NOTE: The Admin Team does not generate content. The nominations come exclusively from the cunter community. As such these are your nominations not ours. We’ve had a few ‘political unrest’ noms recently, but the goal posts do seem to move on an almost daily basis. Hence another one. Kudos for keeping it civil. Debate, disagree and trade facts but not personal insults. Fill yer boots.
The Admin Team.
Well here we go again. Our illustrious PM blames the recent civil unrest on ‘far right thuggery’
Okay Sir Kier, I’ll grant you that there may be an element of that in play. But simply to continue blaming this nebulous ‘far right’ for the outrage sweeping Britain is naïve and disingenuous.
Don’t you get it? People are sick to the back teeth with mass immigration. They’re sick of stumping up £8 million a day to feed, clothe and house cunts who come from who knows where, while they struggle to pay their bills and get a doctor’s or hospital appointment.
There is a massive problem facing this country. The Tories dodged the bullet by the simple expedient of losing the election; what’s your excuse for failing to get to grips with it? It’s just ‘the far right’ causing trouble?
Well it seems that millions of ordinary, long-suffering British people have had enough of being labelled as ‘racists’, ‘fascists’ and ‘bigots’, because they’re sick of it. The ‘far right’ hare isn’t going to run any more,and you’ll just pour petrol on the flames.
But off you go on your hols Sir Keir; keep the stick up your arse and your head firmly buried in the sand. And don’t forget to take the knee to BLM rioters again before you go (oh sorry, I mean BLM ‘protestors’; wouldn’t want to be provocative, would we?).
Nominated by Ron Knee.
Well they got played yesterday, 100 plus protests planned. The jobless lefties rushed to the streets to confront no-one..
Scum media turned up to televise nothing.
Print media twats then make stories up of far right defeated for front pages..
Still plenty of overtime for the fascist police.
And it ain’t like the ponce lefties and immo’s have any work to go to..
Don’t worry the far right have got you covered on that.
Well they got played yesterday, 100 plus protests planned. The jobless lefties rushed to the streets to confront no-one..
Scum media turned up to televise nothing.
Print media twats then make stories up of far right defeated for front pages..
Still plenty of overtime for the fascist police.
And it ain’t like the pòncè lefties and immo’s have any work to go to..
Don’t worry the far right have got you covered on that.
yeah just throw potatoes at them????
Oi, don’t you start. I was traumatised reading all that hate mail..
I had to stop writing my nomination for gravy..??
Morning Jill.
You are being watched by the
*Northern gravy front
Waste of good potatoes!
Morning Jill and others
@Barry, I enjoyed your potato nom immensely yesterday. So refreshing to see a light hearted one again. is a cunt is getting a bit too repetitive these days. such a shame☹️
Hi Jill.
You’re right about things getting a bit serious lately, but I think it’s a reflection of people’s genuine concerns.
I’ve had a go at posting a couple of noms which I hope might lighten the mood a bit, which will, with Admin’s blessing, appear at some point.
Thank you Jill. I was chuckling to myself as I was composing it, at all the indignation it would cause.
I enjoyed Barry’s nomination.
Nothing wrong with a bit of Potatoes and Circuses to distract the masses.
Now, where did I put my fiddle?
Can’t really blame the protestors choosing to stay at home.
What with the streets swarming with AIDS infested tranny activists
And the pigs committed to protecting Hamas supporting antisemites and the like.
Fuck them.
Last night we had the “Hope Not Hate” bedwetters and the Care 4 Calais mob out on the streets waving their right-on credentials, and signalling their virtue – soy boys and womminz with ponytails and ladyphones, which is almost as obnoxious.
Funny how we can find 6000 spare coppers and all the (kangaroo) court time in the world for instant “justice” but when some 22/7 key tried to mow me down nothing.
When I was burgled, a crime number.
When dozens of peacefulls were calling for a teacher to be beheaded, zilch.
And we are seriously supposed to be convinced there are not two tiers?
The day is coming.
‘Refugees welcome’.
Unfortunately Slagthorpe-on-Shite is full of them now, so our comedy government is going to dump them on Middle England.
The bourgeois latte lefties are in for a right shock when their house prices drop faster than Angie’s knickers.
Angie wears knickers …?
Yes, they`re made out of Teflon® & have “Abandon hope all ye who enter here” embroidered on the gusset.
Only to keep her ankles warm JAC
Why do all Labour politicians sound like daleks?
Monotone, humourless.
Anyway, these riots,
I get it .
People are angry.
The politicians say they’re all thugs
‘ far right fugs’
And maybe a few are.
A lot are just naughty boys out for trouble and this is a good excuse to throw bricks at the police.
But the majority are just ordinary people concerned and angry about the deluge of immigrants the politicians have let in undocumented.
Rape gangs, terror attacks, kids killed.
What society welcomes that?
The Irish have had enough too.
Just been reading about Belfast and they’ve had riots about immigration.
And the traditional sides of republican and loyalists have found common ground .
They want a stop to immigration.
This isn’t going to stop because of a few harsh prison sentences.
This is going to fester and keep reappearing.
I don’t blame the immigrants
I blame the politicians for the lack of understanding
Refusal to listen
And their multicultural experiment.
Multiculturalism has failed yet ‘ our betters’ keep promoting it whilst claiming that it is a success. All you have to do is look at what is happening with an open mind.
Kier certainly likes a bit of power!!
Straight to his fuckin head.
Trying to be a strict authoritarian ?
He’s sewing epaulettes on his jacket as we speak.
Not even unpacked his stuff in Downing Street and he’s acting like Robert Mugabe with a head cold.
The streak of authoritarianism runs think through every lefty. It’s going to be interesting to see what measures ‘Two Tier’ brings in now he’s got his excuse.
runs thick through every lefty.
As is now plain for all with eyes to see, mass uncontrolled immigration, the encouragement of alien moral standards and values incompatible with our country and its culture, can only lead to conflict and division.
Multiculturalism = Division. It only works in fantasy land. Same rules apply to Socialism and Communism.
Only civilisations in decline reject the idea that preserving and defending one’s own culture is an important, natural, and necessary thing to do.
And our civilisation is in decline, has been for many decades now.
This is deliberate, if not it would be restricted to one or a few countries not every western nation.
Spot on there MNC,
Its because its the poor left behind white working class they are ignored and treated with disdain by our betters all living within the M25 Belt, Politicians of all colours have ignored the issues and concerns of these left behind towns and communities and now spend more time condemning people rather than try and understand what is the cause of the problems in many left behind communities mainly because they despise their own country and people, its not a good look and bodes ill for the future.
I don’t know why people get upset about being labelled.
It seems that if you want to voice your concerns about anything to do with immigration you must start your sentence with….. “I’m not a racist but……”.
Any discussion is immediately shut down once someone is called a racist.
Nothing that person has to say after anyone has labeled them has any value.
They are completely ignored.
The new label is “far right”.
Any displeasure shown towards immigrants and you will be called “far right” and cancelled.
Why do people give a fuck about what some ignorant cunt calls them?
If all these people have in their box of ammo are the ‘insults’ far right and racist then they are not too difficult to deal with.
If anyone wants to voice their support for uncontrolled immigration then they should be asked a few questions.
“When you left home this morning did you lock your front door?”….”Why?”
“When you parked your car earlier did you alarm it?”…..”Why?”
“Why do you value your property more than you value your country?”
I’ve never understood the Lefts idea that if someone from another culture is placed in a different culture,
They’ll immediately conform to the new one?
You put a family of Eskimos in Durham they’ll still harvest whale blubber and try hunting seals.
If you took me and put me in say, Marseilles,
Im not going to wrap onions round my neck put on a Frank Spencer beret and go to the nearest pond for my dinner.
I’m going to act like I do here.
Dress like I do now.
Eat traditional English food.
But that’s a good clean British approach to integration Mis.
You’re not promising to shoot them, stab them or explode them.
Or bleeding their public services dry.
And your manifesto certainly doesn’t include gang raping their women children and pets.
Like Curry and Pizza.
Another excellent nom from Ron.
In today’s Daily Mail ( now the UK Governments official fart trumpet ) it appears that the majority of the UK population are dissatisfied with restrictions on immigration, and are wanting more !
In one of the many pictures are the usual “”Immigrants Welcome” signs that seem to proliferate, but dare I suggest a little CGI on the millions supporting SS Oberst Fuhrer Starmer.
The Daily Mail. like Kweer Charmer, seems to alter his views day by day to chime in to what they consider majority opinion. I am surprised Andrew Neil still writes for it.
The fact that 4000 illegals have turned up, courtesy of “Border Force” and the RNLI Taxi Service, since Kweer came to power, shows that he won’t listen, and he has the backing of the daft cunts who turned up for counter demonstrations last night. Labour has a plan……..
it’s a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel
Myth…the far right
Reality…the faaaaaaaaaar left
Victors…. Allan’s snackbars,never to work illegals,deluded LGBTQ/whatever, homegrown scroats,Mr schwab….oh and any candle factory ?️ remember don’t look back in anger I heard you say ?….Charlie to ratify the theme as the new national anthem…. goodnight ?? from empires to appeasers ?
Year’s ago I got a phone call from my son’s school.
They wanted to see me because my son had been ‘racist’ towards another kid.
I called Mrs Cunter and she was eager to come along.
Mrs Cunter is black.
The look on this teacher’s face when we walked into his office was something that I will never forget.
We asked why we were called to the school and the teacher told us that our son had called another kid a black cunt.
I said that would probably be because the other kid was black and acting like a cunt.
Mrs Cunter then went into one…..
“What the fuck do you think that you know about race?”
“Have you been on your half day course and read a few leaflets?”
“How dare you think that you can waste our time by calling us here?”
And that was just the start of it.
Over the next 5 minutes or so she ripped him a new arse.
We were never asked to come to the school again.
The Far Right made a list of a hundred places they would meet to riot?
The media parroting this…but nobody anywhere asked if the Far Right have a website,youtube channel or other means of broadcasting their list of events,timetable of riots or what time they would set fire to a police car or wheelie bin..
Nor can they find a cohesive far right organisation to interview,instead our excellent media simply ask pakis what they think.
It’s utterly laughable..until you realise this is a wet dream for the commies who will use every trick and law in the book to crush dissent.
The whole thing fucking stinks,it’s all in its entirety from the playbook of Goebbels and Beria.
Vermin all.
The online news is showing pictures of rioters in the hope that neighbours will grass them up.
And they will.
Inform on your friends and family!
First to grass gets a £10 voucher for the Tavistock.
I’ll take that tenner.
Might go for the chop.
It will enhance my boxing skills. Equal rights equal fights.
Gold medal for me.
Well, what did those twat’s expect voting Liebour. You got what you wanted, a bunch of commies who will lable any opposition or disent as ‘far right’, they haven’t used tthe word fascist… yet, give it time.
Just over a month in power and look at the shit show they have created.
Oh, the cunt who stabbed those girls in Southport goes on trial in 18 months I think, but throw a brick at a plod, and you’ll get a fair trial and jailed within 24 hours.
Nothing two tier here is there.
And I ask again, have those cunts who kicked off at Manchester airport even been charged yet?
If not,why not?
Answer appears there to be none.
Morning Ron, morning all.
The powers that be don’t want to upset the Môżżies, a minority in this country, but why?
It’s a mystery to me.
They will not bring these to cunts to trial, due, thanks to the BBC and Sky that an interview with them was broadcast, thus prejudicing any action taken against them.
I think things are going to get worse. ?
That has always fascinated me cuntalugs.
These peacefuls aren’t the rich Saudi or Emirates ones.
It’s the scum from Pakistan and Bangladesh and Afghanistan.
What the actual fuck benefits to this country do those vermin bring?
None that I can see.
But the powers to be grovel at their smelly, hairy feet.
Good morning Mr Cuntalugs.
Two Tier Kweer and his like love the paki as they assume they have their vote..hence police guarding mosques exclusively.
They will go to great lengths to protect it,at whatever expense to the rest of the population.
Watch them change their tune as a sectarian raghead Pro Palestine gains votes,all from the Liebor share,what there is of it.
Filthy cunts the lot.
It’s basically a policy of appeasement I think, actually rooted in fear.
And we all know where that ultimately gets you.
This is what happens when the first thing you announce is to let all the scrotes, turd burglars and degenerates out of prison early.
You get robbed you get a crime number, you get mugged? get told to get fucked but we can get these people through the courts and jailed within hours.
Everyone involved, the political class, the rioters and riotees and the people with nothing better to do should be dunked in a giant vat of shit.
It did make me laugh when that pub guy got all mouthy somewhere and got plonked the fuck out, loser.
When my nearly new motorcycle ( fewer than !75 miles on the clock got stolen by pikies a few years ago I received an email from the police in less than 24 hours informing me that ‘ all lines of enquiry have been exhausted’.
A few days later a letter informed me that my council tax was going up by the maximum allowed and the policing element was to be increased by 11%. Inflation at the time was less than 2%.
And the cunts wonder why we pissants are pissed off.
I’m sick of hearing the phrase “far-right”.
Why not just label it “the bogey-man”?
Keep on using a phrase and it loses its impact. Who are the far-right anyway?
What happened to fair un-biased reporting?
That went out the window some 25 years ago. Jeezum. Started me reading a site called Bbc biased.It’s been getting worse ever since
I don’t know why, but my last post doesn’t want to appear here.
It’s not in moderation.
It just doesn’t show.
I hope that it doesn’t turn up suddenly as I have tried to post it 3 times.
It will look like an echo.
The media coverage of the crowds of Far Left cunts this morning is quite nauseating.
I think our country is beyond fucked.
Thanks Westminster,do you need me to pay anymore taxes by the way?
Of course Unk. Somebody’s got to stump up that £8mill a day. The government’s made a start on that by axeing the winter fuel allowance as a contribution.
Your mention of diverting the winter fuel allowance to the dinghy riders got me thinking Ron (yes it does happen occasionally). Pensioners I think are going to be one of Starmer’s main targets for raising funds. He could end free prescriptions which would bring in £9.90 per item per pensioner a great many of whom are on several items long term. He will likely say those on pension credit will still get free meds implying that he was only taxing wealthy pensioners. The vast majority of pensioners do not receive pension credit and it’s reckoned there are a million who are eligible but do not claim. Pensioners are unlikely to go out throwing bricks at the police or looting shops. They may be annoyed about it but inevitably come the next election a wedge of them won’t be voting him down because they’ll be dead. If they can’t afford their meds then that will help him further. Another group useful to him are the Alzheimer victims who by then will have forgotten what he did to them. The pensioners newly arriving by age he will believe, probably correctly, won’t notice what they never had.
The usual SWP posters were much in evidence. They’re far more ‘organised’ than this ‘organised far right’.
They’re never slow to move, knowing a band wagon when they see it.
Of course, it helps they are either students, union leaders, unemployed or work in the part-time Public Sector, only these ragbag assortment of unwashed lefties have the time on their hands to organise demos usually with same placards (Communist – tick, Terrorist flag – tick, Hope Not Hate sic – tick) and an assortment of printed Union placards, the smell must be gut retching though.
The predictable response from Labour etc al is further proof of the 2 tier response that straight white working class men constantly receive. You can say and do what you like to us as we have no scapegoat. No ability to make ourselves into victims like everyone else.
Address the real problems of low pay, high cost, rampant immigration, crap NHS, violent crime, complete failure of invaders adapting to our culture, and failing schools and these protests would stop. And crack down on the benefits the illegals receive when they shouldn’t even be here.
After all the BLM chaos, ‘Two Tier Keir’ was photographed (along with our Ang) taking the knee.
Now he’s going on about ‘the far right’ causing trouble, and how he’s going to show no mercy.
Don’t know about anyone else, but that tells me all that I need to know about this cunt.
No one in government or the political elite will even acknowledge that we have a massive problem caused by decades of an experiment in multiculturalism. To acknowledge it means that they have to admit to it. To admit to it means that they have to say what they intend to do, if anything.
So they try to make out that everything is rosy,and it’s just troublmakers at it. The concerns of millions have been, are, and will be ignored. It’s not looking good.
Morning all.
These types never will ever admit they got it wrong or apologise
They DAREN’T admit it, so they try to stamp hard on the symptoms while leaving the causes to fester.
Mussolini, Nazi collaborator and cunt.
Vidkun Quisling, Nazi collaborator and cunt.
William Joyce (Haw Haw) ditto.
John Amery, ditto.
And you could go on and on with this list.
Treacherous treasonous cunts, who shit on their own people for personal gain and perceived glory.
Eventually though most of them were dragged down and executed by those very people.
And remember Mrs Starmer, Mussolini went to his maker with his slag Carla Petacci at his side.
She was still at his side when they hung them up by their feet on the forecourt of the local petrol station.
What you are seeing in the papers is a bunch of football hooligans who want to kick off with plod. These are not ‘far right thugs’, they’re just common or garden thugs out for a bit of trouble.
I thought the Left’s Wet Dream was to get sucked off by Five Bellies Nugee in a skimpy, halter necked, crotchless babydoll one piece.
I’m getting shivers just thinking about it.
I have a very similar one, simply sub Salma Hayek for Five Bellies.
Move over the new babe of the left’s fantasy is the Tranny in the Home Office who comes to work in Goth outfits, fishnet tights and a choker, mmm lovely. My eyes my eyes.
2005 Central London bombings, 52 dead, No, riots, only outrage, no change.
2013 Lee Rigby hacked to death by two terrorists. No riots, only outrage, no change.
2017 Westminster attack, five dead,no riots, only outrage, no change.
2017 Manchester Arena bombing, twenty two dead, No riots, only outrage, no change.
2017 London Bridge attack, two dead, No riots, only outrage. no change.
2019 London Bridge stabbing,two dead, No riots, only outrage, no change.
2020 Reading multiple stabbings, three dead, No riots, only outrage, no change.
2021 Liverpool Women’s hospital bombing, No riots, only outrage, no change.
2021 Murder of Sir David Amess MP, No riots, only outrage, no change.
2024 stabbing of Lt Col Mark Teeton in Kent,
No riots, only outrage, no change.
2024 Southport 3 children butchered to death, The working class have had enough of the ineptitude and total disregard for its people by those in charge.
Then, less than 24 hours later, the weak and pathetic Prime Minister Keir Starmer turns on his own people and threatens them with a new Robocop style police force to stamp out any acts of civil disobedience, whilst promising to protect the religion of hate that refuses to integrate into Britain.
They rape, groom, murder, turn our cities and towns into shit holes and make everywhere they invade into a third world area.
We are threatened by the police who use two tier policing against us and arrest peaceful protesters who’s only crime is to try and make our voices heard by a deaf incompetent PM and government.
Compared to Harehills and Rochdale, when the police ran away from young Muslim mens aggression towards them so as not to upset them in any way.
We are being treated as fools, and enough is enough.
Excellent but sad post.( because it is tragically true )
When I was at university, the cry of the brainless pseudo-left was ‘fascist.’ Fast forward thirty-five years and the same twats shout ‘far right.’ A term that has become so ubiquitous as to be meaningless. I’ve even seen my own favourite party – William Clouston’s SDP – described as ‘far right’ ffs.
The irony of course is that the Islamists – the favoured and indulged pets of the ruling class and their running dogs in the media – are the hardest of the hard right.
My reaction to Keir Starmer ranting like Davros with a head cold…
Mist of the cunts don’t know what fascism is, if they did they would realise they are as close to life in a fascist state as they have ever been.
The far right? I’d like them to define what that means.
I think ‘the far right’ these days is just anybody who doesn’t follow the line that Brexit was a mistake, thinks patriotism is for gammons, that multiculturalism is a great success, and that we can absorb hundreds of thousands of migrants a year indefinitely.
I’m ‘far right’.
If the local Women’s Institute or the Girl Guide association were to offer even the mildest of opinions on this subject, they would instantly be labelled “far right”
“Daddy, why is that man with a tea towel on his head staring at me and licking his lips”?
“Quiet, and leave the nice peaceful man alone. You’re turning into a real far right little bastard. I blame your Grandma,the fascist cow”
A George Soros Vichy Government & a population with Stockholm syndrome compounded by a media who dutifully focus on the worst of one side of the debate.
It’s simple to manipulate the narrative. Maybe I’m on the wrong side of the debate because it seems the majority of people like things as they are.
People have been pussy whipped.
Start talking about immigration and even the people that agree with you will say….. “Yes, but you can’t say that”.
Fuck off!
I will say what I fucking well want and if you are too frightened to do the same then you are also part of the problem.
Whilst I agree that smashing up Shoe Zone or the local library isn’t exactly the way to go, I do wonder how on earth anti immigration protesters are able to legitimately protest in the current media climate.
We hear things like ‘shouting racist slogans’, but what are they?
From what I can gather, shouting ‘we want our country back’ is regarded as racist by old bill and the media, so how mild does the language need to be?
We’re still being told that the right to protest is one of the cornerstones of our ‘democracy’ but our politicians and our media, but that is clearly not the case.
You can protest, but only if it meets the approval of the government and their police militia. Anything else will be attacked and disbanded at the slightest provocation.
Even silent protest wouldn’t work, as old bill will let the ‘anti racism’ brigade hurl abuse and wave Palestinian flags until someone somewhere snaps, and it’s all the fault of the ‘far right’.
So if these demonstrations really do fizzle out, what next?
A very good question indeed Field Marshal. People have been cowed for years by fears of being labelled as ‘far right’ etc. That’s lost its impact now so ‘Nazi’ will probably be next.
But I get the impression that millions are so fed up that the labelling fear has lost its power to deter them. They want their voices to be heard instead of ignored.
What next indeed?
If the silly left cunts don’t do anything to fix this situation soon then they really will have a “far right” problem because this isn’t going to go away and WILL get more extreme and more bloody.
1 month. That’s all its taken for Sir Kweer to fuck this country completely. Is anybody really surprised?
I’m surprised it took him that long with that front bench of sunshine coach window lickers..
Don’t kid yourself.
The same would have happened if the Tories had somehow managed to squeeze back in.
I agree, they were left wing as well, I just think it would have taken them longer. Their way was to just let things happen, Labour’s is to force the pace.
Walthamstow was the place to be, standing up to the vile far right.
Walthamstow is the place to be if you are an illegal immigrant because there a fucking thousands there, no one would notice.
If plod wanted to round up some illegals to ship out, just knock on any door of the streets of Victorian terraces, guaranteed that it would not be long before they find one with 10 occupants, at least eight will have no right to be in the UK.
No need to disperse all those cunts in hotels around the country, just let the out in Walthamstow they would soon find a place in the sewer
Londonistan is lost forever.