This one’s been annoying me for some time. Hold your nose and go to the BBC website. As you click through sanctimonious critiques of the “far” (or any) “right” and celebrations of London’s diversity, sooner or later, this image –
will pop up.
It is attached to an instruction to “sign in or register,” for what, I have no intention of finding out, with the small print option “maybe later”.
1. A black woman obviously high on nose candy. wearing fluorescent pink and shouting something in what is certainly barbaric patois, (though whether this was acquired in Tower Hamlets or via a modern English degree at Oxford is anyone’s guess) – this bint is NOT representative of me, my country, or my culture. Her image is ONLY designed to appeal to illiterate Nigerians. She is wholly irrelevant to and unwanted by what is still 80% of the population. She is as much a slap in the face as a stab in the back for the 5 remaining ancestral Brits who may still believe that the BBC is in any way impartial. She is a cunt, among the uncounted multitude of BBC cunts.
2. Turning to “maybe later”; this implies that I might wish at some future date to subscribe to whatever naked propaganda the BBC wants to fire in my direction, and that I would like to be thought too polite to tell them to fuck off and die. I don’t, and I’m not. Cunts.
Nominated by : Komodo
I sometimes wonder why the Far Right or maybe the North Koreans haven’t hacked the BBCistan propaganda I mean “news” website and replaced every image with ones of normal English people in order to destabilise the economy or whatever Supreme Leader Stormer dreams up to quell a rebel alliance.
C U N T S.
I like to refer to NK as Best Korea.
Have you seen the fucking state of S Korea?
0All fucking ladybugs, soy, gay parades ans such like?
Do they not realise they are merely a vassal of the anal empire of America?
admittedly, I would not want to be locked up for not thinking correctly, or not admiring the glorious leader enough.
Britain, anyone?
America literally tells third world countries, and we do, promote degeneracy, analism, abortion, transweirdism, etc, and we’ll give you money.
Don’t, and we won’t,.
seriously, wtf?
You are truely a cunt.
He’s certainly on the more extreme end of the scale l Harry, yes. One of the only people here who actually can be described as far right.
All 3 of today’s nominees are of a similar colour, but that is because we do like them.
I was supposed to have said, DON’T.
Even my iPad is turning against me.
It was better when it was ironic. 🙂
Hardly surprising when you consider that black and brown people heavily outnumber white people in the world..
Ironically here on ISAC white nominees are vastly over-represented.
This is obviously down to racism.
Fact is, whites should only account for 1 cunting in every 10.
Not that I give a rat’s arse either way.
Fuck ’em.
It’s Sasha Johnson at 3am on 21st May, 2021.
Blew her wig off.
Sasha’s wig remains firmly in place.
After I’ve had my fortnightly visit to her room, where I unscrew her wig (15mm wood screws into what remains of her skull), I peel back the flap of skin covering the hole in her skull and knock one out into it (whilst thinking about Floella Benjamin beating Anne Widdecombe with a tennis racquet), flooding the cavity with my pęrvęrt porridge before replacing the flap, resecuring her wig and scurrying off.
17 times I’ve done this now and, with the absorbtion of my superior DNA spunk through her brain membrane, she’s beginning to show signs of waking up from her coma.
Go on Sasha, we’re rooting for you!
Keep it up Thomas, can’t wait for Sasha be out and about again with a specially designed beret, obviously she would have limited movement but with time she could to another garden party.
Thomas, did you firstly remember to empty the dog-ends, dimps and what ever they smoke these days, before cascading your wad ?
On ‘Look North’ from Hull studios the invitation to phone or text has a black hand holding a mobile. This news covers East Riding and Lincolnshire not inner city fucking London or similar infested shithole.
Stolen phone CC.
Didn’t do nuffin
And its not even a six fingered black hand.
I also live in a small seaside Town where you might see the odd one passing through, but their mugs are now displayed in; Banks, Hairdressers, Opticians, Estate Agencies and Bus Stops. The last is the only one I agree with. Jump on
that bus and fuck off !
They’re conditioning you so you can better deal with the coming infestation Sammy.
Uncle Kweer and his venereal friends haven’t forgotten your little corner of our wonderful land, you can be certain.
Don’t know know if Lioyds bank are still running their harvest rich screen pastiches of ‘every day folks’ scenarios but my last visit to a branch was vomit inducing to the max.The requisite caucasian naturally was a befuddled oldster seemingly struggling with her PC and not forgetting a brace of sodomites (one a harvest) in a town square…”He said yes”
The newly married couple in cheesy newly painting living room mode were of non WAS(P) (P=people not protestants) persuasion natch.The desk clerk gave me the gimlets but my protest was heard.
Another day and another BBC ‘scandal’ former footballer who has been shoehorned a couple of daytime shit shows has been given the boot for inappropriate behaviour (obviously he isn’t happy).
A POC who had been tipped to succeed Linekunt (also a pseudo POC), the place need to be dismantled and consigned to Dusty Bin.
Would anyone actually miss it, nope!
Black is black we want our adverts back ?
May as well be black broadcasting corporation ?
Good old Beeb.
Pandering to the demographic who, per capita, would probably be the last group in the country to even consider paying for a telly licence. Or watch their programmes.
The stupid cunts.
The number of times the BBC uses an image of a wh1te person, especially a man, to photo-illustrate its news output can be counted on what remains of the fingers of a leper’s hand, the manipulative but also thick and transparent cunts.
Cunters, I would warn you about registering for this BBC site. You could find yourself being rostered as the duty homosexual for some monkeypox infected friend of Dorothy.
The Bolshevik Broadcasting Commune needs the Proletariat and the Peasants to register with them so that they can censor mis and dis-information. Then as Pravda they can provide them with the official approved State/Party Line.
Also it allows the Politburu to track and punish those with dissenting opinions.
Nah, it’s pretty much just to crack down on license evasion
I notice another on of its overpaid football experts has been weeded out for being a degenerate……shocking.
Place is a breeding ground for deviancy because they have to earn nothing and have buckets full of cash handed to them. This specimen who I have never heard of, but hoi polloi football fans may have, is now crying because he’s off the payroll of milk and honey that is the public teat.
Fuck them and there sexual weirdos.
The word on the street is that he’s been sending dick pics to a bird.
If that’s true then he’s a right idiot. If only he’d sent them to an underage boy then the BBC would have hushed it up for him.
But as an ex-footballer he won’t be very bright.
Not just hushed it up, given him a massive pay rise and then defended him to the last.
I really couldn’t care less about these sexual degenerate BBC pricks, their time will come and they will dangle from lamp posts with piano wire.
What’s the bet his wife/ girlfriend /slag / boyfriend is “standing behind him” or whatever.
Hopefully, on an underground station platform, ready for a push.
Word on the street?
Your Huggy Bear and a jive arse pimp.?
But Mis, you didn’t claim your free packet of three!
Something for the weekend, Sir?
Funny enough I have received a letter from them this morning, telling me that I have to act before the 4th September, as my address is showing as unlicensed.
Not surprising as I stopped paying for this shit about 3 years ago, it doesn’t have my name on, just the legal occupier.
I hope they visit me, just so I can tell them to fuck off, then shut the door in their face.
Surely no one would register with, or pay this useless corporation for anything.
Pay up Kulak or it’s off to the Gulag for you!
So if you were squatting it would be alright ?
Legal occupier, up your arse Auntie.
Hey General, paying to watch TV must seem crazy to the rest of the world.
If you had a national broadcaster like these cunts in the U.S and people refused to pay the license fee because they were too woke or anti-American there would be plenty of Waco style sieges when enforcement officers came knocking. Over here its a geek with a clipboard who is told to fuck off and then posted on YouTube.
Hey LL,
You are partially correct.
We have free broadcast networks that are available to all. The Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), the National Broadcasting System (NBC) and the American Broadcasting System (ABC.)
We also have the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) which is taxpayer funded government television that is available to all.
But most people pay for cable or satellite television that has a bazillion channels including all the free “broadcast” channels. Auntie Beeb pollutes my airwaves with the BBC America channel.
So does the BET Network (Black Entertainment Television) as well as a couple of “Beaner” channels in Spanish, a multitude of sports channels and all the porn you can pay for.
There’s even all music channels with a variety of different themed content…and no pictures.
Some localities have public access channels that broadcast local town council meetings or other government agencies as well as providing an outlet for local content producers.
Sadly Cunt Man, many still do.
And many still think the ‘Buggering British Children’ are an organisation steeped in virtue and fairness, representing all that is good about Blighty..
Off-piste but sort of BBC related, with it being the start of the Notting Hill Carnival tomorrow, I wonder how they will spin the inevitable footage of police officers being sexually assaulted, spat at, bitten and intimidated by these communities we keep hearing about? The far-right will be shoehorned in somewhere, probably have their own float and steel band.
I just hope the “far right” has the sense to stay away, as usual, and let the ethnic-on-ethnic violence get going without it . It should be a record-breakingly stabby festival: the prisons are full up already and absolute impunity will be the order of the day. As long as you’re not a white male.
“Last year’s event was estimated to have cost the taxpayer over £11million in policing, including £5million in officers’ overtime, over £500,000 in catering, £200,000 in hotels and over £1.1million for other infrastructure including safer spaces and digital policing.
In the last two years, more than 125 officers have been assaulted over the festival weekend, the Met Police revealed.
The Metropolitan Police Federation, which represents officers, condemned the level of violence as ‘unsustainable’. ”
Strangely, no mention of the “far right” in the past violence.
Komodo @. I hope it’s a fucking bloodbath.
Happy holidays.
Get To Fuck.
Bumper crop this year l suspect.4 at least i’m anticipating.
Just had a letter from Bolshevik broadcasting corporation.
“We have no record of a licence for this address”.
To fucking right you don’t, go Fuck yourself you starmer/ lineker / muzzies loving twats….⚒️
O/T Lily Allen faces criticism for returning dog to shelter after it ate passports.
Pity it didn’t eat the fucking harridans face off.
Lucky break doggy.
Least it’s a happy sooty, Komodo.
Like we used to have back in the 70s.
Not one of those scowling sooties.
She’s happy because she’s been given benefits.
They love benefits.
Benefits, and stolen chicken.
What is with bald black birds? The only time you see a bald honkey woman is when she has an illness or something.
It’s so they don’t stick to velcro LL.
Don’t forget if you have a full head of pubes like a microphone,
It’s full of static ,
Effects mobile phones etc
Plus kids stick fuzzy felt on it.
If you shave it off it’s much better.
You can then fit your head in the drive thru window at Kentucky fried chicken
Oh an clean drinking water.
That’s always on Santa’s list.
Sooty was always a bit sad and Sweep was never black. Strange.
Sooty had depression.
You would too if you’d spent half your life with Matthews fingers buried up your arse.
But Sue loved it, the dirty bear scrubber.
Oh look the fat northern miserable racist is back after gathering all his toys from when he threw them out. I’m gone boo hoo all for 3 days what a fucking whopper.
Hehehe ?
Your a right loser aren’t you Flexi?
Yes I’m racist.
But I’d rather be a racist than a instantly forgettable nobody like you.
When are you going to finally contribute to a site you’ve been on for years?
Your impotent!!?
I like a smiling sooty.
That gap-toothed cunt off the Love Boat
The kia ora kid
Little Stevie wonder
Ray Charles, blind and happy.
Finds it funny.
Here’s another
Old skinhead tune that.
Toots and the Maytals.
Always smiling.
Made me feel guilty when I posted dogshite through his letterbox.
Well, a bit.
fuck off you cunt
bore off you big baby
Get a personality ?
OT. The last of the Southport stabbing victims was laid to rest today. RIP, little ‘un.
Also today, people who were involved in the unrest that these murders provoked, were jailed. One of them for three years for kicking a police van.
Meanwhile, the cunt responsible for the murders seems to have disappeared from the media and judicial landscape.
No swift, harsh justice for this cunt.
He’s not the only one who’s slid from view.
Where the fuck is our glorious leader, Sturmfuhrer Stormer ?
He seems to have gone to ground.
Release the hounds.
Tally ho !
It’s Friday evening after 6pm Jack.
Nookie night for our Dear Leader.
The Southport killer will be with the psycho who stabbed the soldier in Kent and the Manchester airport towelheads, all MIA.
Yes, he’ll be lighting the candles around now, the fucking hypocrite.
Well they have to consider the human rights and judicial process.
Which only seems to apply to.persons who should be hanged within the hour of their foul crimes.
Everyone else gets the British Justice escalator straight to prison after a suitably brief trial.
Legal aid anyone?
fuck off.
oh my manners recently!
Great Post Jack.
A new Cromwell is long overdue.
Pass the whisky.
Yes indeed, Unkle.
Great post.
SOS for admin.
I’m in moderation. ?
Please release me.
Ever so ‘ umble etc. etc.
Jack ?
Bloody annoying wankery, typical of the best bum children mentality
What’s this monkeypox thing the kids are all going mad for?
I thought it was a breakfast cereal,
But turns out it’s a fashionable disease.
Can’t beat good old scurvy or rickets if you ask me,
Or that polio that the royals go mad for.
This Cockney had polio god bless him
It’s for bumders apparently.
And their dogs.
Even without opening the link, it’s Ian Drury.
Hit me! Hit me!
It’s nice to be a lunatic!
Love a bit of Ian Dury.
Plaistow Patricia being a particular favourite.
Any song beginning ‘ Arseholes, bastards, fucking cunts and pricks ‘ has got to be good.
Also, ‘ her tits had dropped, her arse was getting spread ‘ has an amusing ring of authenticity.
The mental saxophone is the cherry on the top.
Good evening.
Arrrrgh, she’s mithering at the door again.
That 70s Debbie Harry.
” Can I come in for a cup of gravy?”
She’s obsessed with me.
Right nuisance
You poor bastard!
Still, I’m sure you will overcome these trials and tribulations.
P. S. How did she get through the country cream gates?
Pole vaulted JP.
Told you,
She’s finally about me.
Her and the other one
You’re doing this on fucking purpose aren’t you ?
You’ll never drive a wedge between me and Debbie.
Here’s one she wrote especially for me….
And she’d rather have curry sauce than gravy.
So your tall tale has more holes than a colander.
Tell Kate I want me country cream underpants back.
She’s got her mouth full at the moment.
I’ll tell her when she’s finished eating ?
I’m sorry, Jack, but Mis wins!
And I’ll be laughing about this all night, and possibly most of tomorrow, too.
Now, Mis.
About my Viking style memorial…
Olivia Newton John and Lynda Carter.
The things I thought about those ladies.
The British Bumming Conglomerate should be sent to a Gulag.
On foot.
March or Die you fucking cunts.
I’m in a foul mood this evening.
Dark thoughts.
Which is a shame, considering it’s Friday.
You under moderation Jack?
Fuckin thing had me the other day.
No swearing
No trigger words
It’s a fuckin crank.
I’m a marked man MNC.
As soon as they apprehend me I’ll dob you in. I ain’t going down alone, ( as Debbie said when Kate walked into the bedroom )
March or die indeed
Long Live Lemmy.
bloody good shout
March and die anyway LOL.
Anyway here’s some souxsie Sioux.
She’ll be throwing stones at my bedroom window later.
” Are thee coming out nesting?”
Spellbound was my favourite.
Siouxie was solid.
Suzanne…. At 18:59.
A woman with a body that would give a dead man a stiff’un.
The one, the only Caroline Munro.
Cor !! ?
For inspiration……
While that was inspirational
Underneath was this!
Les Kellet Vs Leon Arris?
Leon Arris being none other than thespian Brian Glover!!
Comedy gold.
Those old women who used to poke the baddie with an umbrella when he pulled a dirty move.
Wonder if they got a free cup of tea and a bun ?
All part of the act.
My grandad was a fuckin nightmare at the wrestling Jack.
As a kid id go to Belle Vue with me grandparents and watch the wrestling in the 70s.
Met Big Daddy, saw em all,
My grandad offered em all out
” Yer dirty bleeder!”
” He pulled his hair! He’s a bloody cheat!”
He’d try to storm the ring with his walking stick.
My dad would be mortified.
By I glowed with family pride.??
He fought in WW2.
Fuckin Mick McManus wasn’t going to scare him.
Hehehe ?
Truly one of the greatest Englishmen ever to draw breath
You’re not wrong, salt of the earth ?
Your grandad sounds like he was a character ?
When my maternal grandfather died my world collapsed.
Still miss him like hell, fifty years on.
Good grandads are a special breed.
Right rum cunt Jack.
I have photos of both my granddad’s on my nightstand.
The wannabe wrestler in his military uniform and my other grandad somewhere in India wearing a suit he’d had made by tailors there.
Those old boys who fought in WW2 were the best of British ??
Forged from iron.
I am sorry and ashamed after BBC sacking – Jenas.
Another BBC wrong’ un. There’s no getting round it. Jenas is quite simply another one in a long and dirty line.
Ah, but will Lord Lineker openly crtiticise Jenas? Nah, course he won’t.
Jenas is certainly no loss. One of the shittest pundits in the history of televised football.
That picture…. Why does every BBC photo on their website or iPlayer have to feature a Mills and Boon?
If the Testcard was still in use, it would feature a treeswinger with a voodoo doll.
The little girl and Bubbles the Clown would never be seen again.