Quislings in the community

County of Norfolk flag, would they allow this? C.A.

In the small village of Claxton, Norfolk (pop. 300) some of the communidy are appalled that the national flag should be raised next to the village hall. This is because our country’s standard can be seen as “divisive” and “nationalistic” or “anti-immigrant”. By whom? The media are rather quiet on this. The assumption is that the complainants are residents of Claxton, who feel* that showing the national flag might put off people who would otherwise want to live there – almost certainly code for immigrants.

Couple of points there: at last we have a solution to the boat problem. Simply erect a huge UJ in the middle of the Channel, and hey presto, no more immo misery! And I search my meagre recollection of history in vain to find anyone unwilling to invade/resettle these islands since ( and including) the Glorious Revolution because we had a nasty flag.

Unanswered is the burning question: why anyone living in idyllic and still mostly British rural Norfolk (bar the odd Kurdish kebabista) would even want to encourage the type of shitbrained cunt who thinks our national flag is a symbol of racism?


(Choice of source was a bit limited because the meeja handled this one with a pair of Teflon tongs, or put it behind a paywall)

*”Feel”: The use of this word was adapted by Miranda Blair as an infinitely flexible substitute for “know”, requiring as it does no confirmatory data.


Nominated by Komodo.

97 thoughts on “Quislings in the community

  1. Just goes to show how many of these bed wetting crypto commies are embedded in our communites.
    Piano wire and full oven!

    • We will have to have an IsAC cake sale to raise funds for Unkle Terry’s new oven. I hear that Mis is famous for his fairy cakes but steer clear of TtCE ‘s chocolate fingers.

  2. Lot of timid trembling bookish little church mice types in Claxton.

    They should have a purge.

    Anyone who doesn’t like the flag of this country Is a traitor.
    Drag them to the duck pond and let them face trial by the citizens of Claxton.

    Free ale before hand in the pub,
    Drag the accused to the pond and give them the choice

    Trial by fire or water.

    They’ll soon have the flag flying

  3. Oh no!

    Not the far-right again!

    Curtain twitchers paradise. They probably phone up the police with weekly sightings of Tommy Robinson around the village.

    Wait until Labour start dumping third world vermin in quite villages like these and then you will really have something to complain about.

    • I would have a cardboard cut out of him and leave it different places around Claxton. Having a pint in the beer garden of the pub or Pilates in the village hall. That kind of thing.

  4. I suppose that there is no problem with flying a rainbow flag during pride month.

  5. I’m sure the 9 foot flagpole will suffice, till the gallows are built..

    Hopefully slack knickers rayner will rehouse a dozen or so stabby enricher’s on the town..
    Silly twats.

    • I’ve seen scores of Angela Rayners in my time.
      On the cider at 14, up the duff at 15, pushing a buggy at 16.
      Ten a penny. But, somehow, this one ‘got lucky’ and ended up in government.

  6. Thanks to these traitors, bloody darkıes are everywhere, literally everywhere.
    I was visiting a client near Burford at the end of last week (in the Cotswolds for you northern fellows), and right out in the country there were fucking nıg-nọgs parked in a layby.
    I was furious.
    That’s the layby I normally park in to decant the latest corpse from my boot into the hedgerow.

    • My local dentists at Unsworth. A very small and quiet little town between Prestwich and Bury.

      Crammed with African cunts ‘demanding’ interpeters and free treatment. And that was in 2019, before Covid was even heard of. They were on their knees and overrun long before Covid started.

      And, my local Spar now has items like Coffee and Tuna behind the till counter, because Africans nick them. Mind you, they know they can do it. As the soft bastards always let them off. The cunts are laughing at them. They are laughing at us all. Thnigs are shitty for us under Keir Stalin. But – as old SuperMac once said – the Africans here have never had it so good.

      • Last time I was in the aforementioneddentist (about two months ago), an African woman just threw her son’s coat in the middle of the waiting room floor. There were lots of hangers there, but this didn’t bother this ignorant uncouth bitch.

        Needless to say, none of the staff fronted her up and told her to hang it up like any normal decent person does.

        Import Third World muck. You get Third World muck. Simple as that.

      • Wait until the bitch goes in, take the coat and rub in a pile of dog shit. Or her shit.

  7. These webtoed little traitors deserve mass immigration in their village.

    Never heard the like.

    Scared to fly the flag of your own country?!!!

    Fuckin inbreds.

  8. So the Union flag is divisive and they don’t want to appear anti immigrant.

    Great, well there’s 40,000 you can have you knobheads, and that’s just this year’s intake. You can house them at the bottom of your gardens where they’ll get a lovely view of Mad Ed’s 50 metre high pylons. Presumably you’re in favour of them too.

    Have they become infested with the woke virus in Norfolk, or are they just a few bricks short as a result of all that sibling shagging?

  9. The National flag might be ‘nationalistic’, well yes that’s the whole point or am I just a knuckle dragging far right thug.

    PS, the vicious rumour that I have a Tommy R poster on my bedroom wall is an outright lie!

  10. Nothing illustrates hate like a community of indigenous English flying their nation’s flag. It is the epitome of an intolerant, far right. white supremacist, institutionally racist Britain and must be eradicated.

    And in the war on Western Civilization the faithful must destroy the history, heritage, institutions and symbols of their infidel oppressors.

    Thank Allah Kweer and his Starm Troopers have a mandate to stamp it out once and for all!

    Bring on the Caliphate.

    The People’s Islamic Republic of New Brittanistan.

    • If an alien arrived tomorrow and landed in the UK he/she/they would assume that this was our national flag


    • General.
      Am I right in thinking that every child on their first day at school in America is given a photo of the nation flag and taught its importance?

      • Hey Artful,

        It depends on where you live for the most part. While to be sure the Wokerati have infected school systems all over the country.

        When I was a boy in school, we stood up every morning, put our hand over our heart and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

        Before the start of EVERY professional and high level amateur sporting event in America, people stand and remove their cap while the National Anthem is played.

        But alas I fear the forces of darkness are at work in my nation as well. There has been a movement, particularly in the National Basketball Association (NBA) to replace America’s National Anthem with the (so-called) “Black National Anthem”…”Lift Every Voice and Sing.”

        And while the Wokerati have infected School systems all over America, now you’re more likely to see what you described in Rebel Corners, Mississippi or Snake Jaw, Idaho than at the Martin Luther King Leadership Academy or the New Way Learning Center.

        Pride flags, Crescent flags, and all manner of abominations show up all over America in the name of tolerance and diversity while Old Glory is reviled as a symbol of White supremacy by those who hate us.

      • When I lived briefly in the US (Hoosier country, GC. My best mate was referred to as a Polack) with an alien immigrant visa for which I had to recite the oath of allegiance, you couldn’t move for bloody starses and stripeses. Everywhere. All public spaces and buildings, 50% of private ones. Every classroom in the local High. Waved enthusiastically at all public events, in time to the INTERMINABLE anthem. I did have the feeling that this was overdoing it, probably in the interests of promoting the Vietnam war. But I was bloody careful what I said about it.

      • Hoosier country? That’s interesting. I’m a native of Northwest Indiana.

        As we are contemporaries (in age), I can say that your assessment about over-doing it is probably accurate.

        Anti war sentiment…anti government sentiment…anti-establishment sentiment…anti-religious sentiment and on and on it went. Revolution was in the air and so was counter-revolution.

      • The old man worked in Elkhart, but we lived a few miles into Michigan. Happy days, good people.

  11. I remember the boxer Amir Khan’s professional fights in the UK.
    He would have a mouth guard in the colours of the Pakistani flag and there were hundreds of people in the crowd waving that countries flag too.

    This was just after the Olympics where he fought for Great Britain.

    He should have been made to give his medal back and to repay all the money that he was given for his training.

    At any cricket match in the UK when India or Pakistan are playing England there will be hundreds of supporters waving the flags of those two countries.

    It’s a fucking disgrace.

    Every public building in England should be made to fly the country’s and nations flags.

    Anyone that objects should shut the fuck up.

    I honestly think that the disrespect for the country starts with the disrespect for the flag.
    Everything goes downhill from there.

    It’s that important.

    • And him who plays for Tottingham… That Son fellah…
      Scores of Koreans, at Spurs waving Sourh Korean flags.
      Any objections to that? Nah, course there isn’t.

      In actual fact, the BBC were wanking off about that very subject on Football Focus last Saturday.

  12. In my part of north Norfolk, the Union, English and Norfolk flags are flown at every opportunity, proudly so. This tw@t who objected in Claxton must be a champagne socialist Islingtonian with a holiday property in the village.

    • Respect, Norfolk.
      I don’t care if you’ve got 12 fingers, drink scrumpy and are your own father – you have a god-given right to fly the national flag.
      Combine harvesters, etc.

    • No love lost whatsoever between Ispwich Town and Norwich City supporters.

      Their hate for each other equals Manchester United vs Manchester City or Newcastle United vs Sunderland, and that’s to be admired.

      • I’ve heard that too Norman.

        Their hatred runs so deep they throw carrots at each other.

  13. Flood the village with assorted dinghy grabbers; onion-headed Somalians, a sprinkle of whistling/clicking Eritreans, some square-headed Albanians and Roma diddicoys.

    A perfect mix that will inevitably culminate in street defecation, burglaries, potting-shed break-ins, pickpocketing, swan eating and the odd, behind the local pub gang rape.

    Splendid, those in-bred, fucking cyclops will then enjoy the inclusivity that they apparently value so highly.

    Aaave ya got a cunt, boy?

    Fuck off.

  14. Local councils are run like banana republics and mini dictatorships.

    Some of the shit various ones get up to. Fining families for taking their kids for two weeks holiday during term time. Fining somebody for feeding a pigeon a McDonals’s chip (true story) Demanding an old lady take down a ‘Merry Christmas’ flag in case it offends or excludes Paggis. And, of course bin men on a power trip who only empty the main bin once a month.

    When I was a lad, my old man could only get two weeks off a year. And because they fell in late August early September, we usually went on holiday for a fortnight then and it was never a problem. My teacher was always fine about it, and she knew I could catch up on the work easily, which I always did. Now, in such a situation, the fascist cunts who now run schools via the council go divvy and fine families as much as 80 pounds. I’d have loved to have seen a modern council tosspot demand 80 quid off my dad. He’d have shoved what was closest to hand up their arse.

    • Yet schools have no problem in employing Peter File teachers, and if they can’t control their urges, it is usually glossed over.

    • True, W.C
      They teach 8 year olds about men committing buggery, and read them books like ‘Grandad’s Pride’.

      Absolutely disgusting, snd priorities are totally warped.

  15. Fuck Claxton!
    Do they seriously think appeasing the vermin will work in their favour.
    If you’re reading this mr Chamberlain I suggest your ghost go and haunt the village of Claxton.
    Ok I know the shit about appeasement was not all down to you but you were the poster boy so get to it and if you don’t I’ll get Churchills ghost to come and give you a good shoeing!

  16. The flag – our flag – has meant and represented many different things over the years.

    The fight against and the defeat of Hitler. Hilary and Sherpa conquering Everest. Bobby Moore and the boys of 66. Swinging London. the punk explosion. Elizabeth II’s coronation and Silver Jubilee. Saying up yours to the EU.

    It’s part of who we are and all that is (or should I say was?) good about our country. So anyone who is ‘ashamed’ of it or doesn’t like it can fuck off and go and live with thier precius migrants in the shitholes where they came from.

  17. In Latvia you can be fined for not displaying the flag on Independence Day (November 18th). Show any disrespect to their magnificent war memorial in Riga and the locals will kick the shit out of you.

    • You can fly any legal flag that you want in Spain, but you will be fined if you don’t fly the Spanish flag of at least the same size next to it.

      October 12th is our National Day.

      The ‘Rojigualda’ will be flying proudly above every building and most houses.

      We will have flags which are made to hook onto car windows.

      It’s a colourful day.

  18. That’s the thing though.
    Places like Claxton, who are largely untouched by migrant muck think it either doesn’t exist or that it’s quaint.

    Yet, any big English town in infested. Every other (literally every other) voice in Manchester City Centre is an Eastern European Dooshka, talking loudly in their own language. And then there’s the rest of them. Police now chasing Somalians through the Arndale Centre is now a regular sight. I rarely go to my own home town now, because it is now knee deep in migrant shit.

    • I dare say Gary Lineker will be yapping bout how his ‘black’ grandad was at Normandy. It’s the usual sort of shite he comes out with.

      My own grandfather was a prisoner of the Japanese (cunts). while my Great Uncle John anf my (American) Uncle Ed fought the Germans in the Battle of the Bulge.

  19. That’s awfully considerate of them, sent a 1000 immigrants to stay there and see who’s more offended,

  20. If Claxton is like the rest of norfolk, then they are a bunch of retarded cunts. The whole county is chocca with east Europeans. Thetford – shithole, kings lynn – ditto, diss – worst of them all, swaffham, watton, all dumps.

    • But…but… they work hard, builders an plumbers an that, an do the jobs that British people won’t etc etc (it says here)

    • Agreed – but there are still some nice old English towns and villages (just about) clinging on, north of Caister to Cromer, etc. Don’t take too kindly to furriners and blow-ins

  21. Claxton sounds ideal for next year’s Notting hill stabfest..

    10,000 pavement apes can descend on the sleepy little town, and enricher the locals..

    Good news, if the locals lose a thumb or toe to a zombie knife, they will finally have the right number..

  22. I’m glad they spoke up.

    It makes it easy to identify the fifth column cunts.

    Then their houses can be bulldozed and statues of Nelson,Wellington,Montgomery,Churchill etc can be built there instead.

    Fuck the pathetic arse kissing cunts.

  23. I’m sick of the lie that the ‘far right’ have hijacked our national flag.
    They fucking well haven’t.
    It’s decades of leftist propaganda that all English history is racist, violent and colonialist.
    Decades of promoting the Union Jack as the preferred flag to wave, as it implies that we’re living in perfect harmony with our neighbours, the Welsh and Scottish, many of whom don’t want the union to continue.
    Hence it’s ok for them to wave their flags and have vehemently nationalist political parties accepted as the norm.
    The English left fucking despise the country they were born in. Work that one out.
    Can you think of any other nation on earth that has citizens and political masters like that?
    What the fuck are they hoping to achieve?

    • Every country on the planet has their own government, good or bad. The UK has 3, one for England is not among them.

  24. My guess is that some of the flannel bloomered old Kentish Care4Calis tarts have moved to Norfolk to spread their word, vile it is. They are lonely and on the prowl for a bit of Islamic dick. “Oooooh, fuck me, Tariq, fuck me, let me take my teeth out and I’ll give you a gummy blow job, oh, Tariq ooooooooooohh!”.

    They don’t need dinghy raiders – they just need an hour or two in Thomas’s love dungeon.

  25. It was about 15 year’s ago when Spain played England at football in Alicante.

    There were a few England supporters who turned up a few day’s in advance in my local town.
    Their cars had the English flag in the back windows.

    A barmaid asked me what country’s flag it was.

    In another bar the owner had put out flags to promote the game.
    He had the Union Jack alongside the Spanish flag.

    At the stadium the scoreboard showed the Union Jack next to the England team name.

    The English flag is almost unrecognisable.

    People here are more likely to think that the cross of St. George is the Georgia flag.

  26. To the good folk of Clacton

    I say rise up !!
    Stand tall!
    Be proud!

    You have nothing to lose but your vestigial tails!

    Fly the flag!
    Place it above your Wicker man!

    My the words of Rule Brittania be on your harelips.

    This isle, this”sceptred isle, This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars. This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England !!!

    Pick up your pitchforks and fight like the lions Englishmen are.

    • Claxton.
      Fuckin Claxton.

      This fucking phone is going to die if it keeps changing my posts.

      The quisling fuck

      • Evening MNC…has your dog ever seen a darkıe up there in the wilds of Northumberland?
        It must be terrifying for a dog, seeing someone for the first time with more than a touch of the tarbrush.
        Still, better than seeing a chınky chasing after him with a wok and some chopsticks!

      • My dad’s dog hated darkies, used to go fucking nuts if one walked past the house and also if anyone was wearing a bobble hat.
        All natural too, no training required.

      • Going by that unmitigated pile of shite ‘Vera’ on the idiot box then 90% of Northumberland’s population is tinted.

      • Even that English institution, The Archers is now full of treswingers and Asian personages.

        And that well known place in Weatherfield is now known as Currynation Street, home of the Raghead’s Return Inn. Alluah Akbar, chuck.

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