Keir Starmer MP (22)


Yes – it;s that spineless man again, the man who always “had a plan” (his dad was a toolmaker you know), even though we always knew he didn’t even have a clue.

It was announced on Sunday (August 25th) that on Tuesday (August 27th) the oleaginous old cunt will announce “things will get worse before they get better”. It is all the Conservatives fault, of course. Even the recent riots, which occurred after the Conservatives left office, was the Conservatives fault. What does the old fuckwit use for a brain?. He has allowed that worn out drunken old whore Sue Gray to assume the mantle of Marcia Williams (Lady Faulkender, remember?) giving Downing Street passes to kweer peer Lord Alli, who in turn gave her son, Labour M.P Liam Conlon £10,000 as a donation (well he seems like a nice boy to the nancy Paki), she controls who Rodders sees, and it is clear half the Labour party are scared of the gin sodden old skank. I wonder if old Rodders had to fuck her rancid old cunt to get her to be on his side, just as he probably arsefucked Mandy and Blair. I hope he still had Mandy’s shit on his knob when he fucked her – It couldn’t have been his brain that impressed them. The free speech hating Starmer must be the dicktator with the magic dick.

Of course things will get worse when he has gimmigrant friendly PixieBalls as Home Secretary, the Bank of England’s char woman Rachel Reeves as Chancellor and most ruinous of all, old Kosher millionaire son Ed Miliband bankrupting virtually all of us with his preposterous “net zero” in just over 5 years horseshit.. Even he might have to give up one of his two kitchens. A pity nine years ago they didn’t bury him under his Ed Stone in Hastings.

Of course things will get worse – and they will never get better while this shitstain and his cowardly bunch of arselickers remain in power:

The national

Nominated by W. C. Boggs.

Seconded by Ron Knee below.

*Deadline 27th August 2024*

Good afternoon. This is IsAC’s political correspondent Ron Knee reporting on today’s major statement by PM ‘Two Tier’ Keir Stalin.

The PM gloomily announced earlier that there will be ‘painful’ decisions to be revealed in the government’s autumn financial statement. ‘Things are worse than we ever imagined’, whined Sir Stasi, ‘the Tories hid how bad things were’. Oh do fuck off; we all know that this is Labourspeak for ‘we want more of your money’.

Apparently, there will be no rise in income tax, national insurance or VAT. But then again, before the election Sir Keir taunted the Tories about them planning to get rid of the winter fuel allowance, and then Labour did precisely that.

Look at it this way. Somebody’s got to pay for all those juicy pay rises for train drivers and junior doctors, and all the other demands no doubt in the pipeline. Let’s not forget the £20 billion+ kitty for net zero ‘initiatives’ at home and abroad. And naturally, MPs have to get help for heating costs, food and drink costs in the Commons and the like. Don’t forget the bill for all the illegals flooding in.

So who’s going to bear the brunt? Well it’ll be ‘those with the broadest shoulders’. I suppose this means if you’re on benefits you’ll probably do okay. If you’re very rich, your accountants will no doubt have all the tax avoidance angles covered. Damn. Guess those ‘hard working families’ so beloved by politicians will be feeling the pinch again.

Who knows what ‘Two Tier’ and his glove puppet Rachel ‘Thievin’ Reeves will pull out of their arses come October? Raids on inheritance and capital gains? Hikes in duty on fuel, fags and booze yet again? A ‘holiday’ levy on your flight abroad? Just get ready for the likes of these, and some as yet to be dreamed up ‘stealth’ taxes.

Things, it seems, are going to get worse ‘in the short term’, so tighten your belts. And there was me thinking that things could only get better. This is Ron Knee, for IsAC, returning you to the studio.


143 thoughts on “Keir Starmer MP (22)

  1. Stasi Starmer is using a remix of puppet master Blair’s election campaign song, D:Reams ‘Things Can Only Get Better’ (But Don’t Bet On It).

  2. What’s truly disturbing to me is that virtually every story I see or read here in the States uses the words “landslide” or “mandate” when they discuss Kweer and his election and Government.

    It’s like they want people to believe that he and his Starm Trooper policies are a manifestation of the popular will.

    • Believe me, General, the sane of thinking are well aware that there was no “landslide”

      Although, we are hoping for an actual, real one, just as Starmers car passes below.

      Whimsical of me, I know. One can only dream.

  3. Are all these pro immigration fuckwits jumping on the bandwagon through reasonable thought or just to follow like sheep and seem on trend.
    There is no shame in going against the grain but blind tolerance makes you a Cunt.

  4. This cunt and the cohort of cunts in cabinet are the reason I quit my job.

    There is no way on God’s green earth that I am paying £45k a year in tax and NI, just for this cunt to come looking for more to dole out to worthless council estate shit bags, illegal gimmegrants and net zero bullshit.

    Fuck you Kier, fuck your cabinet, fuck the labour party, fuck net zero and above all fuck the stupid cunts who voted for you.

    I am one of the last in this industry who can do what I do. Which is manage troublesome jobs to a successful conclusion.

    Which is a fuck ton more than anyone in the labour party will ever achieve.


    • They do plan to force the unemployed into work. I hear the yanks have just changed the rules and are now automatically registering men between the age of 18 and 26 for conscription of required.

      Seriously I’m beginning to think Starmer knows something is coming and he’s more than ready to trample on the British people for his globalist overlords.

      • The problem is that we have a couple of generations of workshy, dole scrounging shit lickers in this country who know how to game the system.

        If it isn’t the good old fashioned glass back of indolence that gets them signed off, it will be the new glass back of long COVID. Other pathetic excuses are available. just sling your local GP a ton and you’re signed off for the foreseeable.

        These cunts will never work, because they never intend to work, ever.

        They’re labour voters, so don’t expect anything in the way of actual enforcement on this one.

      • I have to say I have a neighbour who has not worked in the 14 years he has lived next door to me. First it was his back, and when the back got better it was his mental health and has been for the past ten years, yet his mental health issues doesn’t stop him enjoying himself, getting up abut 11 and then playing gramophone records all day, the down the pub in the evening. I cant see Liz Kendall shifting his arse.

  5. He’s so wank even the guardian are having a pop.

    There’s two ways to this can go.

    A slow motion car crash that continues until the next election or the majority that voted against him rise up and through lawful disobedience bring this government down.

    There is a third way but he hasn’t got enough prison places yet……

    • Media allegiance can only go so far, but I’m surprised by the tone of that article this early into his premiership.
      Fuck knows what the reaction will be when they realise he’ll go back on every pledge he’s made.
      Interesting times.

    • Struth. Six weeks in and The Groaniad’s having a go. There’s really no way back.

      To paraphrase Burns, ‘the cunt’s a cunt for a’ that.

  6. I don’t really follow UK politics but when anyone in charge of anything comes out with the statement that things will get worse before they get better, then you can be pretty sure that the cunt hasn’t got a clue about what to do.

  7. This gang of Labour chancers, promoted far far beyond their ability, think they can blame the tories forever.
    I think they’ll find mid term that, as thick as some people are, it ain’t gonna wash.
    Go for it Rodders. But you’ll end up paying the price my son.

  8. ” it’s going to get worse before it gets better”

    – k.Starmer

    Better for who?

    Doubt it’s the likes of us.

    A politician should be slick enough to sugar coat bad news,
    Not add a extra portion of dog shit and broken glass.

    He leaves a lot to be desired as a messenger.

    • Seconded.
      Would have voted SDP but they weren’t standing in our constituency.
      So it was spoilt ballot paper time again.

  9. Reform didn’t put forward a candidate for my ward, so I voted for Clive Betts ( didn’t want to waste my vote, working folk fought long and hard for it).

    I bet Clive is hiding under a rock somewhere, atm, praying for a targeted missile strike at the PMs office, as indeed are we all.

    Come on, Putin, where’s a deranged megalomaniac with a death wish, when you need one?

  10. What is so galling is to know that while the motherfucker was telling us how tough things were going to be this morning, there he was standing there in his posh suit and glasses bought for him by a Paki bum boy – because the greedy multimillionaire cunt wants freebies. In the real world we have to buy our own clothes. He sponges off others.This time the price was letting the poofter use the No 10 garden for a duckie party – all the champagne socialists posing in their white tie and tails and their pansy buttonholes (cheap than roses). Starmer should be warned – the next new wardrobe he might want access to Rodders back passage.

    Starmer is an even bigger Joe Ronce than Anthony Blair.

    Each time you see Starmer the more of a perv he looks. I think the only reason he gave the ex Bank of England tea lady the job of chancellor is the chance to go round her house on the pretence of work, rummage through her laundry basket and nick a pair of her knickers – to wrap round his cock and jerk off to (after having a good sniff – the fat buttocks of Reeves guarantees a nice arcey aroma.

    How long before his spineless back benchers conspire to get rid of the old shit stain?. If they seem him as a liability – and he is – he will be out quicker than a Bishop in a brothel raid. We cn but hope.

    • I agree with you, Mr. Boggs.

      Hopefully, the vote of no confidence will be sooner, rather than later.

    • They need to get someone in who can do a proper job. My vote goes to ET look-a-like Yvette Cooper. She’s got the head for it.

    • Him and his gang of degenerates couldn’t run a village bring and buy sale stall.

  11. And now it’s time for another lesson in Septic slang.

    Today’s word is:

    tool: noun; a vulgar term for a penis. dick. cock.

    tool: adj; (1) a foolish or unlikable person often compared to male genitalia. (2) someone who behaves in his own best interests rather than adhering to an accepted set of morals or values. (3) someone who makes bad decisions and screws people over instead of using common sense.

    You can look at his son and see that Keir’s dad was a successful tool maker.

    • He’s one of the common people then, just like Sadiq Khunt. I seem to remember hearing somewhere that his dad was a bus driver, but I couldn’t swear to it mind.

      • My point was:

        You can take a Goat Fucker out of Shitholistan, move him to London and teach him to drive a bus but that doesn’t make him an Englishman.

        In the end he’s still a Shitholian Goat Fucker.

      • Hey 6dV,

        IsaC is not only entertaining but it’s informative too!

        You hear it a lot in the States but I didn’t know it originated in Merry Ole’ England.

        Cunt 1: “That guy is a tool!”

        Cunt 2: “Yeah, he’s a real fuckstick!”

        Girl Cunt: “He’s a fucking douchebag if you ask me.”

        Your information will be archived in the vast repository of the Cuntster Institute where we are committed to bridging the gap between two people divided by a common language.*

        *Quote often attributed to (George) Bernard Shaw. Critic, Novelist, Playwright, Fabian Socialist, Bogtrotter and general all around cunt.

    • Excuse me good General

      Tool as an insult.

      ‘Figurative sense of “person used by another for his own ends” is recorded from 1660s. Slang meaning “penis” first recorded 1550s.’

      • No worries General, separated by a common language and a fucking big sea as a wise man once said.

        We share not just a language but a mindset and a talent for finding the biggest cunts in the country and putting them in charge.

  12. He’s found a huge black hole.

    What a way to talk about his foreign secretary.

    Evening all.

      • Can’t complain, because no one listens.

        Fine really, still put matching socks on every morning, take doggo out for walks, remember to feed him and the cat.

        Bored as fuck, though. Maybe I should take up knitting?

      • Knit me some long hiking socks if you want JP .
        Size 13uk.

        Can be any colour you like.
        You know me,
        I’m not colour prejudice.?

      • Splendid idea, Ron, but he’d just dye them with some weird heather and gorse concoction that would turn them the same colour of his beard!

  13. Only 100 men’s prison places left apparently.

    Looks like he might have to let out more rapists, muggers and thieves to make more room for the far-right keyboard warriors.

    • We all better get our name down quick then.

      Long as I’m not in a cell with Cuntengine I’m not arsed.

      • No, he’d protect it, because I think Cuntengine is a weedy, balding, five foot six specimen, and is more likely hoping you’ll protect him, although he’s a devil with the sharpened toothbrush shiv.

    • I remember reading somewhere several years ago that a massive prison was being built somewhere in Somerset, but I’ve never heard anything about it since. There was a theory that this “super prison” was going to be for those who refused vaccination.
      If such a thing were in the offing and there is still enough money, it would be a handy hidey hole for all those far right types we keep hearing about.
      On that subject, when are the fucking media going to stop going on about the EDL, which hasn’t existed for about 8 years.

      • It exists in the collective unconscious of the meeja Mary, and surfaces every now and again when they need a donkey to pin a tail on.

  14. Larry the cat’s days are numbered.

    Apparently the feline doesn’t get on with the PM’s pet dog Ed, especially when Keir let’s him out at night and he sits for hours in the Number 10 garden howling at the moon.

    Some say he’s barking.

  15. ‘We’ve done more in seven weeks than the last government did in seven years’.

    Keir Stasi, earlier.

    My vote for Quote of the Year.

    • Indeed he has, Ron.

      He’s lost the vote of the pensioners, for a start, so we’ll done, you thick cunt.

      Does he really think anyone under the age of 30 votes?

      • They will after he lowers the voting age to 16.
        The lefty woke teachers will make sure of that.

      • They won’t, because they can’t be arsed to go to the voting station, and navigating the postal vote system takes longer than their 90 second attention span.

    • That quote will come back to haunt him although it is true, as he has done more in 7 weeks to fuck the country over, not least by appointing Lammy, a man who would need a world atlas to find the Isle of Wight, as Foreign Secretary than the Conservatives managed

      • A black ignorant foreign secretary with a low IQ
        A midget home secretary
        A poofter health secretary
        An old bag who is the first “lady chancellor”
        An unwashed Scotchwoman who is somethng or other
        A closet lesbian wimminz minister
        An amateur whore who is your deputy

        That’s the problem when you go for “equal opportunities” and give jobs to people because of what they are, not if they are capable of doing said job.

      • I’m praying for a Trump win in November, if only to see how he reacts to that cunt Lammy’s comments about him. Could be fun!

  16. I think there’s going to be an Almighty Ruck.

    Civil disorder on a grand scale. I can’t see this lot doing a full term. I may be completely wrong, but the pot is boiling and people have just about had a belly full.

    After the budget, that feeling will be more acute.

    The window is closing, cunters.

    Protect your assets.

    Sturmfuhrer Stormer and his tawdry crew can fuck
    right off.

    Good evening. ?

    • On this theme, we all saw how the hammer of the state fell on the rioters after the Southport atrocity. Lifted, convicted, banged up in days.

      Do you think that all those arrested at the Notting Hill ‘celebration’, many for serious crimes, will see the same fast track treatment doled out?

      Come on ‘Two Tier’, the nation would like an answer.

    • Furher Kweer will be out soon.His back bench will say no confidence in him and install Angie Greasy Knickers instead as P.M.We are screwed.?

      • A cold winter, old people dying, unions flexing their muscles and striking and it will all be up for Kweer. Like Jack I can’t see him lasting the full term. I suspect he will stand down for “health reasons” in the next two years

  17. These cunts could have had fifty billion surplus(figures suitably massaged as ever) and their insane agenda would mean exactly the same budget would take place regardless.

    There is never enough money to create the sort of Big Govt Big State Stasi that vermin like the Liebor cabinet wank over creating.

    Rachel Thieves will likely dynamite this dungheap paki shower of cunts to oblivion within the year.

    Anyway here’s hoping for a military coup.

    Fuck the Commie Cunts.

  18. After it all turns to shit the inquest will mirror the current Post Office enquiry- ‘ Yes,I was in charge but don’t blame me as I didn’t know what was going on as I was out of my depth.’

  19. The sooner it goes seriously tits up the better.
    Can’t wait for the theives budget in October…..⚒️

  20. People will rise up sooner or later.

    Always have , always will.

    History is full of people who won’t tolerate tyranny.

    In the US Moses Doan and his brothers.

    Jesse James and co later on.

    Here in Merry England,
    Hereward the Wake
    Eadric the Wild
    Watt Tyler

    Tyranny is always answered by revolt.

      • Anyway, I have an underground bunker, which I’ve been stocking for years with longlife foodstuffs, a water source, I’ve even got a flushing toilet and shower down there ( must recheck that the shower water runs into the toilet, and not the other way).

        I check it anually, to replace ought that’s close to SBD. Unfortunately, it has a head clearance of five foot, six.

        Room for 20, applications on the back of many £50 notes, please.

      • There’s areas where taller people can stand to their full height, but you have to rebook a standing slot.

    • I think the French and Russian revolutions would be better examples. They were successful….for a while.

  21. Remember when that crazed landlord wouldn’t let Dame Kweer in his pub.

    Comedy gold.

  22. Shit yesterday, shit tomorrow…and, unlike jam, shit today.

    Not to forget that, as the geopolitical situation becomes catastrophic, there will be no investment in the armed forces, whose capability continues to drop unchecked.

    Sure things will get worse. Much worse, and worse than Starmer disingenuously admits. We’ve spent beyond our means for three decades, and the bailiffs are about to knock. There is no credible economic plan for recovery, Our infrastructure is already stretched, our civil service bloated and demoralised, and our industrial base is moribund.

    The usual cure for this situation is a major war. Things WILL get worse.

  23. Brittle personality, nasel voice, dinner party bore, what’s not to like.

    I would feel sorry for his wife, but I imagine she has a far right lover or two on the side.

    This out of his depth twat will be gone next year.
    Angie baby will give him a atomic wedgie on his tesco y-fronts.

  24. He’s 5’8″.

    Definitely got short arse syndrome…..

    Bet the twat was bullied at grammar school ..⚒️

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