Robyn Vinter

Robyn Vinter, North of England correspondent for the Guardian, and puppet-faced hater of the English Gammons.

‘the whiplash when you’re celebrating the lovely talented nice footballers and then it cuts to the stands and you remember what people in England actually look like’


Another liberal-left child who hates the British working class. Worked for JOE Politics, just like fellow media cunt Ava Santina Evans.

As Brendan O’Neill said, the very people who keep food on the shelves, the gas, water and electricity flowing, the trains and buses running, her favourite boutiques in luxury items, her favourite cafes supplied with avocado and quinoa and the roads clear and streets clean.

Vinter is yet another disgusting, out-of-touch Guardian women, in tradition of Bidisha, Jessica Valenti and Marina Hyde.

Welcome to Is A Cunt, you fucking moomin.

Moominated by : Cuntamus Prime

72 thoughts on “Robyn Vinter

  1. I have no idea who this individual is but I can safely say, with my hand on my heart, she can eat my shit and then beg for another bowlful.

    That is all.


  2. I have no idea who this individual is but I can safely say, with my hand on my heart, she can eat my shit and then beg for another bowlful.

    That is all.


  3. I think, as a parent, you are taking an enormous risk in giving your daughter a male name (Robyn/Robin) – you are inviting her to grow up as a Guardian toting dyke. By the same token, if you call your son by a female name (Hilary) you are asking form a soy boy mincing poofter. Yes. Wedgwood-Benn, I am looking at you.

    You can see by looking at this little tart she is a spoilt little brat, who is probably still not potty trained. Give her a pair of AnalEase’s soiled knickers – they will probably be marginally cleaner.

  4. I am not sure why but the most disconnected people from the British working people seem to be white, middle class women, with an over developed sense of their educational achievements. This tart perfectly fits that description.
    Closely followed by the intellectual wing of the Labour Party.

    Good Morning.

  5. Cunts like this always turn out to be mentally unstable,anxious,neurotic,shrill harridans.

    This delicate flower had best be careful lest the ragheads she loves so much decide she’s their next target.

    Stupid cunt.

    Good morning.

  6. I remember the pile in poor robyn vimto took on twatter..another dopey hag that can’t read the room..

    I said at the time a face like a worn flip-flop.

  7. Her opinion on the people that like watching football is very similar to the opinions of many members of this site.

    It will be interesting to see who is going to give her a cunting for that particular Twitter (X) post.

    Looking at her you can see that she probably has opinions about almost everything.

    Mostly wrong.

    • I’m not sure if that comment was aimed at me but I’ve no issue with working-class white men as I am one myself. I generally have an issue with footie fans though… a thing she doesn’t seem to take issue with seeing as how she’s a footie fan herself.

  8. A couple of months in Mr Cunt Engine’s ‘Love’ dungeon will see her repent of her snobbery.

    Followed by an immediate appointment at Unkle Terry’s oven. Along with the rest of the twats at the Guardian. Chuck in the Peter File enablers at Jimmy Savile House for good measure too.

  9. Robyn learnt her hatred of working class people from her haughty red jeans parents and snotty grandparents.

    She’ll be decrying the Far Right who were out rioting again last night.

    They should know they’re place!

    Up chimneys and in the kitchen.
    Use the backdoor
    And doff your cap.

    Fuck Robyn🖕

    I’m English and I’m Gorgeous 🇬🇧

    • Where is CP?
      Saw that Admin had moderated him for something?

      Hope he’s allowed out on bail soon

      He was modded for posting a superfluous comment on the Nominations page. The rules and the consequences for breaking them are there for all to see. Instead of sucking it up, he got lippy. When we responded to his lip, he became belligerent then slagged off the site. He’s now picked up his ball and gone off in a sulk.

      • Bucky Beaver teeth and weak chins.

        Morning Arfur 👍

        Little snob straight from the Thornberry Academy of sneering.

    • Didn’t know you were a arse man MNC . Frankly, on the basis the Good Lord made shit so unpleasant, it has never really appealed although a lot of my mates swear by it.

      • How’s tricks Wanksock?
        Hope you’re ok?

        Backdoor as in ” all tradesmen use the backdoor”

        These types always ask me to take off my shoes on removals.

        Like I’ve got time to take off my boots and put them on again 50 times.

        I take great pleasure in refusing.

        ” Health and safety luv.”

        Their mean petty little mouths tighten like a puckered arsehole 😁

        See I’m back to arses again!

      • It amazes me just how many tradesmen etc automatically start taking their shoes off when they enter our house.
        I take great pleasure in telling them to keep them on.
        We don’t want them stinking out our house with their sweaty, smelly socks, the cunts.

      • Exactly Minge.

        Take my dirty boots off?
        My socks are far dirtier.
        Like a tramps sleeping bag!

      • My wellies have their own ecosystem. I prefer the tradesman’s entrance as many don’t have doorbell cameras to catch me scratching my balls or relieving myself in the bushes.

      • Not too bad MNC, still a bit slow after the surgery but making progress and I have started the rehab exercises. The voice is still very croaky.
        I hope you’re OK and business is booming?

  10. Over 600 people actually liked her tweet! Most piled on though to tell her what an utter twonk she is.
    Her sort would like us all to be put in re-education camps I’m sure.

  11. ‘and then you remember what people in England look like’

    Real people who’ve built this country and seen it ruined by the likes of you, with your refugees welcome and just stop oil ilk…by the way you need to clean the mirrors in your pad as they’re obviously giving you a false image 🤮 gobshite

  12. Guardian journalist- check
    Nose ring- check.
    JSO supporter-check
    Oily forehead-check.
    Utter cunt-check and a tick..

    • Not from me.

      I reinforce every stereotype she holds about the working class,
      I’m vulgar , uncouth, , racist, shave headed, and possibly smell.

      I’d force my beerbelly up against her and sexily suggest

      ” Want me to spit on my hands luv before I get down to foreplay?”

      • She’d fucking love it, probably never been near an actual man. Sure she thinks she likes the fem soy boys but once she’s been used as a pleasure toy and kicked out of bed by a real man she’d be all ‘was that tea with your toast Mr Mis Sir?’

        If she reads your post she’ll be touching herself under the desk.

      • I hope so Six.

        I like to fulfill the sexual fantasies of horse teethed young ladies.

        Chips n gravy in bed,
        And she could darn the holes in my threadbare undercrackers while I watch Steptoe on telly?

      • They’re handy Sammy!
        Planing wood ,sharpening scissors,
        Opening cans of dog food etc.

        A mouthful of chisels is a fine attribute in a woman.

  13. She’s like lots of females who don’t realise danger and want to mother you and don’t think of the consequences, when stood before them is a stereotypical looking evil bastards, whose only intentions are to get what he wants. You will have noticed I’m reciting what is typical about naive young ladies who you read about and end up dead or go missing.

    • i’d like to dress her and Sugartits Cooper up in school uniforms and dump them, naked in to a Rochdale kebab shop or minicab office and let the staff break their back doors in. That might teach these witless tarts.

      • I’d like to do something similar, only the girls will have the worse sexual diseases known to man and hope to wipe out the owners of the kebab shops.

    • OT Geordie, but having spent my working life driving all over the UK I have often noticed what a distorted view of the geography of the country is held by many people. The staff at the head office in Harlow of one of my employers were convinced that Birmingham was adjacent to Manchester. A man to whom I mentioned I was born in Walsall told me his mother-in-law lived near there. Where? Bradford. I met a Scotsman who had a visceral hatred of another man who was from “the deep south”. The object of his loathing was from Stockport.

      Don’t worry, it wasn’t you Mis; you were still at school.

      • To make things all the more confusing, I’m originally from Bradford, Manchester.

      • I find it hard to believe someone could take umbrage with anyone from Stockport Arfur?

        We are the nicest of people.

        Everyone loves us 😁

  14. Worked at JOE (a bog trotting publication) , like that loathsome Oli Dugmore who is a younger James O’Brien clone, but as regards to Robyn, she’s just one of a long list of irrelevant Quislings who loathes this once great country!

  15. Go on then Robyn, hold your nose and take a trip to Hartlepool to report on last night’s unrest.
    You know, Hartlepool.
    It’s in the gammon-infested Far-Right North.
    Oh look it up on Google then.

    And while you’re there you might like to ask some of the local Untermensch about last October when a defenceless pensioner was stabbed to death in Hartlepool by an illegal Moroccan import.

    On second thoughts maybe not. You don’t want to get sacked by the Guardian, do you?

  16. Ha! Ha!
    Just reading the replies on Twatter.
    I expect she ran home crying to her parents saying “Everyone hates me” sniffle, sniffle.
    Stupid arrogant little cow, another one to add to the list when The Great Putsch arrives.

  17. Vinter and Santina Evans; two cheeks on the same arsehole.

    North of England correspondent? Watford then?

    She’s got a nerve talking about ‘what people actually look like’ if that mugshot’s anything to go by. She reminds me of Red Rum.

    Morning all.

  18. Ah, yes. A “confident young woman” type. Otherwise known as a “harridan” or a “harpie.”

    She needs a to be slipped a length. That’ll sort her out. Post-rut clarity might even lead to her deciding to work for a proper newspaper.

  19. Men in red jeans ( or pink!!!)

    Advocado salad

    Asking stupid fuckin questions in the pub ( is this vegan friendly)
    Pay by card?
    Why don’t they carry cash?

    Paying through the nose for eco friendly products

    White guilt for something a ancestors done 200year ago

    They hate us, and I hate them right back.

    • How’s tricks, MNC? You well?

      I agree. Men shouldn’t be wearing jeans in any other colour than blue. They shouldn’t cost more than £30, either.

      Regarding cash, I had a chat with one of these “confident young women” types about this. She said she would rather “pay more tax if it leads to a fairer society.”

      How I didn’t fucking glass her, I have no idea. It’s avoidance, not evasion. Cunt.

      • Ticketyboo thanks CC👍
        Hope you’re well?

        Im not keen on a fairer society.
        It tends to be fairer to everyone but the indigenous Brits .

        As for ‘Tax’ I’ve heard about it but like the female orgasm I just assumed it was a myth….

    • Not bad ta, MNC. The Peaks are most verdant at the moment, so plenty of time in the garden. The veg is coming along a treat.

      Tax? Pff. It’s like darkies – it you don’t believe in it, it doesn’t exist!

  20. If she stepped out in front of me when I’m driving I doubt there would be any skid marks. Just put it down to prescription drugs and age.

  21. Just a silly young flibbertigibbet.

    Limited life experience.

    Probably spoilt as a child.

    Smack her bottom and send her to bed without any supper 😭

    Good morning 🌄👍

  22. Just another silly, overindulged middle class self entitled harpy. Deny her the oxygen of publicity.

    Even better, deny her the oxygen of oxygen.

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