State of the Nation 2024

I haven’t contributed to this forum for some while although a regular reader. I kind of thought I would let the world drift by rather than comment on the many injustices and irritations we see before us. After all too much negativity isn’t good for one’s health.

Even when the tories were finally put out of their misery I thought no, give the new lot a chance. Yet after just a month we can see where our once blessed country is heading.

Everything many of us suspected has happened or is in the pipeline. Two-tier Starmer blaming one side for the riotous behaviour on our streets. Stating he would protect the Muslim community. What about the rest of us? What about the white folk who were beaten to a pulp as gangs of islamists roamed the streets to seek revenge? Fast justice for them too? Not a chance.
Even handed law and order? You’re joking. BLM and Pro-Palestine protesters allowed to do as they please with race-baiting chants and banners. The PM and Deputy PM taking the knee.

Detention camps closed. Hotels emptied. Immigrants to be dispersed into towns and villages and given social housing of which there is already a massive shortage.
Record numbers crossing the channel.

Not content with this, Gobshite Rayner also plans to concrete over the countryside and to turn every community into the sort of council estate nightmare she and her offspring were brought up in. Naturally, she took the opportunity to buy and then sell her council property as soon as she could at a decent profit. On an MP’s and now a minister’s salary she could afford to move on.

Wes “dainty” Streeting immediately caves into the junior doctors awarding them 10 times inflation. A whopping 22%. Naturally, all the other public workers and unions will regard this as a special case and show restraint with their own demands for higher pay. Like hell they will. Brace yourself for a winter of discontent #2 and inflation rising again. GPs going on strike for the first time ever.

All but the poorest pensioners robbed of their winter fuel allowance by Rachel “Ruthless” Reeves. Well, the tories get most of the grey vote anyway. Easy target.

Ed “Mad” Milliband pressing ahead with net zero oblivious to the fact that it is impossible to achieve. Sales of EVs are dropping because people don’t want them but soon car manufacturers will be fined hugely for every petrol car they sell as a result of government policy. The extension to 2035 has been reversed to 2030. Even the EU is retreating from these targets. A lot of Eastern England will disappear under giant pylons to carry renewable power – to London and the South East of course.

And despite their election promise not to increase taxes they will find a way (stealthily) to do so. Labour always do. And to put us into deeper debt.

We had the Olympics to cheer us up didn’t we? Especially the “men” who successfully beat up the women in the boxing. The World Games had the sense to ban these freaks who were supposedly born female with XY chromosomes. We can now look forward to “men” winning many more female events in future. Labour seem to support this trend.

Things can only get better.


Ps. Sorry there is no appropriate link for this general observation.

Nominated by Lord Helpus, link provided by Sam Beau.

48 thoughts on “State of the Nation 2024

  1. You have said it all there – all there is to say about Kweers Muslim Party of Great Britain, incorporating the Mincing Mandy Para-Military Wing.

    All the money they have pissed down the lavatory on “taming” their union pay masters and indulging Miliband in his Net Zero wankfetish will bankrupt us:

    The state of the Nation’s economy
    Gives rise to prayers and astrology
    A tax on the pill, might help quell the bill,
    But might lead to an increase in sodomy

  2. The only positive thing about Liebour’s Britain is that it will get things over with that much quicker. Being fucked by the Tories was like the Chinese torture, death of a thousand cuts. Two-tier and his Ministry of all the useful idiots will soon sign over to the Caliphate. Bend over and take what is coming to you.

    Good morning, everyone.

  3. This latest set of cunts allegedly running the govt are off to a flying start by any standard..

    Taking the knee to the islamist mob.

    Taking the knee to the Germans.

    Taking the knee to the unions.

    Taking the knee to the dinghy filth..

    Meanwhile they remove heating payments for pensioners,invent a black hole in the accounts to justify a giant tax raid that will likely lead to an economic disaster and allow the energy companies to continue their rapacious profiteering unchecked.

    Best not to mention the overt politicisation of the entire legal system and the creation of a de facto paramilitary wing of a political party to quell any and all dissent…the walls have ears again..Stasi Stormer rules with an iron fist,if you don’t like watching your country being given away to hostile foreign trash that is.

    Perhaps this fucking rabble with lead us into direct confrontation with Russia before Christmas just to put the cherry on top of this stinking pile of lefty dogshit.

    An outright disaster.

    An outright set of Quisling vermin.


    • Due to a “technical issue,” the hotel you previously booked for £110/night, will now cost you on average £900/night. Sorry for any inconvenience this might cause you.

  4. The instant ‘justice’ for the recent rioters reminds me me of what happened to those who took part in the demonstrations regarding the Reform Act of 1832. Severe ‘Hanging Judges’ were sent to the shires to deal with those who had been caught. Incredibly, each judge was given a quota of persons to be hanged before they left London.
    Things don’t appear to have changed much in nearly 200 years.

    • I’d love to be on the bench when Starmer comes before me charged with dogging (and crawling along the road sniffing womens bicycle seats). Reporting restrictions will be lifted immediately. There are quite a few per*erts in the Labour party. McFadden for a start looks like a child molester in a dirty mac.

      I’d love one great sex scandal to engulf Kweer the pure, and when you consider Mandy wast best mates with Jeffrey Epstein – “Petie” – he might be the one to cause it. I daresay though the cowardly little turd would top himself before he got in court.

      • You just triggered a youthful televisual memory of mine, the ratings hit Ceacescu family Christmas special. Except its arch villian Tony and Cherie dragged into a children’s classroom for a reading of charges, verdict and quick execution with them begging mercy as they are innocent. Subsequent spin offs involving other traitors such as Starmer, Albanese, Arderne Sleepy Joe, Trudeau and many others. Best reality programming ever.

      • S.C. Who was the Shakesperian king who met his end with a red hot poker up his arse?. I’d recommend that for the television punishment for Mandy Mandelson. It will melt his piles if nothing else.

      • Afternoon Shackledragger.

        Justice for Tony and Cherie, Ceacescu style has actually just given me a raging hard on.

        If we can parade the bodies and display them Mussolini style, I swear to god, I’ll cum.

  5. After the immigration issue, legal and channel scum the big problem that is heading our way is Net Zero, fucking wind.

    We have one new nuclear plant under construction, should (lol) come on stream in the next year, the others are due for decommissioning in the next few years, there may be one that can be stretched out after 2030.
    One remaining coal plant which will be axed by Mad Ed just because he doesn’t like coal leaving Drax burning trees.
    We will rely on imports from the continent and gas to fill in when the inevitable happens, no wind and no sun.

    Welcome to winter power cuts, the scrapping of the winter fuel allowance won’t matter when the power goes off (unless you have a wood burner)

    • Trigger warning:

      I am fully convinced that the climate is demonstrably changing and I am in favour of practical and sustainable measures to control the speed with which this is happening, But –

      Drax’s woodburning operation is a fucking scam, in practice;
      “The ongoing subsidies Drax is asking for are simply to allow them to carry on burning wood and releasing CO2 into the atmosphere as usual, with the promise of carbon capture some time way off into the future.”
      And the wood sources are unsustainable.

      • Sustainable init.

        I had friends at all the power stations along the M62 back in 80’s, Drax were working on cleaning up the emissions from coal, no one ever mentioned CO2 ?

      • Getting rid of SO2 was urgently required. CO2 became important in the 90’s. I was involved in biomass cofiring research around 2001.

  6. The big ‘O’ sang it’s over,it’s over it’s oooooverrr ? now the tune of the liebour party is ‘theyre coming to take me away ha ha he he to the funny farm’ except it won’t be beautiful all the time, unless the pitchforks and torches are ready to be lit in a peasant rebellion ??‍?…it truly is OVER ?

  7. The wife and I have come to the conclusion that there’s little point in worrying about that which we can’t change.

    We’ve accepted that the country’s well fucked, so we’re going to go away on trips, drink wine and eat good food, watch xHamster and fool about as long as we’re able, sit in our garden and let the world go by. We’ll go for walks, read and watch films from our ‘golden age’collection, and see the family and our friends.

    And I’ll be on here cunting.

    Morning all. Heads up!

    • I hope Ron, amongst your collection of golden oldies, which I assume is material of an adult nature, as you use xHamster, you will include a few examples for the Golden Age of Boggs Pornographic Film Productions (Taiwan) – our archive dates back to the late 1970s. We have, for example, an early appearance by Rachel Reeves in knickers and lipstick and big boots in a film about the Square Mile called “The Wank Of England”. Her oral skills have improved in later years – it’s all about a teenage girl in a hurry who sleeps her way to the top. She made a second film in the early 1980s “Jizz Diary” and both these artistic and beautiful films have been released as a double bill at a bargain price. Sent in a plain sealed brown envelope of course.

      • Aye up WC.

        No by our ‘golden age’ collection I meant our Hollywood classics with Bogart,Colman, Davis et al. Wonderful stuff.

        We used to have a few tapes and cds of a more ‘specialised’ nature, but we got rid of them given the sheer amount and variety available on the net these days.

        As an aside, does Boggs PFP have any vintage stuff featuring a certain former Tory PM doing dominatrix and ‘firm’ discipline? A friend’s rather keen on that sort of thing you understand, and it’s his birthday soon.

      • Sadly not, Ron – I think the rights were sold overseas. I daresay we could find footage of Rodders, dressed in black stockings and suspenders, and a maids apron, beating lovely Lady Victoria on the bottom with a Woman’s Weekly. Similar to the “Cherie’s Chastisement” video of 1998, but they used “Home and Gardens” or “Major’s Hard ECU” of 1991, with beautiful naked Edwina Curry begging John to “let her have it”

    • Good man Termy?

      I never resort to crudeness.

      Foul-mouthed cunts like you should be ashamed of yourself.

      Apologising is the act of gentlemen.

      If I’ve insulted anyone, well,
      Id say I’m sorry but I’d be lying.?

      Serves them right

      • I thought this site was precisely fir reprehensible language? Certainly, some really innocuous words will get you moderated while ‘cunt’ is not only allowed but positively encouraged. Then again. I missed whatever the apology covers so I have no fucking clue what I’m on about. The gin is not making things any clearer.

  8. Mrs Twenty tells me that 1 in 6 adults in the England are functionally illiterate. In Scotland it is 1 in 4 (National Literacy Trust figures). Explains a lot. Believing anything on the BBC is a sure sign of functional illiteracy.

  9. I heard some frightening news that Rodney was bringing mandy mandelson in as a ambassador to America.

    Best hope trump doesn’t get in then..
    With thick,fat lammy and now the human bidet mandy, gonna be alot of cold shoulders.

    • I heard that as well – so David Miliband will have to “make do” with his $800,000 for his “charity” work at International Rescue- you know Mandy – he probably said to Kweer – you suck my dick, duckie, and I’ll suck yours.

  10. He knows what he’s on about does Lord Helpus as do so many on here.
    On this occasion I’m not going to add a comment as I’m already steaming at the ears thinking about all the shit that is wrong with the country.

  11. Just seen the plastic chancellor on the box, she got a bit tongue twisted, the CPU must be overheating.
    Busy computing who she can screw over in October, any cunt with any money.

    • I think that translates to “anyone not an MP, a Party donor or on Pension Credit (yet)”, Sick. Duck and cover.

  12. Greatest country in the world this.??

    A culture that civilised the world.

    The whole world owes us.

    Only thing wrong with it is the political classes.
    Everything can be traced to them.

    Mass immigration
    Feral youth
    Destruction of industry

    All at the hands of some Westminster rat.

    Nothing wrong that can’t be put right with a civil war and some mass hangings.

  13. Civil war seems the only option Mis, I’m somewhat fucked off the lungs to swing a broadsword but sit me at the trigger of a bushmaster and I’m guaranteed to take out a great many of the enemies of England!
    I’m a damn good shot even if I do say so myself and the current situation is giving me an itchy trigger finger.

  14. The B-Side of ‘State Of The Nation’ is a dub version called ‘Shame Of The Nation’.
    Very apt, for today’s times.

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