Miriam Gargoyles

is a cunt.

This paltry-talented, half-Australian Grotbags has been spewing poison again. This time gibbering about Gaza. Does that make this rotund grizabella an antisemitic Jew?

She was famous for a role in Blackadder, then dressing up as a witch in some Harry Potter film. Now she’s more famous for supporting terrorism and whining about men. This contemptible bulldyke has criticised John Cleese, Terry Scott, even Charles Dickens. Is no man safe from this grotesque cock-dodging butchbag? She’s like Jess Phillips, but with six Stone more of yeast.

With a face like a boxer licking piss off a nettle and smelling like dirty, piss-stained granny pants, she”s up there in the challenging wank hallows with hideous Jo Brand and nutjob Diane Flabbotasaurus. Surely not even another salmon-munching bean-flicker could find this gruesome lezhog attractive.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Captain Magnanimous.

124 thoughts on “Miriam Gargoyles

  1. Beautifully written Cap’n, sheer poetry.
    This ‘thing’ should be call Gargoyles and it’s head slapped to the side of a Synagogue, the Golem would run a fucking mile (well plod along in his clay boots at least).

  2. Is there no end to the loony left bile, these idiots spew out
    Looks like Starmer and the MSM have virtually started a civil war ! Gang’s of mudslime on the rampage, without a policeman in sight, because that would be racist wouldn’t it, bunch of Cunts the lot of them !

  3. I have to say that, though I find her unedifying, she was great in the underrated Wireless 4 comedy series Gloomsberry, where she played Ginnie Fox (Virginia Woolf). with characters like Vera Sackcloth-Vest (Vita Sackville-West), Lionel Fox (Leonard Woolf), Venus Traduces (Violet Dreufus) and their friends like Lytton Scratchey and T.S. Jellitot.

    The last genuinely funny Wireless 4 comedy series I can think of. Sue Limb wrote it.

  4. I loved grotbags! The emu was a bit of a dick but never mind.

    “What he is trying to tell you is you appear to be wearing a pair of devils dumplings”… All downhill from there.

    • Not for you obviously, but for our younger audience it is worth pointing out that Grotbags was played by the wonderful Carol Lee Scott (RIP) who had more talent in her facial mole than this ‘nashunal tresha’ bulldyke.

      • Yeah I saw her and rod hull as a kid, even had a grotbags pen. It said ‘i hate brats’. Now I’m an adult with kids, pen doesn’t lie 😀

  5. Luvvie Derangement Syndrome.

    The race of “celebrities” to suck as much Hamas cock as possible is tiresomely predicable.

    The same sort of despicable shite as “hope not hate” and the classic “multiculturalism is our strength”..


  6. Give no fucks, she’s a Jew and she’s entitled to criticise the Israeli government as much as the next man.

    Taking sides on what happens in the Middle East is not a smart thing to do though. Cunts everywhere over there.

  7. Ps

    So next time you bite into a Cadbury caramel think of Miriam laying on her back parting her piss flaps.

    Like pulling apart a cheese toastie ❤️❤️❤️

  8. 151 “Creatives”. What the fuck has this thing ever created. Certainly nothing from her barren womb.

    Her biggest claim to fame apparently is she is the first “creative” to say fuck on TV….!

    Very creative….!

  9. Poor old Miriam.
    Being a thesp and a leftist gobshite can’t be easy when you find the latest virtue signalling fad isn’t compatible with your religion.
    Miriam’s family and friends think she’s a rag head loving cunt and it’s so distressing.
    If only things could have been different.
    Perhaps if she’d kept her fucking mouth shut on the issue, she wouldn’t be such a pariah within her own religious and family community.
    Still, there’s no such thing as bad publicity is there, Miriam?

  10. She is one moaning cunt.

    Wouldn’t mind but never done a proper days work!

    Spends all its time at swanky showbiz events where everything is free,
    Food, drink etc
    Never had to put it’s hand in it’s pocket.

    Still fuckin whining.

    Look you moaning old cunt ,
    Stand down wind of me and fuckin button it.
    Nobody cares about your issues.

    And wipe your arse properly from now on.

  11. Strange how the true man haters all have a face like a smacked arse and the body of a washed up beluga corpse.

  12. Oy vey!

    I’d rather stick my gentleman in a food blender than up this liver-licking frummer.

    Who made this fat sheeny sheriff anyway? It seems as soon as it spouts it’s man hating/rag head loving tirades, the Guardian tossers cream their pants.

    I bet ten shackles it stinks of stale minge, already.

  13. Apparently she wrote something about her mother disowning her when she came out as a rug muncher, I think not, I suspect even her mother struggled with this one and being a tuppence licker was only part of it. Ugly nature equals ugly person, the Ancient Greeks believed in it and the more I see screeching fat lefty harridans with pink hair, tattoos and rings in their face I think they were right.

  14. Don’t really care about her politics. My main objection to her is that she’s a foul mouthed fat old bag who turns the air blue on whatever programme is foolish enough to ask her to be a guest, watershed or no.

    And yet some people seems to think she’s a national treasure. Don’t get it.

  15. Hello Komodo!

    Hope you’re well pal?
    Nice to see you again.

    It’s changed a bit since you were last here.

    • Don’t want to hijack the thread, Miriam needs a kicking, but thanks, I’m fine. Left because IsAC was becoming a bit of an echo chamber, but with the triumph of the Guardian readers, I need a fucking echo chamber.

      Let battle commence!

      • Oh that’s not changed😁

        Was it the tangy stench of Miriam’s snatch that brought you back?

        Your a disgrace.

        * Nice to see you 👍

      • Aye, nice to see you back Komodo.

        Allan and OC are bucking the echo chamber trend.

        They have their own table for the IsAC Christmas party.

      • Good timing Komodo.

        Ethel’s just making a lemon cake 🍰

        Do you want yours with or without custard ?

        I’m definitely having custard 😋

      • You are an evil person, Jack.

        First someone mentioned lemon meringue, now you with lemon cake and custard, and all I want now is a big bowlful of unctious loveliness smothered in custard.

        Damn your eyes, you Sadist!

      • We’ve got cheesecake with squirty cream!

        I’m very excited.

        Life’s great innit?

        Not a care in the fuckin world me lads😂

      • I will be blackberrying soon Mis, just staring to ripen up nicely. Skipping gaily though the Lincolnshire countryside with my Aldi carrier bag.

      • Yeah noticed they’d started to ripen up.
        Plums too.

        You can’t beat fruit that you’ve picked yourself,

        Hey LL I’ve technically got my own orchard now!

        Wish Fiddler was here so I could irritate him by bragging shamelessly!😂

      • JP@ There’s the most delicious smell emanating from the kitchen.

        I’m sniffing the air like a Bisto Kid and actually levitating !!

        Make yourself a jam buttie and a nice cup of tea ☕ 😃

      • I’ve got some wonderful fig jam.

        It’s great on its own, but on a cheese and ham toasties, it changes great into sublime.

        That’s my contribution to Cordon Bleu
        cooking aujordhui!

      • Hello Komodo.

        Nice to see you again and I look forward to your future contributions.

  16. There’s something very sinister about very old people swearing.
    Is she doing it just to be controversial? Or does she have some serious skeletons in her closet, forcing their way out in the form of unbecoming profamity?
    Secrets such as giving birth to the child of a peaceful back in the 60’s and then smothering it and burying the corpse under a hedge.

      • True, but the older folk on here who swear online wouldn’t do it in public, let alone on telly.

      • I swear all the time in public.
        “Fuck off” at the telly.
        “Fuck off” at the radio.
        “Fuck off” at the Eastern Europeans shouting at each other in the town centre.
        “Fuck off” at the Romanian Big-Issue seller outside Marks & Sparks.
        Mind you, I’m only 65.
        Be even worse if I make it into my 80s!

    • She looks the type.
      I’ll take that as a certified fact.

      There’s something deeply loathsome about her.

      I’m not one for condoning violence as you know,
      And I wouldn’t like to strangle her with a bootlace,
      Her heels drumming a beat on the floor and rasping expletives as her face turns purple.
      Then with a load fart she relaxed and dies..

      No I wouldn’t like that at all.

      • And you could go full Jimmy Savile on her still-warm orifices for a good few hours until your knob is as limp as an empty glove.
        By which time she’ll be developing rigor mortis so you can leave her spunk-filled carcass in an amusing position for DCI Gene Cunt to find, chortling as he touches her and she explodes like an overfilled cream cake, showering him in Northumberland’s finest pungent porridge.

    • I dunno Thomas, I swear like a trooper and I’m old.

      There’s something very satisfying about saying
      ” Oh do fuck off!” to some gobby young shite!

      The shocked look on their faces, it’s like the Dhali Lama did a loud fart, priceless!

      • However, I am teaching the Lass that a carefully crafted insult is much more devastating, amongst her peers, that a bout of sweariness.

    • I spent the afternoon swearing at the radio, especially at “Lord” Woolaston giving it the “it’s only thugs” story. Must nominate the cunt.

  17. Couple of thugs perhaps but mostly people who are fucked off with unchecked immigration and never listened to by the cunts at the reins of the country.
    No doubt that makes me another far right fanatic but when you’re a second class citizen in your own country there is something very wrong.
    I don’t condone the rioting but rational discussions and protests just get ignored by the ruling classes

    • Ron Knee has an excellent nomination to the same effect. But it’s easier to marginalise a minority than to listen to public concerns.

    • Anybody who even slightly disagrees with the left and has misgivings about immigrtion, is automatically labeled as far right and racist.

      These riots have got out of hand. But the people are never listened to, and discussion is either refused or immediately shut down by shouts of ‘racist’.

      They know that most of us do not want those boats crossing the Channel. But they don’t give a shit what we think. That cunt Starmer immediately abolished the Rwanda plan, with no alternative in its place. He will do absolutely nothing about the infestation and we know it. If people aren’t listened to, they get angry.

      • Its politically convenient for Starmer to blame everything on the far-Right because the he can poison the well on the debate of mass immigration.

        Purely by coincidence of course this has also given him the perfect opportunity to suck up to Muslims after they abandoned Labour in the election due to their stance on Gaza

        He really is an utter cunt. I was expecting this over four or fives years not the first month.

    • He has said before he usually doesn’t comment on his own noms but then he doesn’t post everyday either.

      Worthy subject anyhow, the Aussies can fucking keep her.

    • No sign of Herman or Harold yet.

      Can’t let light banter on a site like this upset you.

      It’s just opinions an banter.

      Nowt serious.

      Hope they’re back soon.

    • Maybe the Rapture has come, maybe the aliens took them and they are currently being probed. Maybe the governments Stazi has had them away to question them about some comments made on social media.

      Maybe the last few days on here have been a little intense at times and the reality of the country we now live in is hard to bare.

  18. O/T but a thought has occurred to me. Now that having an opinion or making a comment on current affairs in a public arena will lead to Starmers Stasi arresting you and putting you in prison..!

    Should the BBC scrap Question Time…?

    • Any news therefore on mainstream media will have been vetted by the government before broadcast…!

      Freedom finally lost…

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