I’m late to the party on this one, but Rachel ‘Raygun’ Gunn deserves a cunting.
This bitch represented Australia in breakdancing at the Olympics. Well, I say ‘represented’ – she put in an awful performance and rightly got slammed for it. In the aftermath of said performance, she cried about ‘bullying’, attempted to play the victim and made no attempt to apologise for or own up to her dreadful display.
She also happens to be a university lecturer in – yes, you guessed it – breakdancing, and got given AU$20000 OF TAXPAYERS’ MONEY to go to the Olympics. She has, in essence, gotten a free holiday at the taxpayers’ expense and used it to embarrass her country on the international stage. For that, she deserves all the criticism she gets and then some.
Nominated by OpinionatedCunt.
“Oi Sheila, d’ya fancy a free trip to Paris and being put up in a swankey hotel for nothin’?”
“Awww, what’s the story, moite?”
“Well, youz just gotta jump around a bit crackin’ de shits like a hoon and doin’ an impression of a madhouse kangaroo.”
:Aww, fack yee.”
36 years old.. Time to put childish things away luv..
Australians should stick to boxing kangaroos, drinking shit lager and getting eaten by sharks and crocodiles..
And cricket..
Good Morning Barry,
Have you seen women’s cricket? It is a heap of steaming crap. I use to play for our local village 3rd team and I think we were on a par with most national sides in the women’s game. There are 2 purposes for women at a cricket club, making the teas and getting shagged on the square(.Remember to take your shoes off first I don’t spend all week rolling, watering and mowing it for you to fuck it up, that was my catchphrase)
Morning wanksock.
I have, and I’m still scarred by it.
I was talking about the mens game.
Women should stick to gymnastics and beach volleyball..
For the women’s cricket they have to bring the boundaries in that close its hardly worth running. I also remember when they wore short skirts. As if wearing trousers makes them play any better.
They make lovely cucumber sandwiches.
Sam Beau – are you being dirty here or are you actually talking about bread sandwiches? 😉
There’s one thing even worse than women’s cricket, and that’s women cricket commentators. ‘And she’s hit that, and it’s running away to the boundary; might be a four, or might not…’.
Women should stick to games like netball. You know, healthy girls in short gym slips working up a sweat…
Er, back in ten.
Helo Ron,
I use to love TMS when driving around, I can hardly bear to put it on now. Jonathan Agnew I think is very underrated as a broadcaster but unfortunately doesn’t fit in with the desired BBC demographics.
When a country is in the Olympics it is not compulsory to enter every sport.
Britain do, along with Australia it seems, but if you don’t have a competitor that can actually compete then why bother?
Britain seems to enter everything.
There is the attitude that it’s all good to experience.
But if that experience is not going to ever result in a victory then there is no point.
The Australians have admitted that break dancing is not a big thing there.
So don’t bother with that ‘sport’ then, you daft cunts.
Breakdancing. I find it astonishing that there are adults who takes this juvenile pastime seriously. Then again, the whole concept of dancing passes my by.
Me too, Arfur.
I just don’t get this modern obsession with dancing.
Strictly, Diversity and all that bollox.
When I was growing up, the main exposure I had of dancing was Legs and Co, or Pans People on Top of the Pops, and that was a sign of cheapness because they couldn’t get a particular act to appear.
Beyond that, it later involved throwing some shapes after a disco biscuit or two in some shitty club.
Oh I don’t know;
Oh Susanna.
I’ll concede that spinning around on your back then flipping up in the air, landing on your feet, then twirling around on one hand etc. etc. etc. does take a fair degree of fitness, athleticism, balance and practice.
At best a pastime, hobby or interest – never a sport.
How the Games have moved so far beyond traditional ‘track and field’ is beyond me. That said, haven’t watched it since I was a young lad when all we had were 3 channels and the adults in the room had it on.
What next? Conkers? Hula-hooping? Hopscotch? Oh wait….I need to STFU, I’m giving those cunts ideas!
As I have posted before, Morris Dancing should be an Olympic sport.
Along with Cheese Rolling and Welly Throwing.
Better than this daft Sheila.
Don’t forget binge drinking and apologising, geordie..
Other games I’d like to see in the Olympics;
What is Father-Michael’s-Little-Secret?
Oh wait….I think I might have guessed. Does Father Michael show you his secret after choir practice?
Billiards, snooker and pool. Darts. Ballroom dancing. Cribbage and pontoon. Ludo. Hopscotch. Mime. Naked mud wrestling (ladies only).
Morning all.
Oops forgot pie eating.
It used to be called epilepsy.
A jap would of done the decent thing and committed hari-kari if they’d humiliated themselves like Rachel.
She squawked that she’s getting a lot of HATE, (file under laughter)
But the Australian bodypopping community is supporting her.
So 3 aborigines and a bloke in a unwashed tracksuit with no fixed abode.
“If at first you don’t succeed then it probably wasn’t worth doing anyway”.
~ Homer Simpson ~
Never been impressed by some twat bodypopping.
Even if they’re good at it.
Northern Soul dancing would be nearer to a sport,
Back flips, timed drops,
Spins, etc.
I remember seeing it as a kid and being impressed.
Seems like she’s adopted the Marcus Rashford code of sportsmanship.
Put in a string of abject performances, then go crying to the msm about online abuse.
And as with St Marcus, no evidence is offered.
If this ‘abuse’ featured things like ‘you were shit’ ‘are you taking the piss?’and ‘we want our money back’ it’s actually fair criticism.
Still, it’s a good way of diverting one kind of attention and attracting another.
I for one don’t mind wimmin being allowed to try to be good at sports.
Take this ghetto popping tracksuit dancing for instance,completely unwatchable…until its transformed by making them wear the same excellent outfits that they have in the beach volleyball..
and no I’m not referring to the fucking Egyptians who dressed like ninjas.
Good morning.
oh and “hate speech” is just a political censorious tool.used by the woke to close down criticism of their profound stupidity
The fucking cunts that they are
I blame the covids for turning people in to crybaby thlidalikes with no backbone. It undermined their self-confidence and caused mental health problems. All that worry about whether they might die of a cold if they went to work, it was unbearable. Anyone who took any notice of Handcock, Rucksack, or the Clown Cunt, is now a complete basket case.
Australia locked down harder and longer, so it stands to reason that the Aussies are even more fucked.
Good morning, everyone.
Surely Rolf’s old mate would have been the one for this event…go on Jake spin that extra leg ?…….?
This woman’s “break dancing” kind of reminds me of this:
Which in turn kind of reminds me of this:
Her husband is something to do with the Australian Olympics selection committee.
So she was selected over someone who may have actual talent on this area thanks to her obvious connection.
Anyway, everyone knows that breakdancing was invented when the yoot of New York tried stealing the hubcaps off of moving vehicles back in the 80’s.
Fuck knows why it is an olympic sport.
Back in the 70’s Odin.
50 fucking year’s ago.
And they have now decided to get up to date by having this shit in the Olympics.
It’s in America again next year.
Maybe they will have the hand jive as a sport.
In the USA?
They’ll probably have more shooting events than ever before.
Or lindyhopping. Which might actually be entertaining.
Poor Raygun, someone should have told her that her routine was shit even before she left home, don’t bother luv, it’s crap, people will laugh.
There must have been some spotty kid somewhere in Australia who could have made a fucking effort ?
Break dancing or ‘Breaking’ what a pile of ……
I paid next to no attention to the Olympics but did, of all things, catch some of the breakdancing and skateboarding, two things that turned out to be surprisingly wholesome.
Skateboarding was up there with pole-vaulting as a ‘sport’ in which the competitors fail about 80% of the time. But they were all took it quite well and were clearly just happy to be pissing about in front of a small crowd.
I missed this cunt’s kangaroo bopping bunglefuck of a peformance but if you truly want to know how low she faceplanted into the bar then you’d do well to watch the final.
Still, this is about as much of a sport as ‘British bulldog’ (which we also had in Oireland).
This year they allowed Trannies to compete.
And if they have break dancing why not cross dressing? Twerking? Perhaps even a stabbing event?
Actually, I sooooooooo don’t care about the Olympics that in reality, I don’t give anything even remotely close to a fuck.
Cross dressing. Now that would be entertaining General.
Done underwater!
I didn’t watch any of it. It’s a waste of the taxpayer’s money to indulge these cunts on a junket that for the most part have been indulged by their weak willed parents or private schools looking for more government subsidies. The money would be better spent on local sports clubs of all age levels, cricket, football, rugby and even soccer for the coloured —folk as well as lawn bowls for the crusties.
Thank you Admins for cleaning that up.??
I didn’t watch any of the Olympics due to the absolute cluster fuck opening show. Trust France to make a fucking obscene spectacle of the whole thing. Also, having fucking homo’s, n*nces and n*gongs competing kind of took the excitement away! As for Australia selecting this fucking female, Joey Deacon impression, well that’s about their fucking limit. Naught but a bunch of uncultured, uneducated, unintelligent fuckwits!!
Moderated, surely I’m beyond Kier Stasimong’s reach. Oh dear, maybe not.
Beware! The Starm Troopers are everywhere.
Sound counsel General, our PM seems to be emulate Sir Stasi more and more every day. Though he looks more like the Gestapo cunt in Raiders than Erik Honecker.
And remember Shack,
Things are going to get a lot worse before they completely fall apart.
I didn’t see the break dancing but that was by choice, it’s a cuntish thing to have as a sport event it is after all dancing.
It’s a load of bollocks anyway and should be restricted to inner city boons with bits of old lino…….
I’m not a musician but I did play on the linoleum as a child
I’ll get me coat.
We did have a resident breakdancer on this site.. cuntybollocks.. but he hasn’t been seen for ages..
I assumed he was in training to be the British entry.
More likely just sick of us cunts on here..
She is a cunt BUT note that Australia does not use taxpayer monies to fund athletes at the Olympics. The “committee” fund raise and use sponsors monies to fund the entire Olympic campaign.
I’d understood that in breakdancing, like (c)rap, the performer had to make it up as they went along, and that, (like Notting Hill) there were no rules. So how could you tell if the woman was pioneering the genre – as she seems to think – or just pissing about? There should be an Olympic event for bad losers bitching about the injustice of it all on social media, though. She’d win that.
Talking of Notting Hill, so far eight stabbings in total have been acknowledged, with 334 arrests.
I think it was Homer Simpson that said,
‘It’s better never to have tried, than to have tried and failed’
take heed woman
Did any of you cunts watch the Olympics?? The only bit I saw was this retard pretending to be a kangaroo.
What a fucking cunt, proves the so called human race is doomed.
She actually gets paid to teach this shit…
This serves the Olympic games committee right for thinking this qualifies as an olympic sport. She is indeed a monumental cunt, but if i got 20 k from the government to go on a jaunt with no idea about what i had to do, i would as well, I just would not be a cunt about it afterwards. This Raygun cunt deserves all she got at the end for making it worse than it need to be and lets hoe its not long before the cunt lands on the wrong side if her head.
Olympics letting this in was the same as Film federation letting the Oscars be hosted by minorities- Que Will Smiths ghetto slap. Nothing wrong with what he did, if your from the ghetto. Why have the oscars not been hosted by them since?
The issue with her is that she has no natural talent for this.
There was no fluidity in her movements, no flair and no attempt to wow the crowd with a twist on old favourites moves.
Her performance was clunky albeit original in a totally lacklustre way.
Reminiscent of Eric Cartman failing in the special Olympics..
Olympic tit job champion.
Its very very rough. Would not be your proudest but good for any holes a goal (used to be played 1 hour before closing time)
Another totally worthless millennial claiming victimhood and delusions of adequacy.
This is the neo-epileptic body popper’s credentials from the Macquarie den of bullshitters and ‘me-toos’ :
“Bachelor of Arts degree in Contemporary Music from Macquarie University (2009) and a PhD in Cultural Studies from the same institution (2017). Her PhD thesis, titled “Deterritorializing Gender in Sydney’s Breakdancing Scene: A B-girl’s Experience of B-boying,” explored the intersection of gender and Sydney’s breaking culture.”
Why was this overgrown cretin even allowed on the international stage, was it a ‘joke’ ? Fnuurr Fnuurr .
This breed of melts, and the even more worthless Gen Z $pa$tics, egged on by NIMBY liberals are the entire reason we have a major shitshow on our hands, from their attention seeking (for the square root of fuck all creativity and labour) and stampy demands to be recognised ( see above, they just don’t know it).
Fuck them, these are my twilight years, I’ll happily bask in the glow of their terminal idiocracy.
This clueless cunt made a laughing stock of not just herself, but the entire nation whose badge she was slapping with that greasy, smug grin at the same time.
Self-awareness is a forgotten principle. Burn and die in excrement, you cunt,
along with the rest of the aforementioned, worthless cunto generation.
Good morning.
Why the feck was she selected in the first place? Clearly an epileptic spas could have done better yet they put Raygun forward.
At least she got nil points.