Belfast as of now, one group of middle-class pro immigration protestors and one set of working class anti immigration protestors.
    Psni has a line of riot vehicles between them.
    Union jacks flying alongside the Tricolour in the working class protest, who would have thought that ever, in Belfast.

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