An Un-Civil Service cunting for this man in drag, a high flyer in the Civil Service, who, despite an obviously made up forename, likes to dress up in “fetish” gear, and clearly is a woman hater (he believes groups of women who advocate for women are “far right”), children demanding beta blockers should be given them, even if the parents say no, . He has also been appointed “Co-Chairman of the LGBT CIvil Service Rights Group”.

Ignore the paper calling it “her” – this is quite obviously an old poof with a few screws loose – and he lives on our charity. Labour has a plan

Daily Fail

Nominated by W. C. Boggs.


  1. Sorearse Anthea may look like eye candy but No!!!
    Tis a bloke!!!
    You’d never guess would you?

    In the pvc maids outfit that most women wear nowadays and parasol you may think it’s a extra from Little Britain,
    But he’s actually a Civil serpent.

    Put your pants back on boys.

  2. I am flabbergasted and shocked!!

    Civil serpents go into the office?

    And as for sour aniseed tweedledum or what the fuck it’s called..
    Trust me you won’t get a twitch out of mandy mandelson dressed like that.. he prefers the nazi stormtrooper look.

    Still that’s where your winter fuel payment goes to.. utter freaks like that.

  3. If that is the Visitors’ Entrance, surely it (for it is HE) should be facing the other way?
    Or is the Entrance really round the back?
    ‘Cack ston’ House seems an appropriate place for it to work.

  4. Strong management and a legal system that backs it up is what is urgently needed.

    “Listen, you fucking lunatic.
    I don’t give a fuck what you are or what you think you are.

    This is a place of work and not the Blue Oyster Club.

    Keep your private life private.

    Now fuck off home and come back dressed appropriately.
    And hurry up because you will not be getting paid until you do”.

    For the normal staff in The Department of Works and Pensions it must be a miserable, soul destroying job even without having to cope with this nutter.

    • Indeed I have one or two mates who work there…a toxic melange of poor pay,shit software,a top heavy overpaid management totally divorced from reality,turbocharged diversity and inclusion shite,a totally broken welfare system and a six month backlog of work..

      Oh and every freak and foreign cunt portrayed as heroes.

    • Love this, Artful.

      It has always really bothered me that companies go out of their way to state their non-discrimination credentials in job ads. This dates back long before the world went woke and embraced the DEI shite.

      You know the kind of thing…we are an equal opportunity employer and do not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, disability, sexual orientation, blah blah blah.

      My point is, if in an interview you are overtly gay/queer/trans/whatever, you are going to be trouble down the road. You just are. Nobody gives a crap about what you get up to after dark or in a park. Just be good at and do your job. But no. It’s all me me me, deliberately playing the deviant card to gain advantage knowing full well this form of manipulation might well succeed.

      At my shithouse woke bollocky cunt of a company, there’s some dopey bell end – I honestly don’t know which biological gender it is as the stamp sized picture doesn’t help much – has a rainbow border around their online profile picture. Clearly making a statement about what they like inserted into their rectum. Their “rights” being fully protected to the point they can flaunt it for the rest of the company to see/endure.

      If normal people were to express discomfort or unease about such an overt display of sexual deviancy, they’d immediately be in the HR firing line for hate speech, discrimination, bullying, you name it. Oh and the very same company does the pronoun crap as well.

      Quelle surprise.

  5. This a clever ploy for it to get sacked and then claim discrimination.

    Same as that Canadian nutter teaching shop with massive false tits.

    That one should have been sacked on health and safety grounds alone.

  6. This a clever ploy for it to get sacked and then claim discrimination.

    Same as that Canadian nutter teaching shop with massive false tits.

    That one should have been sacked on health and safety grounds alone.

  7. Lot of Hate towards Sorearse on here.
    I’m disappointed.
    Thought people would be more understanding of him.

    He looks a lot like Dee Schneider from Twisted Sister?
    He’s got a parasol,
    Must be planning on going hillwalking in Greece?
    Don’t slip and twist your ankle luv! 👍

  8. All sexual loonies are so well protected.
    It doesn’t matter how fucking useless they are at their jobs you just can’t get rid of them.

    Back in the 80’s I had an Area Manager working for me.

    One evening after I had gone home he decided to tearfully announce to the rest of the staff that he was gay.

    He would have know that the whole company would have been told by the next morning.

    My Sales Manager called me and filled me in.

    I went to my office and sacked the cunt on the spot and in front of his colleagues.

    I told him that nobody was interested in his sexuality.
    He had made his admission just to test the waters, to see if anyone else shared his perversion.

    I told the idiot that my business was not going to be used as his new pick up joint.

    Because that’s what they do and that’s what all this shit about ‘coming out’ is about.

    • I do like your style Artful but of course you’re talking of a time when such people were not afforded extra privileges in law. Where I worked at that time our MD gave me the task of recruiting another engineer. I ran through the CVs and invited a handful to interview. I then discovered one of those invited was an arse bandit. I phoned him and told him not to turn up as we didn’t employ deviants.

      If you consider the sentences being handed out this week for using hurty words I think today you and I would probably get twenty years in Dartmoor for our actions.

      • The good old days.

        If the job centre were to send anyone along for an interview they were told that we didn’t want any Pákís.

        Our canvassers were told to not bother appointing Pákís either.

        Happier times.

  9. Last Days Of Rome.

    Plough your own furrow and enjoy life.

    Until everything goes completely to shit or you die first.

    Fuck them.

    Good morning 🌄👍

    • Couldn’t your love dungeon find something to do with it Thomas?. I am afraid Boggs Pornographic Film Productions (Taiwan) Ltd can’t employ him because we are not quite that per*erted yet. I suppose somebody might work on a script called Carry On Izzard……..

      • Most assuredly not, WBC…and a very good morning to you.
        Were you to drag (pardon the pun) “Saoria” (or Ken Smith or whatever his real name is) into my dungeon, it would vomit you both back into reception in a trice.

  10. So it’s the co-chairperson of some group or other?

    Fuck off its a splendid way for a lunatic degenerate to skive off and let normal people pick up the slack.

    Fire the mad cunt without pay,it’d be running the Green Party within a week.

    Anyway I’d firmly recommend reassignment to Oven.

    Good morning.

    • There is definitely a trend of every they/them pronoun-pin-wearing deviant being completely incapable of doing the job they are paid for.

      Try and bollock them and they get signed off for a week’s rest due to anxiety.

    • Fucking Chairperson of a group of nut cases.

      I bet they all dress like extras from The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

      Their meetings will start with them doing the Time Warp and go downhill from there.

    • Just what I said an hour ago.

      If you work in an office, dress accidentally, if you don’t you should be sacked. Office staff years ago were only allowed to relax on a Friday and didn’t come into work wearing a tie.

  11. OMG the end is coming. The lunatics are in charge of the asylum.. North Korea sounds more appealing everyday. These fuckers are mentally ill no other excuse.

  12. Agenda for the next LGBT CIvil Service Rights Group meeting that he chairs…..

    1. Draw lots to see who will play Frank-N-Furter.

    2. Time Warp.

    3. Cock Docking.

    4. Rimming.

    5. Fisting.

    6. Bumming.

    7. Felching.

    8. Any other business.

  13. If people come into work dressed like a cunt and colleges don’t want to be singled out by being the only to say its “not on”, everyone in unison should point their finger and laugh.

  14. They do it because they can.
    They get away with it because we don’t utilise our unity in numbers.
    Mass civil disobedience will sort that in a week. Non-compliance, no payments to corporations, buy local, farm shop, family owned business, withhold council tax and utilities using promissory notes and Notices of Conditional Acceptance.
    Do you really not mind some mentally unstable and misanthropic societal reject making the decisions that impact on your life ? Who chose this cunt to represent our lives ?

    • Peaceful civil disobedience I will add, they’d love it if we got rowdy and you could get banged up just for being in the vicinity of violence.

  15. Seems her colleagues – and the Spectator – are less than happy with exhibitionist drag queens at the next desk:

    “Wherever you work, it’s best to follow some simple advice: turn up, do the job, then go home and maybe have a good scourging with a like-minded friend. But dear God, don’t force the rest of us to have to picture it.”

    “Saorsa” is a Scots Gaelic word meaning freedom,liberty, atonement…eh? Atonement? It disguises the fact that the cunt is a Yorkshire man by birth.

    • I found the article in your link there interesting Komodo. I once was involved in a catastrophic IT failure where everything had gone wrong up to and including considerable data loss with no good backup available. I sent an email from site to my company to say this failure was completely beyond recovery and sending me to sort it was just ridiculous. To make my point I ended the email where I had listed all the insoluble problems with the wisecrack; “I think I’m a teapot.” I had a totally serious response asking what I meant by that statement and did I feel OK?

      My wife has often worn a pair of knickers on her head in the kitchen during food preparation. I don’t think she would dress that way on a customer’s premises. Having been married fifty years this month I’m pretty sure she isn’t that barmy.

      • I have found that, when attempting to convey a simple, nay obvious, point to management, it is not an advantage to have a sense of humour. Management takes itself extremely seriously – as it is obliged to take elfnsafety seriously, -and I imagine it was terrified you’d take it to a tribunal on the grounds of aggravated teapotism.

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