Yes, yes, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran all stole a piece of your country. So fucking what?.Is that a good enough reason to illegally come here to work the system?
You’ve all seen these bearded Persian smellies in town – a shitty crossbreed of Borat and Peter Sutcliffe. They own the “barber” shops, the ones that are always empty, but have their workers’ Mercedes lined up outside. They don’t even disguise the lack of tax they pay. On the contrary, they have a peremptory fuck you attitude about it..
Here’s the latest Kurd turd:
Apparently these Kurd cunts run the boats and people-trafficking industry across the Channel. If you “smash the gangs” as fuckwit Starmer thinks he can, there are tens of thousands more waiting to replace them.
We sure are lucky to have these new goat-eating British people here, gibbering and shouting into their mobiles like they’re clearing last night’s phlegm from their mutton-stinking throats.
Nominated by Captain Magnanimous.
I worked with some turds at a former job. The supervisor was a Scot who used to boom across the factory floor “get back to work you lazy Taliban fuckers!”.
Sounds like the super was my kinda guy! L.L.
Aye Scunnny, he was a good laugh for a boss. This was only about twenty years ago too, not that long really but may as well had been a lifetime the way things have gone when compared to today.
Ain’t that the truth mate!
I blame Saddam Hussein & his Baath Party for not doing a ‘propper job’ back in the 80’s.
Kurds remind me a bit of the Palestinians and the Kosovans from the 90’s.
No proper homeland as such just vagrants from shitholes within other shitholes.
Kosovan’s are Albanian cunts living in stolen Serbian land.
Roma filth.
Please zir, zir, zir, please, having got monies zir, please.
I thought the border farce and the RNLI ran the people trafficking industry..
With help from the home office.
The only difference between Border Force and the “people traffickers” is that Border Force doesn’t charge the illegals £10,000 a pop to deliver them to England.
As usual, it’s the hard pressed UK taxpayer who is left to foot the bill.
And footing the bill for something they never wanted in the first place!
Diversity is our strength.
Is that why I feel like shit most of the time Leornado?
Either that or the vodka I reckon.
They never had a country to steal. They infested an area of very variable extent, which they call Kurdistan, but never controlled it and were never the sole occupants. Previously a loose assemblage of obstreperous nomad tribes, a pain in the arse of every regional power since the Akkadians, they only became semi-unified in the 12th century. when they began to expand their area of operations. They were still nomads in the 19th century, and were complicit in the Armenian genocide.
Our local Kurdish ethnic enhancers make the nastiest kebabs on Earth, whlle acting as a transit centre for their undocumented relatives. In plain sight. Where’s the government when you need it?
They are indeed cunts.
Artexerxes knew how to deal with ‘nomads’
As brutal dictators go, he’s very under-rated.
Sounds like Turdistan.
Surely it’s no coincidence.
They say we can’t deport them, Turkish Kurds are oppressed in Turkey, well yippee why the fuck don’t we oppress the Kunts and then they may stop coming
Turkey is in fucking NATO, it’s a fucking democracy (well a rag head democracy)
We were soft under the cons, it’s going be even softer under labs (unless you are white)
we should carpet bomb the entire middle east and do the world a massive favour.
Trainee pilot here up for giving it a go.
I’ve never flown a plane but fuck me I’m willing to try!
The homeless geezer was probably wondering why he wasn’t in a 4 star hotel ?….
If a Chink married Kurd would their offspring be lemon curds?
A great nom Captain. You are right about Kweer not being able to crush the dingy gangs, it is a lucrative buisness. If he thinks he can then he is out of his depth. No pun intended here.
He’s out of his depth in a paddling pool.
Not that he should be allowed around scantily clad children
Wrong ‘un, I’m fucking telling you, and my gaydar is screaming proximity warnings.
I’m glad I’m not the only one. I thought it was my far right/ white privelage showing.
Nah cunty mort,
Your what I like to call one of the enlightened.
Whilst we have people like ‘refugees welcome’ Ballsup Cooper and other naive lefty woke soft fuckers in charge they’ll keep coming and taking the piss.
Unless you’re the elusive far right of course in which case you’ll get 4 years for chucking a coke can.
If it carries on like this they won’t be coke cans, they’ll be molotov cocktails.
Why don’t they call the Turks Turds and be done with.
Hmmmm, dunno – I guess, if they are the people-smuggling, drug-peddling ‘Turks’ who own all the barber shops then they are cunts.
But they were also the ones holding the line against ISIS until people in the West got their shit together to blow the goat-fucking fanatics into paradise.
That makes them not cunts.
I’ve never knowingly met a kurd.
Know nothing about them.
That said it’s safe to say I don’t like them.
They sound a bit greasy and unhygienic.
Fuck em.
I met one once, taxi driver.
He was a smelly, arrogant cunt.
That how I know they all are.
Scientific fact.
I’ve met a few. One was an agent provocateur for the Turkish government. Another was claiming refugee status in order to dodge the Turkish draft. A mixed bunch.
For a bit of contrast. I worked with an absolutely diamond Kurdish bloke who was our electrical designer.
Iraqi Kurd, who for some reason was Christian.
His family had an shit time under Saddam, right up until his parents and brothers were murdered by the regime.
At that point he decided it might be a good idea to leg it to wherever might not murder him, his wife and his kid. A genuine refugee.
Turns out he was an HV designer for the Iraqi national grid. Knowledgeable as fuck and an absolute gentleman.
Softly spoken and thoughtful.
Always had an understandable air of melancholy about him and understandably so.
I’ll get me coat.
No, you stay here. We need some balance.
Never understood why you would pay a ‘people smuggler’ 15 grand to risk your neck in a dinghy when you can get a calais to Portsmouth ferry for 50 quid.
Something fishy here. No, not you Angela.
Thinking about it, an enterprising person would start sinking these fuckers mid-channel, then claim salvage rights (Law of the sea still stands), thereby owning the vessel, and its cargo.
Then make them monkey dance on PPV before shipping them off to an offshore cobalt mine.
Gotta be cruel to be kind.
Or, ok, fuck that, just be cruel, until the fuckers learn not to break a dozen international laws in their eternal quest for free shit and white wimminz.
I don’t see the problem. I do however prefer the lime to the lemon curd.
a pile of t..I mean kurds?
Oh. Communal Bathing… sweet.
This is a fucking tragedy! A real fucking tragedy!
18 others made it safely to the other side.
All you foreigners do is complain! You complain about dinghys. You complain about Gimmegrants. You complain about all shades of Shitholians.
Now you’re complaining about the Kurds.
Don’t you get it? All the Caliphaters want is their own country. YOURS!
The Multicultural Republic of New Britannistan.
Diversity is your downfall.
Jesus H. Christ Himself at a Trump rally! You’re worse than an American First crowd.
Bang on general yet still they come and still they are welcomed by the ignorant and the do-gooders!
We are a small island and need to lmport food to survive.
We struggled during the last war, if it comes again we are fucked!
Hey Scuny,
I’ll say this again…
You need to adopt a plan similar to MAGA. Angilcize it and make it your own.
1. England (or Britain if you prefer) First. Our natural born naturalized citizens…(those who have adapted to our culture and our way of living and become citizens)…come first for everything…Health care…housing…EVERYTHING
2. Secure Borders. WE decide who comes into our country. We have a right to turn away anyone for any reason and deport those who came here illegally.
3. Peace through strength. No more forever wars! We do not have a military the size of Russia or China. But we do have the greatest Naval Tradition in the World along with the SAS, SBS, Paratroopers, Royal Marine Commandos and enough regiments of the line to defend our interests. If you fuck with us we will kill you. Because we also have the RAF and they defeated Hitler so they can bomb your Shitholian arses into the Stone Age.
4. Energy Independence. We’ve got coal underfoot and oil and gas in the North Sea and we’re going to Drill Baby, Drill. We’ll have our own cheap energy and create some jobs right here at home. If you’re nice to us, we’ll see you our surplus…if you’ve got CASH.
5. Tax cuts. Fuck you! It’s our money we earned it and we give to you for the common good. Military…infrastructure…courts of law…social safety nets for those who truly need it…et cetera. If you want “do gooder” welfare and wasteful spending programs…FUCK YOU! YOU pay for it.
And that’s just for starters…
Make England Great Again
Oh…and fuck you Caliphaters and the camels you rode in on!*
*Septic slang; Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
Perfectly put general C
Sign me up.
Auto correct is a cunt.
I should have edited that but you get the idea.
My dream general only it would seem to be a minority view round my parts which surprises me as most of the people I speak to share our views but our fucked up political system prevents any real changes and I fear mass rebellion or civil war may be the only way to be heard