Egg Donor Restrictions

They are asking people not to do it for the money …

BBC News.

Why not ? It`s a fucking no-brainer !

A six-pack of eggs in ASDA is about £1.50, so that’s a profit of £984.50 for fuck`s sake.

It would be utter madness not to.

I`m off down to the supermarket now to clean them out of poultry periods and I suggest you all do the same.

And, unlike the waste of DNA in the link (who `identifies as a non-binary lesbian`), I identify as a mixed-race merkin: one black one, one white one and one with a bit of shite on.

Nominated by : Sam Beau

55 thoughts on “Egg Donor Restrictions

  1. A bit of a non story really.

    Woman are asked to not donate eggs for the £1.000 cash.

    Well….. Don’t advertise or pay £1.000 cash.

    There will still be women that would want to help out for nothing.

    Didn’t they think of that?

  2. “The UK currently has a shortage of egg donors, particularly from black and ethnic minority backgrounds, the regulator said.”
    Like we’d want those sorts of eggs in what remains of this sceptred isle.
    It’s already been diluted by 70 years of immigration.
    You wouldn’t willingly drop a piece of dog poo in with a nice cake mixture.
    Besides, I always though that black were grown out of empty KFC buckets?

    • Do you remember Dr Donald Cline? The Yankee doodle, goblin-looking madman/genius who worked in a fertility clinic but only ever dished out his own premium gloop to the unsuspecting mothers-to-be. Sired over 90 kids to the silly bitches who thought they were getting to mix their woeful genetics with Harvard piano-playing scientists. They only twigged when the babas hairlines started receding at 18 months.

      Well, imagine if something like that happened with these eggs and instead of getting those of an Aryan Valkyrie you got that of this non-binary, lesbian mutt?

      Not worth the risk, just do them up the arse and be done in with it.

  3. If they are paying men for sperm donations I would very happily do it for nothing.

    Just put me in a room with a bucket and some videos of Doc Martin’s wife.

  4. Cheers, Sam.

    I needed a laugh this morning.

    ” non-binary lesbian”? FFS.

    They’re making it up as they go along.
    I identify as a human being.

    • “I identify as a human being.”

      Careful Jeezum, that statement could be interpreted as offensive to people who identify differently and you’ve seen the sentences being dished out now for using hurty words.

      In the nineties I did calls at a sperm donor clinic in Brum. They paid £27.50 a shot and you could donate up to twice a week. I thought to myself, I could earn £55 a week as a professional wanker. But then I realised I was already a professional wanker and earning more than that. My suggestion that I would reconsider if a nurse did it for me seemed not to be appreciated.

  5. While I suspect that any one of a number of members from the IsaC Horn section would gladly donate seed for nothing, I would hope that it doesn’t get matched up with a donated egg from that old hen.

    If it did we’d have the world’s first Test Tube Cunt.

    What the fuck is a non-binary lesbian?

  6. “Now aged 26, Mx Sharman has donated three times and shares their egg donation journey on TikTok.”
    Surely on CluckCluck?
    And “their”? Ha ha ha ha.

  7. Egg donation.
    Or in the case of Mx Sharman, reverse eugenics.

    Plenty of ethnic minority sperm donors though. In fact we get an extra 40,000 a year.

  8. SHE may identify herself as a “non-binary lesbian”, but in your common or garden police line up she’d be identified as the ugly ? that she actually is.

  9. Why are young people so anxious to put a label on theirselves?

    Do they think they don’t exist without one?

    What does non-binary mean, anyone?

    • Morning JP/all…to br fair, we manage to put a justifiable label on all young people:
      ‘Nincompoop’ or ‘fuckwit’ seems to cover all bases.

      • Morning Thomas.

        Yes, I’m on board with those labels.
        God help us all, these are the world’s future care givers, politicians, etc.

    • According to psychologists, Jeezum, we all suffer from some sort of “narcissistic injury”, inevitably in our youth, when our young brains are developing and receiving their programming. The typical example is not being noticed or acknowledged by your parent at a moment of heightened emotional need – the love deficit. This implants a pernicious seed from a young age, that in past generations has more often than not remained dormant as the environment was rarely ripe in normal social conditions to give life to this kernel of attention seeking. There were still narcissists around us – usually those people who were so severely damaged in their youth that they grew up to be deranged exhibitionists who were seriously mentally unhinged (my mother was and is a prime example of this – abused and ignored in her youth, now an absolutely hideous maniac who imposes herself on every situation and demands everyone makes her the centre of attention).

      But what we have now is a change in the environmental conditions. Social media, the cult of the image, is regnant. The young of today have been inculcated in this toxic ocean, in which the impetus to be noticed and to have something to say about yourself is everything. The germ of narcissistic injury that we all carry thrives in these conditions, so that people who in past times would have quietly got on with their lives and not been stimulated to express their own particular sense of insecurity about themselves, are now having that shadier part of their psychological DNA activated. And so they need to say something about themsleves, and in a generation of non-achievers, crowded by billions of internet addicted wasters, the easiest thing to do is to invent something about your identity than it is to gain recognition by putting your head down, working hard, and achieving something for yourself.

      • That’s an interesting and a very in depth explanation Dave.

        So basically they are nutters.

      • To put it bluntly Artful, yep. Smoking gives you cancer. Social Media gives you psychosis.

      • Isn’t this very site classed as borderline social media, BD?!
        We’re all entirely stable on here; no warped psychosis or psychoses present in any of us(!)

      • Yes fair point Thomas – I’m using the term rather loosely. What I’m in fact suggesting is that it is those branches of SM that:
        a) you do not hide behind the veil of anonymity – you post as your real self
        b) are heavily image-based – posting photos of yourself, your life etc
        …which are the incubators for this cultural psychosis.

        That said, even the anonomised SM sites can give life to some bona fide fuckheads, but the real showmen gravitate towards the proscenium of the image based sites where they can put on their performances and enjoy all the adulation they believe comes with it.

      • Well put, and I can’t say that I disagree with a word of it.

        I keep telling the Lass, be careful what you put on the Web, it never goes away and will come back to haunt you, so don’t send titty shots to anyone.

    • Non-binary is a term used by cunts to describe genders that do not fall into the category of male or female.
      Don’t ask me what those genders are,
      I don’t know and I care even less.

  10. It’s all a bit strange.

    They are advertising and paying black and ethnic women for their eggs.

    This would be a waste of time if they are to be fertilised by anything other than black and ethnic sperm.

    So they want to home grow non indigenous people.

    Is there any other country in the world that would do that?

    I can’t imagine that in China they are eager to plant and grow níg nógs.

    They probably don’t want to have Japanese babies born in Russia.

    • I don’t believe there’s a shortage of non-white eggs, just go to Sheffield City centre if you don’t believe me.

  11. Where there’s money involved for shooting your load, the darkies will be behind it as sure as eggs are eggs.

  12. Where there’s money involved for shooting your load, the blackies will be behind it as sure as eggs are eggs.

  13. ? how do like your eggs in the morning
    I like mine non- binary lesbian?

    Not sure that would of been a hit for Dino.

    • Fucking labour MP’S don’t know what a women is, so good luck with that..

      Plus the only thing not terrorism in this country is actual terrorism.

  14. For what I’m certain about, there’s a former jungle inhabitant going round with a big black cock and a pair of bollock packed with spunk, paying women to have his babies, so the blacks can take over the world. Now ladies it’s down to you to refuse and save the world.

  15. Black eggs are 9 times more likely to produce an aspiring drug dealing knife wielding cunt.

    9 seems to be the number for everything, wind energy, stop and search, so I thought I would throw it in there.

    Revolution 9, the Beatles have a lot to answer for, cunts.

  16. Any cunt that thinks propagating in this mess of a society/world … is lacking some quality of thinking that a prospective parent really ought to have(and thus not subject another unnecessary human being to have to endure the emerging dystopia) ; a catch 22 circle, nay downward spiral of stupidity.

    Do they even THINK on any in-depth level for one second, beyond the notion to pop one out? And as for fucking doners? Equally as bad. maybe even worse. Would any cunt like to discover the likes of a baby P was actually brought about to a pair of useless wasters (via NHS) from their(donated) dna?

    • That second paragraph wasn’t just pulled from thin air .. I once saw a situation on TV where two absolutely useless cunts .. man and woman, thirties, lowbrow overweight slobs, lifetime dolers by choice who sat around all day watching Jeremy Kyle and eating and smoking .. sink full of dirty delph and bin overflowing with fast food containers but couldn’t conceive cos fatso male had a low sperm count.

      £5000 had been spent at that stage (NHS funded) on multiple rounds of IVF to help them bring a kid into that existence.

  17. Not being able to have children is Nature’s way of telling you not to have children and to find something more useful to do.

    • They’re not getting my eggs, they’re jumbo-sized whites that I bought at the market and I’ve only ten left. By tonight it’ll be eight.
      I once volunteered to be a sperm donor but they told me I was too old. Maybe they thought I’d be too arthritic to jerk off.

  18. Speaking of which Co-op’s own brand Bran Flakes are £2 (!) Even in Tesco they’re nearly half that.

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