someone needs to show these fools what policing actually means.
After a week, more or less, of civil unrest ( fucking idiots using any excuse for a rammy), I’m just waiting for the 10pm – 7am curfew. I’ll be astonished if it doesn’t happen.
Here’s a police force who are actually doing the job they signed up for, policing!
More power to your elbows, my dears. I just wish we had more of you.
Proper coppers!
Nominated by Jeezum Priest.
They will be wanting more money soon for their two-tiered policing.
It’s tough on their knees grovelling all day to inbreds and pavement apes.
As for proper policing, try arresting criminals once in while, you never know you might like it.
Sorry but best laugh of the day border farce are going on strike this month..
Yeah you cunts will be missed..
I suppose you’re over the moon about this, Bz, you spudophobe:
Brexit, Ukraine and climate change..
What no far right and islamaphobia.
Shame on the telegraph.
‘… border farce are going on strike …’ that’ll cut down the number of boats as they won’t be bringing them in.
I very much doubt they will get much support from PixieBalls, Butler, Lewis or any of the other Commie bum fun wankers.
I don’t think that there is any hope for the police force in the UK.
You can’t really overhaul the entire force without sacking almost all of them.
I think that the first mistake was putting women in charge wherever possible.
That must have completely demoralised any hard working policemen who were passed over for promotion.
Then zero tolerance policing was introduced.
I think that the only reason for that was so high ranking police officers who had been promoted way beyond their capabilities didn’t have to make any decisions.
Everything could be done by the book.
The police service as it is now should be downgraded to a service that just does menial tasks.
Manning zebra crossings, helping old ladies across the road, giving people directions as such like.
They really don’t seem capable of anything else.
A new force should be correctly recruited and rigorously trained.
They should be armed.
They shouldn’t have to be monitored by a woke bunch of bleeding heart liberals on a committee.
They shouldn’t need to wear body cameras to watch everything that they do.
There has been an effort for the police to gain respect and trust from the general public by trying to befriend them, but this has not worked.
People who break the law should fear the police.
People who don’t break the law should have confidence in them.
And it’s exactly the other way round. Only the innocent need fear the police nowadays.
Law abiding white people in particular.
Post of the year Mr Cunter.
A new paramilitary force is long overdue,without the oversight of woke “group think”.
A modern Special Patrol Group who’s first rule is No Fucking About.
Good morning
I think that it’s normal that if you live in a foreign country that you try to avoid the police.
You don’t yet understand the laws or the way that the police work.
For a long time I was very wary of the Guardia Civil.
Never breaking speed limits and getting nervous at road blocks.
Immigrants arriving in the UK know that the police are not going to be a problem for them.
Within weeks they are littering, stealing and harassing under aged girls.
Try that in any other country and you would get beaten up and deported.
No trial, no appeals, a senior police officer will sign the deportation papers and you will be handcuffed and put on a plane.
Word quickly gets around about how fucking soft the UK police are.
Beware what you wish for, you might just get it. Don’t think for one minute that the New National Starmtroopers would be impartial. I Ave no problem with dealing with proper lawbreaking, but it’s currently devil ed into something far darker where to give the illusion of activity go after soft targets particularly harshly misusing and subverting the law, while backing off from dealing with the genuinely dangerous far left, the socialist wankers party and of course their protected at all costs Religion of Fluffy Kittens, as we wouldn’t want to be called waaaayycist or phobic or risk another armed brutal anti-white riot.
There was a case this very week about white male police officers being discriminated against:
Too bloody right, Art.
Our cops have no powers to sort out riots. French cops would have had water cannon and batons on last week’s mobs. Didnt Mavis fucking May confiscate the London water cannons?
I think she sold them to the French.
Possibly used the proceeds to buy a gite in the Dordogne.
Sold for scrap by the smelly brown goblin, on orders of the community leaders.
Pàkis melt if sprayed with water.
If the fucking government, past and present actually listened to the public’s concerns then the only times that water cannons and baton charges would be needed would be when groups of Muslims go onto the streets demanding a jihad and beheadings, or when traitors to the UK show their support for foreign terrorists.
No that was Suckdick Cunt and he sold Boris’s supply at a knockdown price just like Gordon Broon did with the gold.
I’m disappointed in the rioters..
All pled guilty instantly.
Who’s their lawyer?
Lionel Hutz?
Why make it easy for them?
Fight your corner!
Not guilty.
Your looking at prison no matter what, you won’t get a fair trial.
They’ve been told by their paymasters to come down hard on any Far Right thugs.
Make em work for it don’t help em!
And where’s the Gofundme to help them?
Seems like the Far Right don’t care about it’s own?
I think the answer to that question is that the far right do not exist in any organised form in this country. Apart from in the fevered imagination of the far left.
The BNP and EDL no longer exist. The NF are two old blokes and a jack Russell called Himmler who live in Bolton.
In contrast, the far left are very well organised and have the backing of billionaires.
You can guarantee the moment some ANTIFA cunt gets arrested, there is a decent lawyer on a retainer waiting at the station to get them released the moment they’re booked in.
The pie-keys around here in our rural location routinely ransack the neighbourhood for agricultural equipment. There’s a rural crime unit dedicated to this issue, and it’s an impressive set up – one fat old cow who looks like she’d be more useful grazing in the field next to us, and her sidekick, a wonky-eyed teenage community support volunteer. We had cctv footage of six masked men from the culturally enriching traveller community, sneaking around our garage peeking in through the windows to see if we had any high end agricultural equipment (we didn’t). We got lucky and they left us alone that night, but they went on to turn over no fewer than ten neighbouring properties making off with tens of thousands of pounds worth of ride on mowers, gators, even a freezer full of pork joints. We gave the filth the cctv footage and their reaction was it’s no use to us as they’re all masked so can’t be identified – before suggesting to me that if we get any footage showing any of their faces that’ll be great; they failed to detect my sarcasm when I responded that perhaps we could intercept them on their next jolly and ask them to take their balaclavas off and smile for the camera – the bovine bitch saying yes that would be great if you could manage that. When I suggested that in the alternative perhaps they could check all other cctv in the area and try to identify and follow the progress of the group as they almost certainly made for the coast with their bounty to get it immediately out of the country (as is the MO with these cheeky Romany diversity enhancers) I was enjoined not to tell them how to do their jobs. So I asked them what their job actually consisted of; and was told it was basically cataloguing the crimes as they occur, and then doing precisely fuck all about it.
And they wonder why the likes of Tony Martin take summary justice into their own hands.
Tony Martin, my kinda guy ??
Good morning ??
Pikeys are a protected species.
As such are they are above the law.
Clearly now just giving the great unwashed a crime no will not be good enough.
I expect from now on every crime to be fully investigated, miscreants caught/ charged / jailed within a week.
I’m supremely confident this will now happen….⚒️
Oh, and prison cells found to accommodate them….⚒️
That park in the link looks clean, it’s rubbish free, I have seen a lot worse, but lock up the “specialist tradesman,” probably council approved who did a fine job on that tree in the foreground!
Look at the crime statistics, look at police recruitment policy, look at who gets prosecuted over who gets left to carry on committing endless crimes. Look at who gets promoted to the top jobs.
You’re more likely to get a knock on the door for a social media post than doing a few dozen burglaries.
Our local police are more concerned about their pride flag than the little scrotes that daily make life difficult for locals.
Right next to our local police safe place (the police station) is a take away with double yellow lines, every evening the delivery drivers park on the double yellows, on the pavement or even double park obstructing the road dangerously at times but nothing is done about it.
I’ve walked the dog past there and the couple waking in front of me were smoking weed bang in front of the station. That’s how much the locals worry about the police doing fuck all.
The only time I’ve seen them do fuck all is when some locals climbed the flag pole, stole the pride flag and burnt it outside on the street.
We’ve seen the police take a knee at BLM protests, we’ve seen the police stand and watch acts of vandalism during the same protests. We’ve seen the police dance and represented at pride parades where public indecency is taking place in front of them.
I’m not going to applaud them for doing an occasional bit of actual policing amongst all the virtue signalling.
I’ll be impressed when they start dealing with the kind of low level crime that blights people daily lives as a priority over sitting on their arses thinking up ways to appease whatever minority is getting the most media attention at the moment.
Spot on Sixdog.
Now we’ve got Herr Starmer reducing our right to protest, you might hope for some positives. In some dictatorships you get a good crack down on anti social behaviour, burglaries, violence against the person.
Here we see the opposite, and the police only happy with minority issues.
Oh, and prison cells found to accommodate them….⚒️
What about the thousands of unmasked illegals who come to this country, that don’t get arrested. Can you answer that, or have I missed something out.
O/T, has anyone else noticed the advert on the idiot box extolling the virtues of Poland..
If it’s so fucking great why are most of the twats in Western Europe….!
Evenin’ all…..Dixon of dock green the last time the police where police ?…. now just a soy knee bending bunch with half of them midgets or overweight….a clip round the ear back in the day replaced with hey macarena ?️?and fawning to the efferniks ?…..nee naw,new naw ?
‘We spoke to community leaders’, that phrase winds me up, the Asian mob in Yardley weren’t policed properly because ‘community leaders’ said it would be fine, lessons will be learned.
The thirteen year old girl in Aldershot was charged, not with rioting at the migrants hotel, but refusing to be sexually assaulted by the residents. What a cunt, doesn’t she know it’s her duty to accommodate the culture of these poor traumatised refugees.
The country is definitely on a downward spiral, there is zero trust in any authority and it’s getting worse.
Here’s an example of how useless and politically indoctrinated the police are.
Two Saturdays ago, a friend of ours was on their way to Bristol airport when she ran into some unexpected traffic.
Turns out it was a very large group of peacefuls out ‘counter protesting’.
When she approached the front of the queue, her progress was blocked by an irate carpet rider who shouted at her to fuck off and turn round.
Soon her car was surrounded by a group banging on her car which scared her shitless, and her two grandchildren in the back.
She had no choice but to turn around and find an alternative route.
And where were old bill in all of this?
Stood at the side of the road (all three of them) with their arms folded doing fuck all.
This is where we are ladies and gents.
We’re in a two tier policed and governed country where individual Muslim micro states exist as no go areas, policed only by ‘community leaders’ who tell the state police to keep their fucking noses out.
Nothing short of some kind of military coup is going to get us out of this mess.
I did a nomination a couple of weeks ago but Admin may well have binned it as I could not provide a link.
In April Lady G’s nephew and his partner were seriously injured in an RTC. Initially, the CPS decided not to prosecute the culprit as they decided that he was suffering from the effects of fasting during Ramadan. Needless to say , this decision went down like a shit sandwich ; nephew threatened to go very public and the driver was prosecuted.
I take it that the CPS were made aware that the UK isn’t actually a Muslim nation?
I read that the hook nosed, mídgét mayor of London has scrapped all the strict parking restrictions near to the east London mosque on a Friday.
Only on a Friday though.
The rest of the week expect a huge fine at the very least. Or have your car towed away and impounded.
That’s awful, and a fine example of the current situation.
It’s not the job of the CPS to state a case of innocence, it should immediately be the place of the courts to decide that surely?
And besides, should they be allowed to drive whilst being willingly undernourished?
I hope you’re all ok now and the courts are on your side.
“Well, Mr Chinese police officer……
The reason why I was streaking through Beijing Square, stopping several times to vomit on the floor was because I had been to a Guy Fawkes night barbecue and I had a shit load to drink”.
‘Guy Fawkes night?
Why didn’t you say?
Oh well, off you go and try not to do it again’
When I say it’s not the job of the CPS, I mean in a case of such seriousness.
Obviously old bill have to be subject to checks and balances, but then again, can we have full faith in the CPS to do that?
One of my wife’s friends was in the police service.
She probably still is now, despite living in Spain for years she could still be being paid by being on extended leave due to some mental trauma.
She is an overweight, short arse.
She told us that her fellow fatties used to call her Peper Pig.
That’s because she emptied 3 cans of pepper spray into a guy’s face.
She was amused and proud.
She doesn’t talk to me anymore.
Pepper spray?
That’s the way to do it!
Morning all.
The French police showing the way to treat uppity illegals.
I lost a fair amount of confidence in the police to target the right cunts about 5 years back one afternoon after crossing a quiet, almost empty road.
30 seconds later I was detained by a police officer in a patrol car who proceeded to reprimand me for not using the pedestrian crossing 200 yards further up.
WTF? Since when has it been a crime to safely cross a road in this country?
Anyway, the cop’s aggressive attitude left me in no doubt that if I didn’t beg forgiveness and promise NEVER to do such a heinous thing again I’d swiftly find myself face down on the tarmac with my hands cuffed behind my back and his knee on my neck.
Anyway, following a lot of “yes officer, no officer, three bags full, officer” I was allowed to continue on my way.
Maybe he was coming near the end of his shift and had a quota to fill or something? Cunt either way.
They do a splendid job when it comes to removing elderly white ladies who stand, praying silently outside abortion clinics while letting a mob of sandwiggas block an entire road for their worship.
Or arresting septuagenarian protesters armed with lethal banners while running away from a mob of dooshkas and non-reflectives.
Or going in mob handed to arrest an autistic teenager for suggesting a rug muncher looks like her nana, can you even imagine the trauma that poor, pinched faced sow had to endure after that comparison ?
Early retirement and a tax payer funded pay off for the lot of ’em.
Shame on you all, all heil the thick blue line.
Fucking hell… I’m glad I was sitting down before I read this. A police force doing what it’s paid to do, actually patrol the streets and go after shoplifters and sundry scum. I’ve come over all faint… fetch the smelling salts.
Meanwhile the Metropolitan Gestapo do absolutely fuck all. The only time you see the cunts on the streets is going into Costa or for “reassurance patrols” after someone’s been murdered (were talking Burnt Oak stabbing here)
The MetPlod Gestapo are more used to protecting the murder supporting Pimps4Palestine and Whores4Hamas hate marches from anyone disagreeing with them, oh yes and wading in with batons on genuinely peaceful demonstrations especially if that awful waaaayycist and “phobic” Union Flag is down by these far-right ordinary not-far-right-at-all ordinary people, who won’t riot or call em waaaayycist or phobic.
The policicised MetPlod Gestapo lead by Obersturmfuhrer Rowley are setting themselves up as 2-tier Kier Stalin and Yvette Goebbels-Cooper’s STASI, as they seem unhealthily obsessed with unapproved hurty-words and crushing any dissent.
Looks like I have a candidate or three for a serious cunting.