Julia Clark

Julia Clark, 53 years old with a husband and three grown up children, met and married an Egyptian and went to live there with him.

Then wondered why it all went wrong when he more or less lost interest in her very quickly and decided to marry an Egyptian woman, since under their laws he is entitled to have four wives.

I think the Supremes had a song about that, ‘Love makes me do foolish things’.

Yahoo News.

Nominated by : mystic maven

73 thoughts on “Julia Clark

  1. Julia as well as having zero loyalty, no common sense, looking like Bernard Manning in a frock,
    And being a race traitor
    Is gullible as fuck.

    Bet he got her to invest in a pyramid scheme too

  2. Vicar: Do you, Tracey Smith take D’Gwincard Ooga-Dioga to be your husband?
    Tracey: I do.
    Vicar: Do you, D’Gwincard Ooga-Dooga, take our Trace to be your wife?
    D’Gwincard: Eez da WAY to LIVE he-RE and HAVE acc-ESS to da ben-A-fits to EE-nay-BUL me to fraud so ma-NY PEE-pul.
    Vicar: You may kiss the bride, then later leave her.

  3. Egyptian men love big fat sweaty pigs with permed hair and cardigans that don’t fit them.

    It’s a cultural thing.

    Whereas if Julia so much as smiled at me,
    Id spew all over my boots.

  4. Ahmed is a sick man.
    Imagine the sight of this creature in the buff.
    Ahmed’s horrid brown terrorist-producing tassel would have shivelled back into his body.
    Doubtless the dark, clumped hair starts an inch above her arse crack and carries on round, thick and uninterrupted to her overhanging belly button.
    She looks like the readers’ wives you’d see in Razzle and Escort in the ’80s, looking awkward in a wood and struggling to put one foot up on a log for the Kodak moment.

  5. Ps

    Peter should get revenge.
    He’s far too casual about betrayal.

    He should also marry a Egyptian waiter.

    That’d show her!

    Fuck you Julia
    Me and Tutankhamen are getting wed

  6. According to Ahmed, there were differences in culture and thought.
    Which is probably a euphemism for her refusal to take it up the arse or indulge in threesomes involving underage boys.

  7. There’s no accounting for stupidity. At least by being past the menopause she wasn’t able to breed with Ahmed so the gene pool won’t be infected.

    • The dreadful old pig should have its British passport cancelled whilst it’s still sniffing round dirty Arab cock in shithouse Cairo.

      Keep Britain Tidy.

  8. Julia must sweat like fuck in Egypt?
    Pong like a public shit house.

    Flies buzzing around her.

    No camel rides for Julia,
    The camel union threatened strike action if she went anywhere near.


  9. Oh Lord, it’s Deidre Barlow all over again. I thought wimminz learned all of their lessons from soap operas…. I guess not.

  10. The Gods were smiling down on Peter that day. Getting shot of Ten-Tonne Tess simpleton in a foreign country, over 2000 miles away.

    He must have thought he’d won the lottery that day.

    • I’ll bet Anubis is thinking to himself he’s going to need a bigger set of scales for when this heifer pops off and enters the underworld.

      • Lucky for Him he only has to weigh the heart…which in her case will be a cholesterol packed, clogged artery, mass of diseased and decayed tissue.

  11. FFS! One born every minute.

    At least the greasy granny shagger didn’t demand he be brought to the UK and lavished with welfare, like most of the cases that involve backward third world goat-botherers and horny, past their sell by housewives.

  12. “I remember telling Melissa that I’m sure he walked away with tears in his eyes.”

    Tears of laughter. I bet Peter was pissing himself, stunned by his good fortune in getting shot of the daft, ungrateful tub of lard so easily.

  13. And in the UK , the Taxpayer funds Polygamy to Muslims with 4 wives. ( that is a fact ) Official data shows a Muslim in the UK can claim £130 per week extra per wife to a maximum of 4.

    We are well and truly fucked

    • Quite.

      In the news this morning, 1.6m illegal immigrants not working and costing us £8 Bn per annum to keep their worthless hides.

      Makes you wonder how many of that 1.6m are Muslim breeding units brought over to scam ever more welfare off the now totally battered British taxpayer.

  14. Fuck this stupid cunt, fuck her to all hell. And fuck ‘them’ for publishing her bullshit. And fuck the myriad simpleton cunts that exist to the point that such a level of ‘journalism’ exists, …and finally fuck ME for giving in & looking at the fucking thing after deciding ‘no, thank you’ at 7:30. 😡

  15. The selfish fat cunt. Shouldn’t let a greasy waiter looking for spare fanny who can have as much as he wants, take over. Deserves all she got.

    • For a split second at first, thought they were referring to Patula Clark, whose more sensible. This one reminds me of a lot thick fat British cunts who don’t think of the consequences.

    • Tune in next week, when Julia describes how she met a Nigerian Prince on Facebook, whilst emotionally vulnerable on the rebound from Ahmed, .. who promised to help her get through the heartache by helping her recoup the thousands of pounds she lost in the previous six years so she could ‘make a new start in life’, and learn to trust again.

      ‘He friend requested me on Facebook’, she said, ‘and told me he was looking for someone special’. ‘By the second day he told me he loved me .. and that he had been keeping a secret from me for 24 hours, … that he was a Nigerian Prince with millions in the bank. By now I loved him too, and the fact he was rich just made everything so much better. But to be honest, even if he wasn’t it wouldn’t have mattered as I had already decided he was finally ‘the one’. I called Peter and told him. He was so happy for me he just laughed with joy. By now my kids had moved away and gotten new phones and forgotten to send me their new details but I knew they’d be happy for me.

      Tune in next time to read how that turned out…

  16. Oh love is so special especially if there is even the slightest chance of a spousal visa or the chance of a few quid. She should have realised something was amiss when her “husband” attacked the neighbour because the neighbour had given a handful of grass to her husbands third wife. Wonder why he lost interest in her? Could be the competition from an 11 year old?

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