Humza Yousaf [8]

Humza Yousaf yet again proves that he is a cunt.

Some of cunters were hoping that we had heard the last of this dreadful man but he remains the ultimate unflushable turd.

In the Daily Express (please help me out with the link) Humza says that the recent ‘far right’ protests may force him and his family to leave the UK. Amazingly , he claims to be 100% Scottish, born there, educated there etc. I would point out that he took the oath of allegiance in Urdu ffs ! Additionally, he made that awful speech complaining that a 96% white country had a majority of white people in positions of power.

All I can say is that I hope that Humza and his extended family do decide to find their place of safety far,far away from this once great nation.

Sly News. (Link provided by Sam Beau)

Nominated by : Guzziguy

64 thoughts on “Humza Yousaf [8]

  1. I’ll help the cunt to pack his bags if he likes. Hopefully, he’ll take a few million of his fellow death cult followers with him back to shitholistan.

  2. I was surprised the Scots voted in this anti British Paki.
    I thought they took more pride in their nationality.
    In any event if the cunt is being forced out of the UK by the ‘far right’ that’s a good reason to join the far right. (If you can find any).

  3. Promises promises.

    Reminiscent of all those wankers who were going to bugger off 8 years ago if we voted to leave the EU. We’ve got two of them living next door to us. I must pop round again and ask them what are they fucking waiting for?

  4. Pakistanis can’t be far right can they?
    Terrorist breeding and harbouring, child molesting scumbags. Intolerant of any other point of view. Especially of a country like the UK which is full of infidels.
    The smelly bastards make me look quite centrist by comparison.

  5. I love it when utter cunts like this, make a statement like that.

    Bye, this isn’t a airport. You don’t have to announce your departure.
    Good riddance you parasite.

    • `I don’t expect him to carry out his “threat” ..
      Bit like all those high profile fuckers that were going to leave US back in 2016 is Trump won (you know them – Cher, Jackson, Cranston, even Oprah as I remember). All mouth. Still maybe they’ll do it in November?
      But don’t hold your breath for Humza …

  6. Oots Mon!

    He’s a highlander.

    Highlands of Afghanistan.

    And the only claymore he’s seen blew up his uncles donkey.

    Fuck off wherever you want,
    If you don’t feel safe .
    Try somewhere with less white people.

  7. A ParkingJock, what ever next.

    Its like many have said, these cunts just can’t stop fucking moaning, if you use the word ‘white’ like it’s something you scrapped off your shoe don’t be surprised if people take offence.

    A few suggestions where he could go, Pakistan or any country ending in Stan or maybe Gaza, isn’t his wife’s family from there, I hear it’s nice this time of year.

  8. Truly a creeping-feeding cunt (Old Highland expression). Who will be forever remembered for some of the messiest and least necessary legislation Scotland had had to endure –

    And it’s hilarious to see that the legislation has been such a colossal failure that he is threatening to leave its jurisdiction. But he won’t. Yet. If anyone decides to take a closer look at ministerial corruption at Holyrood….then he might…

  9. It’s been said many times…



  10. About as Scottish as they come. True enough.

    McYousaf eats Halal haggis, wears a keffiyeh for a kilt and observes the grouse season religiously – no beheading the infidel with a claymore until 12th August.

  11. Can’t he call at sadiq’s pad on the way out apparently he’s feeling unsafe at the thought of orange man baaad winning 😂….two cunts in a peapod 👍will ye nae come back again 🚀

      • Are you as fucking fed up of hearing about Mpox as I am Terry?
        As though the vast majority of us were at risk..and not just the relentlessly promiscuous who pick up any dross they can find.
        I had to laugh at the article though ” I think I caught it from a friend”…what an utter bag of bollocks.
        Oven on maximum setting would kill it off, I expect.

      • Indeed Mary those arsewipes seek to normalise every type of degeneracy they can.

        Monkeypox is for The Gay and shit flinging primates.

        Good evening.

  12. My ISAC-sponsored trebuchet arrives this week so once it’s built and pointing in the right direction, we can get Hamza (and Suqdiq too, there’s plenty of room on the bed) and fling them through the air a quarter of a mile to land on rocks liberally sprinkled with bacon where my drove of gay pigs are waiting to bum them both, managing to time the issue of their porcine DNA into each dying man at the moment they expire.

  13. Three things…

    First…no Scotsman ever born was named Humza Yousaf.

    Second…95% of the country’s leadership being white is not a valid criticism in Scotland. It might be in Burkina Faso or Botswana but NOT in Scotland.

    Third…even if it was a valid criticism he was the First Minister…the highest elected office in the land.

    And a personal observation from the States…beyond being an unflushable turd, this cunt is a true shitstain on the diaper of humanity.

    • Despite Melanie Gibsons disgusting anti-Semitism,
      His awful Scottish accent
      And his mullet,

      I have to give him a thumbs up for the brilliant insult he gave that policewoman

      “Sugar tits”


      • The Khan’s Own Punjabi Highlanders…

        They played a long and distinguished role in knitting the empire together.

  14. Just been done over by the Seagulls at Poove Central.
    At the very last minute and all.

    I fully expect the usual whininng and excuses from Erik Ten Twat.
    And that cunt Rashford should be melted down and sold for glue.
    Fucking useless inept incompetent bur-lack cunt.

      • Evening JP👍

        He’s certainly a character.

        The Scots have had him and Lego head mismanaging Scotland and dipping the till.
        Like us they have a problem with the worse people imaginable getting into the seat of power.

        Scotland seems to specialise in dour deadeyed mean spirited little fanatics.

  15. Humza is a complete gobshite. A racist cunt who should have been tossed into a vat of porridge mixed with his own shite. Jock he is not. Never in Gods creation can this twat claim his celtic bloodline and the DNA of that great nation. Camel fucker can return to his ancestral shit hole with my blessing

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