WARNING: There is currently heightened sensitivity and scrutiny concerning inflammatory race related language online. Let’s not give the Stasi any additional reason to poke their anti legal free speech noses in our direction. The Admin Team.
Back in the 17th and 18th centuries people who could afford to went to various countries on extended holidays to experience the cultures of those different places.
The Grand Tour.
They would return enriched with being immersed in the architecture, music, language, artwork, customs, food and general way of life of the countries that they had visited.
Artists and musicians were inspired by their foreign counterparts.
Architects would reproduce the beauty of the buildings which they had seen.
Adventurous chefs would add a different dimension to their food, using newly discovered herbs, spices and techniques.
Some of the most important buildings throughout the world are based on The Parthenon.
Besides Greece, other popular destinations for the tour would be Italy and France.
The Grand Tour as it was ended many years ago.
If anyone wants to experience different cultures it’s a lot easier and cheaper now.
Jump on a plane and spend a few weeks keeping away from the beaches and naff tourist traps.
If anyone doesn’t want to experience different cultures by travelling abroad then they are free not to.
Several decades ago it was decided that British people were not cultured enough.
I don’t know who had the audacity to decide that or for what reasons.
Instead of people having the free choice to culturally enrich their lives or not, it was decided to force other cultures upon them by firstly the gradual, and now the uncontrolled importation of various peoples.
There is absolutely no benefit of learning about the culture of countries such as Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia or Pakistan.
These people have nothing to offer.
The people from third world countries have no culture which is useful to the people of developed countries and they are determined not to adapt to the culture of of their new nations.
They hold onto their archaic religions and their medieval way of life regardless of where they settle.
But we are still told that multiculturalism is good for us.
Now that the ‘Far Right Extremists’ are asking important questions about immigration perhaps it is now time to ask anyone who supports the wholesale destruction of the UK….. “How exactly has your personal life improved by your multicultural experiences?”.
It was a a failed experiment which has fucked the UK into a position from which it can never recover.
And still it continues.
Nominated by The Artful Cunter.
We certainly don’t want to upset the sensibilities of Hammy Lammy and Dawn Butler, so let’s have a song from David Lammy:
Admin, you might as well request I not knock one out over my photoshopped pic of Ellie Symonds’ dinky forearm going bicep deep into Mirian Margoyles’ grey excessively hair-lined bumhole.
I’ll have to sit this one out with the fat wheezy boys who have a note from Matron.
Don’t worry Cunt Engine, there is now another self-inflicted prison overcrowding crisis due to all the ‘far-right extremists’ and Tonya from Gravesend tweeting about Muslims being locked up.
You’ve put me off my lunch Thomas, and I have a strong stomach!
Hi Thomas,
The verb not keep me out of trouble a lot, also.
Cracking nom.
Multiculturalism is both the biggest pile of wank and the most disastrous policy ever forced upon the citizens of this once great country.
As some people have already pointed out – if multiculturalism was such a wonderful thing then why the fuck does it need to be enforced through a totalitarian anti free speech political regime the likes of which we are beginning to see?
As for the cultural enrichment aspect of having the 3rd world and its detritus foisted upon us – I think it was Dr David Starkey who once said that nothing of any importance had been written in the Arabic language for over a thousand years.
We were never fucking asked.
Very very good point. The Bastards would never ask because they know what the answer would have been.
What was once a great country and a delightful green and pleasant land is no more. A crying shame.
An analogy would be diluting a fine single malt whiskey with Aldi coke.
Fucking up the malt.
Heard of the ‘Kalergi-Plan’ perchance ? Splains it all tbh.
I’ve never set foot on their land out of comman courtesy. Then why don’t they fuck off from where they’re not wanted. Ignorant cunts.
Perhaps I missed a page in my Telegraph , or dozed off during one of Kweer’s interminable raps, (his dad was a toolmaker, you know) but I don’t recall him saying “If we are fortunate enough to win, I will rule as Benito Mussolini”.
Perhaps Rodders will end up the same way as Benny:
We can but hope.
That`s the only thing I can think of which has enriched the culture of the England.
Fine example’s of multiculturalism in progress.
People from Paxtan have brought their culture to those towns:
• Men wearing nightdresses
• Comedy beards
• Silly pancake hats
• Shitting on the pavement
You forgot goat troubling.
And troubling white schoolgirls
It’s wonderful, I’m so happy that we’ve practically outlawed our own culture to accommodate everyone else’s.
Those daft buggers who fought in World War Two so they could prevent future generations being governed by another incompatible ideology, tut, what were they thinking?
Don`t fret, Sixdog, soon that WW2 episode will be written out of European history.
Rubbish, the UK was never in it, it was just the yanks,
The country has been betrayed by a political class almost exclusively containing cowards and traitors.
It’ll probably all end in a bloody civil war.
Not that they will be arsed,they will have fled like the disgusting cunts that they are.
Good morning.
I know that you are not being serious Sam, but curry was invented for the British.
There is nothing Indian about it and depending on where you are in India, people would not know what curry is.
Have you ever said, or ever heard anyone saying please or thank you in any of the Indian dialects to an Indian waiter or shop owner?
Didnt think so.
Multiculturalism is just a word to detract from the fact that the UK is packed full of immigrants.
Indians do eat it, but it’s not referred to as such over there. Their ‘curry’ consists of specific local dishes with their own individual names.
The posh Indians call it gravy the poor cunts eat rice.
This is true OP.
I work with a few Indian dudes and they have a plethora of dishes they bring in for lunch.
We might call it all curry, but it is all different and generally delicious when they give you a taster of it.
My early years were spent in Rochdale, it was obvious back in the 60’s and 70’s that it was a fucking stupid idea and was never going to work.
The Muslims can’t even get on with each other so what chance of getting on with us, by us I mean the ‘owners of the country’ WASPs.
One thing that is as sure as death and taxes, it’s going to get worse!
Rochdale: Just imagine if Gracie Fields had had to sing in a hijab”It’s The Biggest Burqu In The World”
Pally in our Alley
No wonder she buggered off to Capri ?
Our Leaders want us to be Green. Indeed. Net Zero. Yet they continue to contradict thet Philosophy by allowing uncontrolled and illegal Immigration to a country that, Cannot feed us all, cannot house us all, and so on.
Every square inch of our country is to be built upon, and that alone will end any notion of “Greeness”
There is no social cohesion in a society of multiple diversities. I believe the Great reset has begun, and that all that happens was planned to do so long ago.
Do I like immigrants. No. I do not. And no fucker in the Shithouse of Westminster can make me. So fuck off !
Excellent and well-reasoned cunting.
It speaks volumes that IsAC feels it necessary to exhort us to avoid hurty words. It’s hard to believe we were once a free country. Soon it will be impossible.
Multiculturalism embodies Goebbels’ notion that if you tell a big lie loudly and often, the proles will inevitably believe it. And here we are. We were told, loudly and often, that incomers should not have to assimilate to our culture, but that we should adapt to the multitude of theirs. That the ideas of nationality and unity of purpose were obsolete and inhumane, and that we were all brothers and sisters and citizens of a big friendly mythical world. That, to adapt William Plomer, we must accept the word of
“…prosperous idealists
Who talk as if men reached for concord
With their clenched or grasping fists”
This is not a new problem. Plomer wrote “A Ticket for the Reading Room” in 1939.
The solution is not new, either. History is cyclical, not linear, and the world is not united. A house that is divided against itself cannot stand.
Strange isn’t it?. Little turnip bonce Mini-Cooper was going to hit the ground running dealing with the “cruel gangs” who smuggle the boat freeloaders, but all of a sudden she is more worried about wimminz and Paki feelings. Could it be that where illegal immigration is concerned “Labour DIDN’T have a plan?
Cooper-Balls didn’t last this long in politics without being a slippery cunt.
That weird head suggests that she’s on thyroxine to counter cretinism. You read it here first.
One thing is for sure, Komodo.
She is a fucking cretin.
To even be in a Cabinet position you HAVE to be a slippery cunt. Same as most other jobs – brown-nose and lick the boss’s ass and you’ll climb the greasy pole to the top, be honest about problems and you’ll remain stuck wallowing in mediocrity.
Donald, the Orange God of the US of A, got it right – shit counties. Countries so dire that no one wants to live in them. Maybe it’s not the country, just the population
Fingers crossed that monkey pox works this time round.
It only works on the kind of people who bum monkeys.
Or the kind of people who bum the people who bum monkeys.
Basically we’re all OK, unless…
See above for details of how not to contract monkey pox.
Wasn’t it old ‘Mutti’ Merkel who proclaimed “multi-kulti” a failure some years back ? Turned out well for the Germans then, they still didn’t heed.
It’s deliberate.
At around the same time Cameron made the exact same speech, around election time.
Both elected, both continued accelerated immigration.
Very true. The old hag dare not show her face in public anymore. It took some time but the Krauts finally saw the destruction she gifted them.
Multiculturalism is a delusional fantasy perpetuated by the neo-Marxist elites of the contemporary West.
They unflinchingly work to relegate traditional British culture and our distinct national Identity to the dustbin of history.
They consider it morally reprehensible in their “post national” world to make the case for defending and preserving Western Civilisation.
Instead they resort to the importation of hordes of migrants from entirely alien cultures.
They refuse to accept the fact that every individual on this planet is the product of a unique combination of beliefs, values, and worldviews that have fermented for centuries to form the culture in which he has grown up.
Multiculturalism cannot work because it is fundamentally at odds human nature.
Only civilisations in decline reject the idea that preserving and defending one’s own culture is a good, natural, and necessary thing to do.
History offers a multitude of lessons as to what happens when that principle is abandoned.
Try locating a thriving community of Byzantine Greeks in Imperial Constantinople, for example.
There isn’t one.
The interesting thing is that Rayner referred to “Tory Scoom”, but the Islamic views on the death penalty and homosexuality, punishable by death and wimminz being second class citizens is far further right than the Conservatives, so we have leftie loonies like her, and Hobby Commies like Kweer Rodney defending very right wing people.
Labour really has outlived it’s usefulness – if it ever had any.
Respectfully take issue with the description of our political elites as “neo-Marxist”. Sure, it gets applause from the MAGA bunch, but if our elites were in any sense Marxist, “neo” or otherwise, they wouldn’t be as obscenely rich and influential as they are. They are capitalists to the core.
In fact, the question of whether Marx and Engels approved of nationality is a vexed one. They were pragmatists, I think, on this.
Yeah, lazy terminology. I hold my hands up.
Also, if it gets me applause from the MAGA bunch then of course I’ll refrain from using it.
Our education system is infested by Marxists.
Hardly surprising the country is hobbled by lefty wokeism.
“Give me the child and I’ll give you the man”
Indoctrination, indoctrination, indoctrination….
Anybody think we live in a democracy is mentally ill.
Or that vote-rigging is a thing.
We are all prisoners in a giant, open-air prison, whose only purpose is to pay for the largesse of the elite and die before pensionable age.
Is that you Billy Bragg?
So this is England?
I wonder if the latest stabby cunt in Manchester is a far right extremist?
I’m guessing by the lack of description probably not…
Could be an Islamist.
They are far-right extremists.
I see that Liebour are to make Islamophobia illegal. Since when has being afraid of something been a source of threat? I repeat, for the record, M’lud,I am not afraid of them, I just don’t like the cunts.
I have put in a nom on Islamophobia
If Islamophobia is to be made a crime then they had better start building more prisons.
There are an estimated 300.000 Jews in the UK.
Now, now. You’re supposed to say “Jewish people” now. That one definitely cuts both ways. And there’s backup –
One of my Indian work colleagues is looking to buy a house with his wife arm. The first question they ask is whether there are any Pakistanis or Romanians living nearby. If there are they move straight on. If Cooper’s idea becomes law him and basically every other non-Muslim Indian in the UK will become criminals overnight.
I am sure that Jews really appreciate your concern in referring to them as ‘Jewish People’.
The number of Jews in the UK is not something that I know without looking it up.
So a Google search of the ‘number of Jews in the UK’ was required.
Try it for yourself and see not only the results but also the websites that have that information.
Jew is an acceptable name.
This one went down well with the multicultural loving idiots.
That would be classed as hate speech now ?
I wonder how many lucky Britons are going to be culturally enriched with a nine inch blade this week.
@geordie….you can book online for a discount @ havemachetewilltravel.org
Discounts for group/party bookings, thank me later ?
I thought I’d see what it is supposed to bring to the table :
“On the positive side, it offers exposure to diverse cultures, fostering tolerance and enriching one’s perspective. It promotes a vibrant cultural tapestry, leading to culinary, artistic, and social richness. Multicultural societies often have access to a wider range of international experiences.”
Which is of course exactly what I shall be feeling as I head into Leicester this evening.
Got no issue with cunts of a different colour or effnick background.
So long as they aspire to integrate.
Like the effnicks I encounter on a daily basis while going about my business.
I do however have a massive issue with multiculturalism.
It is a devastating ideology.
Multiculturalism = Division.
Encouraging alien moral standards and values incompatible with this country is social suicide.
It only works in Never-Never Land.
Like Socialism and Communism.
Fuck them.
I have to say that I think multiculturalism has worked splendidly. It’s a wonderful demonstration of how groups who have nothing whatsoever in common can all rub along in harmony and peace, respecting and tolerating each other’s differences.
(er, is that alright officer? Please don’t hit me again)
Are you after a job as advisor to Rodney ?
I’ve travelled to India/ Africa.
No fucking wonder they want to come here.
Shame that they turn their part of GB into the above…!
What next, leprosy…
Most of the Indians I’ve encountered are pretty sound. Pakistanis on the other hand…
Very true.
Swap out multiculturalism for Muslims and North Africans. They’re the major problem groups.
It doesn’t work, and it never will.
They don’t want to adapt or intergrate.
I have seen this week in-week out in the hospitals.
They refuse to talk to English people (patients and staff). Even when a gesture is made – like offering them a seat, opening a door or simply letting on to them – it is ignored. And they only speak to ‘their own’ in their language. Usually very loudly.
They always play dumb and pretend to ‘no speaky English’. But, of course, when they want something or don’t get their way, they pipe up and whine quick enough then. Most of them have never paid into our NHS and never will. Yet they get treated like favoured children. No matter hoe badly or ignorant they behave.
And this is a fly on top of the dog turd. The dialysis treatment times are morning (7am), afternoon (12 noon) and twilight (5pm). Everyone starts on one of those shifts (me in the morning). Yet this uppity Paki who has just started insists that he must start at 10am. This, of course, fucks up the use of the machines and the whole system. Yet this fucker has been pandered to so far. I can imagine the response if I – or any white English patient – ever made such a demand. It really makes me sick.
How’s the dialysis going anyway Norman? Things getting any better?
Once I’ve calmed down, I look back on my life when England only belonged to the English and reminisce. Even though we were poor, I’d give up my now comfortable lifestyle in retirement without hesitation. But being alone it’s easy for me to go into my own little world of nostalgia and it isn’t that bad being hidden away on the south east coast. I was only thinking of what’s happened to our country and want to retaliate.
50% of voters blame Farage for the recent riots……
Are 50% of voters that blind or stupid?
A classic case of lefties shooting the messenger Six.
I blame the Children In Need Posterboy Southport Killer Treeswinger, myself.
Hope you all celebrated this historic event.