In the early days of ITV one of their biggest successes was the American comedy series “I Love Lucy” with Lucille Ball and Desi Arnez. The lovely Lucy was in real life Mrs Arnez. What did she see in him?

It seems ITV, desperately short of comedic material hopes to have a 21st century success with another husband and wife pair of funsters – I Love Pixieballs” because (apparently – I don’t watch morning TV) Edward Balls was in the ludicrous position of “interviewing” his wife, the current Home Secretary about the riots. I can only assume it was a riot of laughter on the couch today – judging by the picture in this BBC piece it does look, indeed, as though Mini-Cooper has shit herself – at the very least she is touching cloth in her Junior Miss Pull-up pants:


Nominated by W. C. Boggs.

60 thoughts on “MR & MRS BALLS

  1. As a Yank I obviously have no idea who these two are. But I was struck by the fact that he was a former Labour MP and Shadow chancellor. She is a current Labour Minister.

    Seems to me that they likely avoided any truth by Strictly Cum Dancing around the facts.

    So let’s call this what it is:

    Far Left Buggery from Balls and Pooper.

    • Yvette is the tiniest dwarf in the current cabinet. Perfect in every detail – except one: she is as useless as a pork chop at a Bar Mitzah. Her would-be schoolmarmish voice and finger wagging tirades remind you less of a Rottweiler and more of a miniature Chihuahua, Generl.

    • Yvette is the tiniest midget in the current cabinet. Perfect in every detail – except one: she is as useless as a pork chop at a Bar Mitzah. Her would-be schoolmarmish voice and finger wagging tirades remind you less of a Rottweiler and more of a miniature Chihuahua, General.

  2. I do wish both Balls would be re-inserted into the wrinkled political scrotum from where they came…

  3. Never mind the bollocks.

    Are they called balls because of the shape of her head?

    Completely spherical.

    Never seen her smile do you?
    The sour face of socialism.

  4. I wonder if she made his dinner after their interview?

    How silly of me,of course these cunts will have dined out,laughing like drains as she puts the bill on expenses again.

    In a rare moment of weakness I do feel sorry for the role poly Balls,he has to live with,and presumably occasionally mount that sour faced hysterical goblin of a wife.

    Cooper is a poisonous commie windbag.


    Good morning.

    • Hey UT,

      You don’t need 3 guesses to figure out who wears the strap-on in that family.

    • I bet he dreads the word “Will you fuck me, Eddie dear?” because he knows he will have to put her on her belly lube her up and bugger her. One of these days there will be a terrible accident when he falls on her and suffocates her to death. I can see the Daily Mail headline now “Heartbreak For Ed As Face Sitting Game Goes Wrong”

  5. Time for a reboot of cannon and ball.
    One episode only..

    Take said cunts to Dover and fire tubby and no tits at the first border farce boat.

    Roll credits.

  6. Though this ridiculous “interview” is part of Labour’s government of mirth, led by the wobbly bottomed funster Kweer, I do think we should pay tribute to the one entertainer he left out of the cabinet of fun. A lady who lit up the room, and when he watches this clip of her act, Lammy just can’t keep his feet still, Ladies and gentlemen – Miss Emily Thornberry, with her biggest hit:

  7. One would imagine that Ed enjoys a sustained, elbow-deep Lubbocking from his wife, whilst they’re out dogging and wearing ‘furry’ costumes.

    • Any voyeur who saw that pair at it, would probably be cured for life. I bet she squeals like a stuck pig, and he grunts like a pig. Still it’s only anal – er sorry- annual sex. Even once a year it must be risky with her plastic vag.

  8. BBC promo for the interview:

    This week Ed Balls probes deeply into Labour Minister Yvette Cooper’s position on goat fuckers, peddle files and Lord Kweir’s hardening stance.

  9. And after the credits roll she becomes the interviewer…..

    Mrs: Did you put the bin out last night?
    Mr: Yes
    Mrs: Have you fixed the dripping tap in the downstairs loo?
    Mr: No, not yet.
    Mrs: Have you spoken to the builders about converting the three spare rooms to an office, a gym and a second kitchen like Ed’s before we force everyone to house an illegal in a spare bedroom?
    Mr: Yes, seeing them today.
    Mrs: And remember to talk to our man at Goldman Sachs to get all our loot transferred to the Bahamas before Rachel brings in the wealth tax.
    Mr: Yep, got a meeting tomorrow.
    Mrs: And if last night’s effort is the best you can do, don’t bother, I’ll stick to fingering myself.
    Mr: Yes darling.

      • Hey Odin,

        I bet that old hag has some kind of Industrial size, solar powered, multi-attachment, Swiss Army Dildo.

    • She’s bad but just imagine the plight of “Mr” Jess Phillips. The poor cunt probably has to lube her up with WD40 to losten the rusty parts that dangle down there – especially the piss flaps.

  10. I’d take one for the team and send her a chloroform-laced invite to my love dungeon.
    She would have an arduous holiday indeed.

      • Alas, not SS…my dungeon is not open to the public, even my fellow esteemed cunters.
        My secrets would put me in jail for even longer than a ‘Right Wing Thug’ who’d gently pushed a wheelie bin towards the cowardly police wankers.

      • Perhaps Thomas would allow us a sound recording of her?. Just imagine…..”oooooh Eddie, Ed, Ed, ooooooh, fuck me big boy….yeah, yeah, yeah…..I’m cumming!!! oh…. Eddie!!!!!!!

        And perhaps a Polaroid of the cum face?

  11. The little and large of politics.
    Little on brains, large on arrogance..

    No neck ed, and no tits pixie.
    Just about sums up the state this country is in.

    Hopefully monkey pox will rid us of these parasites. Or barring that a monkey attack by lammy and butler

  12. I couldn’t bring myself to watch this ‘interview’ without vomiting. So I’ll take it on trust that Mr and Mrs B agreed that the Labour government is the greatest thing that’s ever happened to this country, and that a new socialist paradise is the brink of being ushered in.


    Morning all.

  13. What an odd family. There’s also a daughter who works for some rag, pretending to be impartial.

    Balls is an arrogant, fat loser, a squashed Sam Allardyce and probably just as rapacious and corrupt.

    Cooper is repulsive whether it’s policies or looks. Tits like bee-stings. She has the body of an ironing board and the face of a large, wrinkled gnocchi. I bet she shits liquid.

  14. I remember the short arse she elf during the Brexit campaign, she kept her gob well and truly shut so as not to upset her Brexit voting constituents…..!

    Had her eye on a more important result, getting re elected to the house of lying bastard’s..

  15. I’m not gay, but I know which one of this pair I would rather spend a sordid evening with. Ew.

  16. This may not go down well, but she once showed some signs of rationality on the immigration issue (“what issue?” being the Starmer/ BBC/ Guardian line)

    (Last December) “Yvette said that Gordon Brown was wrong to call people bigoted when they raised concerns about immigration. She doesn’t want people to be concerned about talking about immigration, and wants to give people the chance to have their say and wants them to say anything without fears of being judged.

    “The labour government got it wrong by not having those transitional controls in place on Eastern Europe. I think the Conservative party have got it wrong since by having a target they’re not meeting – so that undermines confidence in the system as well.” ”

    No doubt the selfserving Brownite was making these noises in the knowledge that an election was coming up, but, hey, it’s good ammunition.

  17. Whether it goes down well or not, it’s always a pleasure to hear from our distinguished Reptilian cunter.

    • Chubby fucker called Balls, oh the joys at the age of 10 i wouldn’t have had poking fun at him….?

  18. 1 month in the lefty shitshow – I doubt we can last 5 mnths of this, let alone 5 yrs.

    I predict I and many of my YTE compadriots will soon be pedalling rickshaws around the streets ferrying illegals to their new council houses (the one’s vacated by all the frozen to death OAPs and ‘Rt wing extremists’ sent to prison for writing hurty words) –
    Fossil fuel vehicles will be outlawed and taxed into extinction in bowl heads forthcoming budget.
    Abandoned Fiat Pandas will have a slingshot fitted and sent to Ukraine as part of Labours promised ‘increased defense spending’
    Meanwhile expect new taxes to fund all the ‘aid’ that will be sent to Hamas (a rocket launcher for every rag head to help eradicate those ‘evil zionists’ )
    Seems the PM takes his families Jewishness as seriously as fad veganism.

    Easy to be complacent about an Israel surrounded by enemies on all sides who want them dead and Islamic states conducting open warfare in all but name when you live in a ‘free’ (for now) country and have 24/7 tax payer funded bodyguards.

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